use std::{cell::Cell, ops::Not, ptr::NonNull}; use crate::{ codegen::bt, ident::{self, Ident}, lexer::{Lexer, Token, TokenKind}, }; pub type Pos = u32; struct ScopeIdent<'a> { ident: Ident, declared: bool, last: &'a Cell, } pub struct Parser<'a, 'b> { path: &'a str, lexer: Lexer<'a>, arena: &'b Arena<'a>, token: Token, idents: Vec>, } impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(arena: &'b Arena<'a>) -> Self { let mut lexer = Lexer::new(""); let token =; Self { lexer, token, path: "", arena, idents: Vec::new(), } } pub fn file(&mut self, input: &'a str, path: &'a str) -> &'a [Expr<'a>] { self.path = path; self.lexer = Lexer::new(input); self.token =; let f = self.collect(|s| (s.token.kind != TokenKind::Eof).then(|| s.expr())); self.pop_scope(0); let has_undeclared = !self.idents.is_empty(); for id in self.idents.drain(..) { let (line, col) = self.lexer.line_col(ident::pos(id.ident)); eprintln!( "{}:{}:{} => undeclared identifier: {}", self.path, line, col, self.lexer.slice(ident::range(id.ident)) ); } if has_undeclared { unreachable!(); } f } fn next(&mut self) -> Token { std::mem::replace(&mut self.token, } fn ptr_expr(&mut self) -> &'a Expr<'a> { self.arena.alloc(self.expr()) } fn expr(&mut self) -> Expr<'a> { let left = self.unit_expr(); self.bin_expr(left, 0) } fn bin_expr(&mut self, mut left: Expr<'a>, min_prec: u8) -> Expr<'a> { loop { let Some(prec) = self.token.kind.precedence() else { break; }; if prec <= min_prec { break; } let op =; let right = self.unit_expr(); let right = self.bin_expr(right, prec); left = Expr::BinOp { left: self.arena.alloc(left), right: self.arena.alloc(right), op, }; } left } fn try_resolve_builtin(name: &str) -> Option { // FIXME: we actually do this the second time in the codegen Some(match name { "int" | "i64" => bt::INT, "i8" => bt::I8, "i16" => bt::I16, "i32" => bt::I32, "u8" => bt::U8, "u16" => bt::U16, "uint" | "u32" => bt::U32, "bool" => bt::BOOL, "void" => bt::VOID, "never" => bt::NEVER, _ => return None, }) } fn resolve_ident(&mut self, token: Token, decl: bool) -> (Ident, Option<&'a Cell>) { let name = self.lexer.slice(token.range()); if let Some(builtin) = Self::try_resolve_builtin(name) { return (builtin, None); } let last = self.arena.alloc(Cell::new(false)); let id = match self .idents .iter_mut() .rfind(|elem| self.lexer.slice(ident::range(elem.ident)) == name) { Some(elem) if decl && elem.declared => {!("redeclaration of identifier: {name}")) } Some(elem) => elem, None => { let id = ident::new(token.start, name.len() as _); self.idents.push(ScopeIdent { ident: id, declared: false, last, }); self.idents.last_mut().unwrap() } }; id.last = last; id.declared |= decl; (id.ident, Some(last)) } fn unit_expr(&mut self) -> Expr<'a> { use {Expr as E, TokenKind as T}; let frame = self.idents.len(); let token =; let mut expr = match token.kind { T::Driective => E::Directive { pos: token.start, name: self.lexer.slice(token.range()), args: { self.expect_advance(T::LParen); self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RParen, Self::expr) }, }, T::True => E::Bool { pos: token.start, value: true, }, T::Struct => E::Struct { pos: token.start, fields: { self.expect_advance(T::LBrace); self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RBrace, |s| { let name = s.expect_advance(T::Ident); s.expect_advance(T::Colon); let ty = s.expr(); (s.lexer.slice(name.range()), ty) }) }, }, T::Ident => { let (id, last) = self.resolve_ident(token, self.token.kind == T::Decl); let name = self.lexer.slice(token.range()); E::Ident { name, id, last } } T::If => E::If { pos: token.start, cond: self.ptr_expr(), then: self.ptr_expr(), else_: self.advance_if(T::Else).then(|| self.ptr_expr()), }, T::Loop => E::Loop { pos: token.start, body: self.ptr_expr(), }, T::Break => E::Break { pos: token.start }, T::Continue => E::Continue { pos: token.start }, T::Return => E::Return { pos: token.start, val: (self.token.kind != T::Semi).then(|| self.ptr_expr()), }, T::Fn => E::Closure { pos: token.start, args: { self.expect_advance(T::LParen); self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RParen, |s| { let name = s.expect_advance(T::Ident); let (id, last) = s.resolve_ident(name, true); s.expect_advance(T::Colon); Arg { name: s.lexer.slice(name.range()), id, last, ty: s.expr(), } }) }, ret: { self.expect_advance(T::Colon); self.ptr_expr() }, body: self.ptr_expr(), }, T::Amp | T::Star => E::UnOp { pos: token.start, op: token.kind, val: self.ptr_unit_expr(), }, T::LBrace => E::Block { pos: token.start, stmts: self.collect_list(T::Semi, T::RBrace, Self::expr), }, T::Number => E::Number { pos: token.start, value: match self.lexer.slice(token.range()).parse() { Ok(value) => value, Err(e) =>!("invalid number: {e}")), }, }, T::LParen => { let expr = self.expr(); self.expect_advance(T::RParen); expr } tok =>!("unexpected token: {tok:?}")), }; loop { let token = self.token; if matches!(token.kind, T::LParen | T::Ctor | T::Dot | T::Tupl) {; } expr = match token.kind { T::LParen => Expr::Call { func: self.arena.alloc(expr), args: self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RParen, Self::expr), }, T::Ctor => E::Ctor { pos: token.start, ty: Some(self.arena.alloc(expr)), fields: self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RBrace, |s| { let name = s.expect_advance(T::Ident); s.expect_advance(T::Colon); let val = s.expr(); (Some(s.lexer.slice(name.range())), val) }), }, T::Tupl => E::Ctor { pos: token.start, ty: Some(self.arena.alloc(expr)), fields: self.collect_list(T::Comma, T::RParen, |s| (None, s.expr())), }, T::Dot => E::Field { target: self.arena.alloc(expr), field: { let token = self.expect_advance(T::Ident); self.lexer.slice(token.range()) }, }, _ => break, } } if matches!(token.kind, T::Return) { self.expect_advance(T::Semi); } if matches!(token.kind, T::Loop | T::LBrace | T::Fn) { self.pop_scope(frame); } expr } fn pop_scope(&mut self, frame: usize) { let mut undeclared_count = frame; for i in frame..self.idents.len() { if !self.idents[i].declared { self.idents.swap(i, undeclared_count); undeclared_count += 1; } } for id in self.idents.drain(undeclared_count..) { id.last.set(true); } } fn ptr_unit_expr(&mut self) -> &'a Expr<'a> { self.arena.alloc(self.unit_expr()) } fn collect_list( &mut self, delim: TokenKind, end: TokenKind, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self) -> T, ) -> &'a [T] { self.collect(|s| { s.advance_if(end).not().then(|| { let val = f(s); s.advance_if(delim); val }) }) } fn collect(&mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(&mut Self) -> Option) -> &'a [T] { let vec = std::iter::from_fn(|| f(self)).collect::>(); self.arena.alloc_slice(&vec) } fn advance_if(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> bool { if self.token.kind == kind {; true } else { false } } fn expect_advance(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> Token { if self.token.kind != kind {!( "expected {:?}, found {:?}", kind, self.token.kind )); } } fn report(&self, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) -> ! { let (line, col) = self.lexer.line_col(self.token.start); eprintln!("{}:{}:{} => {}", self.path, line, col, msg); unreachable!(); } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Arg<'a> { pub name: &'a str, pub id: Ident, pub last: Option<&'a Cell>, pub ty: Expr<'a>, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Expr<'a> { Break { pos: Pos, }, Continue { pos: Pos, }, Closure { pos: Pos, args: &'a [Arg<'a>], ret: &'a Self, body: &'a Self, }, Call { func: &'a Self, args: &'a [Self], }, Return { pos: Pos, val: Option<&'a Self>, }, Ident { name: &'a str, id: Ident, last: Option<&'a Cell>, }, Block { pos: Pos, stmts: &'a [Self], }, Number { pos: Pos, value: u64, }, BinOp { left: &'a Self, op: TokenKind, right: &'a Self, }, If { pos: Pos, cond: &'a Self, then: &'a Self, else_: Option<&'a Self>, }, Loop { pos: Pos, body: &'a Self, }, UnOp { pos: Pos, op: TokenKind, val: &'a Self, }, Struct { pos: Pos, fields: &'a [(&'a str, Self)], }, Ctor { pos: Pos, ty: Option<&'a Self>, fields: &'a [(Option<&'a str>, Self)], }, Field { target: &'a Self, field: &'a str, }, Bool { pos: Pos, value: bool, }, Directive { pos: u32, name: &'a str, args: &'a [Self], }, } impl<'a> Expr<'a> { pub fn pos(&self) -> Pos { match self { Self::Call { func, .. } => func.pos(), Self::Ident { id, .. } => ident::pos(*id), Self::Break { pos } | Self::Directive { pos, .. } | Self::Continue { pos } | Self::Closure { pos, .. } | Self::Block { pos, .. } | Self::Number { pos, .. } | Self::Return { pos, .. } | Self::If { pos, .. } | Self::Loop { pos, .. } | Self::UnOp { pos, .. } | Self::Struct { pos, .. } | Self::Ctor { pos, .. } | Self::Bool { pos, .. } => *pos, Self::BinOp { left, .. } => left.pos(), Self::Field { target, .. } => target.pos(), } } } impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Expr<'a> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { thread_local! { static INDENT: Cell = Cell::new(0); } fn fmt_list<'a, T>( f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter, end: &str, list: &'a [T], fmt: impl Fn(&T, &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result, ) -> std::fmt::Result { let first = &mut true; for expr in list { if !std::mem::take(first) { write!(f, ", ")?; } fmt(expr, f)?; } write!(f, "{end}") } match *self { Self::Field { target, field } => write!(f, "{target}.{field}"), Self::Directive { name, args, .. } => { write!(f, "@{name}(")?; fmt_list(f, ")", args, std::fmt::Display::fmt) } Self::Struct { fields, .. } => { write!(f, "struct {{")?; fmt_list(f, "}", fields, |(name, val), f| write!(f, "{name}: {val}",)) } Self::Ctor { ty, fields, .. } => { let (left, rith) = if fields.iter().any(|(name, _)| name.is_some()) { ('{', '}') } else { ('(', ')') }; if let Some(ty) = ty { write!(f, "{ty}")?; } write!(f, ".{left}")?; let first = &mut true; for (name, val) in fields { if !std::mem::take(first) { write!(f, ", ")?; } if let Some(name) = name { write!(f, "{name}: ")?; } write!(f, "{val}")?; } write!(f, "{rith}") } Self::UnOp { op, val, .. } => write!(f, "{op}{val}"), Self::Break { .. } => write!(f, "break;"), Self::Continue { .. } => write!(f, "continue;"), Self::If { cond, then, else_, .. } => { write!(f, "if {cond} {then}")?; if let Some(else_) = else_ { write!(f, " else {else_}")?; } Ok(()) } Self::Loop { body, .. } => write!(f, "loop {body}"), Self::Closure { ret, body, args, .. } => { write!(f, "fn(")?; fmt_list(f, "", args, |arg, f| write!(f, "{}: {}",, arg.ty))?; write!(f, "): {ret} {body}") } Self::Call { func, args } => { write!(f, "{func}(")?; fmt_list(f, ")", args, std::fmt::Display::fmt) } Self::Return { val: Some(val), .. } => write!(f, "return {val};"), Self::Return { val: None, .. } => write!(f, "return;"), Self::Ident { name, .. } => write!(f, "{name}"), Self::Block { stmts, .. } => { writeln!(f, "{{")?; INDENT.with(|i| i.set(i.get() + 1)); let res = (|| { for stmt in stmts { for _ in 0..INDENT.with(|i| i.get()) { write!(f, " ")?; } writeln!(f, "{stmt}")?; } Ok(()) })(); INDENT.with(|i| i.set(i.get() - 1)); write!(f, "}}")?; res } Self::Number { value, .. } => write!(f, "{value}"), Self::Bool { value, .. } => write!(f, "{value}"), Self::BinOp { left, right, op } => { let display_branch = |f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter, expr: &Self| { if let Self::BinOp { op: lop, .. } = expr && op.precedence() > lop.precedence() { write!(f, "({expr})") } else { write!(f, "{expr}") } }; display_branch(f, left)?; write!(f, " {op} ")?; display_branch(f, right) } } } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct Arena<'a> { chunk: Cell, ph: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a ()>, } impl<'a> Arena<'a> { pub fn alloc_str(&self, token: &str) -> &'a str { let ptr = self.alloc_slice(token.as_bytes()); unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked_mut(ptr) } } pub fn alloc(&self, value: T) -> &'a mut T { let layout = std::alloc::Layout::new::(); let ptr = self.alloc_low(layout); unsafe { ptr.cast::().write(value) }; unsafe { ptr.cast::().as_mut() } } pub fn alloc_slice(&self, slice: &[T]) -> &'a mut [T] { let layout = std::alloc::Layout::array::(slice.len()).unwrap(); let ptr = self.alloc_low(layout); unsafe { ptr.as_ptr() .cast::() .copy_from_nonoverlapping(slice.as_ptr(), slice.len()) }; unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.as_ptr() as _, slice.len()) } } pub fn clear(&mut self) { let chunk = self.chunk.get_mut(); if chunk.base.is_null() { return; } loop { let prev = ArenaChunk::prev(chunk.base); if prev.is_null() { break; } chunk.base = prev; } chunk.end = unsafe { chunk.base.add(ArenaChunk::PREV_OFFSET) }; } fn with_chunk(&self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut ArenaChunk) -> R) -> R { let mut chunk = self.chunk.get(); let r = f(&mut chunk); self.chunk.set(chunk); r } fn alloc_low(&self, layout: std::alloc::Layout) -> NonNull { assert!(layout.align() <= ArenaChunk::ALIGN); assert!(layout.size() <= ArenaChunk::CHUNK_SIZE); self.with_chunk(|chunk| { if let Some(ptr) = chunk.alloc(layout) { return ptr; } if let Some(prev) = ArenaChunk::reset(ArenaChunk::prev(chunk.base)) { *chunk = prev; } else { *chunk = ArenaChunk::new(chunk.base); } chunk.alloc(layout).unwrap() }) } } impl<'a> Drop for Arena<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { use ArenaChunk as AC; let mut current = self.chunk.get().base; let mut prev = AC::prev(current); while !prev.is_null() { let next = AC::next(prev); unsafe { std::alloc::dealloc(prev, AC::LAYOUT) }; prev = next; } while !current.is_null() { let next = AC::next(current); unsafe { std::alloc::dealloc(current, AC::LAYOUT) }; current = next; } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct ArenaChunk { base: *mut u8, end: *mut u8, } impl Default for ArenaChunk { fn default() -> Self { Self { base: std::ptr::null_mut(), end: std::ptr::null_mut(), } } } impl ArenaChunk { const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 1 << 16; const ALIGN: usize = std::mem::align_of::(); const NEXT_OFFSET: usize = Self::CHUNK_SIZE - std::mem::size_of::<*mut u8>(); const PREV_OFFSET: usize = Self::NEXT_OFFSET - std::mem::size_of::<*mut u8>(); const LAYOUT: std::alloc::Layout = unsafe { std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(Self::CHUNK_SIZE, Self::ALIGN) }; fn new(next: *mut u8) -> Self { let base = unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(Self::LAYOUT) }; let end = unsafe { base.add(Self::PREV_OFFSET) }; if !next.is_null() { Self::set_prev(next, base); } Self::set_next(base, next); Self::set_prev(base, std::ptr::null_mut()); Self { base, end } } fn set_next(curr: *mut u8, next: *mut u8) { unsafe { std::ptr::write(curr.add(Self::NEXT_OFFSET) as *mut _, next) }; } fn set_prev(curr: *mut u8, prev: *mut u8) { unsafe { std::ptr::write(curr.add(Self::PREV_OFFSET) as *mut _, prev) }; } fn next(curr: *mut u8) -> *mut u8 { unsafe { std::ptr::read(curr.add(Self::NEXT_OFFSET) as *mut _) } } fn prev(curr: *mut u8) -> *mut u8 { if curr.is_null() { return std::ptr::null_mut(); } unsafe { std::ptr::read(curr.add(Self::PREV_OFFSET) as *mut _) } } fn reset(prev: *mut u8) -> Option { if prev.is_null() { return None; } Some(Self { base: prev, end: unsafe { prev.add(Self::CHUNK_SIZE) }, }) } fn alloc(&mut self, layout: std::alloc::Layout) -> Option> { let padding = self.end as usize - (self.end as usize & !(layout.align() - 1)); let size = layout.size() + padding; if size > self.end as usize - self.base as usize { return None; } unsafe { self.end = self.end.sub(size) }; unsafe { Some(NonNull::new_unchecked(self.end)) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { fn parse(input: &'static str, output: &mut String) { use std::fmt::Write; let mut arena = super::Arena::default(); let mut parser = super::Parser::new(&arena); for expr in parser.file(input, "test") { writeln!(output, "{}", expr).unwrap(); } arena.clear(); } crate::run_tests! { parse: example => include_str!("../examples/main_fn.hb"); arithmetic => include_str!("../examples/arithmetic.hb"); } }