use logos::{Lexer, Logos}; use crate::variables::Abool; #[derive(Logos, Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum Token { // Literals /// True, False #[regex("true|false", get_bool)] Boolean(bool), /// Always, Sometimes, Never #[regex("always|sometimes|never", get_abool)] Aboolean(Abool), /// String #[regex("\"(\\.|[^\"])*\"", get_string)] String(String), /// Integer #[regex(r"[0-9]+", get_int)] Integer(i32), /// A C-complaint identifier #[regex(r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*", get_iden)] Identifier(String), #[token("(")] LeftParenthesis, #[token(")")] RightParenthesis, #[token("[")] LeftBracket, #[token("]")] RightBracket, #[token("{")] LeftBrace, #[token("}")] RightBrace, #[token(";")] Semicolon, #[token(".")] FullStop, #[token(",")] Comma, #[regex(r"#.*")] Comment, // Operators #[token("-")] Subtract, #[token("+")] Addition, #[token("*")] Multiply, #[token("/")] Divide, #[token("=")] Assignment, // Logical operators #[token("<")] OpLt, #[token(">")] OpGt, #[token("==")] OpEq, #[token("!=")] OpNeq, /// Base52 based character ('a') #[token("'.*'")] Char, #[token("functio")] Function, /// Brain fuck FFI #[token("bff")] BfFunction, /// Variable bro #[token("var")] Variable, /// Prints the preceding things #[token("print")] Print, /// Ban the following variable from ever being used again #[token("melo")] Melo, #[token("T-Dark")] TDark, // Expressions #[token("if")] If, #[token("else")] Else, #[token("loop")] Loop, #[regex(r"[ \t\n\f]+", logos::skip)] #[error] Error, } fn get_bool(lexer: &mut Lexer) -> Option { lexer.slice().parse().ok() } fn get_int(lexer: &mut Lexer) -> Option { lexer.slice().parse().ok() } fn get_string(lexer: &mut Lexer) -> String { lexer.slice().trim_matches('"').to_owned() } fn get_abool(lexer: &mut Lexer) -> Option { match lexer.slice() { "always" => Some(Abool::Always), "sometimes" => Some(Abool::Sometimes), "never" => Some(Abool::Never), _ => None, } } fn get_iden(lexer: &mut Lexer) -> String { lexer.slice().to_owned() } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::Token; use super::Token::*; use logos::Logos; #[test] fn simple_fn() { let code = "functio test() { var a = 3; if a == 3 { a print } }"; let expected = &[ Function, Identifier("test".to_owned()), LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis, LeftBrace, Variable, Identifier("a".to_owned()), Assignment, Integer(3), Semicolon, If, Identifier("a".to_owned()), OpEq, Integer(3), LeftBrace, Identifier("a".to_owned()), Print, RightBrace, RightBrace, ]; let lexer = Token::lexer(code); let result: Vec = lexer.collect(); assert_eq!(result, expected); } }