// ------- Parser -------- import { Token, TokenType } from "./main.js"; import { PrintStmt, ReturnStmt, Stmt } from "./stuff.js"; import { panic } from "./utils.js"; const Errors = { EXPECT_INT_ERR: "Expected type annotation for main function", LEFT_PAREN_ERR: "Expected '('", RIGHT_PAREN_ERR: "Expected ')'", LEFT_BRACE_ERR: "Expected '{'", RIGHT_BRACE_ERR: "Expected '}'", PRINTF_ERR: 'Expected "printf" statement', SEMI_COLON_ERR: "Expected ';'", STRING_ERR: "Expected string literal", RETURN_ERR: "Expected return statement", RETURN_CODE_ERR: "Expected return code", NO_MORE_TOKENS_ERR: "No more tokens to parse!", EOF_ERR: "Expected EOF token at the end", }; /** * @typedef { { token_type: number, error_message: string } } Pattern */ export class Parser { /** @param { Token[] } tokens */ constructor(tokens) { this.tokens = tokens; this.index = 0; this.back_index = this.tokens.length - 1; /** * @type { Stmt[] } */ this.statements = []; } is_empty() { return this.tokens.length == 0; } is_not_empty() { return this.tokens.length > 0; } peek() { if (this.is_empty()) { panic(Errors.NO_MORE_TOKENS_ERR); } return this.tokens[0]; } peek_back() { return this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]; } pop_front() { if (this.is_empty()) { return null; } return this.tokens.shift(); } pop_back() { if (this.is_empty()) { return null; } return this.tokens.pop(); } parse() { // start main this.expect(TokenType.INT_TYPE, Errors.EXPECT_INT_ERR); const fn_name = this.expect(TokenType.IDENTIFIER).value; if (fn_name !== "main") { panic(`Invalid function name: "${fn_name}". Expected "main"`); } this.expect(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, Errors.LEFT_PAREN_ERR); this.expect(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, Errors.RIGHT_PAREN_ERR); this.expect(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE, Errors.LEFT_BRACE_ERR); this.expect_back(TokenType.EOF, Errors.EOF_ERR); this.expect_back(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, Errors.RIGHT_BRACE_ERR); // end main while (this.is_not_empty()) { this.statements.push(this.get_next_stmt()); } return this.statements; } /** * @param {number} expected_type * @param {string} error_message * @returns { Token } */ expect(expected_type, error_message) { if (this.is_empty()) { panic(error_message); } else if (this.peek().token_type !== expected_type) { panic(`${error_message} at ${this.peek().loc.display()}`); } return this.pop_front(); } /** * @param { number } expected_type * @param { string } error_message * @returns { Token } */ expect_back(expected_type, error_message) { if (this.is_empty()) { panic(error_message); } else if (this.peek_back().token_type !== expected_type) { panic(`${error_message} at ${this.peek().loc.display()}`); } return this.pop_back(); } get_next_stmt() { /** * @type { Token } */ const token = this.peek(); if (token.token_type === TokenType.PRINTF) { this.expect(TokenType.PRINTF, Errors.PRINTF_ERR); // skip print this.expect(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN, Errors.LEFT_PAREN_ERR); // skip '(' const value = this.expect( TokenType.STRING, Errors.STRING_ERR ).value; // get the string! this.expect(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, Errors.RIGHT_PAREN_ERR); // skip ')' this.expect(TokenType.SEMICOLON, Errors.SEMI_COLON_ERR); return new PrintStmt(value); } else if (token.token_type === TokenType.RETURN) { // console.log("current:", this.peek()?.display()); this.expect(TokenType.RETURN, Errors.RETURN_ERR); // skip return const value = this.expect( TokenType.NUMBER, Errors.RETURN_CODE_ERR ).value; // skip number this.expect(TokenType.SEMICOLON, Errors.SEMI_COLON_ERR); return new ReturnStmt(value); } else { panic(`Unexpected '${token.value}' ${token.display()}`); } } }