[package] edition = "2021" name = "ableos" version = "0.1.0" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [profile.release] panic = "abort" [package.metadata.bootimage] run-args = [ "-cpu", # "kvm64-v1", # Support for rdrand # "Broadwell", "EPYC-v1", "-serial", "stdio", "-smp", "cores=2", # An example gpu used with ableOS # "-device", # "virtio-gpu", # An example disk used with ableOS "-device", "virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,id=virtblk0,num-queues=4", # A simple example of a boot image "-drive", "file=disk.qcow2,if=none,id=drive0", ] test-args = [ "-device", "isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x04", "-serial", "stdio", ] [dependencies] linked_list_allocator = "0.9.0" lliw = "0.2.0" # qoi_rs = "*" spin = "0.5.2" vga = "*" log = "*" pretty-hex = "0.2.1" unicode-width = "0.1.7" picorand = "*" # watson = "0.4" uefi = { version="*", features = ["exts"] } [dependencies.rdrand] version = "0.8.1" default-features = false [dependencies.serde] version = "*" default-features = false features = ["derive", "alloc"] [dependencies.serde_json] version = "*" default-features = false features = ["alloc"] [dependencies.hashbrown] version = "*" default-features = false features = ["inline-more"] [dependencies.rkyv] version = "0.7.29" default-features = false features = ["size_64", "alloc"] [dependencies.smoltcp] version = "0.8.0" default-features = false features = ["log", "proto-ipv4"] [dependencies.y-compositor-protocol] git = "https://git.ablecorp.us:443/able/y-compositor-protocol.git" [dependencies.shadeable] path = "../shadeable" [dependencies.facepalm] path = "../facepalm" [dependencies.ab_glyph] version = "*" default-features = false features = ["libm"] [dependencies.wasmi] default-features = false features = ["core"] version = "*" [dependencies.lazy_static] features = ["spin_no_std"] version = "1.0" [dependencies.externc-libm] git = "https://git.ablecorp.us:443/able/externc-libm.git" [target.'cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")'.dependencies] bootloader = { version = "0.9.8", features = ["map_physical_memory"] } cpuio = { git = "https://git.ablecorp.us/ondra05/cpuio.git" } pic8259 = "0.10.1" uart_16550 = "0.2.0" volatile = "0.2.6" x86_64 = "*"