Holey Bytes has two bit widths 8 bit to help with byte level manipulation and 64 bit numbers because nothing else should ever be used in a modern setting this leaves us with an amount of registers that should be defined I'd like to use a letter and a number to represent registers like `a0` or `d0` the first of which would be reserved for 8 bit numbers and the later of which 64 bit. instructions ### NOP `0` ### ADD_8 TYPE LHS RHS LOCATION `1` ### SUB TYPE LHS RHS LOCATION `2` ### MUL TYPE LHS RHS LOCATION `3` ### MUL TYPE LHS RHS LOCATION `4` ### DIV TYPE LHS RHS LOCATION `5` ### JUMP ADDR `100` an unconditional jump to an address ### JUMP_EQ LHS RHS ADDR `101` A conditional jump if LHS is equal to RHS then jump to address ### JUMP_NEQ LHS RHS ADDR `102` A conditional jump if LHS is not equal to RHS then jump to address ### RET pop off the callstack