use std::{ collections::HashMap, fs::OpenOptions, io::Write, path::PathBuf, process::exit, sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard}, }; use bytes::Buf; use chrono::prelude::Local; use clap::Args; use epub_builder::{EpubBuilder, EpubContent, ReferenceType, ZipLibrary}; use file_system_crap::convert_path_to_os_specific; use html::{html_to_xhtml, remove_image_tags, string_to_html_fragment}; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use misc::Oses; use reqwest::header::ToStrError; use thiserror::Error; use url::Url; mod book; mod constants; mod file_system_crap; mod html; mod http; mod misc; /// struct that corresponds to arguments for Audiobook generation. #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct AudiobookArgs { /// Disable the generation of chapter titles in the audio file. Useful to avoid chapter titles appearing twice. #[arg(short = 'c', long)] pub no_chapter_titles: bool, /// Split the novel into multiple audio files by chapter. #[arg(short, long)] pub split_novel_by_chapters: bool, } /// struct that corresponds to arguments for Epub generation. #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct EpubArgs { /// Disable the inclusion of images. /// Will speed up epub generation and significantly decrease epub size. #[arg(short, long)] pub no_images: bool, } /// struct that corresponds to arguments for Html generation. #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct HtmlArgs {} /// struct that corresponds to arguments for Markdown generation. #[derive(Args, Debug)] pub struct MarkdownArgs { /// Disable the generation of chapter titles. Useful to avoid chapter titles appearing twice. #[arg(short = 'c', long)] pub no_chapter_titles: bool, /// Disables the inclusion of html image tags in the markdown. #[arg(short, long)] pub no_image_tags: bool, } lazy_static! { static ref WARNINGS: Mutex = Mutex::new(GenerationWarnings::new()); } /// Generate an audiobook from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory. /// /// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong. /// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this. pub fn generate_audiobook( audiobook_args: AudiobookArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf, ) -> Result, GenerationError> { return Err(GenerationError::GenerationUnsupportedError); } /// Generate an epub file from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory. /// /// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong. /// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this. pub fn generate_epub( epub_args: EpubArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf, ) -> Result, GenerationError> { let book = book::Book::new(book_url)?; // Initialize the epub builder. let mut epub_builder = EpubBuilder::new(ZipLibrary::new().unwrap()).unwrap(); // Add author and title metadata. epub_builder .stylesheet(constants::EPUB_CSS.as_bytes()) .unwrap(); // Use the epub_css in the file. epub_builder .metadata("author", & .expect("Unable to add author metadata"); epub_builder .metadata("title", &book.title) .expect("Unable to add title metadata"); // Download the cover image & add it to the epub. let cover_image = http::get_response(book.cover_image_url)?; let (cover_mime_type, cover_file_extension) = cover_image.get_content_type_and_file_extension(); epub_builder .add_cover_image( format!("cover.{cover_file_extension}"), cover_image.get_bytes()?.to_vec().as_slice(), cover_mime_type, ) .expect("Error! Unable to add cover image."); // Generate the cover xhtml. let cover_xhtml = format!( r#"


by: {3}

Archived on: {4}

"#, book.book_url, book.title, cover_file_extension,, chrono::Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false) ); let cover_xhtml = format!( "{0}{cover_xhtml}{1}", constants::EPUB_XML_HEAD, constants::EPUB_XML_TAIL ); // Add the cover xhtml to the epub. epub_builder .add_content( EpubContent::new("title.xhtml", cover_xhtml.as_bytes()) .title("Cover") .reftype(ReferenceType::Cover), ) .expect("Error! Unable to add cover"); // Add a table of contents after the cover page. epub_builder.inline_toc(); // Setup html2xhtml on the operating system. let html2xhtml_temp_dir = file_system_crap::setup_html2xhtml()?; let mut old_tags_new_tags: HashMap = HashMap::new(); if !epub_args.no_images { // Download the images and add em to the epub. println!("\nDownloading and processing images:"); // Spawn a progress bar showing how many images have been downloaded & processed. let progress_bar = ProgressBar::new(book.image_urls_and_tags.keys().len().try_into().unwrap()); progress_bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::with_template( "[{elapsed_precise}] [{wide_bar:.cyan/blue}] {percent}% ", ) .unwrap() .progress_chars("#>-"), ); let mut i: usize = 0; for image_url in book.image_urls_and_tags.keys() { let image = http::get_response(image_url.clone())?; let (image_mime_type, image_file_extension) = image.get_content_type_and_file_extension(); epub_builder .add_resource( format!("image_{i}.{image_file_extension}"), image.get_bytes()?.to_vec().reader(), image_mime_type, ) .expect("Error! Unable to add content image"); for image_tag in book.image_urls_and_tags[image_url].clone() { old_tags_new_tags.insert( image_tag.clone(), html::replace_img_src(image_tag, format!("image_{i}.{image_file_extension}")), ); } i += 1;; } progress_bar.finish(); } // Convert the html to xhtml and add the xhtml to the epub for each chapter. for (i, chapter) in book.chapters.iter().enumerate() { let xhtml: String; if epub_args.no_images { xhtml = html_to_xhtml( string_to_html_fragment(&remove_image_tags(&chapter.isolated_chapter_html)), &html2xhtml_temp_dir, )? } else { let mut replaced_html = chapter.isolated_chapter_html.html(); for old_img_tag in old_tags_new_tags.keys() { replaced_html = replaced_html.replace(&old_img_tag.clone(), &old_tags_new_tags[old_img_tag]); } xhtml = html_to_xhtml( string_to_html_fragment(&replaced_html), &html2xhtml_temp_dir, )?; } epub_builder .add_content( EpubContent::new(format!("chapter_{}.xhtml", i + 1), xhtml.as_bytes()) .title(chapter.chapter_name.clone()) .reftype(ReferenceType::Text), ) .expect("Error! Unable to add chapter"); } // Generate the finished epub data as a byte vector. let mut finished_epub: Vec = vec![]; epub_builder .generate(&mut finished_epub) .expect("Unable to generate epub data"); // Create the epub file and write the finished epub data to it. let output_path = convert_path_to_os_specific( output_directory.join(format!("{0}.epub", book.file_name_title)), ); let mut output_file = match OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(&output_path) { Ok(output_file) => output_file, Err(error) => { eprintln!( "Error! Unable to create: {0}\n{error}", output_path.to_string_lossy() ); exit(1); }, }; output_file.write_all(finished_epub.as_slice()).expect( format!( "Unable to write finished epub data to {0}", output_path.to_string_lossy() ) .as_str(), ); // Delete the html2xhtml temp directory. It's good to clean up after yourself. file_system_crap::delete_temp_dir(html2xhtml_temp_dir); Ok(WARNINGS.lock().unwrap()) } /// Generate an html archive from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory. /// /// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong. /// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this. pub fn generate_html( html_args: HtmlArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf, ) -> Result, GenerationError> { return Err(GenerationError::GenerationUnsupportedError); } /// Generate a markdown file from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory. /// /// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong. /// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this. pub fn generate_markdown( markdown_args: MarkdownArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf, ) -> Result, GenerationError> { let book = book::Book::new(book_url)?; let output_path = convert_path_to_os_specific(output_directory.join(format!("{0}.md", book.file_name_title))); // Create the md file. This will crash if it already exists or can not be created. let mut output_file = match OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(&output_path) { Ok(output_file) => output_file, Err(error) => { return Err(GenerationError::FileCreationError { error, file_path: output_path, }); }, }; // Append the book title & author. let buf = format!("{}\n\nby: {}", &book.title, &; output_file.write_all(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let buf = format!( "\nArchived on: {}\n\n", Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false) ); output_file.write_all(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); for chapter in book.chapters { let mut buf; if !markdown_args.no_chapter_titles { buf = format!("----\n{}", chapter.chapter_name); output_file.write_all(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } if markdown_args.no_image_tags { // Remove image tags or not depending on args. buf = format!( "\n\n{}\n\n", html2md::parse_html(&html::remove_image_tags(&chapter.isolated_chapter_html)) ); } else { buf = format!( "\n\n{}\n\n", html2md::parse_html(&chapter.isolated_chapter_html.html()) ); } output_file.write_all(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } Ok(WARNINGS.lock().unwrap()) } /// An error struct representing all the documented errors that can occur while archiving a RoyalRoad webnovel. #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum GenerationError { /// Represents errors during file creation. #[error("Unable to create file: {file_path}\n{error}")] FileCreationError { error: std::io::Error, file_path: PathBuf, }, /// Represents errors when getting a Response from a Url. #[error("Unable to get response for: {url}\n{error}")] ResponseGetError { error: reqwest::Error, url: Url }, /// Represents errors when converting a Response to a String. #[error("Unable to convert response to text: {error}")] ResponseConvertToTextError { error: reqwest::Error }, /// Represents errors when converting a Response to Bytes. #[error("Unable to convert response to bytes: {error}")] ResponseConvertToBytesError { error: reqwest::Error }, /// Represents errors when trying to parse a String to a Url. #[error("Unable to parse a valid Url from: {string_url}\n{error}")] UrlParseError { error: url::ParseError, string_url: String, }, /// Represents io errors when trying to create a temporary directory. #[error("Unable to create temporary directory: {error}")] TempDirCreationError { error: std::io::Error }, /// Represents an error when trying to extract the html2xhtml binaries into the temporary directory. #[error("Unable to extract html2xhtml into the temporary directory: {error}")] Html2XhtmlExtractionError { error: zip_extract::ZipExtractError }, /// Represents an error when trying to start html2xhtml. #[error("Unable to start html2xhtml: {error}")] Html2XhtmlStartError { error: std::io::Error }, /// Represents an error when trying to find the book title. #[error("Unable to fetch the book title for: {url}")] BookTitleFetchError { url: Url }, /// Represents an error when trying to find the book author. #[error("Unable to fetch the book author for: {url}")] BookAuthorFetchError { url: Url }, /// Represents an error when trying to find the book cover image url. #[error("Unable to fetch the book cover image url: {url}")] BookCoverImageUrlFetchError { url: Url }, /// Represents an error when trying to find the chapter names and urls. /// /// This typically occurs due to RoyalRoad changing their json scheme. #[error("Unable to fetch the chapter names and urls for: {url}")] BookChapterNameAndUrlFetchError { url: Url }, /// Represents an error when trying to isolate the chapter content. #[error("Unable to isolate chapter content for: {url}")] ChapterContentIsolationError { url: Url }, /// Represents an error for when the target os is unsupported. #[error("{os} is unsupported")] OsUnsupportedError { os: Oses }, /// Represents an error that shows the generation method is unsupported. #[error("This generation mode is currently unsupported")] GenerationUnsupportedError, } /// A struct that contains a vector of warnings. pub struct GenerationWarnings { warnings: Vec, } impl GenerationWarnings { fn new() -> Self { GenerationWarnings { warnings: Vec::new(), } } /// Push a warning into this struct. pub fn add_warning(&mut self, warning: Warning) { self.warnings.push(warning); } pub fn get_warnings(&self) -> &Vec { &self.warnings } /// Returns how many warnings have been accumulated. pub fn warnings_count(&self) -> usize { self.warnings.len() } } /// An enum to represent a warning. #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum Warning { /// Warning for when no ``content-type`` header can be found in the Response headers. #[error("{warning_msg}")] MissingContentType { warning_msg: String, url: Url, error: ToStrError, }, /// Warning for when a temporary directory is unable to be deleted. #[error("{warning_msg}")] TempDirDeletionError { warning_msg: String, temp_directory_path: PathBuf, error: std::io::Error, }, /// Warning for when the program can not parse a url in an image tag. #[error("{warning_msg}")] ImageTagParseError { warning_msg: String, raw_image_tag: String, error: url::ParseError, }, }