use std::{env, fs::OpenOptions, path::PathBuf}; use fs_extra::{dir, file}; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let ret = clparse::Arguments::parse_from_args()?; let args = ret.1; let trash_path = env::var("HOME")? + "/.trash/"; let manifest = trash_manifest::Manifest::new( OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .read(true) .open(trash_path.clone() + ".manifest.ron")?, )?; if !args.is_truthy("list") || !args.is_truthy("l") { let name = { let n = args.arguments.get("n"); let name = args.arguments.get("name"); match (n, name) { (None, None) => anyhow::bail!("No name or operation specified"), (None, Some(name)) => name, (Some(name), None) => name, (Some(_), Some(_)) => anyhow::bail!("Option n and name conflict"), } }; let file = manifest .get(name.to_string()) .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("File not found in trash manifest"))?; let from = PathBuf::from(trash_path.clone() + &; let to = if args.is_truthy("origin") || args.is_truthy("o") { file.origin } else { env::current_dir()? }; if from.is_dir() { fs_extra::dir::move_dir(from, &to, &dir::CopyOptions::new())?; } else { fs_extra::file::move_file(from, &to, &file::CopyOptions::new())?; } manifest.remove(; } else { let mut output = String::new(); for file in manifest.get_all() { output.push_str(&( + "\n")); } println!("{}", output); } Ok(()) }