
198 lines
7.9 KiB

use std::{fs::OpenOptions, io::Write, path::PathBuf, process::exit};
use chrono::prelude::Local;
use clap::Args;
use epub_builder::{EpubBuilder, EpubContent, ReferenceType, ZipLibrary};
use file_system_crap::convert_path_to_os_specific;
use url::Url;
mod book;
mod constants;
mod file_system_crap;
mod html;
mod http;
mod misc;
/// struct that corresponds to arguments for Audiobook generation.
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct AudiobookArgs {
/// Disable the generation of chapter titles in the audio file. Useful to avoid chapter titles appearing twice.
#[arg(short, long)]
pub no_chapter_titles: bool,
/// Split the novel into multiple audio files by chapter.
#[arg(short, long)]
pub split_novel_by_chapters: bool,
/// struct that corresponds to arguments for Epub generation.
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct EpubArgs {
/// Disable the inclusion of images.
/// Will speed up epub generation and significantly decrease epub size.
#[arg(short, long)]
pub no_images: bool,
/// struct that corresponds to arguments for Html generation.
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct HtmlArgs {
/// struct that corresponds to arguments for Markdown generation.
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct MarkdownArgs {
/// Disable the generation of chapter titles. Useful to avoid chapter titles appearing twice.
#[arg(short, long)]
pub no_chapter_titles: bool,
/// Disables the inclusion of html image tags in the markdown.
#[arg(short='i', long)]
pub no_image_tags: bool,
/// Generate an audiobook from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory.
/// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong.
/// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this.
pub fn generate_audiobook(audiobook_args: AudiobookArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf) {
eprintln!("This is not implemented yet.");
/// Generate an epub file from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory.
/// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong.
/// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this.
pub fn generate_epub(epub_args: EpubArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf) {
// Until xhtml is working on MacOS this notice & exit code will remain.
// See file_system_crap::setup_html2xhtml() for current status on MacOS support for this mode.
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {
eprint!("Error! This mode does not currently support MacOS. Try either html mode or markdown mode.");
let book = book::Book::new(book_url);
// Initialize the epub builder.
let mut epub_builder = EpubBuilder::new(ZipLibrary::new().unwrap()).unwrap();
// Add author and title metadata.
epub_builder.stylesheet(constants::EPUB_CSS.as_bytes()).unwrap(); // Use the epub_css in the file.
.metadata("author", &
.expect("Unable to add author metadata");
.metadata("title", &book.title)
.expect("Unable to add title metadata");
// Download the cover image & add it to the epub.
let cover_image = http::get_response(book.cover_image_url).get_bytes().to_vec();
epub_builder.add_cover_image("cover.jpeg", cover_image.as_slice(), "image/jpeg").expect("Unable to add cover image.");
// Generate the cover xhtml.
let cover_xhtml = format!(
r#"<head></head><body><div style="text-align: center;">
<h1><a href="{0}">{1}</a></h1>
<img src="cover.jpeg"/>
<h2>by: {2}</h2>
<h3>Archived on: {3}</h3></div></body>"#,
chrono::Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false)
let cover_xhtml = format!("{0}{cover_xhtml}{1}", constants::EPUB_XML_HEAD, constants::EPUB_XML_TAIL);
// Add the cover xhtml to the epub.
EpubContent::new("title.xhtml", cover_xhtml.as_bytes())
).expect("Unable to add cover");
// Add a table of contents after the cover page.
// Setup html2xhtml on the operating system.
let html2xhtml_dir = file_system_crap::setup_html2xhtml();
// TODO! Generate the epub body, deal with images etc etc. You know pickup from last night etc etc.
// Finish setup_html2xhtml() first though dummy.
// Generate the finished epub data as a byte vector.
let mut finished_epub: Vec<u8> = vec![];
epub_builder.generate(&mut finished_epub).expect("Unable to generate epub data");
// Create the epub file and write the finished epub data to it.
let output_path = convert_path_to_os_specific(output_directory.join(format!("{0}.epub", book.file_name_title)));
let mut output_file = match OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&output_path) {
Ok(output_file) => output_file,
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("Error! Unable to create: {0}\n{error}", output_path.to_string_lossy());
.expect(format!("Unable to write finished epub data to {0}", output_path.to_string_lossy()).as_str());
// Delete the html2xhtml temp directory. It's good to clean up after yourself.
/// Generate an html archive from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory.
/// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong.
/// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this.
pub fn generate_html(html_args: HtmlArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf) {
eprintln!("This is not implemented yet.");
/// Generate a markdown file from the given arguments, url, & outputs it to the output directory.
/// This function DOES NOT do any error checking on the Url or output directory & WILL panic if they are wrong.
/// Make sure the Url is valid and the output directory is writable BEFORE passing them to this.
pub fn generate_markdown(markdown_args: MarkdownArgs, book_url: Url, output_directory: PathBuf) {
let book = book::Book::new(book_url);
let output_path = convert_path_to_os_specific(output_directory.join(format!("{0}.md", book.file_name_title)));
// Create the md file. This will crash if it already exists or can not be created.
let mut output_file = match OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&output_path) {
Ok(output_file) => output_file,
Err(error) => {
eprintln!("Error! Unable to create: {0}\n{error}", output_path.to_string_lossy());
// Append the book title & author.
let buf = format!("{}\n\nby: {}", &book.title, &;
let buf = format!(
"\nArchived on: {}\n\n",
Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(chrono::SecondsFormat::Secs, false)
for chapter in book.chapters {
let mut buf;
if !markdown_args.no_chapter_titles {
buf = format!("----\n{}", chapter.chapter_name);
if markdown_args.no_image_tags {
// Remove image tags or not depending on args.
buf = format!("\n\n{}\n\n", html2md::parse_html(&html::remove_image_tags(&chapter.isolated_chapter_html)));
} else {
buf = format!("\n\n{}\n\n", html2md::parse_html(&chapter.isolated_chapter_html.html()));