--- #set thoose things to the messages you want. ingameonly: Sorry, but this command only works only ingame. nopermission: Sorry, but you dont have the permission to use this command. succesday: Succesfully set the time to day. succesnight: Succesfully set the time to night. successet: Succesfully set the time to sunset. succesrise: Succesfully set the time to sunrise. succesmidday: Succesfully set the time to midday. succesmidnight: Succesfully set the time to midnight. avaiable: Following commands are avaiable. daycommandav: You can set the time to day. nightcommandav: You can set the time to night. setcommandav: You can set the time to sunset. risecommandav: You can set the time to sunrise. middaycommandav: You can set the time to midday. midnightcommandav: You can set the time to midnight. ...