
439 lines
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//! A brainfuck interpreter capable of executing arbitrary code, with arbitrary inputs and outputs.
//! If you just want to execute some simple brainfuck, check the [`interpret_with_io`] function.
//! To construct the interpreter, use the [`from_ascii`] or [`from_ascii_with_input_buffer`] methods
//! (or their variants that take a maximum tape size). The latter grants access to
//! the method [`add_input`], which allows for the addition of input while the interpreter is running.
//! [`from_ascii`]: Interpreter::from_ascii
//! [`from_ascii_with_input_buffer`]: Interpreter::from_ascii_with_input_buffer
//! [`add_input`]: Interpreter::add_input
//! Finally, to run the interpreter, you can use the [`advance`], [`advance_until_io`], or [`interpret_with_output`] methods.
//! [`advance`]: Interpreter::advance
//! [`advance_until_io`]: Interpreter::advance_until_io
//! [`interpret_with_output`]: Interpreter::interpret_with_output
// Putting this here because we still don't use the entire capabilities of this module. ~~Alex
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
// NOTE(Able): This is the brain fuck interface
/// The default limit for the tape size. This is the value used by methods that don't take it as a parameter
pub const DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT: usize = 30_000;
/// Mappings from integers to BF instructions
pub const INSTRUCTION_MAPPINGS: &[u8] = b"[]+-,.<>";
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// A brainfuck interpreter. Read the [module level documentation](self) for more
pub struct Interpreter<'a, I> {
code: &'a [u8],
instr_ptr: usize,
tape: Vec<i8>,
data_ptr: usize,
tape_size_limit: usize,
input: I,
impl<'a> Interpreter<'a, InputBuffer> {
/// Construct an `Interpreter` from an ASCII string of code with an empty input buffer
/// This methods sets the tape size limit to [its default value](DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT)
pub fn from_ascii_with_input_buffer(code: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
Self::from_ascii_with_input_buffer_and_tape_limit(code, DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT)
/// Construct an `Interpreter` from an ASCII string of code with an empty input buffer,
/// setting the tape size limit to the specified value
pub fn from_ascii_with_input_buffer_and_tape_limit(
code: &'a [u8],
tape_size_limit: usize,
) -> Self {
Self {
instr_ptr: 0,
tape: Vec::new(),
data_ptr: 0,
input: InputBuffer(VecDeque::new()),
/// Add a byte to the input buffer of this interpreter
pub fn add_input(&mut self, input: i8) {
impl<'a, I: BootlegRead> Interpreter<'a, I> {
/// Construct an interpreter from an ASCII string of code, a source of input bytes, and a tape size limit
pub fn from_ascii_with_tape_limit(code: &'a [u8], input: I, tape_size_limit: usize) -> Self {
Self {
instr_ptr: 0,
tape: Vec::new(),
data_ptr: 0,
/// Constructs an interpreter from an ASCII string of code, a source of input bytes, and [the default tape size limit](DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT)
pub fn from_ascii(code: &'a [u8], input: I) -> Self {
Self::from_ascii_with_tape_limit(code, input, DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT)
/// Advance the interpreter by one instruction.
/// A return value of Ok(None) indicates succesful termination of the interpreter
pub fn advance(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Status>, ProgramError> {
let &opcode = match self.code.get(self.instr_ptr) {
Some(opcode) => opcode,
None => return Ok(None),
match opcode {
b'>' => self.data_ptr += 1,
b'<' => {
self.data_ptr = self
b'+' => {
let val = self
*val = val.wrapping_add(1)
b'-' => {
let val = self
*val = val.wrapping_sub(1)
b'.' => {
self.instr_ptr += 1;
return Ok(Some(Status::Output(self.get_at_data_ptr())));
b',' => match self.input.bootleg_read() {
Ok(Some(num)) => {
let cell = self
*cell = num;
Ok(None) => return Ok(Some(Status::NeedsInput)),
Err(_) => return Err(ProgramError::InputReadError),
b'[' => {
if self.get_at_data_ptr() == 0 {
self.instr_ptr = self
//Instruction pointer will be incremented by 1 after the match
b']' => {
if self.get_at_data_ptr() != 0 {
self.instr_ptr = self
//Instruction pointer will be incremented by 1 after the match
_ => {} //brainfuck treats all characters it doesn't understand as comments
self.instr_ptr += 1;
/// Advances the interpreter until the next IO operation. See [`advance`](Interpreter::advance)
pub fn advance_until_io(&mut self) -> Result<Option<IoStatus>, ProgramError> {
while let Some(status) = self.advance()? {
match status {
Status::NeedsInput => return Ok(Some(IoStatus::NeedsInput)),
Status::Output(out) => return Ok(Some(IoStatus::Output(out))),
Status::Continue => continue,
/// Executes the interpreter until it halts, writing all return values to the provided `Write` type.
/// For more granular control, use [`advance`](Interpreter::advance)
pub fn interpret_with_output<O: Write>(&mut self, mut output: O) -> Result<(), InterpretError> {
while let Some(status) = self.advance_until_io()? {
match status {
IoStatus::NeedsInput => return Err(InterpretError::EndOfInput),
IoStatus::Output(out) => match output.write(&[out as u8]) {
Ok(0) => return Err(InterpretError::OutputBufferFull),
Ok(_) => continue,
Err(_) => return Err(InterpretError::OutputWriteError),
fn get_or_resize_tape_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut i8> {
if self.data_ptr > self.tape_size_limit {
return None;
if self.data_ptr >= self.tape.len() {
self.tape.resize(self.data_ptr + 1, 0);
Some(&mut self.tape[self.data_ptr])
fn get_at_data_ptr(&self) -> i8 {
//No need to resize the tape to read: if the tape doesn't extend that far already, it holds a value of 0
fn get_matching_closing_bracket(&mut self, opening: usize) -> Option<usize> {
.scan(0, |counter, (char, index)| {
match char {
b'[' => *counter += 1,
b']' => *counter -= 1,
_ => {}
Some((*counter, index))
.find_map(|(counter, index)| (counter == 0).then_some(index))
fn get_matching_opening_bracket(&mut self, closing: usize) -> Option<usize> {
self.code[..closing + 1]
.zip(0..closing + 1)
.scan(0, |counter, (char, index)| {
match char {
b']' => *counter += 1,
b'[' => *counter -= 1,
_ => {}
Some((*counter, index))
.find_map(|(counter, index)| (counter == 0).then_some(index))
/// A convenience function for interpreting brainfuck code with a given input and output source.
/// For more information, consult [the module level documentation](self)
pub fn interpret_with_io<I: BootlegRead, O: Write>(
code: &[u8],
input: I,
output: O,
) -> Result<(), InterpretError> {
Interpreter::from_ascii(code, input).interpret_with_output(output)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
///The result of advancing the interpreter by one step, assuming it didn't terminate
pub enum Status {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// The result of advancing the interpreter until the next IO operation, assuming it didn't terminate
pub enum IoStatus {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// An error that occurred while the interpreter was advancing
pub enum ProgramError {
impl Display for ProgramError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ProgramError::DataPointerUnderflow => "data pointer underflow",
ProgramError::InputReadError => "input read error",
ProgramError::UnmatchedOpeningBracket => "unmatched `[`",
ProgramError::UnmatchedClosingBracket => "unmatched `]`",
ProgramError::TapeSizeExceededLimit => "tape size exceeded",
impl Error for ProgramError {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// An error that occurred while the interpreter was being run start-to-end all in one go
pub enum InterpretError {
impl Display for InterpretError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
InterpretError::ProgramError(e) => write!(f, "program error: {}", e),
InterpretError::EndOfInput => write!(f, "unexpected end of input"),
InterpretError::OutputBufferFull => write!(f, "output buffer full"),
InterpretError::OutputWriteError => write!(f, "output write error"),
impl Error for InterpretError {}
impl From<ProgramError> for InterpretError {
fn from(e: ProgramError) -> Self {
/// A bootlegged version of the standard library's read trait, so as to allow the interpreter to be generic over any `Read`
/// type, as well as over an input buffer.
pub trait BootlegRead {
type Error;
fn bootleg_read(&mut self) -> Result<Option<i8>, Self::Error>;
impl<T: Read> BootlegRead for T {
type Error = std::io::Error;
fn bootleg_read(&mut self) -> Result<Option<i8>, Self::Error> {
let mut buffer = [0];
match buffer) {
Ok(0) => Ok(None),
Ok(_) => Ok(Some(buffer[0] as i8)),
Err(e) => Err(e),
/// A wrapper around a `VecDeque`, to be able to implement `BootlegRead` for it
struct InputBuffer(VecDeque<i8>);
impl BootlegRead for InputBuffer {
type Error = std::convert::Infallible;
fn bootleg_read(&mut self) -> Result<Option<i8>, Self::Error> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn adder() {
let mut interpreter = Interpreter {
code: b"[->+<]", //Source:
instr_ptr: 0,
tape: vec![10, 5],
data_ptr: 0,
tape_size_limit: DEFAULT_TAPE_SIZE_LIMIT,
input: std::io::empty(),
while let Some(status) = interpreter.advance_until_io().expect("Unexpected error") {
match status {
IoStatus::NeedsInput => panic!("Requested input in an IO-less program"),
IoStatus::Output(_) => panic!("Produced output in an IO-less program"),
assert_eq!(interpreter.tape, vec![0, 15]);
fn hello_world() {
let mut interpreter = Interpreter::from_ascii(
let mut string = Vec::new();
.interpret_with_output(&mut string)
.expect("Failed to write to output buffer");
assert_eq!(string, b"Hello World!\n");
fn with_input_buffer() {
let mut interpreter = Interpreter::from_ascii_with_input_buffer(b"+++++.>,[-<->].");
let output = match interpreter
.expect("Unexpected error")
.expect("Unexpected termination")
IoStatus::NeedsInput => panic!("Unexpected input request"),
IoStatus::Output(out) => out,
assert_eq!(interpreter.advance_until_io(), Ok(None));
fn hit_tape_size_limit() {
let mut interpreter =
Interpreter::from_ascii_with_tape_limit(b"+>+>+>+>+>", std::io::empty(), 1);
let result = interpreter.interpret_with_output(std::io::sink());
fn positive_integer_overflow() {
interpret_with_io(b"+[+]", std::io::empty(), std::io::sink()).unwrap();
fn negative_integer_overflow() {
interpret_with_io(b"-", std::io::empty(), std::io::sink()).unwrap();