
282 lines
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//! Generator for levels that consist of a number of rooms connected
//! by hallways.
//! The basic strategy here is that we start off by making some number
//! of attempts to place rectangular rooms of random sizes and
//! positions within the region; of these attempts, we only keep those
//! that are spread some distance away from other existing rooms. We
//! then use a pathfinding algorithm to navigate from each room to the
//! one generated after it, leaving hallways and doors as we travel.
//! The pathfinding algorithm is weighted to try and travel through
//! existing rooms and hallways rather than cutting new hallways
//! through the stone to encourage rooms to connect to other rooms
//! near them, and it has some randomness added to its weights to
//! discourage long, linear hallways.
use std::{
collections::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap, HashSet},
use float_ord::FloatOrd;
use grid::Grid;
use rand::Rng;
use crate::game::{DungeonTile, LEVEL_SIZE};
/// Generates a grid of the given size containing rooms connected by
/// passages.
pub fn generate(n_rooms: usize, size: (usize, usize), rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Grid<DungeonTile> {
let mut grid = Grid::init(size.1, size.0, DungeonTile::Wall);
let rooms = RoomBounds::generate(n_rooms, size, rng);
for room in rooms.iter() {
for (x, y) in room.tiles() {
grid[y][x] = DungeonTile::Floor;
cut_hallways(&mut grid, &rooms, rng);
/// Generates a grid of the statically-known level size.
pub fn generate_level(
n_rooms: usize,
rng: &mut impl Rng,
) -> [[DungeonTile; LEVEL_SIZE.0]; LEVEL_SIZE.1] {
// FIXME: This function is atrocious. We do an allocation here
// when we theoretically doesn't need to (we get a heap-allocated
// Grid back, when we know statically that it's LEVEL_SIZE so we
// could allocate it on the stack)...
let grid = generate(n_rooms, LEVEL_SIZE, rng);
// ...and then we use a pointless default of DungeonTile::Floor
// here then copy in the real data from `grid`.
let mut data = [[DungeonTile::Floor; LEVEL_SIZE.0]; LEVEL_SIZE.1];
for (value, slot) in Iterator::zip(
data.iter_mut().flat_map(|elem| elem.iter_mut()),
) {
*slot = value;
/// The possible sizes of a room, on both the x and y axes.
const ROOM_SIZE_LIMITS: Range<usize> = 4..8;
/// The minimum distance between the interiors of 2 rooms. Should be
/// at least 1 to ensure that walls generate.
const ROOM_MIN_DISTANCE: usize = 4;
/// The bounding box of a room.
struct RoomBounds {
ul_corner: (usize, usize),
size: (usize, usize),
impl RoomBounds {
/// Iterates over the tiles contained within the room.
pub fn tiles(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (usize, usize)> {
let (x_min, y_min) = self.ul_corner;
let (x_max, y_max) = (x_min + self.size.0, y_min + self.size.1);
(y_min..y_max).flat_map(move |y| (x_min..x_max).map(move |x| (x, y)))
/// Returns whether the two rooms are overlapping, i.e., there
/// exists at least one tile that is contained in both rooms.
pub fn intersects(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
fn range_overlapping(a: Range<usize>, b: Range<usize>) -> bool {
if a.start > b.start {
range_overlapping(b, a)
} else {
a.end > b.start
self.ul_corner.0..self.ul_corner.0 + self.size.0,
other.ul_corner.0..other.ul_corner.0 + other.size.0,
) && range_overlapping(
self.ul_corner.1..self.ul_corner.1 + self.size.1,
other.ul_corner.1..other.ul_corner.1 + other.size.1,
/// Returns whether the two rooms are within distance `dist` of
/// one another or intersecting.
pub fn near(&self, other: &Self, dist: usize) -> bool {
RoomBounds {
size: (self.size.0 + dist, self.size.1 + dist),
.intersects(&RoomBounds {
size: (other.size.0 + dist, other.size.1 + dist),
/// Generates bounds for a set of at most `n_rooms` nonoverlapping
/// rooms within a region of size `region_size`.
fn generate(n_rooms: usize, region_size: (usize, usize), rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut v: Vec<Self> = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..n_rooms {
let size = (
let ul_corner = (
rng.gen_range(0..region_size.0 - size.0),
rng.gen_range(0..region_size.1 - size.1),
let new_room = Self { ul_corner, size };
if v.iter().all(|room| !room.near(&new_room, ROOM_MIN_DISTANCE)) {
/// Calculates the approximate center of a room.
fn center(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
self.ul_corner.0 + self.size.0 / 2,
self.ul_corner.1 + self.size.1 / 2,
/// Factor to encourage routes to travel through existing rooms rather
/// than cutting new hallways. 0.0 very strongly encourages traveling
/// through rooms, 1.0 is indifferent to the existence of rooms, and
/// higher values discourage traveling through rooms (hallways will
/// wrap around rooms rather than enter them).
const ROOM_WEIGHT: f64 = 0.5;
/// Randomness factor to avoid straight lines in hallways.
const HALLWAY_RANDOMNESS: f64 = 0.6;
/// Adds a set of hallways connecting the given rooms to a dungeon.
fn cut_hallways(grid: &mut Grid<DungeonTile>, rooms: &[RoomBounds], rng: &mut impl Rng) {
// How hard we try to avoid traveling through stone at a pair of
// coordinates.
let mut stone_weights = Grid::new(grid.rows(), grid.cols());
for elem in stone_weights.iter_mut() {
*elem = rng.gen_range(1.0 - HALLWAY_RANDOMNESS..1.0 + HALLWAY_RANDOMNESS);
let size = (grid.cols(), grid.rows());
// Make hallways between pairs of adjacent rooms.
for rooms in rooms.windows(2) {
let (from, to) = (&rooms[0], &rooms[1]);
let neighbors = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)];
for (x, y) in pathfind(
|node| {
let (x, y) = (node.0 as isize, node.1 as isize);
.map(move |(dx, dy)| (x + dx, y + dy))
.filter_map(|(x, y)| {
if (0..size.0 as isize).contains(&x) && (0..size.1 as isize).contains(&y) {
(x as usize, y as usize),
match grid[y as usize][x as usize] {
DungeonTile::Wall => stone_weights[y as usize][x as usize],
} else {
.expect("graph is connected, must therefore be navigable")
if grid[y][x] == DungeonTile::Wall {
grid[y][x] = DungeonTile::Hallway;
/// Finds a route from the nodes `from` to `to` on a graph, where the
/// edges and weights connected to a particular node are given by the
/// `edge_weights` function. Returns a vector of the nodes visited.
/// At the moment this is a horribly unoptimized Dijkstra's algorithm.
/// Should definitely swap this out for something more efficient.
fn pathfind<Node, EdgeWeights>(
mut edge_weights: impl FnMut(Node) -> EdgeWeights,
from: Node,
to: Node,
) -> Option<Vec<Node>>
EdgeWeights: Iterator<Item = (Node, f64)>,
Node: Clone + Eq + Hash,
let mut distances = HashMap::<Node, FloatOrd<f64>>::new();
let mut visited = HashSet::<Node>::new();
let mut parents = HashMap::<Node, Node>::new();
distances.insert(from, FloatOrd(0.0));
loop {
// Next node to visit is the unvisited node with the lowest
// distance.
let (current, current_dist) = match distances
.filter(|(node, _distance)| !visited.contains(node))
.min_by_key(|(_node, distance)| *distance)
Some((current, FloatOrd(current_dist))) => (current.to_owned(), *current_dist),
None => {
// Every reachable node has been visited and the
// target node hasn't been reached, therefore no route
// exists.
return None;
if current == to {
// We've reached the destination.
// Find the most efficient routes to unexplored neighbors.
for (neighbor, weight) in edge_weights(current.to_owned()) {
let neighbor_dist = current_dist + weight;
match distances.entry(neighbor.to_owned()) {
Entry::Occupied(mut slot) => {
if neighbor_dist < slot.get().0 {
*slot.get_mut() = FloatOrd(neighbor_dist);
parents.insert(neighbor.clone(), current.clone());
Entry::Vacant(slot) => {
slot.insert(FloatOrd(weight + current_dist));
parents.insert(neighbor.clone(), current.clone());
let mut nodes: Vec<_> = successors(Some(to), |last| parents.get(last).cloned()).collect();