#![feature(iter_next_chunk)] use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt::Write}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=instructions.in"); let mut generated = String::new(); gen_instrs(&mut generated)?; std::fs::write("src/instrs.rs", generated)?; Ok(()) } fn gen_instrs(generated: &mut String) -> Result<(), Box> { writeln!(generated, "#![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]")?; writeln!(generated, "use crate::*;")?; '_opcode_structs: { let mut seen = HashSet::new(); for [.., args, _] in instructions() { if !seen.insert(args) { continue; } writeln!(generated, "#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]")?; writeln!(generated, "#[repr(packed)]")?; write!(generated, "pub struct Ops{args}(")?; let mut first = true; for ch in args.chars().filter(|&ch| ch != 'N') { if !std::mem::take(&mut first) { write!(generated, ",")?; } write!(generated, "pub Op{ch}")?; } writeln!(generated, ");")?; writeln!(generated, "unsafe impl BytecodeItem for Ops{args} {{}}")?; } } '_max_size: { let max = instructions() .map( |[_, _, ty, _]| { if ty == "N" { 1 } else { iter_args(ty).map(arg_to_width).sum::() + 1 } }, ) .max() .unwrap(); writeln!(generated, "pub const MAX_SIZE: usize = {max};")?; } '_encoders: { for [op, name, ty, doc] in instructions() { writeln!(generated, "/// {}", doc.trim_matches('"'))?; let name = name.to_lowercase(); let args = comma_sep( iter_args(ty) .enumerate() .map(|(i, c)| format!("{}{i}: {}", arg_to_name(c), arg_to_type(c))), ); writeln!(generated, "pub fn {name}({args}) -> (usize, [u8; MAX_SIZE]) {{")?; let arg_names = comma_sep(iter_args(ty).enumerate().map(|(i, c)| format!("{}{i}", arg_to_name(c)))); writeln!(generated, " unsafe {{ crate::encode({ty}({op}, {arg_names})) }}")?; writeln!(generated, "}}")?; } } '_structs: { let mut seen = std::collections::HashSet::new(); for [_, _, ty, _] in instructions() { if !seen.insert(ty) { continue; } let types = comma_sep(iter_args(ty).map(arg_to_type).map(|s| s.to_string())); writeln!(generated, "#[repr(packed)] pub struct {ty}(u8, {types});")?; } } '_name_list: { writeln!(generated, "pub const COUNT: u8 = {};", instructions().count())?; } let instr = "Instr"; let oper = "Oper"; '_instr_enum: { writeln!(generated, "#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(u8)]")?; writeln!(generated, "pub enum {instr} {{")?; for [id, name, ..] in instructions() { writeln!(generated, " {name} = {id},")?; } writeln!(generated, "}}")?; } '_arg_kind: { writeln!(generated, "#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]")?; writeln!(generated, "pub enum {oper} {{")?; let mut seen = HashSet::new(); for ty in instructions().flat_map(|[.., ty, _]| iter_args(ty)) { if !seen.insert(ty) { continue; } writeln!(generated, " {ty}({}),", arg_to_type(ty))?; } writeln!(generated, "}}")?; } '_parse_opers: { writeln!( generated, "/// This assumes the instruction byte is still at the beginning of the buffer" )?; writeln!(generated, "#[cfg(feature = \"disasm\")]")?; writeln!(generated, "pub fn parse_args(bytes: &mut &[u8], kind: {instr}, buf: &mut alloc::vec::Vec<{oper}>) -> Option<()> {{")?; writeln!(generated, " match kind {{")?; let mut instrs = instructions().collect::>(); instrs.sort_unstable_by_key(|&[.., ty, _]| ty); for group in instrs.chunk_by(|[.., a, _], [.., b, _]| a == b) { let ty = group[0][2]; for &[_, name, ..] in group { writeln!(generated, " | {instr}::{name}")?; } generated.pop(); writeln!(generated, " => {{")?; if iter_args(ty).count() != 0 { writeln!(generated, " let data = crate::decode::<{ty}>(bytes)?;")?; writeln!( generated, " buf.extend([{}]);", comma_sep( iter_args(ty).zip(1u32..).map(|(t, i)| format!("{oper}::{t}(data.{i})")) ) )?; } else { writeln!(generated, " crate::decode::<{ty}>(bytes)?;")?; } writeln!(generated, " }}")?; } writeln!(generated, " }}")?; writeln!(generated, " Some(())")?; writeln!(generated, "}}")?; } std::fs::write("src/instrs.rs", generated)?; Ok(()) } fn comma_sep(items: impl Iterator) -> String { items.map(|item| item.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ") } fn instructions() -> impl Iterator { include_str!("instructions.in") .lines() .filter_map(|line| line.strip_suffix(';')) .map(|line| line.splitn(4, ',').map(str::trim).next_chunk().unwrap()) } fn arg_to_type(arg: char) -> &'static str { match arg { 'R' | 'B' => "u8", 'H' => "u16", 'W' => "u32", 'D' | 'A' => "u64", 'P' => "i16", 'O' => "i32", _ => panic!("unknown type: {}", arg), } } fn arg_to_width(arg: char) -> usize { match arg { 'R' | 'B' => 1, 'H' => 2, 'W' => 4, 'D' | 'A' => 8, 'P' => 2, 'O' => 4, _ => panic!("unknown type: {}", arg), } } fn arg_to_name(arg: char) -> &'static str { match arg { 'R' => "reg", 'B' | 'H' | 'W' | 'D' => "imm", 'P' | 'O' => "offset", 'A' => "addr", _ => panic!("unknown type: {}", arg), } } fn iter_args(ty: &'static str) -> impl Iterator { ty.chars().filter(|c| *c != 'N') }