import os import sys import yaml import discord from chatterbot import ChatBot from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer, ListTrainer with open("config.yml", "r") as file: config = yaml.load(file) bot = discord.Client() tasks = [False, False] finished = False def printhelp(): print("Help lol") def printversion(): print("Somer Version") async def download(): await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name=" downloading Message History")) os.system("rm chatlogs/*.tmp.yml") for trainchannel in config["trainchannels"]: channel = await bot.fetch_channel(trainchannel[0]) counter = 0 messages = [None] * trainchannel[1] async for message in channel.history(limit=trainchannel[1]): messages[counter] = message.content counter += 1 messages.reverse() with open("chatlogs/" + str(trainchannel[0]) + ".tmp.yml", "w") as logfile: yaml.dump(messages, logfile) async def train(): corpustrainer = ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(chatbot) listtrainer = ListTrainer(chatbot) for corpus in config["corpus"]: corpustrainer.train(corpus) for log in os.listdir("chatlogs"): with open(f"chatlogs/{log}", "r") as logfile: log = yaml.load(logfile) listtrainer.train(log) @bot.event async def on_ready(): global chatbot print("Logged in!") args = sys.argv args.pop(0) for arg in args: if arg == "--help" or arg == "-?": printhelp() await bot.close() raise SystemExit(0) elif arg == "--version" or arg == "-v": printversion() await bot.close() raise SystemExit(0) elif arg == "--download" or arg == "-d": tasks[0] = True elif arg == "--train" or arg == "-t": tasks[1] = True else: print(f"Unexspected {arg}") printhelp() await bot.close() raise SystemExit(1) if tasks[0]: await download() print("Finished download!") if tasks[1]: os.system("rm db.sqlite3") chatbot = ChatBot(config["botname"]) await train() print("Finished train!") else: chatbot = ChatBot(config["botname"])["token"])