80 lines
2 KiB
80 lines
2 KiB
//! HoleyBytes register value definition
use sealed::sealed;
/// Define [`Value`] union
/// # Safety
/// Union variants have to be sound to byte-reinterpretate
/// between each other. Otherwise the behaviour is undefined.
macro_rules! value_def {
($($ty:ident),* $(,)?) => {
/// HBVM register value
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub union Value {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($ty), " type")]
pub $ty: $ty
impl From<$ty> for Value {
fn from(value: $ty) -> Self {
Self { $ty: value }
unsafe impl ValueVariant for $ty {}
impl Value {
/// Byte reinterpret value to target variant
pub fn cast<V: ValueVariant>(self) -> V {
/// Evil.
/// Transmute cannot be performed with generic type
/// as size is unknown, so union is used.
/// # Safety
/// If [`ValueVariant`] implemented correctly, it's fine :)
/// :ferrisClueless:
union Transmute<Variant: ValueVariant> {
/// Self
src: Value,
/// Target variant
variant: Variant,
unsafe { Transmute { src: self }.variant }
/// # Safety
/// - N/A, not to be implemented manually
pub unsafe trait ValueVariant: Copy + Into<Value> {}
value_def!(u64, i64, f64);
static_assertions::const_assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<Value>(), 8);
impl core::fmt::Debug for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
// Print formatted as hexadecimal, unsigned integer
write!(f, "{:x}", self.cast::<u64>())