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//! QRCode encoder
//! This crate provides a QR code and Micro QR code encoder for binary data.
//! use qrcode::QrCode;
//! let code = QrCode::new(b"Some content here.");
//! match code {
//! Err(err) => panic!("Failed to encode the QR code: {:?}", err),
//! Ok(code) => {
//! for y in 0 .. code.width() {
//! for x in 0 .. code.width() {
//! let color = if code[(x, y)] { "black" } else { "white" };
//! // render color at position (x, y)
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! }
#![cfg_attr(feature="bench", feature(test))] // Unstable libraries
extern crate test;
extern crate num_traits;
use std::ops::Index;
pub use types::{QrResult, EcLevel, Version};
pub mod types;
pub mod bits;
pub mod optimize;
pub mod ec;
pub mod canvas;
/// The encoded QR code symbol.
pub struct QrCode {
content: Vec<bool>,
version: Version,
ec_level: EcLevel,
width: usize,
impl QrCode {
/// Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data.
/// This method uses the "medium" error correction level and automatically
/// chooses the smallest QR code.
/// use qrcode::QrCode;
/// let code = QrCode::new(b"Some data").unwrap();
pub fn new<D: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: D) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
QrCode::with_error_correction_level(data, EcLevel::M)
/// Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data at a
/// specific error correction level.
/// This method automatically chooses the smallest QR code.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, EcLevel};
/// let code = QrCode::with_error_correction_level(b"Some data", EcLevel::H).unwrap();
pub fn with_error_correction_level<D: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: D, ec_level: EcLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let bits = try!(bits::encode_auto(data.as_ref(), ec_level));
QrCode::with_bits(bits, ec_level)
/// Constructs a new QR code for the given version and error correction
/// level.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, EcLevel};
/// let code = QrCode::with_version(b"Some data", Version::Normal(5), EcLevel::M).unwrap();
/// This method can also be used to generate Micro QR code.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, EcLevel};
/// let micro_code = QrCode::with_version(b"123", Version::Micro(1), EcLevel::L).unwrap();
pub fn with_version<D: AsRef<[u8]>>(data: D, version: Version, ec_level: EcLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let mut bits = bits::Bits::new(version);
QrCode::with_bits(bits, ec_level)
/// Constructs a new QR code with encoded bits.
/// Use this method only if there are very special need to manipulate the
/// raw bits before encoding. Some examples are:
/// * Encode data using specific character set with ECI
/// * Use the FNC1 modes
/// * Avoid the optimal segmentation algorithm
/// See the `Bits` structure for detail.
/// #![allow(unused_must_use)]
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, EcLevel};
/// use qrcode::bits::Bits;
/// let mut bits = Bits::new(Version::Normal(1));
/// bits.push_eci_designator(9);
/// bits.push_byte_data(b"\xca\xfe\xe4\xe9\xea\xe1\xf2 QR");
/// bits.push_terminator(EcLevel::L);
/// let qrcode = QrCode::with_bits(bits, EcLevel::L);
pub fn with_bits(bits: bits::Bits, ec_level: EcLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let version = bits.version();
let data = bits.into_bytes();
let (encoded_data, ec_data) = try!(ec::construct_codewords(&*data, version, ec_level));
let mut canvas = canvas::Canvas::new(version, ec_level);
canvas.draw_data(&*encoded_data, &*ec_data);
let canvas = canvas.apply_best_mask();
Ok(QrCode {
content: canvas.to_bools(),
version: version,
ec_level: ec_level,
width: version.width() as usize,
/// Gets the version of this QR code.
pub fn version(&self) -> Version {
/// Gets the error correction level of this QR code.
pub fn error_correction_level(&self) -> EcLevel {
/// Gets the number of modules per side, i.e. the width of this QR code.
/// The width here does not contain the quiet zone paddings.
pub fn width(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets the maximum number of allowed erratic modules can be introduced
/// before the data becomes corrupted. Note that errors should not be
/// introduced to functional modules.
pub fn max_allowed_errors(&self) -> usize {
ec::max_allowed_errors(self.version, self.ec_level).unwrap()
/// Checks whether a module at coordinate (x, y) is a functional module or
/// not.
pub fn is_functional(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> bool {
canvas::is_functional(self.version, self.version.width(), x as i16, y as i16)
/// Converts the QR code into a human-readable string. This is mainly for
/// debugging only.
pub fn to_debug_str(&self, on_char: char, off_char: char) -> String {
let width = self.width;
let mut k = 0;
let mut res = String::with_capacity(width * (width + 1));
for _ in 0 .. width {
for _ in 0 .. width {
res.push(if self.content[k] { on_char } else { off_char });
k += 1;
/// Converts the QR code to a vector of booleans. Each entry represents the
/// color of the module, with "true" means dark and "false" means light.
pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
/// Converts the QR code to a vector of booleans. Each entry represents the
/// color of the module, with "true" means dark and "false" means light.
pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<bool> {
impl Index<(usize, usize)> for QrCode {
type Output = bool;
fn index(&self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &bool {
let index = y * self.width + x;
mod tests {
use {QrCode, Version, EcLevel};
fn test_annex_i_qr() {
// This uses the ISO Annex I as test vector.
let code = QrCode::with_version(b"01234567", Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::M).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*code.to_debug_str('#', '.'), "\n\
fn test_annex_i_micro_qr() {
let code = QrCode::with_version(b"01234567", Version::Micro(2), EcLevel::L).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*code.to_debug_str('#', '.'), "\n\