Added tests, Bugfix

- Originally, it spanned from operator (bug)
This commit is contained in:
Erin 2021-06-07 22:58:28 +02:00 committed by ondra05
parent 1f78cb0ee1
commit 8bd61a4a65

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@ -134,7 +134,10 @@ impl<'source> Parser<'source> {
/// Expressions do not have any side effects and the are
/// only mathematial and logical operations or values.
fn parse_expr(&mut self, token: Token, buf: &mut Option<Expr>) -> Result<Expr, Error> {
let start = self.lexer.span().start;
let start = match buf {
Some(e) => e.span.start,
None => self.lexer.span().start,
match token {
// Values
@ -390,3 +393,110 @@ impl<'source> Parser<'source> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn simple_math() {
let code = r#"1 * (a + 3) / 666 print;"#;
let expected = &[Stmt {
kind: StmtKind::Print(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::BinOp {
lhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::BinOp {
lhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Int(1)),
span: 0..1,
rhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::BinOp {
lhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Variable("a".to_string()),
span: 5..6,
rhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Int(3)),
span: 9..10,
kind: BinOpKind::Add,
span: 5..10,
kind: BinOpKind::Multiply,
span: 0..11,
rhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Int(666)),
span: 14..17,
kind: BinOpKind::Divide,
span: 0..17,
span: 0..24,
let ast = Parser::new(code).init().unwrap();
assert_eq!(ast, expected);
fn variable_declaration() {
let code = r#"var a = 42;"#;
let expected = &[Stmt {
kind: StmtKind::Var {
iden: Iden {
iden: "a".to_string(),
span: 4..5,
init: Some(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Int(42)),
span: 8..10,
span: 0..11,
let ast = Parser::new(code).init().unwrap();
assert_eq!(ast, expected);
fn if_flow() {
let code = r#"if (a == always) { "Buy Able products!" print; }"#;
let expected = &[Stmt {
kind: StmtKind::If {
cond: Expr {
kind: ExprKind::BinOp {
lhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Variable("a".to_owned()),
span: 4..5,
rhs: Box::new(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Abool(crate::variables::Abool::Always)),
span: 9..15,
kind: BinOpKind::Equal,
span: 4..15,
body: Block {
block: vec![Stmt {
kind: StmtKind::Print(Expr {
kind: ExprKind::Literal(Value::Str("Buy Able products!".to_string())),
span: 19..39,
span: 19..46,
span: 0..48,
let ast = Parser::new(code).init().unwrap();
assert_eq!(ast, expected);