/* HoleyBytes Bytecode representation in C * Requires C23 compiler or better * * Uses MSVC pack pragma extension, * proved to work with Clang and GNU® GCC™. */ #pragma once #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdint.h> static_assert(CHAR_BIT == 8, "Cursed architectures are not supported"); enum hbbc_Opcode: uint8_t { hbbc_Op_UN , hbbc_Op_TX , hbbc_Op_NOP , hbbc_Op_ADD , hbbc_Op_SUB , hbbc_Op_MUL , hbbc_Op_AND , hbbc_Op_OR , hbbc_Op_XOR , hbbc_Op_SL , hbbc_Op_SR , hbbc_Op_SRS , hbbc_Op_CMP , hbbc_Op_CMPU , hbbc_Op_DIR , hbbc_Op_NEG , hbbc_Op_NOT , hbbc_Op_ADDI , hbbc_Op_MULI , hbbc_Op_ANDI , hbbc_Op_ORI , hbbc_Op_XORI , hbbc_Op_SLI , hbbc_Op_SRI , hbbc_Op_SRSI , hbbc_Op_CMPI , hbbc_Op_CMPUI , hbbc_Op_CP , hbbc_Op_SWA , hbbc_Op_LI , hhbc_Op_LRA , hbbc_Op_LD , hbbc_Op_ST , hbbc_Op_LDR , hhbc_Op_STR , hbbc_Op_BMC , hbbc_Op_BRC , hbbc_Op_JMP , hbbc_Op_JMPR , hbbc_Op_JAL , hbbc_Op_JALR , hbbc_Op_JEQ , hbbc_Op_JNE , hbbc_Op_JLT , hbbc_Op_JGT , hbbc_Op_JLTU , hbbc_Op_JGTU , hbbc_Op_ECALL , hbbc_Op_ADDF , hbbc_Op_SUBF , hbbc_Op_MULF , hbbc_Op_DIRF , hbbc_Op_FMAF , hbbc_Op_NEGF , hbbc_Op_ITF , hbbc_Op_FTI , hbbc_Op_ADDFI , hbbc_Op_MULFI , } typedef hbbc_Opcode; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_Opcode) == 1); #pragma pack(push, 1) struct hbbc_ParamBBBB { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint8_t _2; uint8_t _3; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBBB; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBBB) == 32 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBBB { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint8_t _2; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBB; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBB) == 24 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBBDH { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint64_t _2; uint16_t _3; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBDH; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBDH) == 96 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBBWH { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint32_t _2; uint16_t _3; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBWH; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBWH) == 64 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBBD { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint64_t _2; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBD; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBD) == 80 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBBW { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; uint32_t _2; } typedef hbbc_ParamBBW; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBBW) == 48 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBB { uint8_t _0; uint8_t _1; } typedef hbbc_ParamBB; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBB) == 16 / 8); struct hbbc_ParamBD { uint8_t _0; uint64_t _1; } typedef hbbc_ParamBD; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamBD) == 72 / 8); typedef uint64_t hbbc_ParamD; static_assert(sizeof(hbbc_ParamD) == 64 / 8); #pragma pack(pop)