/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Umut İnan Erdoğan <umutinanerdogan@pm.me> * Copyright (c) 2022, able <abl3theabove@gmail.com> * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ use std::{ fs::{self, File}, process::Command, }; use colored::*; struct Options { pub subcommand: Subcommand, pub arguments: Vec<String>, } enum Subcommand { BuildImage, Doc, Help, Run, Empty, /// Run all tests for all architectures Test, Unknown(String), } impl Subcommand { fn from_str<S: AsRef<str>>(str: S) -> Subcommand { match str.as_ref() { "build-image" => Subcommand::BuildImage, "doc" => Subcommand::Doc, "help" => Subcommand::Help, "run" | "r" => Subcommand::Run, "test" | "t" => Subcommand::Test, "" => Subcommand::Empty, unknown => Subcommand::Unknown(unknown.to_string()), } } } enum MachineType { X86_64, RiscV64, AArch64, Unknown(String), } fn main() { let options = options(); match options.subcommand { Subcommand::BuildImage => { let machine_text = options.arguments.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); match machine(machine_text) { MachineType::X86_64 => { // Cleanup // NOTE: we are not unwrapping these, as we don't want this to fail if they // don't exist yet, probably not the best idea tho. // FIXME: figure out a better way to ignore errors about these not existing #[allow(unused_must_use)] { fs::remove_dir_all("./limine"); fs::remove_dir_all("./disk"); fs::remove_file("./disk.img"); } // Build ableOS in release mode Command::new("cargo") .args(["build", "--release"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); // Create disk directory fs::create_dir("./disk").unwrap(); // Clone limine 3.X binaries Command::new("git") .arg("clone") .arg("https://github.com/limine-bootloader/limine.git") .arg("--branch=v3.0-branch-binary") .arg("--depth=1") .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Building limine".bold()); Command::new("make") .args(["-C", "limine"]) .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Allocating new disk image".bold()); Command::new("dd") .args(["if=/dev/zero", "of=disk.img", "count=1", "bs=256MiB"]) .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Partitioning disk image".bold()); Command::new("sudo") .args(["sfdisk", "disk.img"]) .stdin(File::open("./sfdisk-config").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); // Setup loopback device for disk.img, with partitions // FIXME: don't assume that /dev/loop0 is empty Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-P", "/dev/loop0", "disk.img"]) .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Creating ext2 filesystem on /dev/loop0p1".bold()); Command::new("sudo") .arg("mkfs.ext2") .arg("/dev/loop0p1") .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Mounting filesystem".bold()); Command::new("sudo") .arg("mount") .args(["/dev/loop0p1", "./disk"]) .status() .unwrap(); // copy ./base/* over to ./disk Command::new("sudo") .args(["sh", "-c"]) .arg("cp -r ./base/* ./disk") .status() .unwrap(); // copy ./limine/limine.sys over to ./disk/boot Command::new("sudo") .arg("cp") .args(["./limine/limine.sys", "./disk/boot"]) .status() .unwrap(); // copy the kernel over to ./disk/boot/kernel Command::new("sudo") .arg("cp") .arg("./target/x86_64-ableos/release/ableos") .arg("./disk/boot/kernel") .status() .unwrap(); // TODO: build the userspace programs and copy them over // unmount the fs Command::new("sudo") .arg("umount") .arg("./disk") .status() .unwrap(); // remove the loopback device Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-d", "/dev/loop0"]) .status() .unwrap(); println!("{}", "Deploying limine".bold()); Command::new("./limine/limine-deploy") .arg("./disk.img") .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::Unknown(unknown) => { eprintln!( "{}: unknown machine type `{}`", "error".red().bold(), unknown.bold(), ); eprintln!("expected one of x86_64, riscv64 or aarch64"); } _ => { eprintln!( "{}: build-image not implemented for this machine type", "error".red().bold(), ); } } } Subcommand::Test => { Command::new("cargo") .args(["test", "--target=json_targets/x86_64-ableos.json"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); // panic!("Test Infrastructure missing"); } Subcommand::Doc => { let machine_text = options.arguments.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); match machine(machine_text) { MachineType::X86_64 => { Command::new("cargo") .args(["doc", "--open"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::RiscV64 => { Command::new("cargo") .args(["doc", "--open", "--target=riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::AArch64 => { Command::new("cargo") .args(["doc", "--open", "--target=json_targets/aarch64-ableos.json"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::Unknown(unknown) => { eprintln!( "{}: unknown machine type `{}`", "error".red().bold(), unknown.bold(), ); eprintln!("expected one of x86_64, riscv64 or aarch64"); } } } Subcommand::Help => help(), Subcommand::Run => { let machine_text = options.arguments.get(0).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); let debug = options.arguments.get(1).cloned().unwrap_or_default(); let debug = matches!(debug.as_str(), "--debug" | "--dbg" | "-d"); match machine(machine_text) { MachineType::X86_64 if debug => { // Build ableOS Command::new("cargo") .arg("build") .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); // Setup loopback device for disk.img, with partitions // FIXME: don't do ths if running without changes Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-P", "/dev/loop0", "disk.img"]) .status() .unwrap(); // mount the root fs to ./disk Command::new("sudo") .arg("mount") .args(["/dev/loop0p1", "./disk"]) .status() .unwrap(); // copy the kernel over to ./disk/boot/kernel Command::new("sudo") .arg("cp") .arg("./target/x86_64-ableos/debug/ableos") .arg("./disk/boot/kernel") .status() .unwrap(); // unmount the root fs Command::new("sudo") .arg("umount") .arg("./disk") .status() .unwrap(); // remove loopback device Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-d", "/dev/loop0"]) .status() .unwrap(); // run qemu with "-S", "-gdb", "tcp:9000" Command::new("qemu-system-x86_64") .args(["-device", "piix4-ide,id=ide"]) .arg("-drive") .arg("file=./disk.img,format=raw,if=none,id=disk") .args(["-device", "ide-hd,drive=disk,bus=ide.0"]) // .arg("--nodefaults") .args(["-cpu", "Broadwell-v3"]) .args(["-m", "4G"]) .args(["-serial", "stdio"]) .args(["-smp", "cores=2"]) // .args(["-soundhw", "pcspk"]) // .args(["-device", "VGA"]) // .args(["-device", "virtio-gpu-pci"]) .args(["-device", "vmware-svga"]) .args(["-device", "sb16"]) // .args(["-machine", "pcspk-audiodev=0"]) // .args(["-qmp", "unix:../qmp-sock,server,nowait"]) .args(["-S", "-gdb", "tcp:9000"]) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::X86_64 => { // Build ableOS Command::new("cargo") .args(["build", "--release"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); // Setup loopback device for disk.img, with partitions // FIXME: don't do ths if running without changes Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-P", "/dev/loop0", "disk.img"]) .status() .unwrap(); // mount the root fs to ./disk Command::new("sudo") .arg("mount") .args(["/dev/loop0p1", "./disk"]) .status() .unwrap(); // copy the kernel over to ./disk/boot/kernel Command::new("sudo") .arg("cp") .arg("./target/x86_64-ableos/release/ableos") .arg("./disk/boot/kernel") .status() .unwrap(); // unmount the root fs Command::new("sudo") .arg("umount") .arg("./disk") .status() .unwrap(); // remove loopback device Command::new("sudo") .arg("losetup") .args(["-d", "/dev/loop0"]) .status() .unwrap(); // run qemu Command::new("qemu-system-x86_64") .args(["-device", "piix4-ide,id=ide"]) .arg("-drive") .arg("file=./disk.img,format=raw,if=none,id=disk") .args(["-device", "ide-hd,drive=disk,bus=ide.0"]) // .arg("--nodefaults") .args(["-cpu", "Broadwell-v3"]) .args(["-m", "4G"]) .args(["-serial", "stdio"]) .args(["-smp", "cores=2"]) // .args(["-soundhw", "pcspk"]) // .args(["-device", "VGA"]) // .args(["-device", "virtio-gpu-pci"]) .args(["-device", "vmware-svga"]) .args(["-device", "sb16"]) // .args(["-machine", "pcspk-audiodev=0"]) // .args(["-qmp", "unix:../qmp-sock,server,nowait"]) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::RiscV64 if debug => { eprintln!( "{}: debug is not implemented for riscv64", "error".red().bold() ); } MachineType::RiscV64 => { Command::new("cargo") .args(["build", "--release", "--target=riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); Command::new("qemu-system-riscv64") .args(["-machine", "virt"]) .args(["-cpu", "rv64"]) .args(["-smp", "8"]) .args(["-m", "128M"]) .arg("-bios") .arg("src/arch/riscv/firmwear/opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_jump.bin") .arg("-kernel") .arg("target/riscv64gc-unknown-none-elf/release/ableos") .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::AArch64 if debug => { eprintln!( "{}: debug is not implemented for aarch64", "error".red().bold() ); } MachineType::AArch64 => { Command::new("cargo") .args([ "build", "--release", "--target=json_targets/aarch64-ableos.json", ]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); Command::new("qemu-system-aarch64") .args(["-machine", "virt"]) .args(["-m", "1024M"]) .args(["-cpu", "cortex-a53"]) .args(["-kernel", "target/aarch64-ableos/release/ableos"]) .args(["-device", "virtio-keyboard"]) .current_dir(fs::canonicalize("./ableos").unwrap()) .status() .unwrap(); } MachineType::Unknown(unknown) => { eprintln!( "{}: unknown machine type `{}`", "error".red().bold(), unknown.bold(), ); eprintln!("expected one of x86_64, riscv64 or aarch64"); } } } Subcommand::Empty => { eprintln!("{}: no subcommand passed", "error".red().bold()); help(); } Subcommand::Unknown(unknown) => { eprintln!( "{}: unknown subcommand `{}`", "error".red().bold(), unknown.bold() ); help(); } } } fn options() -> Options { let subcommand = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_default(); let arguments = std::env::args().skip(2).collect(); Options { subcommand: Subcommand::from_str(subcommand), arguments, } } fn machine<S: AsRef<str>>(text: S) -> MachineType { match text.as_ref() { "x86" | "x86_64" => MachineType::X86_64, "riscv" | "riscv64" => MachineType::RiscV64, "arm" | "arm64" | "aarch64" => MachineType::AArch64, "" => { eprintln!( "{}: no machine type passed, defaulting to x86_64", "warning".yellow().bold() ); MachineType::X86_64 } unknown => MachineType::Unknown(unknown.to_string()), } } fn help() { todo!("`help`") }