#![allow(dead_code)] use { crate::{ ident::{self, Ident}, lexer::{self, TokenKind}, log, parser::{self, idfl, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos}, HashMap, }, core::fmt, std::{ mem, ops::{self, Range}, rc::Rc, }, }; type Nid = u32; const NILL: u32 = u32::MAX; pub struct Nodes { values: Vec, free: u32, lookup: HashMap<(Kind, [Nid; MAX_INPUTS]), Nid>, } impl Default for Nodes { fn default() -> Self { Self { values: Default::default(), free: u32::MAX, lookup: Default::default() } } } impl Nodes { pub fn add(&mut self, value: Node) -> u32 { if self.free == u32::MAX { self.free = self.values.len() as _; self.values.push(PoolSlot::Next(u32::MAX)); } let free = self.free; self.free = match mem::replace(&mut self.values[free as usize], PoolSlot::Value(value)) { PoolSlot::Value(_) => unreachable!(), PoolSlot::Next(free) => free, }; free } pub fn remove_low(&mut self, id: u32) -> Node { let value = match mem::replace(&mut self.values[id as usize], PoolSlot::Next(self.free)) { PoolSlot::Value(value) => value, PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(), }; self.free = id; value } pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.values.clear(); self.free = u32::MAX; } fn new_node( &mut self, ty: impl Into, kind: Kind, inps: [Nid; SIZE], ) -> Nid { let mut inputs = [NILL; MAX_INPUTS]; inputs[..inps.len()].copy_from_slice(&inps); if let Some(&id) = self.lookup.get(&(kind, inputs)) { debug_assert_eq!(self[id].kind, kind); debug_assert_eq!(self[id].inputs, inputs); return id; } let id = self.add(Node { inputs, kind, depth: u32::MAX, lock_rc: 0, ty: ty.into(), outputs: vec![], }); let prev = self.lookup.insert((kind, inputs), id); debug_assert_eq!(prev, None); self.add_deps(id, &inps); if let Some(opt) = self.peephole(id) { debug_assert_ne!(opt, id); self.lock(opt); self.remove(id); self.unlock(opt); opt } else { id } } fn lock(&mut self, target: Nid) { self[target].lock_rc += 1; } fn unlock(&mut self, target: Nid) { self[target].lock_rc -= 1; } fn remove(&mut self, target: Nid) { if !self[target].is_dangling() { return; } for i in 0..self[target].inputs().len() { let inp = self[target].inputs[i]; let index = self[inp].outputs.iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap(); self[inp].outputs.swap_remove(index); self.remove(inp); } let res = self.lookup.remove(&(self[target].kind, self[target].inputs)); debug_assert_eq!(res, Some(target)); self.remove_low(target); } fn peephole(&mut self, target: Nid) -> Option { match self[target].kind { Kind::Start => {} Kind::End => {} Kind::BinOp { op } => return self.peephole_binop(target, op), Kind::Return => {} Kind::Tuple { index } => {} Kind::ConstInt { value } => {} } None } fn peephole_binop(&mut self, target: Nid, op: TokenKind) -> Option { use TokenKind as T; let [mut lhs, mut rhs, ..] = self[target].inputs; if lhs == rhs { match op { T::Sub => { return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: 0 }, [])); } T::Add => { let rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: 2 }, []); return Some( self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul }, [lhs, rhs]), ); } _ => {} } } if let (Kind::ConstInt { value: a }, Kind::ConstInt { value: b }) = (self[lhs].kind, self[rhs].kind) { return Some(self.new_node( self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: op.apply(a, b) }, [], )); } let mut changed = false; if op.is_comutative() && self[lhs].kind < self[rhs].kind { std::mem::swap(&mut lhs, &mut rhs); changed = true; } if let Kind::ConstInt { value } = self[rhs].kind { match (op, value) { (T::Add | T::Sub | T::Shl, 0) | (T::Mul | T::Div, 1) => return Some(lhs), (T::Mul, 0) => return Some(rhs), _ => {} } } if op.is_comutative() && self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op }) { if let Kind::ConstInt { value: a } = self[self[lhs].inputs[1]].kind && let Kind::ConstInt { value: b } = self[rhs].kind { let new_rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: op.apply(a, b) }, []); return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [ self[lhs].inputs[0], new_rhs, ])); } if self.is_const(self[lhs].inputs[1]) { let new_lhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [self[lhs].inputs[0], rhs]); return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [ new_lhs, self[lhs].inputs[1], ])); } } if op == T::Add && self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul }) && self[lhs].inputs[0] == rhs && let Kind::ConstInt { value } = self[self[lhs].inputs[1]].kind { let new_rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: value + 1 }, []); return Some( self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul }, [rhs, new_rhs]), ); } if op == T::Sub && self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op }) { // (a - b) - c => a - (b + c) let [a, b, ..] = self[lhs].inputs; let c = rhs; let new_rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Add }, [b, c]); return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [a, new_rhs])); } if changed { return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, self[target].kind, [lhs, rhs])); } None } fn is_const(&self, id: Nid) -> bool { matches!(self[id].kind, Kind::ConstInt { .. }) } fn replace(&mut self, target: Nid, with: Nid) { //for i in 0..self[target].inputs().len() { // let inp = self[target].inputs[i]; // let index = self[inp].outputs.iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap(); // self[inp].outputs[index] = with; //} for i in 0..self[target].outputs.len() { let out = self[target].outputs[i]; let index = self[out].inputs().iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap(); let rpl = self.modify_input(out, index, with); self[with].outputs.push(rpl); } self.remove_low(target); } fn modify_input(&mut self, target: Nid, inp_index: usize, with: Nid) -> Nid { let out = self.lookup.remove(&(self[target].kind, self[target].inputs)); debug_assert!(out == Some(target)); debug_assert_ne!(self[target].inputs[inp_index], with); self[target].inputs[inp_index] = with; if let Err(other) = self.lookup.try_insert((self[target].kind, self[target].inputs), target) { let rpl = *other.entry.get(); self.replace(target, rpl); return rpl; } target } fn add_deps(&mut self, id: Nid, deps: &[Nid]) { for &d in deps { debug_assert_ne!(d, id); self[d].outputs.push(id); } } fn unlock_free(&mut self, id: Nid) { self[id].lock_rc -= 1; if self[id].is_dangling() { self.remove_low(id); } } fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, node: Nid, rcs: &mut [usize]) -> fmt::Result { let mut is_ready = || { if rcs[node as usize] == 0 { return false; } rcs[node as usize] = rcs[node as usize].saturating_sub(1); rcs[node as usize] == 0 }; match self[node].kind { Kind::BinOp { op } => { write!(f, "(")?; self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[0], rcs)?; write!(f, " {op} ")?; self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[1], rcs)?; write!(f, ")")?; } Kind::Return => { write!(f, "{}: return [{:?}] ", node, self[node].inputs[0])?; self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[1], rcs)?; writeln!(f)?; self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[2], rcs)?; } Kind::ConstInt { value } => write!(f, "{}", value)?, Kind::End => { if is_ready() { writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?; } } Kind::Tuple { index } => { if index != 0 && self[self[node].inputs[0]].kind == Kind::Start { write!(f, "{:?}.{}", self[self[node].inputs[0]].kind, index)?; } else if is_ready() { writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?; for &o in &self[node].outputs { if self.is_cfg(o) { self.fmt(f, o, rcs)?; } } } } Kind::Start => 'b: { if !is_ready() { break 'b; } writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?; for &o in &self[node].outputs { self.fmt(f, o, rcs)?; } } } Ok(()) } fn is_cfg(&self, o: Nid) -> bool { matches!(self[o].kind, Kind::Start | Kind::End | Kind::Return | Kind::Tuple { .. }) } } impl ops::Index for Nodes { type Output = Node; fn index(&self, index: u32) -> &Self::Output { match &self.values[index as usize] { PoolSlot::Value(value) => value, PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(), } } } impl ops::IndexMut for Nodes { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: u32) -> &mut Self::Output { match &mut self.values[index as usize] { PoolSlot::Value(value) => value, PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(), } } } #[derive(Debug)] enum PoolSlot { Value(Node), Next(u32), } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum Kind { Start, End, Return, ConstInt { value: i64 }, Tuple { index: u32 }, BinOp { op: lexer::TokenKind }, } impl Kind { fn disc(&self) -> u8 { unsafe { *(self as *const _ as *const u8) } } } const MAX_INPUTS: usize = 3; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Node { pub inputs: [Nid; MAX_INPUTS], pub kind: Kind, pub depth: u32, pub lock_rc: u32, pub ty: ty::Id, pub outputs: Vec, } impl Node { fn is_dangling(&self) -> bool { self.outputs.len() + self.lock_rc as usize == 0 } fn inputs(&self) -> &[Nid] { let len = self.inputs.iter().position(|&n| n == NILL).unwrap_or(MAX_INPUTS); &self.inputs[..len] } fn inputs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Nid] { let len = self.inputs.iter().position(|&n| n == NILL).unwrap_or(MAX_INPUTS); &mut self.inputs[..len] } } impl fmt::Display for Nodes { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.fmt( f, 0, &mut self .values .iter() .map(|s| match s { PoolSlot::Value(Node { kind: Kind::Start, .. }) => 1, PoolSlot::Value(Node { kind: Kind::End, ref outputs, .. }) => outputs.len(), PoolSlot::Value(val) => val.inputs().len(), PoolSlot::Next(_) => 0, }) .collect::>(), ) } } type Offset = u32; type Size = u32; type ArrayLen = u32; mod ty { use { crate::{ lexer::TokenKind, parser::{self, Expr}, son::ArrayLen, }, std::{num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range}, }; pub type Builtin = u32; pub type Struct = u32; pub type Ptr = u32; pub type Func = u32; pub type Global = u32; pub type Module = u32; pub type Param = u32; pub type Slice = u32; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct Tuple(pub u32); impl Tuple { const LEN_BITS: u32 = 5; const LEN_MASK: usize = Self::MAX_LEN - 1; const MAX_LEN: usize = 1 << Self::LEN_BITS; pub fn new(pos: usize, len: usize) -> Option { if len >= Self::MAX_LEN { return None; } Some(Self((pos << Self::LEN_BITS | len) as u32)) } pub fn view(self, slice: &[Id]) -> &[Id] { &slice[self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS..][..self.len()] } pub fn range(self) -> Range { let start = self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS; start..start + self.len() } pub fn len(self) -> usize { self.0 as usize & Self::LEN_MASK } pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool { self.0 == 0 } pub fn empty() -> Self { Self(0) } pub fn repr(&self) -> u32 { self.0 } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)] pub struct Id(NonZeroU32); impl Default for Id { fn default() -> Self { Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(UNDECLARED) }) } } impl Id { pub const fn from_bt(bt: u32) -> Self { Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(bt) }) } pub fn is_signed(self) -> bool { (I8..=INT).contains(&self.repr()) } pub fn is_unsigned(self) -> bool { (U8..=UINT).contains(&self.repr()) } pub fn is_integer(self) -> bool { (U8..=INT).contains(&self.repr()) } pub fn strip_pointer(self) -> Self { match self.expand() { Kind::Ptr(_) => Kind::Builtin(UINT).compress(), _ => self, } } pub fn is_pointer(self) -> bool { matches!(Kind::from_ty(self), Kind::Ptr(_)) } pub fn try_upcast(self, ob: Self) -> Option { let (oa, ob) = (Self(self.0.min(ob.0)), Self(self.0.max(ob.0))); let (a, b) = (oa.strip_pointer(), ob.strip_pointer()); Some(match () { _ if oa == ob => oa, _ if oa.is_pointer() && ob.is_pointer() => return None, _ if a.is_signed() && b.is_signed() || a.is_unsigned() && b.is_unsigned() => ob, _ if a.is_unsigned() && b.is_signed() && a.repr() - U8 < b.repr() - I8 => ob, _ if oa.is_integer() && ob.is_pointer() => ob, _ => return None, }) } pub fn expand(self) -> Kind { Kind::from_ty(self) } pub const fn repr(self) -> u32 { self.0.get() } } impl From for Id { fn from(id: u64) -> Self { Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(id as _) }) } } impl From for Id { fn from(id: u32) -> Self { Kind::Builtin(id).compress() } } const fn array_to_lower_case(array: [u8; N]) -> [u8; N] { let mut result = [0; N]; let mut i = 0; while i < N { result[i] = array[i].to_ascii_lowercase(); i += 1; } result } // const string to lower case macro_rules! builtin_type { ($($name:ident;)*) => { $(pub const $name: Builtin = ${index(0)} + 1;)* mod __lc_names { use super::*; $(pub const $name: &[u8] = &array_to_lower_case(unsafe { *(stringify!($name).as_ptr() as *const [u8; stringify!($name).len()]) });)* } pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option { match name.as_bytes() { $(__lc_names::$name => Some($name),)* _ => None, } } pub fn to_str(ty: Builtin) -> &'static str { match ty { $($name => unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(__lc_names::$name) },)* v => unreachable!("invalid type: {}", v), } } }; } builtin_type! { UNDECLARED; NEVER; VOID; TYPE; BOOL; U8; U16; U32; UINT; I8; I16; I32; INT; } macro_rules! type_kind { ($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis enum $name:ident {$( $variant:ident, )*}) => { $(#[$meta])* $vis enum $name { $($variant($variant),)* } impl $name { const FLAG_BITS: u32 = (${count($variant)} as u32).next_power_of_two().ilog2(); const FLAG_OFFSET: u32 = std::mem::size_of::() as u32 * 8 - Self::FLAG_BITS; const INDEX_MASK: u32 = (1 << (32 - Self::FLAG_BITS)) - 1; $vis fn from_ty(ty: Id) -> Self { let (flag, index) = (ty.repr() >> Self::FLAG_OFFSET, ty.repr() & Self::INDEX_MASK); match flag { $(${index(0)} => Self::$variant(index),)* i => unreachable!("{i}"), } } $vis const fn compress(self) -> Id { let (index, flag) = match self { $(Self::$variant(index) => (index, ${index(0)}),)* }; Id(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked((flag << Self::FLAG_OFFSET) | index) }) } $vis const fn inner(self) -> u32 { match self { $(Self::$variant(index) => index,)* } } } }; } type_kind! { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Kind { Builtin, Struct, Ptr, Func, Global, Module, Slice, } } impl Default for Kind { fn default() -> Self { Self::Builtin(UNDECLARED) } } pub struct Display<'a> { tys: &'a super::Types, files: &'a [parser::Ast], ty: Id, } impl<'a> Display<'a> { pub(super) fn new(tys: &'a super::Types, files: &'a [parser::Ast], ty: Id) -> Self { Self { tys, files, ty } } fn rety(&self, ty: Id) -> Self { Self::new(self.tys, self.files, ty) } } impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Display<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { use Kind as TK; match TK::from_ty(self.ty) { TK::Module(idx) => write!(f, "module{}", idx), TK::Builtin(ty) => write!(f, "{}", to_str(ty)), TK::Ptr(ty) => { write!(f, "^{}", self.rety(self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base)) } _ if let Some((key, _)) = self .tys .syms .iter() .find(|(sym, &ty)| sym.file < self.files.len() as u32 && ty == self.ty) && let Some(name) = self.files[key.file as usize].exprs().iter().find_map( |expr| match expr { Expr::BinOp { left: &Expr::Ident { name, id, .. }, op: TokenKind::Decl, .. } if id == key.ident => Some(name), _ => None, }, ) => { write!(f, "{name}") } TK::Struct(idx) => { let record = &self.tys.structs[idx as usize]; write!(f, "{{")?; for (i, &super::Field { ref name, ty }) in record.fields.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { write!(f, ", ")?; } write!(f, "{name}: {}", self.rety(ty))?; } write!(f, "}}") } TK::Func(idx) => write!(f, "fn{idx}"), TK::Global(idx) => write!(f, "global{idx}"), TK::Slice(idx) => { let array = self.tys.arrays[idx as usize]; match array.len { ArrayLen::MAX => write!(f, "[{}]", self.rety(array.ty)), len => write!(f, "[{}; {len}]", self.rety(array.ty)), } } } } } pub fn bin_ret(ty: Id, op: TokenKind) -> Id { use TokenKind as T; match op { T::Lt | T::Gt | T::Le | T::Ge | T::Ne | T::Eq => BOOL.into(), _ => ty, } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] struct Loop { var_count: u32, offset: u32, reloc_base: u32, } struct Variable { id: Ident, value: Nid, } #[derive(Default)] struct ItemCtx { file: FileId, id: ty::Kind, ret: Option, start: Nid, end: Nid, cfg: Nid, task_base: usize, snap: Snapshot, nodes: Nodes, loops: Vec, vars: Vec, } impl ItemCtx {} fn write_reloc(doce: &mut [u8], offset: usize, value: i64, size: u16) { let value = value.to_ne_bytes(); doce[offset..offset + size as usize].copy_from_slice(&value[..size as usize]); } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] struct SymKey { file: u32, ident: u32, } impl SymKey { pub fn pointer_to(ty: ty::Id) -> Self { Self { file: u32::MAX, ident: ty.repr() } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Sig { args: ty::Tuple, ret: ty::Id, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Func { file: FileId, expr: ExprRef, sig: Option, offset: Offset, } struct Global { offset: Offset, ty: ty::Id, } struct Field { name: Rc, ty: ty::Id, } struct Struct { fields: Rc<[Field]>, } struct Ptr { base: ty::Id, } struct ParamAlloc(Range); impl ParamAlloc { pub fn next(&mut self) -> u8 { self.0.next().expect("too many paramteters") } fn next_wide(&mut self) -> u8 { (self.next(), self.next()).0 } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Array { ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen, } #[derive(Default)] struct Types { syms: HashMap, funcs: Vec, args: Vec, globals: Vec, structs: Vec, ptrs: Vec, arrays: Vec, } impl Types { fn parama(&self, ret: impl Into) -> ParamAlloc { ParamAlloc(2 + (9..=16).contains(&self.size_of(ret.into())) as u8..12) } fn offset_of(&self, idx: ty::Struct, field: &str) -> Option<(Offset, ty::Id)> { let record = &self.structs[idx as usize]; let until = record.fields.iter().position(|f| f.name.as_ref() == field)?; let mut offset = 0; for &Field { ty, .. } in &record.fields[..until] { offset = Self::align_up(offset, self.align_of(ty)); offset += self.size_of(ty); } Some((offset, record.fields[until].ty)) } fn make_ptr(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Id { ty::Kind::Ptr(self.make_ptr_low(base)).compress() } fn make_ptr_low(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Ptr { let id = SymKey::pointer_to(base); self.syms .entry(id) .or_insert_with(|| { self.ptrs.push(Ptr { base }); ty::Kind::Ptr(self.ptrs.len() as u32 - 1).compress() }) .expand() .inner() } fn make_array(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Id { ty::Kind::Slice(self.make_array_low(ty, len)).compress() } fn make_array_low(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Slice { let id = SymKey { file: match len { ArrayLen::MAX => ArrayLen::MAX - 1, len => ArrayLen::MAX - len - 2, }, ident: ty.repr(), }; self.syms .entry(id) .or_insert_with(|| { self.arrays.push(Array { ty, len }); ty::Kind::Slice(self.arrays.len() as u32 - 1).compress() }) .expand() .inner() } fn align_up(value: Size, align: Size) -> Size { (value + align - 1) & !(align - 1) } fn size_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size { match ty.expand() { ty::Kind::Ptr(_) => 8, ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::VOID) => 0, ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::NEVER) => unreachable!(), ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::INT | ty::UINT) => 8, ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I32 | ty::U32 | ty::TYPE) => 4, ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I16 | ty::U16) => 2, ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I8 | ty::U8 | ty::BOOL) => 1, ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => { let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize]; match arr.len { 0 => 0, ArrayLen::MAX => 16, len => self.size_of(arr.ty) * len, } } ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => { let mut offset = 0u32; let record = &self.structs[stru as usize]; for &Field { ty, .. } in record.fields.iter() { let align = self.align_of(ty); offset = Self::align_up(offset, align); offset += self.size_of(ty); } offset } ty => unimplemented!("size_of: {:?}", ty), } } fn align_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size { match ty.expand() { ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => self.structs[stru as usize] .fields .iter() .map(|&Field { ty, .. }| self.align_of(ty)) .max() .unwrap(), ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => { let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize]; match arr.len { ArrayLen::MAX => 8, _ => self.align_of(arr.ty), } } _ => self.size_of(ty).max(1), } } } mod task { use super::Offset; pub fn unpack(offset: Offset) -> Result { if offset >> 31 != 0 { Err((offset & !(1 << 31)) as usize) } else { Ok(offset) } } pub fn id(index: usize) -> Offset { 1 << 31 | index as u32 } } struct FTask { file: FileId, id: ty::Func, } #[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Snapshot { code: usize, string_data: usize, funcs: usize, globals: usize, strings: usize, } impl Snapshot { fn _sub(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.code -= other.code; self.string_data -= other.string_data; self.funcs -= other.funcs; self.globals -= other.globals; self.strings -= other.strings; } fn _add(&mut self, other: &Self) { self.code += other.code; self.string_data += other.string_data; self.funcs += other.funcs; self.globals += other.globals; self.strings += other.strings; } } #[derive(Default, Debug)] struct Ctx { ty: Option, } impl Ctx { pub fn with_ty(self, ty: impl Into) -> Self { Self { ty: Some(ty.into()) } } } #[derive(Default)] struct Pool { cis: Vec, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Codegen { pub files: Vec, tasks: Vec>, tys: Types, ci: ItemCtx, pool: Pool, } impl Codegen { pub fn generate(&mut self) { self.find_or_declare(0, 0, None, "main"); self.make_func_reachable(0); self.complete_call_graph_low(); } fn make_func_reachable(&mut self, func: ty::Func) { let fuc = &mut self.tys.funcs[func as usize]; if fuc.offset == u32::MAX { fuc.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len() as _); self.tasks.push(Some(FTask { file: fuc.file, id: func })); } } fn expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Option { self.expr_ctx(expr, Ctx::default()) } fn build_struct(&mut self, fields: &[(&str, Expr)]) -> ty::Struct { let fields = fields .iter() .map(|&(name, ty)| Field { name: name.into(), ty: self.ty(&ty) }) .collect(); self.tys.structs.push(Struct { fields }); self.tys.structs.len() as u32 - 1 } fn expr_ctx(&mut self, expr: &Expr, ctx: Ctx) -> Option { match *expr { Expr::Comment { .. } => Some(NILL), Expr::Ident { pos, id, .. } => { let msg = "i know nothing about this name gal which is vired\ because we parsed succesfully"; Some( self.ci .vars .iter() .find(|v| v.id == id) .unwrap_or_else(|| self.report(pos, msg)) .value, ) } Expr::BinOp { left, op, right } => { let lhs = self.expr_ctx(left, ctx)?; self.ci.nodes.lock(lhs); let rhs = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::default().with_ty(self.tof(lhs))); self.ci.nodes.unlock(lhs); let rhs = rhs?; let ty = self.assert_ty(left.pos(), self.tof(rhs), self.tof(lhs), false); let id = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::bin_ret(ty, op), Kind::BinOp { op }, [lhs, rhs]); Some(id) } Expr::Return { pos, val } => { let ty = if let Some(val) = val { let value = self.expr_ctx(val, Ctx { ty: self.ci.ret })?; let inps = [self.ci.cfg, value, self.ci.end]; self.ci.cfg = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Return, inps); self.tof(value) } else { ty::VOID.into() }; let expected = *self.ci.ret.get_or_insert(ty); _ = self.assert_ty(pos, ty, expected, true); None } Expr::Block { stmts, .. } => { let base = self.ci.vars.len(); let mut ret = Some(NILL); for stmt in stmts { ret = ret.and(self.expr(stmt)); if let Some(id) = ret { _ = self.assert_ty(stmt.pos(), self.tof(id), ty::VOID.into(), true); } else { break; } } for var in self.ci.vars.drain(base..) { self.ci.nodes.unlock_free(var.value); } ret } Expr::Number { value, .. } => Some(self.ci.nodes.new_node( ctx.ty.unwrap_or(ty::UINT.into()), Kind::ConstInt { value }, [], )), ref e => self.report_unhandled_ast(e, "bruh"), } } #[inline(always)] fn tof(&self, id: Nid) -> ty::Id { if id == NILL { return ty::VOID.into(); } self.ci.nodes[id].ty } //#[must_use] fn complete_call_graph(&mut self) { self.complete_call_graph_low(); } fn complete_call_graph_low(&mut self) { while self.ci.task_base < self.tasks.len() && let Some(task_slot) = self.tasks.pop() { let Some(task) = task_slot else { continue }; self.handle_task(task); } } fn handle_task(&mut self, FTask { file, id }: FTask) { let func = self.tys.funcs[id as usize]; debug_assert!(func.file == file); let sig = func.sig.unwrap(); let ast = self.files[file as usize].clone(); let expr = func.expr.get(&ast).unwrap(); let repl = ItemCtx { file, id: ty::Kind::Func(id), ret: Some(sig.ret), ..self.pool.cis.pop().unwrap_or_default() }; let prev_ci = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, repl); self.ci.start = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Start, []); self.ci.end = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::End, []); self.ci.cfg = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Tuple { index: 0 }, [self.ci.start]); let Expr::BinOp { left: Expr::Ident { .. }, op: TokenKind::Decl, right: &Expr::Closure { body, args, .. }, } = expr else { unreachable!("{expr}") }; let mut sig_args = sig.args.range(); for (arg, index) in args.iter().zip(1u32..) { let ty = self.tys.args[sig_args.next().unwrap()]; let value = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty, Kind::Tuple { index }, [self.ci.start]); self.ci.nodes.lock(value); let sym = parser::find_symbol(&ast.symbols, arg.id); assert!(sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME == 0, "TODO"); self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id: arg.id, value }); } if self.expr(body).is_some() { self.report(body.pos(), "expected all paths in the fucntion to return"); } for var in self.ci.vars.drain(..) { self.ci.nodes.unlock(var.value); } //self.pool.cis.push(std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, prev_ci)); } // TODO: sometimes its better to do this in bulk fn ty(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ty::Id { match *expr { Expr::Ident { id, .. } if ident::is_null(id) => id.into(), ref e => self.report_unhandled_ast(e, "type"), } } fn find_or_declare( &mut self, pos: Pos, file: FileId, name: Option, lit_name: &str, ) -> ty::Kind { log::dbg!("find_or_declare: {lit_name} {file}"); let f = self.files[file as usize].clone(); let Some((expr, ident)) = f.find_decl(name.ok_or(lit_name)) else { match name.ok_or(lit_name) { Ok(name) => { let name = self.cfile().ident_str(name); self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {name}")) } Err("main") => self.report( pos, format_args!( "missing main function in '{}', compiler can't \ emmit libraries since such concept is not defined", f.path ), ), Err(name) => self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {name}")), } }; if let Some(existing) = self.tys.syms.get(&SymKey { file, ident }) { if let ty::Kind::Func(id) = existing.expand() && let func = &mut self.tys.funcs[id as usize] && func.offset != u32::MAX && let Err(idx) = task::unpack(func.offset) { func.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len()); let task = self.tasks[idx].take(); self.tasks.push(task); } return existing.expand(); } let prev_file = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.file, file); let sym = match expr { Expr::BinOp { left: &Expr::Ident { .. }, op: TokenKind::Decl, right: &Expr::Closure { pos, args, ret, .. }, } => { let func = Func { file, sig: '_b: { let arg_base = self.tys.args.len(); for arg in args { let sym = parser::find_symbol(&f.symbols, arg.id); assert!(sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME == 0, "TODO"); let ty = self.ty(&arg.ty); self.tys.args.push(ty); } let args = self.pack_args(pos, arg_base); let ret = self.ty(ret); Some(Sig { args, ret }) }, expr: { let refr = ExprRef::new(expr); debug_assert!(refr.get(&f).is_some()); refr }, offset: u32::MAX, }; let id = self.tys.funcs.len() as _; self.tys.funcs.push(func); ty::Kind::Func(id) } Expr::BinOp { left: &Expr::Ident { .. }, op: TokenKind::Decl, right: Expr::Struct { fields, .. }, } => ty::Kind::Struct(self.build_struct(fields)), Expr::BinOp { .. } => { todo!() } e => unimplemented!("{e:#?}"), }; self.ci.file = prev_file; self.tys.syms.insert(SymKey { ident, file }, sym.compress()); sym } fn ty_display(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> ty::Display { ty::Display::new(&self.tys, &self.files, ty) } #[must_use] #[track_caller] fn assert_ty(&self, pos: Pos, ty: ty::Id, expected: ty::Id, preserve_expected: bool) -> ty::Id { if let Some(res) = ty.try_upcast(expected) && (!preserve_expected || res == expected) { res } else { let ty = self.ty_display(ty); let expected = self.ty_display(expected); self.report(pos, format_args!("expected {expected}, got {ty}")); } } fn report_log(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) { let (line, col) = lexer::line_col(self.cfile().file.as_bytes(), pos); println!("{}:{}:{}: {}", self.cfile().path, line, col, msg); } #[track_caller] fn report(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) -> ! { self.report_log(pos, msg); unreachable!(); } #[track_caller] fn report_unhandled_ast(&self, ast: &Expr, hint: &str) -> ! { self.report( ast.pos(), format_args!( "compiler does not (yet) know how to handle ({hint}):\n\ {ast:}\n\ info for weak people:\n\ {ast:#?}" ), ) } fn cfile(&self) -> &parser::Ast { &self.files[self.ci.file as usize] } fn pack_args(&mut self, pos: Pos, arg_base: usize) -> ty::Tuple { let needle = &self.tys.args[arg_base..]; if needle.is_empty() { return ty::Tuple::empty(); } let len = needle.len(); // FIXME: maybe later when this becomes a bottleneck we use more // efficient search (SIMD?, indexing?) let sp = self.tys.args.windows(needle.len()).position(|val| val == needle).unwrap(); self.tys.args.truncate((sp + needle.len()).max(arg_base)); ty::Tuple::new(sp, len) .unwrap_or_else(|| self.report(pos, "amount of arguments not supported")) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use { crate::parser::{self, FileId}, std::io, }; const README: &str = include_str!("../README.md"); fn generate(ident: &'static str, input: &'static str, output: &mut String) { fn find_block(mut input: &'static str, test_name: &'static str) -> &'static str { const CASE_PREFIX: &str = "#### "; const CASE_SUFFIX: &str = "\n```hb"; loop { let Some(pos) = input.find(CASE_PREFIX) else { unreachable!("test {test_name} not found"); }; input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(pos + CASE_PREFIX.len()..) }; if !input.starts_with(test_name) { continue; } input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(test_name.len()..) }; if !input.starts_with(CASE_SUFFIX) { continue; } input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(CASE_SUFFIX.len()..) }; let end = input.find("```").unwrap_or(input.len()); break unsafe { input.get_unchecked(..end) }; } } let input = find_block(input, ident); let mut module_map = Vec::new(); let mut last_start = 0; let mut last_module_name = "test"; for (i, m) in input.match_indices("// in module: ") { parser::test::format(ident, input[last_start..i].trim()); module_map.push((last_module_name, &input[last_start..i])); let (module_name, _) = input[i + m.len()..].split_once('\n').unwrap(); last_module_name = module_name; last_start = i + m.len() + module_name.len() + 1; } parser::test::format(ident, input[last_start..].trim()); module_map.push((last_module_name, input[last_start..].trim())); let loader = |path: &str, _: &str| { module_map .iter() .position(|&(name, _)| name == path) .map(|i| i as FileId) .ok_or(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound)) }; let mut codegen = super::Codegen { files: module_map .iter() .map(|&(path, content)| parser::Ast::new(path, content.to_owned(), &loader)) .collect(), ..Default::default() }; codegen.generate(); use std::fmt::Write; write!(output, "{}", codegen.ci.nodes).unwrap(); } crate::run_tests! { generate: arithmetic => README; const_folding_with_arg => README; //variables => README; //functions => README; //comments => README; //if_statements => README; //loops => README; //fb_driver => README; //pointers => README; //structs => README; //different_types => README; //struct_operators => README; //directives => README; //global_variables => README; //generic_types => README; //generic_functions => README; //c_strings => README; //struct_patterns => README; //arrays => README; //struct_return_from_module_function => README; ////comptime_pointers => README; //sort_something_viredly => README; //hex_octal_binary_literals => README; //comptime_min_reg_leak => README; ////structs_in_registers => README; //comptime_function_from_another_file => README; //inline => README; //inline_test => README; } }