# HERE SHALL THE DOCUMENTATION RESIDE ## Enforced Political Views - worse is better - less is more - embrace `unsafe {}` - adhere `macro_rules!` - pessimization == death (put in `std::pin::Pin` and left with hungry crabs) - importing external dependencies == death (`fn(dependencies) -> ExecutionStrategy`) - above sell not be disputed, discussed, or questioned ## What hblang is Holey-Bytes-Language (hblang for short) (*.hb) is the only true language targeting hbvm byte code. hblang is low level, manually managed, and procedural. Its rumored to be better then writing hbasm and you should probably use it for complex applications. ## What hblang isnt't hblang knows what it isn't, because it knows what it is, hblang computes this by sub... ## Examples Examples are also used in tests. To add an example that runs during testing add: <pre> #### <name> ```hb <example> ``` </pre> and also: ```rs <name>; ``` to the `run_tests` macro at the bottom of the `src/son.rs`. ### Tour Examples Following examples incrementally introduce language features and syntax. #### main_fn ```hb main := fn(): uint { return 1 } ``` #### arithmetic ```hb main := fn(): uint { return 10 - 20 / 2 + 4 * (2 + 2) - 4 * 4 + (true << 0) + -1 } ``` #### floating_point_arithmetic ```hb main := fn(): f32 { return 10. - 20. / 2. + 4. * (2. + 2.) - 4. * 4. + -1. } ``` #### functions ```hb main := fn(): uint { return add_one(10) + add_two(20) } add_two := fn(x: uint): uint { return x + 2 } add_one := fn(x: uint): uint { return x + 1 } ``` #### comments ```hb // commant is an item main := fn(): uint { // comment is a statement foo(/* comment is an exprression /* if you are crazy */ */) return 0 } foo := fn(comment: void): void return /* comment evaluates to void */ // comments might be formatted in the future ``` #### if_statements ```hb main := fn(): uint { return fib(10) } fib := fn(x: uint): uint { if x <= 2 { return 1 } else { return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2) } } ``` #### variables ```hb main := fn(): uint { ඞ := 1 b := 2 ඞ += 1 return ඞ - b } ``` #### hex_octal_binary_literals ```hb main := fn(): uint { hex := 0xFF decimal := 255 octal := 0o377 binary := 0b11111111 ascii := '\n' if hex == decimal & octal == decimal & binary == decimal { return 0 } return 1 } ``` #### loops ```hb main := fn(): uint { return fib(10) } fib := fn(n: uint): uint { a := 0 b := 1 loop if n == 0 break else { c := a + b a = b b = c n -= 1 } return a } ``` #### pointers ```hb main := fn(): uint { a := 1 b := &a boundary := 1000 b = b + boundary - 2 b = b - (boundary - 2) modify(b) drop(a) return *b - 2 } modify := fn(a: ^uint): void { *a = 2 return } drop := fn(a: uint): void { return } ``` #### structs ```hb Ty := struct { // comment a: uint, } Ty2 := struct { ty: Ty, c: uint = 3, } useless := struct {} main := fn(): uint { // `packed` structs have no padding (all fields are alighred to 1) if @sizeof(packed struct {a: u8, b: u16}) != 3 { return 9001 } finst := Ty2.{ty: .{a: 4}} inst := odher_pass(finst) if inst.c == 3 { return pass(&inst.ty) } return 0 } pass := fn(t: ^Ty): uint { return t.a } odher_pass := fn(t: Ty2): Ty2 { return t } ``` #### tuples ```hb main := fn(): uint { tupl := .(1, 1) return tupl[0] - tupl[1] } ``` #### struct_scopes ```hb $zr := 0 Struct := struct { a: uint, b: uint, $zero := Self.(zr, zr) $new := fn(a: uint, b: uint): Self return .(a, b) $swap := fn(s: ^Self): void { _ = diff(*s) t := s.a s.a = s.b s.b = t } $diff := fn(s: Self): uint return s.a - s.b } main := fn(): uint { z := Struct.zero z += Struct.new(1, 2) z.swap() return z.diff() } ``` #### enums ```hb Enum := enum { A, B, C, $default := Self.A } some_enum := fn(): Enum return .A main := fn(): uint { e := some_enum() match e { Enum.default => return 0, _ => return 100, } } ``` #### unions ```hb Union := union { i: u32, f: f32, $sconst := 0 $new := fn(i: u32): Self { return .{i} } } main := fn(): uint { v := Union.{f: 0} u := Union.new(Union.sconst) return v.i + u.i } ``` #### nullable_types ```hb main := fn(): uint { a := &1 b: ?^uint = null if decide() b = a if b == null return 9001 c: ?uint = *b if decide() c = null if c != null return 42 d: ?u16 = null if decide() d = 1 if d == null return 69 sf := new_foo() if sf == null return 999 str := "foo\0" use_foo(sf, str) f := no_foo() if decide() f = .(a, 1) if f == null return 34 bar := new_bar(a) if decide() bar = null if bar != null return 420 g: ?^uint = null g = a _rd := *g return d - *f.a } Foo := struct {a: ^uint, b: uint} no_foo := fn(): ?Foo return null new_foo := fn(): ?Foo return .(&0, 0) use_foo := fn(foo: Foo, str: []u8): void { } Bar := struct {a: ?^uint, b: uint} new_bar := fn(a: ?^uint): ?Bar return .(a, 1) decide := fn(): bool return !false ``` #### inline_return_stack ```hb $fun := fn(): [3]uint { res := .[0, 1, 2] return res } main := fn(): uint { vl := fun() return vl[0] } ``` #### struct_operators ```hb Point := struct { x: uint, y: uint, } Rect := struct { a: Point, b: Point, } Color := packed struct {b: u8, g: u8, r: u8, a: u8} main := fn(): uint { i := Color.(0, 0, 0, 0) i += .(1, 1, 1, 1) if i.r + i.g + i.b + i.a != 4 return 1008 if Point.(1, 1) != Point.(1, 1) return 1009 if Point.(1, 2) == Point.(1, 1) return 1010 if Point.(1, 2) < Point.(1, 1) return 1011 if Point.(1, 1) > Point.(2, 1) return 1012 a := Point.(1, 2) b := Point.(3, 4) d := Rect.(a + b, b - a) zp := Point.(0, 0) d2 := Rect.(zp - b, a) d2 += d c := d2.a + d2.b return c.x + c.y } ``` #### global_variables ```hb global_var := 10 complex_global_var := fib(global_var) - 5 fib := fn(n: uint): uint { if 2 > n { return n } return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } main := fn(): uint { complex_global_var += 5 return complex_global_var } ``` note: values of global variables are evaluated at compile time #### constants ```hb main := fn(): u32 { return SOME_CONST + 35 } $SOME_CONST := 34 ``` #### directives ```hb foo := @use("foo.hb") main := fn(): uint { if false { @error("unexpected '\0", u8, "', wah now?\0") } byte := @as(@ChildOf(^u8), 10) _ = sum(byte, byte) same_type_as_byte := @as(@TypeOf(byte), 30) wide_uint := @as(u32, 40) _ = sum(wide_uint, wide_uint) truncated_uint := @as(u8, @intcast(wide_uint)) widened_float := @as(f64, @floatcast(1.)) int_from_float := @as(int, @fti(1.)) float_from_int := @as(f64, @itf(1)) size_of_Type_in_bytes := @sizeof(foo.Type) align_of_Type_in_bytes := @alignof(foo.Type) hardcoded_pointer := @as(^u8, @bitcast(10)) ecall_that_returns_uint := @as(uint, @eca(1, foo.Type.(10, 20), 5, 6)) embedded_array := @as([15]u8, @embed("text.txt")) two_fields := @lenof(foo.Type) the_struct_kind := @kindof(foo.Type) if @target("compile-time") die if !@target("*-virt-unknown") die return @inline(foo.foo) } $sum := fn(a: @Any(), b: @TypeOf(a)): @TypeOf(a) return a + b // in module: foo.hb Type := struct { brah: uint, blah: uint, } foo := fn(): uint return 0 // in module: text.txt arbitrary text ``` - `@use(<string>)`: imports a module based on relative path, cycles are allowed when importing - `@TypeOf(<expr>)`: results into literal type of whatever the type of `<expr>` is, `<expr>` is not included in final binary - `@as(<ty>, <expr>)`: hint to the compiler that `@TypeOf(<expr>) == <ty>` - `@intcast(<expr>)`: needs to be used when conversion of `@TypeOf(<expr>)` would loose precision (widening of integers is implicit) - `@sizeof(<ty>), @alignof(<ty>)`: get size and align of a type in bytes - `@bitcast(<expr>)`: tell compiler to assume `@TypeOf(<expr>)` is whatever is inferred, so long as size matches - `@eca(...<expr>)`: invoke `eca` instruction, where return type is inferred and `<expr>...` are arguments passed to the call in the standard call convention - `@embed(<string>)`: include relative file as an array of bytes - `@inline(<func>, ...<args>)`: equivalent to `<func>(...<args>)` but function is guaranteed to inline, compiler will otherwise never inline - `@lenof(<ty>)`: reports a length of the type of indexing purposes or length ot a string constant - `@kindof(<ty>)`: gives an u8 integer describing the kind of type as an index to array `[Builtin, Struct, Tuple, Enum, Union, Ptr, Slice, Opt, Func, Template, Global, Const, Module]` - `@Any()`: generic parameter based on inference, TBD: this will ake arguments in the future that restrict what is accepted - `@error(...<expr>)`: emit compiler error, if reachable, and use arguments to construct a message, can display strings and types - `@ChildOf(<ty>)`: returns the child type of the `<ty>`, works for pointers and optionals (`@ChildOf(?u8) == u8`) - `@target("<pat>")`: if the supplied pattern matches the target triple code is compiled to this returns `true`, compile time target is `"compile-time"` #### c_strings ```hb str_len := fn(str: ^u8): uint { len := 0 loop if *str == 0 break else { len += 1 str += 1 } return len } main := fn(): uint { // when string ends with '\0' its a C string and thus type is '^u8' some_str := "abඞ\n\r\t\{35}\{36373839}\0".ptr len := str_len(some_str) some_other_str := "fff\0".ptr lep := str_len(some_other_str) return lep + len } ``` #### struct_patterns ```hb .{fib, fib_iter, Fiber} := @use("fibs.hb") main := fn(): uint { .{a, b} := Fiber.{a: 10, b: 10} return fib(a) - fib_iter(b) } // in module: fibs.hb Fiber := struct {a: u8, b: u8} fib := fn(n: uint): uint if n < 2 { return n } else { return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) } fib_iter := fn(n: uint): uint { a := 0 b := 1 loop if n == 0 break else { c := a + b a = b b = c n -= 1 } return a } ``` #### arrays ```hb main := fn(): uint { addr: u16 = 0x1FF msg := u8.[0, 0, @intcast(addr), @intcast(addr >> 8)] _force_stack := &msg arr := .[1, 2, 4] return pass(&arr) + msg[3] } pass := fn(arr: ^[3]uint): uint { return arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[arr[1]] } ``` #### slices ```hb main := fn(): uint { one := &10 from_ptr: []uint = one[..1] arr := .[0, 1, 2, 3] start := arr[..2] mid := arr[1..3] end := arr[2..] all := arr[..] return start[0] + mid[0] + end[0] + all[3] + all.len - from_ptr[0] } ``` #### inline ```hb main := fn(): uint { some_eca() return @inline(foo, 1, 2, 3) - bar(3) } $some_eca := fn(): void return @eca(8) // only for functions with no control flow (if, loop) $bar := fn(a: uint): uint return a * 2 gb := 0 foo := fn(a: uint, b: uint, c: uint): uint { if false | gb != 0 return 1 return a + b + c } ``` #### idk ```hb _edge_case: uint = idk main := fn(): uint { big_array: [128]u8 = idk i := 0 loop if i >= 128 break else { big_array[i] = 69 i += 1 } return big_array[42] } ``` #### generic_functions ```hb add := fn($T: type, a: T, b: T): T { if T != void { return a + b } } main := fn(): uint { add(void, { }, { }) return add(u32, 2, 2) - add(uint, 1, 3) } ``` #### generic_types ```hb malloc_sys_call := 69 free_sys_call := 96 malloc := fn(size: uint, align: uint): ?^void return @eca(malloc_sys_call, size, align) free := fn(ptr: ^void, size: uint, align: uint): void return @eca(free_sys_call, ptr, size, align) Vec := fn($Elem: type): type return struct { data: ^Elem, len: uint, cap: uint, new := fn(): Self return .{data: @bitcast(@alignof(Elem)), len: 0, cap: 0} deinit := fn(vec: ^Self): void { free(@bitcast(vec.data), vec.cap * @sizeof(Elem), @alignof(Elem)); *vec = new() return } push := fn(vec: ^Self, value: Elem): ?^Elem { if vec.len == vec.cap { if vec.cap == 0 { vec.cap = 1 } else { vec.cap *= 2 } new_alloc: ?^Elem = @bitcast(malloc(vec.cap * @sizeof(Elem), @alignof(Elem))) if new_alloc == null return null src_cursor := vec.data dst_cursor: ^Elem = new_alloc end := vec.data + vec.len loop if src_cursor == end break else { *dst_cursor = *src_cursor src_cursor += 1 dst_cursor += 1 } if vec.len != 0 { free(@bitcast(vec.data), vec.len * @sizeof(Elem), @alignof(Elem)) } vec.data = new_alloc } slot := vec.data + vec.len; *slot = value vec.len += 1 return slot } } main := fn(): uint { vec := Vec(uint).new() _ = vec.push(35) defer vec.deinit() vec2 := Vec(u8).new() _ = vec2.push(34) defer vec2.deinit() return *vec.data + *vec2.data } ``` #### die ```hb fun := fn(): never die main := fn(): never { // simply emmits 'un' instruction that immediately terminates the execution // the expresion has similar properties to 'return' but does not accept a value fun() } ``` #### defer ```hb main := fn(): uint { i := 0 loop { defer i += 1 if i == 10 break if i % 3 == 0 { continue } } return i - 11 } ``` #### unrolled_loops ```hb Nums := struct {a: uint, b: u32, c: u16, d: u8} main := fn(): uint { nums := Nums.(1, 2, 3, 4) i := 0 sum := 0 $loop if i == @lenof(Nums) break else { sum += nums[i] i += 1 } return sum - 10 } ``` ### Incomplete Examples #### fb_driver ```hb arm_fb_ptr := fn(): uint return 100 x86_fb_ptr := fn(): uint return 100 check_platform := fn(): uint { return x86_fb_ptr() } set_pixel := fn(x: uint, y: uint, width: uint): uint { return y * width + x } main := fn(): uint { fb_ptr := check_platform() width := 100 height := 30 x := 0 y := 0 //t := 0 i := 0 loop { if x < height { //t += set_pixel(x, y, height) x += 1 i += 1 } else { x = 0 y += 1 if set_pixel(x, y, height) != i return 0 if y == width break } } return i } ``` ### Purely Testing Examples #### string_array ```hb main := fn(): uint { strings := (^u8).["abcdefshijklmnop\0".ptr, "abcdefghijklnnop\0".ptr, "abcdefshijklmnop\0".ptr, "abcdefghijklmnop\0".ptr, "abcdefghijflmnop\0".ptr, "dbcdefghijklmnop\0".ptr, "abcdefghijklmnop\0".ptr] return *strings[0] } ``` #### generic_function_in_struct ```hb A := struct { a: uint, b := fn(self: ^Self, $T: type, c: T): T { return c } } main := fn(): uint { a := A.(100) return a.b(uint, 100) } ``` #### len_never_goes_down ```hb chars := fn(iter: []u8): struct { str: []u8, next := fn(self: ^Self): ?u8 { if self.str.len == 0 return null self.str = self.str[1..] return self.str[0] } } { return .(iter) } main := fn(): void { a := chars("Hello, World!") loop { char := a.next() if char == null break } } ``` #### slice_to_global_pointer ```hb a := @as(^u8, @bitcast(0)) main := fn(): ^u8 { b := a[0..100] return b.ptr } ``` #### subsclice_bug ```hb main := fn(): void { str := "abcd\0" @eca(37, str[1..].ptr) } ``` #### proper_ident_propagation ```hb A := fn($T: type): type return struct {a: T} $make_a := fn(a: @Any()): A(@TypeOf(a)) { return .(a) } $make_b := fn(a: @Any()): struct {b: @TypeOf(a)} { return .(a) } main := fn(): uint { a := make_a(100) b := make_b(100) return a.a - b.b } ``` #### method_receiver_by_value ```hb $log := fn(ptr: ^u8): void return @eca(37, ptr) Struct := struct { ptr: ^u8, print := fn(self: Self, rhs: Self): void { log(self.ptr) log(rhs.ptr) } } Struct2 := struct { ptr: ^u8, print2 := fn(self: ^Self, rhs: ^Self): void { log(self.ptr) log(rhs.ptr) } } main := fn(): void { lhs := Struct.("Hello, World!\0".ptr) rhs := Struct.("Goodbye, World!\0".ptr) lhs.print(rhs) lhs2 := Struct2.("Hello, World!\0".ptr) rhs2 := Struct2.("Goodbye, World!\0".ptr) lhs2.print2(&rhs2) } ``` #### comparing_floating_points ```hb main := fn(): uint { if box(1) < box(0) return 1 if box(1) <= box(0) return 2 if box(0) > box(1) return 3 if box(0) >= box(1) return 4 return 0 } box := fn(v: f32): f32 return v box2 := fn(v: f64): f64 return v ``` #### pointer_comparison ```hb main := fn(): int { a := 10 b := 20 if &a == &a { return 10 } else { return 20 } } ``` #### wrong_dead_code_elimination ```hb Color := struct {b: u8} main := fn(): void { color := Color.(0) n: u8 = 1 loop { if color.b == 255 | color.b == 0 { n = -n } color.b += n } } ``` #### different_function_destinations ```hb Stru := struct {a: uint, b: uint} new_stru := fn(): Stru return .(0, 0) glob_stru := Stru.(1, 1) main := fn(): uint { glob_stru = new_stru() if glob_stru.a != 0 return 300 glob_stru = .(1, 1) glob_stru = @inline(new_stru) if glob_stru.a != 0 return 200 glob_stru = .(1, 1) strus := Stru.[glob_stru, glob_stru, glob_stru] i := 0 loop if i == 3 break else { strus[i] = new_stru() i += 1 } if strus[2].a != 0 return 100 strus = Stru.[glob_stru, glob_stru, glob_stru] i = 0 loop if i == 3 break else { strus[i] = @inline(new_stru) i += 1 } if strus[2].a != 0 return 10 return 0 } ``` #### triggering_store_in_divergent_branch ```hb opaque := fn(): uint { return 1 << 31 } main := fn(): void { a := 0 loop if a >= opaque() break else { valid := true b := 0 loop if b >= opaque() break else { if b == 1 << 16 { valid = false break } b += 1 } if valid == false continue a += 1 } } ``` #### very_nested_loops ```hb $H := 3 $W := 3 main := fn(): int { y: int = 0 loop if y == H break else { x: int = 0 loop if x == W break else { c_r: f64 = @itf(x) c_i: f64 = @itf(y) if c_i * c_r >= 10.0 return 0 x += 1 } y += 1 } return 1 } Color := struct {r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8} Vec := struct {x: uint, y: uint} put_pixel := fn(pos: Vec, color: Color): void { } ``` #### generic_type_mishap ```hb opaque := fn($Expr: type, ptr: ^?Expr): void { } process := fn($Expr: type): void { optional := @as(?Expr, null) timer := 1000 loop if timer > 0 { opaque(Expr, &optional) if optional != null return { } timer -= 1 } return } main := fn(): void process(uint) ``` #### storing_into_nullable_struct ```hb StructA := struct {b: StructB, c: ^uint, d: uint} StructB := struct {g: ^uint, c: StructC} StructC := struct {c: uint} some_index := fn(): ?uint return 0 heap := u8.[0, 1, 2] optionala := fn(): ?StructA { i := some_index() if i == null die return .(.(&0, .(1)), &0, heap[i]) } Struct := struct {inner: uint} optional := fn(): ?Struct { return .(10) } do_stuff := fn(arg: uint): uint { return arg } just_read := fn(s: StructA): void { } main := fn(): uint { a := optionala() if a == null { return 10 } a.b.c = .(0) just_read(a) innera := do_stuff(a.b.c.c) val := optional() if val == null { return 20 } val.inner = 100 inner := do_stuff(val.inner) return innera + inner } ``` #### scheduling_block_did_dirty ```hb Struct := struct { pad: uint, pad2: uint, } file := u8.[255] opaque := fn(x: uint): uint { return file[x] } constructor := fn(x: uint): Struct { a := opaque(x) return .(a, a) } main := fn(): void { something := constructor(0) return } ``` #### null_check_returning_small_global ```hb magic := 127 get := fn(file: ^u8): ?uint { if *file == magic { return magic } else { return null } } some_file := u8.[127, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255] foo := fn(): ?uint { gotten := get(&some_file[0]) if gotten == null { return null } else if gotten == 4 { return 2 } else if gotten == magic { return 0 } return null } main := fn(): uint { f := foo() if f == null return 100 return f } ``` #### null_check_in_the_loop ```hb A := struct { x_change: u8, y_change: u8, left: u8, middle: u8, right: u8, } return_fn := fn(): ?A { return A.(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) } main := fn(): int { loop { ret := return_fn() if ret != null { return 1 } } } ``` #### stack_provenance ```hb main := fn(): uint { return *dangle() } dangle := fn(): ^uint return &0 ``` #### advanced_floating_point_arithmetic ```hb sin_table := f32.[0.0, 0.02454122852291229, 0.04906767432741801, 0.07356456359966743, 0.0980171403295606, 0.1224106751992162, 0.1467304744553617, 0.1709618887603012, 0.1950903220161282, 0.2191012401568698, 0.2429801799032639, 0.2667127574748984, 0.2902846772544623, 0.3136817403988915, 0.3368898533922201, 0.3598950365349881, 0.3826834323650898, 0.4052413140049899, 0.4275550934302821, 0.4496113296546065, 0.4713967368259976, 0.492898192229784, 0.5141027441932217, 0.5349976198870972, 0.5555702330196022, 0.5758081914178453, 0.5956993044924334, 0.6152315905806268, 0.6343932841636455, 0.6531728429537768, 0.6715589548470183, 0.6895405447370668, 0.7071067811865475, 0.7242470829514669, 0.7409511253549591, 0.7572088465064845, 0.773010453362737, 0.7883464276266062, 0.8032075314806448, 0.8175848131515837, 0.8314696123025452, 0.844853565249707, 0.8577286100002721, 0.8700869911087113, 0.8819212643483549, 0.8932243011955153, 0.9039892931234433, 0.9142097557035307, 0.9238795325112867, 0.9329927988347388, 0.9415440651830208, 0.9495281805930367, 0.9569403357322089, 0.9637760657954398, 0.970031253194544, 0.9757021300385286, 0.9807852804032304, 0.9852776423889412, 0.989176509964781, 0.99247953459871, 0.9951847266721968, 0.9972904566786902, 0.9987954562051724, 0.9996988186962042, 1.0, 0.9996988186962042, 0.9987954562051724, 0.9972904566786902, 0.9951847266721969, 0.99247953459871, 0.989176509964781, 0.9852776423889412, 0.9807852804032304, 0.9757021300385286, 0.970031253194544, 0.9637760657954398, 0.9569403357322089, 0.9495281805930367, 0.9415440651830208, 0.9329927988347388, 0.9238795325112867, 0.9142097557035307, 0.9039892931234434, 0.8932243011955152, 0.881921264348355, 0.8700869911087115, 0.8577286100002721, 0.8448535652497072, 0.8314696123025455, 0.8175848131515837, 0.8032075314806449, 0.7883464276266063, 0.7730104533627371, 0.7572088465064847, 0.740951125354959, 0.7242470829514669, 0.7071067811865476, 0.6895405447370671, 0.6715589548470186, 0.6531728429537766, 0.6343932841636455, 0.6152315905806269, 0.5956993044924335, 0.5758081914178454, 0.5555702330196022, 0.5349976198870972, 0.5141027441932218, 0.4928981922297841, 0.4713967368259979, 0.4496113296546069, 0.427555093430282, 0.4052413140049899, 0.3826834323650899, 0.3598950365349883, 0.3368898533922203, 0.3136817403988914, 0.2902846772544624, 0.2667127574748985, 0.2429801799032641, 0.21910124015687, 0.1950903220161286, 0.1709618887603012, 0.1467304744553618, 0.1224106751992163, 0.09801714032956083, 0.07356456359966773, 0.04906767432741797, 0.02454122852291233, 0.0, -0.02454122852291208, -0.04906767432741772, -0.0735645635996675, -0.09801714032956059, -0.1224106751992161, -0.1467304744553616, -0.170961888760301, -0.1950903220161284, -0.2191012401568698, -0.2429801799032638, -0.2667127574748983, -0.2902846772544621, -0.3136817403988912, -0.3368898533922201, -0.3598950365349881, -0.3826834323650897, -0.4052413140049897, -0.4275550934302818, -0.4496113296546067, -0.4713967368259976, -0.4928981922297839, -0.5141027441932216, -0.5349976198870969, -0.555570233019602, -0.5758081914178453, -0.5956993044924332, -0.6152315905806267, -0.6343932841636453, -0.6531728429537765, -0.6715589548470184, -0.6895405447370668, -0.7071067811865475, -0.7242470829514668, -0.7409511253549589, -0.7572088465064842, -0.7730104533627367, -0.7883464276266059, -0.8032075314806451, -0.8175848131515838, -0.8314696123025452, -0.844853565249707, -0.857728610000272, -0.8700869911087113, -0.8819212643483549, -0.8932243011955152, -0.9039892931234431, -0.9142097557035305, -0.9238795325112865, -0.932992798834739, -0.9415440651830208, -0.9495281805930367, -0.9569403357322088, -0.9637760657954398, -0.970031253194544, -0.9757021300385285, -0.9807852804032303, -0.9852776423889411, -0.9891765099647809, -0.9924795345987101, -0.9951847266721969, -0.9972904566786902, -0.9987954562051724, -0.9996988186962042, -1.0, -0.9996988186962042, -0.9987954562051724, -0.9972904566786902, -0.9951847266721969, -0.9924795345987101, -0.9891765099647809, -0.9852776423889412, -0.9807852804032304, -0.9757021300385286, -0.970031253194544, -0.96377606579544, -0.9569403357322089, -0.9495281805930368, -0.9415440651830209, -0.9329927988347391, -0.9238795325112866, -0.9142097557035306, -0.9039892931234433, -0.8932243011955153, -0.881921264348355, -0.8700869911087115, -0.8577286100002722, -0.8448535652497072, -0.8314696123025455, -0.817584813151584, -0.8032075314806453, -0.7883464276266061, -0.7730104533627369, -0.7572088465064846, -0.7409511253549591, -0.724247082951467, -0.7071067811865477, -0.6895405447370672, -0.6715589548470187, -0.6531728429537771, -0.6343932841636459, -0.6152315905806274, -0.5956993044924332, -0.5758081914178452, -0.5555702330196022, -0.5349976198870973, -0.5141027441932219, -0.4928981922297843, -0.4713967368259979, -0.449611329654607, -0.4275550934302825, -0.4052413140049904, -0.3826834323650904, -0.359895036534988, -0.33688985339222, -0.3136817403988915, -0.2902846772544625, -0.2667127574748986, -0.2429801799032642, -0.2191012401568702, -0.1950903220161287, -0.1709618887603018, -0.1467304744553624, -0.122410675199216, -0.09801714032956051, -0.07356456359966741, -0.04906767432741809, -0.02454122852291245] sin := fn(theta: f32): f32 { PI := 3.14159265358979323846 TABLE_SIZE := @as(i32, 256) si := @fti(theta * 0.5 * @itf(TABLE_SIZE) / PI) d := theta - @itf(si) * 2.0 * PI / @itf(TABLE_SIZE) ci := si + TABLE_SIZE / 4 & TABLE_SIZE - 1 si &= TABLE_SIZE - 1 return sin_table[@bitcast(si)] + (sin_table[@bitcast(ci)] - 0.5 * sin_table[@bitcast(si)] * d) * d } main := fn(): int { // expected result: 826 return @fti(sin(1000.0) * 1000.0) } ``` #### nullable_structure ```hb Structure := struct {} BigStructure := struct {a: uint, b: uint} MidStructure := struct {a: u8} returner_fn := fn(): ?Structure { return .() } returner_bn := fn(): ?BigStructure { return .(0, 0) } returner_cn := fn(): ?MidStructure { return .(0) } main := fn(): int { ret := returner_fn() bet := returner_bn() cet := returner_cn() if ret != null & bet != null & cet != null { return 1 } return 0 } ``` #### needless_unwrap ```hb main := fn(): uint { //always_nn := @as(?^uint, &0) //ptr1 := @unwrap(always_nn) //always_n := @as(?^uint, null) //ptr2 := @unwrap(always_n) //return *ptr1 + *ptr2 return 0 } ``` #### optional_from_eca ```hb main := fn(): uint { a := @as(?uint, @eca(0, 0, 0, 0)) if a == null { die } return a } ``` #### returning_optional_issues ```hb bmp := 0 get_format := fn(): ?uint { return bmp } main := fn(): uint { fmt := get_format() if fmt == null { return 1 } else { return fmt } } ``` #### inlining_issues ```hb main := fn(): void { @use("main.hb").put_filled_rect(.(&.(0), 100, 100), .(0, 0), .(0, 0), .(1)) } // in module: memory.hb SetMsg := packed struct {a: u8, count: u32, size: u32, src: ^u8, dest: ^u8} set := fn($Expr: type, src: ^Expr, dest: ^Expr, count: uint): void { return @eca(8, 2, &SetMsg.(5, @intcast(count), @intcast(@sizeof(Expr)), @bitcast(src), @bitcast(dest)), @sizeof(SetMsg)) } // in module: main.hb Color := struct {r: u8} Vec2 := fn($Ty: type): type return struct {x: Ty, y: Ty} memory := @use("memory.hb") Surface := struct { buf: ^Color, width: uint, height: uint, } indexptr := fn(surface: Surface, x: uint, y: uint): ^Color { return surface.buf + y * surface.width + x } put_filled_rect := fn(surface: Surface, pos: Vec2(uint), tr: Vec2(uint), color: Color): void { top_start_idx := @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y) bottom_start_idx := @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y + tr.y - 1) rows_to_fill := tr.y loop if rows_to_fill <= 1 break else { @inline(memory.set, Color, &color, top_start_idx, @bitcast(tr.x)) @inline(memory.set, Color, &color, bottom_start_idx, @bitcast(tr.x)) top_start_idx += surface.width bottom_start_idx -= surface.width rows_to_fill -= 2 } if rows_to_fill == 1 { @inline(memory.set, Color, &color, top_start_idx, @bitcast(tr.x)) } return } ``` #### only_break_loop ```hb memory := @use("memory.hb") bar := fn(): int { loop if memory.inb(0x64) != 0 return 1 } foo := fn(): void { loop if (memory.inb(0x64) & 2) == 0 break memory.outb(0x60, 0x0) } main := fn(): int { @inline(foo) return @inline(bar) } // in module: memory.hb inb := fn(f: int): int return f outb := fn(f: int, g: int): void { } ``` #### reading_idk ```hb main := fn(): int { a := @as(int, idk) return a } ``` #### nonexistent_ident_import ```hb main := @use("foo.hb").main // in module: foo.hb foo := fn(): void { return } foo := fn(): void { return } main := @use("bar.hb").mian // in module: bar.hb main := fn(): void { return } ``` #### big_array_crash ```hb sin_table := .[0, 174, 348, 523, 697, 871, 1045, 1218, 1391, 1564, 1736, 1908, 2079, 2249, 2419, 2588, 2756, 2923, 3090, 3255, 3420, 3583, 3746, 3907, 4067, 4226, 4384, 4540, 4695, 4848, 5000, 5150, 5299, 5446, 5591, 5735, 5877, 6018, 6156, 6293, 6427, 6560, 6691, 6819, 6946, 7071, 7193, 7313, 7431, 7547, 7660, 7771, 7880, 7986, 8090, 8191, 8290, 8386, 8480, 8571, 8660, 8746, 8829, 8910, 8987, 9063, 9135, 9205, 9271, 9335, 9396, 9455, 9510, 9563, 9612, 9659, 9702, 9743, 9781, 9816, 9848, 9877, 9902, 9925, 9945, 9961, 9975, 9986, 9993, 9998, 10000] main := fn(): uint return sin_table[10] ``` #### returning_global_struct ```hb Color := struct {r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8} white := Color.(255, 255, 255, 255) random_color := fn(): Color { return white } main := fn(): uint { val := random_color() return @as(uint, val.r) + val.g + val.b + val.a } ``` #### small_struct_bitcast ```hb Color := struct {r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8} white := Color.(255, 255, 255, 255) u32_to_color := fn(v: u32): Color return @bitcast(u32_to_u32(@bitcast(v))) u32_to_u32 := fn(v: u32): u32 return v main := fn(): uint { return u32_to_color(@bitcast(white)).r } ``` #### small_struct_assignment ```hb Color := struct {r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8} white := Color.(255, 255, 255, 255) black := Color.(0, 0, 0, 0) main := fn(): uint { f := black f = white return f.a } ``` #### intcast_store ```hb SetMsg := packed struct {a: u8, count: u32, size: u32, src: ^u8, dest: ^u8} set := fn($Expr: type, src: ^Expr, dest: ^Expr, count: uint): u32 { l := SetMsg.(5, @intcast(count), @intcast(@sizeof(Expr)), @bitcast(src), @bitcast(dest)) return l.count } main := fn(): uint { return set(uint, &0, &0, 1024) } ``` #### string_flip ```hb U := struct {u: uint} main := fn(): uint { arr := @as([2 * 2]U, idk) i := 0 loop if i == 2 * 2 break else { arr[i] = .(i) i += 1 } i = 0 loop if i == 2 / 2 break else { j := 0 loop if j == 2 break else { a := i * 2 + j b := (2 - i - 1) * 2 + j tmp := arr[a] arr[a] = arr[b] arr[b] = tmp j += 1 } i += 1 } return arr[2].u } ``` #### memory_swap ```hb U := struct {u: uint, v: uint, g: uint} main := fn(): uint { a := decide(0) b := decide(1) c := a a = b b = c return b.u + a.u } decide := fn(u: uint): U return .(u, 0, 0) ``` #### wide_ret ```hb OemIdent := struct { dos_version: [8]u8, dos_version_name: [8]u8, } Stru := struct { a: u16, b: u16, } small_struct := fn(): Stru { return .{a: 0, b: 0} } maina := fn(major: uint, minor: uint): OemIdent { _f := small_struct() ver := u8.[0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0] return OemIdent.(ver, ver) } main := fn(): uint { m := maina(0, 0) return m.dos_version[3] - m.dos_version_name[4] } ``` #### comptime_min_reg_leak ```hb a := @use("math.hb").min(100, 50) main := fn(): uint { return a } // in module: math.hb sizeof_uint := 32 shift := sizeof_uint - 1 min := fn(a: uint, b: uint): uint { c := a - b return b + (c & c >> shift) } ``` #### different_types ```hb Color := struct { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8, } Point := struct { x: u32, y: u32, } Pixel := struct { color: Color, pouint: Point, } main := fn(): uint { pixel := Pixel.{ color: Color.{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255, }, pouint: Point.{ x: 0, y: 2, }, } soupan := 1 if *(&pixel.pouint.x + soupan) != 2 { return 0 } if *(&pixel.pouint.y - 1) != 0 { return 64 } return pixel.pouint.x + pixel.pouint.y + pixel.color.r + pixel.color.g + pixel.color.b + pixel.color.a } ``` #### struct_return_from_module_function ```hb bar := @use("bar.hb") main := fn(): uint { return 7 - bar.foo().x - bar.foo().y - bar.foo().z } // in module: bar.hb foo := fn(): Foo { return .{x: 3, y: 2, z: 2} } Foo := struct {x: uint, y: u32, z: u32} ``` #### sort_something_viredly ```hb main := fn(): uint { return sqrt(100) } sqrt := fn(x: uint): uint { temp := 0 g := 0 b := 32768 bshift := 15 loop if b == 0 { break } else { bshift -= 1 temp = b + (g << 1) temp <<= bshift if x >= temp { g += b x -= temp } b >>= 1 } return g } ``` #### struct_in_register ```hb ColorBGRA := struct {b: u8, g: u8, r: u8, a: u8} magenta := ColorBGRA.{b: 205, g: 0, r: 205, a: 255} main := fn(): uint { color := magenta return color.r } ``` #### comptime_function_from_another_file ```hb stn := @use("stn.hb") const_a := 100 const_b := 50 a := stn.math.min(const_a, const_b) main := fn(): uint { return a } // in module: stn.hb math := @use("math.hb") // in module: math.hb sizeof_uint := 32 shift := sizeof_uint - 1 min := fn(a: uint, b: uint): uint { c := a - b return b + (c & c >> shift) } ``` #### inline_test ```hb fna := fn(a: uint, b: uint, c: uint): uint return a + b + c scalar_values := fn(): uint { return @inline(fna, 1, @inline(fna, 2, 3, 4), -10) } A := struct {a: uint} AB := struct {a: A, b: uint} mangle := fn(a: A, ab: AB): uint { return a.a + ab.a.a - ab.b } structs := fn(): uint { return @inline(mangle, .(0), .(.(@inline(mangle, .(20), .(.(5), 5))), 20)) } main := fn(): uint { if scalar_values() != 0 return 1 if structs() != 0 return structs() return 0 } ``` #### inlined_generic_functions ```hb abs := fn($Expr: type, x: Expr): Expr { mask := x >> @bitcast(@sizeof(Expr) - 1) return (x ^ mask) - mask } main := fn(): int { return @inline(abs, int, -10) } ``` #### some_generic_code ```hb some_func := fn($Elem: type): void { return } main := fn(): void { some_func(u8) return } ``` #### integer_inference_issues ```hb .{integer_range} := @use("random.hb") main := fn(): void { a := integer_range(0, 1000) return } // in module: random.hb integer_range := fn(min: uint, max: uint): uint { return @eca(3, 4) % (@bitcast(max) - min + 1) + min } ``` #### signed_to_unsigned_upcast ```hb main := fn(): uint return @as(i32, 1) ``` #### writing_into_string ```hb outl := fn(): void { msg := "whahaha\0" _u := @as(u8, 0) return } inl := fn(): void { msg := "luhahah\0" return } main := fn(): void { outl() inl() return } ``` #### request_page ```hb request_page := fn(page_count: u8): ^u8 { msg := "\{00}\{01}xxxxxxxx\0".ptr msg_page_count := msg + 1; *msg_page_count = page_count return @eca(3, 2, msg, 12) } create_back_buffer := fn(total_pages: int): ^u32 { if total_pages <= 0xFF { return @bitcast(request_page(@intcast(total_pages))) } ptr := request_page(255) remaining := total_pages - 0xFF loop if remaining <= 0 break else { if remaining < 0xFF { _ = request_page(@intcast(remaining)) } else { _ = request_page(0xFF) } remaining -= 0xFF } return @bitcast(ptr) } main := fn(): void { _f := create_back_buffer(400) return } ``` #### tests_ptr_to_ptr_copy ```hb main := fn(): uint { back_buffer := @as([1024 * 10]u8, idk) n := 0 loop if n >= 1024 break else { back_buffer[n] = 64 n += 1 } n = 1 loop if n >= 10 break else { *(@as(^[1024]u8, @bitcast(&back_buffer)) + n) = *@bitcast(&back_buffer) n += 1 } return back_buffer[1024 * 2] } ``` #### global_variable_wiredness ```hb ports := false inb := fn(): uint return 0 main := fn(): void { if ports { ports = inb() == 0x0 } } ``` ### Just Testing Optimizations #### elide_stack_offsets_for_parameters_correctly ```hb A := struct { f: uint, s: B, } B := struct { a: uint, b: uint, } main := fn(): uint { a := A.(1, .(0, 0)) return pass(a.s) } pass := fn(s: B): uint return s.a + s.b ``` #### null_check_test ```hb get_ptr := fn(): ?^uint return null main := fn(): uint { ptr := get_ptr() if ptr == null { return 0 } loop if *ptr != 10 { *ptr += 1 } else break return *ptr } ``` #### const_folding_with_arg ```hb main := fn(arg: uint): uint { // reduces to 0 return arg + 0 - arg * 1 + arg + 1 + arg + 2 + arg + 3 - arg * 3 - 6 } ``` #### branch_assignments ```hb main := fn(arg: uint): uint { if arg == 1 { arg = 1 } else if arg == 0 { arg = 2 } else { arg = 3 } return arg } ``` #### exhaustive_loop_testing ```hb main := fn(): uint { loop break x := 0 loop { x += 1 break } if multiple_breaks(0) != 3 { return true } if multiple_breaks(4) != 10 { return 2 } if state_change_in_break(0) != 0 { return 3 } if state_change_in_break(4) != 10 { return 4 } if continue_and_state_change(10) != 10 { return 5 } if continue_and_state_change(3) != 0 { return 6 } infinite_loop() return 0 } infinite_loop := fn(): void { f := 0 loop { if f == 1 { f = 0 } else { f = 1 } f = continue_and_state_change(0) } } multiple_breaks := fn(arg: uint): uint { loop if arg < 10 { arg += 1 if arg == 3 break } else break return arg } state_change_in_break := fn(arg: uint): uint { loop if arg < 10 { if arg == 3 { arg = 0 break } arg += 1 } else break return arg } continue_and_state_change := fn(arg: uint): uint { loop if arg < 10 { if arg == 2 { arg = 4 continue } if arg == 3 { arg = 0 break } arg += 1 } else break return arg } ``` #### pointer_opts ```hb main := fn(): uint { mem := &0; *mem = 1; *mem = 2 b := *mem + *mem clobber(mem) b -= *mem return b } clobber := fn(cb: ^uint): void { *cb = 4 return } ``` #### conditional_stores ```hb main := fn(): uint { cnd := cond() mem := &1 if cnd == 0 { *mem = 0 } else { *mem = 2 } return *mem } cond := fn(): uint return 0 ``` #### loop_stores ```hb main := fn(): uint { mem := &10 loop if *mem == 0 break else { *mem -= 1 } return *mem } ``` #### dead_code_in_loop ```hb main := fn(): uint { n := 0 loop if n < 10 { if n < 10 break n += 1 } else break loop if n == 0 return n return 1 } ``` #### infinite_loop_after_peephole ```hb main := fn(): uint { n := 0 f := 0 loop if n != 0 break else { f += 1 } return f } ``` #### aliasing_overoptimization ```hb Foo := struct {ptr: ^uint, rnd: uint} main := fn(): uint { mem := &2 stru := Foo.(mem, 0); *stru.ptr = 0 return *mem } ``` #### global_aliasing_overptimization ```hb var := 0 main := fn(): uint { var = 2 clobber() return var } clobber := fn(): void { var = 0 } ``` #### overwrite_aliasing_overoptimization ```hb Foo := struct {a: int, b: int} Bar := struct {f: Foo, b: int} main := fn(): int { value := Bar.{b: 1, f: .(4, 1)} value.f = opaque() return value.f.a - value.f.b - value.b } opaque := fn(): Foo { return .(3, 2) } ``` #### more_if_opts ```hb main := fn(): uint { opq1 := opaque() opq2 := opaque() a := 0 if opq1 == null { } else a = *opq1 if opq1 != null a = *opq1 //if opq1 == null | opq2 == null { //} else a = *opq1 //if opq1 != null & opq2 != null a = *opq1 return a } opaque := fn(): ?^uint return null ```