186 lines
5.5 KiB
186 lines
5.5 KiB
use core::convert::TryFrom;
type OpR = u8;
type OpA = u64;
type OpO = i32;
type OpP = i16;
type OpB = u8;
type OpH = u16;
type OpW = u32;
type OpD = u64;
/// # Safety
/// Has to be valid to be decoded from bytecode.
pub unsafe trait BytecodeItem {}
macro_rules! define_items {
($($name:ident ($($nm:ident: $item:ident),* $(,)?)),* $(,)?) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct $name($(pub $item),*);
unsafe impl BytecodeItem for $name {}
impl Encodable for $name {
fn encode(self, _buffer: &mut impl Buffer) {
let Self($($nm),*) = self;
for byte in $nm.to_le_bytes() {
unsafe { _buffer.write(byte) };
fn encode_len(self) -> usize {
define_items! {
OpsRR (a: OpR, b: OpR ),
OpsRRR (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpR ),
OpsRRRR (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpR, d: OpR),
OpsRRB (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpB ),
OpsRRH (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpH ),
OpsRRW (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpW ),
OpsRRD (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpD ),
OpsRB (a: OpR, b: OpB ),
OpsRH (a: OpR, b: OpH ),
OpsRW (a: OpR, b: OpW ),
OpsRD (a: OpR, b: OpD ),
OpsRRA (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpA ),
OpsRRAH (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpA, d: OpH),
OpsRROH (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpO, d: OpH),
OpsRRPH (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpP, d: OpH),
OpsRRO (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpO ),
OpsRRP (a: OpR, b: OpR, c: OpP ),
OpsO (a: OpO, ),
OpsP (a: OpP, ),
OpsN ( ),
unsafe impl BytecodeItem for u8 {}
::with_builtin_macros::with_builtin! {
let $spec = include_from_root!("instructions.in") in {
/// Invoke macro with bytecode definition
/// # Format
/// ```text
/// Opcode, Mnemonic, Type, Docstring;
/// ```
/// # Type
/// ```text
/// Types consist of letters meaning a single field
/// | Type | Size (B) | Meaning |
/// fn():------------------------|
/// | N | 0 | Empty |
/// | R | 1 | Register |
/// | A | 8 | Absolute address |
/// | O | 4 | Relative address offset |
/// | P | 2 | Relative address offset |
/// | B | 1 | Immediate |
/// | H | 2 | Immediate |
/// | W | 4 | Immediate |
/// | D | 8 | Immediate |
/// ```
macro_rules! invoke_with_def {
($($macro:tt)*) => {
$($macro)*! { $spec }
pub trait Buffer {
fn reserve(&mut self, bytes: usize);
/// # Safety
/// Reserve needs to be called before this function, and only reserved amount can be written.
unsafe fn write(&mut self, byte: u8);
pub trait Encodable {
fn encode(self, buffer: &mut impl Buffer);
fn encode_len(self) -> usize;
macro_rules! gen_opcodes {
($($opcode:expr, $mnemonic:ident, $ty:ident, $doc:literal;)*) => {
pub mod opcode {
#[doc = $doc]
pub const $mnemonic: u8 = $opcode;
paste::paste! {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Op { $(
[< $mnemonic:lower:camel >](super::[<Ops $ty>]),
)* }
impl Op {
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
(match self {
$(Self::[<$mnemonic:lower:camel>] { .. } => core::mem::size_of::<super::[<Ops $ty>]>(),)*
}) + 1
impl crate::Encodable for Op {
fn encode(self, buffer: &mut impl crate::Buffer) {
match self {
Self::[< $mnemonic:lower:camel >](op) => {
unsafe { buffer.write($opcode) };
fn encode_len(self) -> usize {
match self {
Self::[< $mnemonic:lower:camel >](op) => {
1 + crate::Encodable::encode_len(op)
/// Rounding mode
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum RoundingMode {
NearestEven = 0,
Truncate = 1,
Up = 2,
Down = 3,
impl TryFrom<u8> for RoundingMode {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
(value <= 3)
.then(|| unsafe { core::mem::transmute(value) })