
282 lines
9.4 KiB

use std::{
process::{Command, Stdio},
use regex::Regex;
use scraper::{Html, Selector};
use tempfile::TempDir;
use url::Url;
use crate::{http, misc::HashMapExt, GenerationError, Warning, WARNINGS};
/// Convert a string to an html document.
pub fn string_to_html_document(document_string: &str) -> Html {
/// Convert a string to an html fragment.
pub fn string_to_html_fragment(fragment_string: &str) -> Html {
/// Get the book's title from the index.
pub fn get_title_from_index(index_html: &Html, book_url: &Url) -> Result<String, GenerationError> {
let selector = Selector::parse("meta").unwrap(); // Build a selector that finds the 'meta' html tag
for element in {
// Loop through all meta tags in the html document.
match element.value().attr("name") {
// Check if the meta tag contains attribute: "name"
None => continue,
Some(x) => {
if x == "twitter:title" {
// If it does contain attribute "name", check if the content of that attribute is "twitter:title"
return Ok(element.value().attr("content").unwrap().to_owned());
// If it is, extract the data from the content attribute.
Err(GenerationError::BookTitleFetchError {
url: book_url.clone(),
/// Get the book's author from index
pub fn get_author_from_index(index_html: &Html, book_url: &Url) -> Result<String, GenerationError> {
let selector = Selector::parse("meta").unwrap();
for element in {
match element.value().attr("property") {
None => continue,
Some(x) => {
if x == "books:author" {
return Ok(element.value().attr("content").unwrap().to_owned());
Err(GenerationError::BookAuthorFetchError {
url: book_url.clone(),
/// Get the book's cover image url from the index
pub fn get_cover_image_url_from_index(
index_html: &Html,
book_url: &Url,
) -> Result<Url, GenerationError> {
let selector = Selector::parse("meta").unwrap();
for element in {
match element.value().attr("property") {
None => continue,
Some(x) => {
if x == "og:image" {
return http::string_to_url(element.value().attr("content").unwrap());
Err(GenerationError::BookCoverImageUrlFetchError {
url: book_url.clone(),
/// Gets the chapter names and urls from the index.
/// This gets stored in a vector where index 0 is the chapter name, and index 1 is the url.
pub fn get_chapter_names_and_urls_from_index(
index_html: &Html,
book_url: &Url,
) -> Result<Vec<(String, String)>, GenerationError> {
// I wont lie. I have almost 0 idea what a bunch of this shit does since it's highly specific to RoyalRoad.
// I've commented in the gist of it, but we have no memory actually writing this function.
let mut chapters: Vec<(String, String)> = Vec::new();
let mut raw_json_data = String::new();
// Find a script tag that has "window.chapters" inside the inner html. This is all in json format.
let selector = Selector::parse("script").unwrap();
for element in {
if element.inner_html().contains("window.chapters") {
raw_json_data = element.inner_html();
// Exit it if unable to find the needed json data. That probably means royal road has changed their code.
if raw_json_data.is_empty() {
return Err(GenerationError::BookChapterNameAndUrlFetchError {
url: book_url.clone(),
// I have absolutely no idea what this regex does; but it's probably important.
const REGEX: &str = r#"window.chapters = (\[.*?]);"#;
let regex = Regex::new(REGEX).unwrap();
// I still have no fucking clue what this magic part does; but it works so we ain't fucking touching it.
let chapter_raw_json = regex
.map_or("[]", |m| m.as_str());
// and it just spits out json when done. Neat.
let chapter_json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(chapter_raw_json).unwrap();
// For each chapter in the json, do some processing to remove the quotes then shove it onto the vector.
for chapter in chapter_json.as_array().unwrap() {
let chapter_name = chapter["title"].to_string().replace('"', "");
let url = format!(
chapter["url"].to_string().replace('"', "")
chapters.push((chapter_name, url));
// Return that wanker.
return Ok(chapters);
/// Isolate chapter content from the rest of the shit on the page.
pub fn isolate_chapter_content(
raw_chapter_html: &Html,
chapter_url: &Url,
) -> Result<Html, GenerationError> {
let page_html = Html::parse_document(&raw_chapter_html.html());
let selector = Selector::parse("div").unwrap();
for element in {
match element.value().attr("class") {
None => continue,
Some(x) => {
if x == "chapter-inner chapter-content" {
return Ok(string_to_html_fragment(&element.inner_html()));
Err(GenerationError::ChapterContentIsolationError {
url: chapter_url.clone(),
/// Remove all img tags from the html fragment.
pub fn remove_image_tags(html_fragment: &Html) -> String {
let mut image_tags: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let selector = Selector::parse("img").unwrap();
for element in {
if !image_tags.contains(&element.html()) {
let mut html_fragment = html_fragment.html();
for image_tag in image_tags {
html_fragment = html_fragment.replace(&image_tag, "");
return html_fragment;
/// Extract the urls and image tags from a chapter and put them in the hashmap:
/// ``Hashmap<Url, Vec<String>>``
pub fn extract_urls_and_img_tag(chapter_html: &Html) -> HashMap<Url, Vec<String>> {
let mut chapter_image_urls: HashMap<Url, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
let selector = Selector::parse("img").unwrap();
for element in {
let url = element.attr("src");
let image_tag = element.html();
if url.is_none() {
let url = match Url::parse(url.unwrap()) {
Ok(url) => url,
Err(warning) => {
let warning = Warning::ImageTagParseError {
warning_msg: "Unable to parse url in image tag".to_string(),
raw_image_tag: image_tag,
error: warning,
let temp_map: HashMap<Url, Vec<String>> = HashMap::from([(url, vec![image_tag])]);
chapter_image_urls = chapter_image_urls.join(temp_map);
return chapter_image_urls;
/// Replace the image tag with new one that contains the new src attribute.
pub fn replace_img_src(img_tag: String, new_src: String) -> String {
let img_tag = string_to_html_fragment(&img_tag);
let selector = Selector::parse("img").unwrap();
let element =;
if element.attr("src").is_some() {
let image_tag = element.html();
let src_match_regex = Regex::new(r#"(src=["'].*["'])"#).unwrap();
let src_attr = src_match_regex
.map(|m| m.as_str())
return image_tag.replace(src_attr, &format!(r#"src="{new_src}""#));
} else {
return element.html();
/// Convert a given html dom into xhtml.
pub fn html_to_xhtml(html: Html, html2xhtml_dir: &TempDir) -> Result<String, GenerationError> {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
const HTML2XHTML_ENTRY: &str = "html2xhtml.exe";
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
const HTML2XHTML_ENTRY: &str = "html2xhtml";
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
const HTML2XHTML_ENTRY: &str = "html2xhtml";
// Remove nbsp, They can cause certain e-readers to crash.
let html = html.html().replace("&nbsp;", " ");
// Start html2xhtml.
let mut html2xhtml = match Command::new(html2xhtml_dir.path().join(HTML2XHTML_ENTRY))
Ok(child) => child,
Err(error) => return Err(GenerationError::Html2XhtmlStartError { error }),
// Write the html to the stdin, then wait for xhtml to be outputted to the stdout.
let html2xhtml_output = html2xhtml.wait_with_output().unwrap();
// Generate a lossy string from the stdout.
let xhtml = String::from_utf8_lossy(&html2xhtml_output.stdout).to_string();
return Ok(xhtml);