#![no_main] use { hbvm::{ mem::{HandlePageFault, Memory, MemoryAccessReason, PageSize}, Vm, }, libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target, }; fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| { if let Ok(mut vm) = Vm::<_, 16384>::new_validated(data, TestTrapHandler, Default::default()) { // Alloc and map some memory let pages = [ alloc_and_map(&mut vm.memory, 0), alloc_and_map(&mut vm.memory, 4096), ]; // Run VM let _ = vm.run(); // Unmap and dealloc the memory for (i, page) in pages.into_iter().enumerate() { unmap_and_dealloc(&mut vm.memory, page, i as u64 * 4096); } } }); fn alloc_and_map(memory: &mut Memory, at: u64) -> *mut u8 { let ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::<Page>::default()).cast(); unsafe { memory .map( ptr, at, hbvm::mem::paging::Permission::Write, PageSize::Size4K, ) .unwrap() }; ptr } fn unmap_and_dealloc(memory: &mut Memory, ptr: *mut u8, from: u64) { memory.unmap(from).unwrap(); let _ = unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr.cast::<Page>()) }; } #[repr(align(4096))] struct Page([u8; 4096]); impl Default for Page { fn default() -> Self { unsafe { std::mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() } } } struct TestTrapHandler; impl HandlePageFault for TestTrapHandler { fn page_fault( &mut self, _: MemoryAccessReason, _: &mut Memory, _: u64, _: PageSize, _: *mut u8, ) -> bool { false } }