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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

use crate::cast::As;
use core::cmp::{Ordering, PartialOrd};
use core::default::Default;
use core::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter};
use core::ops::Not;
//{{{ QrResult
/// `QrError` encodes the error encountered when generating a QR code.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum QrError {
/// The data is too long to encode into a QR code for the given version.
/// The provided version / error correction level combination is invalid.
/// Some characters in the data cannot be supported by the provided QR code
/// version.
/// The provided ECI designator is invalid. A valid designator should be
/// between 0 and 999999.
/// A character not belonging to the character set is found.
impl Display for QrError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> {
let msg = match *self {
QrError::DataTooLong => "data too long",
QrError::InvalidVersion => "invalid version",
QrError::UnsupportedCharacterSet => "unsupported character set",
QrError::InvalidEciDesignator => "invalid ECI designator",
QrError::InvalidCharacter => "invalid character",
/// `QrResult` is a convenient alias for a QR code generation result.
pub type QrResult<T> = Result<T, QrError>;
//{{{ Color
/// The color of a module.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Color {
/// The module is light colored.
/// The module is dark colored.
impl Color {
/// Selects a value according to color of the module. Equivalent to
/// `if self != Color::Light { dark } else { light }`.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// # use qrcode::types::Color;
/// assert_eq!(Color::Light.select(1, 0), 0);
/// assert_eq!(Color::Dark.select("black", "white"), "black");
/// ```
pub fn select<T>(self, dark: T, light: T) -> T {
match self {
Color::Light => light,
Color::Dark => dark,
impl Not for Color {
type Output = Self;
fn not(self) -> Self {
match self {
Color::Light => Color::Dark,
Color::Dark => Color::Light,
//{{{ Error correction level
/// The error correction level. It allows the original information be recovered
/// even if parts of the code is damaged.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum EcLevel {
/// Low error correction. Allows up to 7% of wrong blocks.
L = 0,
/// Medium error correction (default). Allows up to 15% of wrong blocks.
M = 1,
/// "Quartile" error correction. Allows up to 25% of wrong blocks.
Q = 2,
/// High error correction. Allows up to 30% of wrong blocks.
H = 3,
//{{{ Version
/// In QR code terminology, `Version` means the size of the generated image.
/// Larger version means the size of code is larger, and therefore can carry
/// more information.
/// The smallest version is `Version::Normal(1)` of size 21×21, and the largest
/// is `Version::Normal(40)` of size 177×177.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Version {
/// A normal QR code version. The parameter should be between 1 and 40.
/// A Micro QR code version. The parameter should be between 1 and 4.
impl Version {
/// Get the number of "modules" on each size of the QR code, i.e. the width
/// and height of the code.
pub fn width(self) -> i16 {
match self {
Version::Normal(v) => v * 4 + 17,
Version::Micro(v) => v * 2 + 9,
/// Obtains an object from a hard-coded table.
/// The table must be a 44×4 array. The outer array represents the content
/// for each version. The first 40 entry corresponds to QR code versions 1
/// to 40, and the last 4 corresponds to Micro QR code version 1 to 4. The
/// inner array represents the content in each error correction level, in
/// the order [L, M, Q, H].
/// # Errors
/// If the entry compares equal to the default value of `T`, this method
/// returns `Err(QrError::InvalidVersion)`.
pub fn fetch<T>(self, ec_level: EcLevel, table: &[[T; 4]]) -> QrResult<T>
T: PartialEq + Default + Copy,
match self {
Version::Normal(v @ 1..=40) => {
return Ok(table[(v - 1).as_usize()][ec_level as usize]);
Version::Micro(v @ 1..=4) => {
let obj = table[(v + 39).as_usize()][ec_level as usize];
if obj != T::default() {
return Ok(obj);
_ => {}
/// The number of bits needed to encode the mode indicator.
pub fn mode_bits_count(self) -> usize {
match self {
Version::Micro(a) => (a - 1).as_usize(),
_ => 4,
/// Checks whether is version refers to a Micro QR code.
pub fn is_micro(self) -> bool {
match self {
Version::Normal(_) => false,
Version::Micro(_) => true,
//{{{ Mode indicator
/// The mode indicator, which specifies the character set of the encoded data.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Mode {
/// The data contains only characters 0 to 9.
/// The data contains only uppercase letters (AZ), numbers (09) and a few
/// punctuations marks (space, `$`, `%`, `*`, `+`, `-`, `.`, `/`, `:`).
/// The data contains arbitrary binary data.
/// The data contains Shift-JIS-encoded double-byte text.
impl Mode {
/// Computes the number of bits needed to encode the data length.
/// use qrcode::types::{Version, Mode};
/// assert_eq!(Mode::Numeric.length_bits_count(Version::Normal(1)), 10);
/// This method will return `Err(QrError::UnsupportedCharacterSet)` if the
/// mode is not supported in the given version.
pub fn length_bits_count(self, version: Version) -> usize {
match version {
Version::Micro(a) => {
let a = a.as_usize();
match self {
Mode::Numeric => 2 + a,
Mode::Alphanumeric | Mode::Byte => 1 + a,
Mode::Kanji => a,
Version::Normal(1..=9) => match self {
Mode::Numeric => 10,
Mode::Alphanumeric => 9,
Mode::Byte | Mode::Kanji => 8,
Version::Normal(10..=26) => match self {
Mode::Numeric => 12,
Mode::Alphanumeric => 11,
Mode::Byte => 16,
Mode::Kanji => 10,
Version::Normal(_) => match self {
Mode::Numeric => 14,
Mode::Alphanumeric => 13,
Mode::Byte => 16,
Mode::Kanji => 12,
/// Computes the number of bits needed to some data of a given raw length.
/// use qrcode::types::Mode;
/// assert_eq!(Mode::Numeric.data_bits_count(7), 24);
/// Note that in Kanji mode, the `raw_data_len` is the number of Kanjis,
/// i.e. half the total size of bytes.
pub fn data_bits_count(self, raw_data_len: usize) -> usize {
match self {
Mode::Numeric => (raw_data_len * 10 + 2) / 3,
Mode::Alphanumeric => (raw_data_len * 11 + 1) / 2,
Mode::Byte => raw_data_len * 8,
Mode::Kanji => raw_data_len * 13,
/// Find the lowest common mode which both modes are compatible with.
/// use qrcode::types::Mode;
/// let a = Mode::Numeric;
/// let b = Mode::Kanji;
/// let c = a.max(b);
/// assert!(a <= c);
/// assert!(b <= c);
pub fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self {
match self.partial_cmp(&other) {
Some(Ordering::Less) | Some(Ordering::Equal) => other,
Some(Ordering::Greater) => self,
None => Mode::Byte,
impl PartialOrd for Mode {
/// Defines a partial ordering between modes. If `a <= b`, then `b` contains
/// a superset of all characters supported by `a`.
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
match (*self, *other) {
(Mode::Numeric, Mode::Alphanumeric)
| (Mode::Numeric, Mode::Byte)
| (Mode::Alphanumeric, Mode::Byte)
| (Mode::Kanji, Mode::Byte) => Some(Ordering::Less),
(Mode::Alphanumeric, Mode::Numeric)
| (Mode::Byte, Mode::Numeric)
| (Mode::Byte, Mode::Alphanumeric)
| (Mode::Byte, Mode::Kanji) => Some(Ordering::Greater),
(a, b) if a == b => Some(Ordering::Equal),
_ => None,
mod mode_tests {
use crate::types::Mode::{Alphanumeric, Byte, Kanji, Numeric};
fn test_mode_order() {
assert!(Numeric < Alphanumeric);
assert!(Byte > Kanji);
assert!(!(Numeric < Kanji));
assert!(!(Numeric >= Kanji));
fn test_max() {
assert_eq!(Byte.max(Kanji), Byte);
assert_eq!(Numeric.max(Alphanumeric), Alphanumeric);
assert_eq!(Alphanumeric.max(Alphanumeric), Alphanumeric);
assert_eq!(Numeric.max(Kanji), Byte);
assert_eq!(Kanji.max(Numeric), Byte);
assert_eq!(Alphanumeric.max(Numeric), Alphanumeric);
assert_eq!(Kanji.max(Kanji), Kanji);