kennytm b7214af165 Rename the enum type Version to QrVersion.
Recent changes made enum names live in the type namespace as well. So we
need to rename to avoid name conflict.
2014-09-22 18:45:44 +08:00

237 lines
7.6 KiB

//! QRCode encoder
//! This crate provides a QR code and Micro QR code encoder for binary data.
//! use qrcode::QrCode;
//! let code = QrCode::new(b"Some content here.");
//! match code {
//! Err(err) => fail!("Failed to encode the QR code: {}", err),
//! Ok(code) => {
//! for y in range(0, code.width()) {
//! for x in range(0, code.width()) {
//! let color = if code[(x, y)] { "black" } else { "white" };
//! // render color at position (x, y)
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! }
extern crate test;
use std::slice::CloneableVector;
pub use types::{QrResult, ErrorCorrectionLevel, L, M, Q, H,
QrVersion, Version, MicroVersion};
pub mod types;
pub mod bits;
pub mod optimize;
pub mod ec;
pub mod canvas;
/// The encoded QR code symbol.
pub struct QrCode {
content: Vec<bool>,
version: QrVersion,
ec_level: ErrorCorrectionLevel,
width: uint,
impl QrCode {
/// Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data.
/// This method uses the "medium" error correction level and automatically
/// chooses the smallest QR code.
/// use qrcode::QrCode;
/// let code = QrCode::new(b"Some data").unwrap();
pub fn new(data: &[u8]) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
QrCode::with_error_correction_level(data, M)
/// Constructs a new QR code which automatically encodes the given data at a
/// specific error correction level.
/// This method automatically chooses the smallest QR code.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, H};
/// let code = QrCode::with_error_correction_level(b"Some data", H).unwrap();
pub fn with_error_correction_level(data: &[u8], ec_level: ErrorCorrectionLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let bits = try!(bits::encode_auto(data, ec_level));
QrCode::with_bits(bits, ec_level)
/// Constructs a new QR code for the given version and error correction
/// level.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, M};
/// let code = QrCode::with_version(b"Some data", Version(5), M).unwrap();
/// This method can also be used to generate Micro QR code.
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, MicroVersion, L};
/// let micro_code = QrCode::with_version(b"123", MicroVersion(1), L).unwrap();
pub fn with_version(data: &[u8],
version: QrVersion,
ec_level: ErrorCorrectionLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let mut bits = bits::Bits::new(version);
QrCode::with_bits(bits, ec_level)
/// Constructs a new QR code with encoded bits.
/// Use this method only if there are very special need to manipulate the
/// raw bits before encoding. Some examples are:
/// * Encode data using specific character set with ECI
/// * Use the FNC1 modes
/// * Avoid the optimal segmentation algorithm
/// See the `Bits` structure for detail.
/// #![allow(unused_must_use)];
/// use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, L};
/// use qrcode::bits::Bits;
/// let mut bits = Bits::new(Version(1));
/// bits.push_eci_designator(9);
/// bits.push_byte_data(b"\xca\xfe\xe4\xe9\xea\xe1\xf2 QR");
/// bits.push_terminator(L);
/// let qrcode = QrCode::with_bits(bits, L);
pub fn with_bits(bits: bits::Bits,
ec_level: ErrorCorrectionLevel) -> QrResult<QrCode> {
let version = bits.version();
let data = bits.into_bytes();
let (encoded_data, ec_data) = try!(ec::construct_codewords(data.as_slice(),
version, ec_level));
let mut canvas = canvas::Canvas::new(version, ec_level);
canvas.draw_data(encoded_data.as_slice(), ec_data.as_slice());
let canvas = canvas.apply_best_mask();
Ok(QrCode {
content: canvas.to_bools(),
version: version,
ec_level: ec_level,
width: version.width() as uint,
/// Gets the version of this QR code.
pub fn version(&self) -> QrVersion {
/// Gets the error correction level of this QR code.
pub fn error_correction_level(&self) -> ErrorCorrectionLevel {
/// Gets the number of modules per side, i.e. the width of this QR code.
/// The width here does not contain the quiet zone paddings.
pub fn width(&self) -> uint {
/// Converts the QR code into a human-readable string. This is mainly for
/// debugging only.
pub fn to_debug_str(&self, on_char: char, off_char: char) -> String {
let width = self.width;
let mut k = 0;
let mut res = String::with_capacity(width * (width + 1));
for _ in range(0, width) {
for _ in range(0, width) {
res.push_char(if self.content[k] { on_char } else { off_char });
k += 1;
impl Index<(uint, uint), bool> for QrCode {
fn index(&self, &(x, y): &(uint, uint)) -> &bool {
let index = y * self.width + x;
impl CloneableVector<bool> for QrCode {
fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<bool> {
fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<bool> {
mod tests {
use {QrCode, Version, MicroVersion, L, M};
fn test_annex_i_qr() {
// This uses the ISO Annex I as test vector.
let code = QrCode::with_version(b"01234567", Version(1), M).unwrap();
assert_eq!(code.to_debug_str('#', '.').as_slice(), "\n\
fn test_annex_i_micro_qr() {
let code = QrCode::with_version(b"01234567", MicroVersion(2), L).unwrap();
assert_eq!(code.to_debug_str('#', '.').as_slice(), "\n\