476 lines
28 KiB
476 lines
28 KiB
//! The `ec` module applies the Reed-Solomon error correction codes.
use std::ops::Deref;
use types::{EcLevel, QrResult, Version};
//{{{ Error correction primitive
/// Creates the error correction code in N bytes.
/// This method only supports computing the error-correction code up to
/// 69 bytes. Longer blocks will result in task panic.
/// This method treats the data as a polynomial of the form
/// (a[0] x<sup>m+n</sup> + a[1] x<sup>m+n-1</sup> + … + a[m] x<sup>n</sup>) in
/// GF(256), and then computes the polynomial modulus with a generator
/// polynomial of degree N.
pub fn create_error_correction_code(data: &[u8], ec_code_size: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
let data_len = data.len();
let log_den = GENERATOR_POLYNOMIALS[ec_code_size];
let mut res = data.to_vec();
res.resize(ec_code_size + data_len, 0);
// rust-lang-nursery/rust-clippy#2213
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(needless_range_loop))]
for i in 0..data_len {
let lead_coeff = res[i] as usize;
if lead_coeff == 0 {
let log_lead_coeff = usize::from(LOG_TABLE[lead_coeff]);
for (u, v) in res[i + 1..].iter_mut().zip(log_den.iter()) {
*u ^= EXP_TABLE[(usize::from(*v) + log_lead_coeff) % 255];
mod ec_tests {
use ec::create_error_correction_code;
fn test_poly_mod_1() {
let res = create_error_correction_code(b" [\x0bx\xd1r\xdcMC@\xec\x11\xec\x11\xec\x11", 10);
assert_eq!(&*res, b"\xc4#'w\xeb\xd7\xe7\xe2]\x17");
fn test_poly_mod_2() {
let res = create_error_correction_code(b" [\x0bx\xd1r\xdcMC@\xec\x11\xec", 13);
assert_eq!(&*res, b"\xa8H\x16R\xd96\x9c\x00.\x0f\xb4z\x10");
fn test_poly_mod_3() {
let res = create_error_correction_code(b"CUF\x86W&U\xc2w2\x06\x12\x06g&", 18);
assert_eq!(&*res, b"\xd5\xc7\x0b-s\xf7\xf1\xdf\xe5\xf8\x9au\x9aoV\xa1o'");
//{{{ Interleave support
/// This method interleaves a vector of slices into a single vector.
/// It will first insert all the first elements of the slices in `blocks`, then
/// all the second elements, then all the third elements, and so on.
/// The longest slice must be at the last of `blocks`, and `blocks` must not be
/// empty.
fn interleave<T: Copy, V: Deref<Target = [T]>>(blocks: &[V]) -> Vec<T> {
let last_block_len = blocks.last().expect("non-empty blocks").len();
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(last_block_len * blocks.len());
for i in 0..last_block_len {
for t in blocks {
if i < t.len() {
fn test_interleave() {
let res = interleave(&[&b"1234"[..], b"5678", b"abcdef", b"ghijkl"]);
assert_eq!(&*res, b"15ag26bh37ci48djekfl");
//{{{ QR code error correction
/// Constructs data and error correction codewords ready to be put in the QR
/// code matrix.
pub fn construct_codewords(rawbits: &[u8], version: Version, ec_level: EcLevel) -> QrResult<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {
let (block_1_size, block_1_count, block_2_size, block_2_count) = version.fetch(ec_level, &DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)?;
let blocks_count = block_1_count + block_2_count;
let block_1_end = block_1_size * block_1_count;
let total_size = block_1_end + block_2_size * block_2_count;
debug_assert_eq!(rawbits.len(), total_size);
// Divide the data into blocks.
let mut blocks = Vec::with_capacity(blocks_count);
if block_2_size > 0 {
// Generate EC codes.
let ec_bytes = version.fetch(ec_level, &EC_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)?;
let ec_codes = blocks.iter().map(|block| create_error_correction_code(*block, ec_bytes)).collect::<Vec<Vec<u8>>>();
let blocks_vec = interleave(&blocks);
let ec_vec = interleave(&ec_codes);
Ok((blocks_vec, ec_vec))
mod construct_codewords_test {
use ec::construct_codewords;
use types::{EcLevel, Version};
fn test_add_ec_simple() {
let msg = b" [\x0bx\xd1r\xdcMC@\xec\x11\xec\x11\xec\x11";
let (blocks_vec, ec_vec) = construct_codewords(msg, Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::M).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*blocks_vec, msg);
assert_eq!(&*ec_vec, b"\xc4#'w\xeb\xd7\xe7\xe2]\x17");
fn test_add_ec_complex() {
let msg = b"CUF\x86W&U\xc2w2\x06\x12\x06g&\xf6\xf6B\x07v\x86\xf2\x07&V\x16\xc6\xc7\x92\x06\
let expected_blocks = b"C\xf6\xb6FU\xf6\xe6\xf7FB\xf7v\x86\x07wVWv2\xc2&\x86\x07\x06U\xf2v\
let expected_ec = b"\xd5W\x94\xeb\xc7\xcct\x9f\x0b`\xb1\x05-<\xd4\xads\xcaL\x18\xf7\xb6\x85\
\xe6\xac\x9a\xd1\xbdRo\x11\n\x02V\xa3l\x83\xa1\xa3\xf0 ox\xc0\xb2'\x85\
let (blocks_vec, ec_vec) = construct_codewords(msg, Version::Normal(5), EcLevel::Q).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&*blocks_vec, &expected_blocks[..]);
assert_eq!(&*ec_vec, &expected_ec[..]);
//{{{ Number of allowed errors
/// Computes the maximum allowed number of erratic modules can be introduced to
/// the QR code, before the data becomes truly corrupted.
pub fn max_allowed_errors(version: Version, ec_level: EcLevel) -> QrResult<usize> {
use EcLevel::{L, M};
use Version::{Micro, Normal};
let p = match (version, ec_level) {
(Micro(2), L) | (Normal(1), L) => 3,
(Micro(_), L) | (Normal(2), L) | (Micro(2), M) | (Normal(1), M) => 2,
(Normal(1), _) | (Normal(3), L) => 1,
_ => 0,
let ec_bytes_per_block = version.fetch(ec_level, &EC_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)?;
let (_, count1, _, count2) = version.fetch(ec_level, &DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK)?;
let ec_bytes = (count1 + count2) * ec_bytes_per_block;
Ok((ec_bytes - p) / 2)
mod max_allowed_errors_test {
use ec::max_allowed_errors;
use types::{EcLevel, Version};
fn test_low_versions() {
assert_eq!(Ok(0), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(1), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(1), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(2), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(2), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(2), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(2), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(3), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(4), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(3), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(3), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(4), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(5), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(4), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(7), max_allowed_errors(Version::Micro(4), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(2), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(4), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(6), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(8), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(1), EcLevel::H));
assert_eq!(Ok(4), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(2), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(8), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(2), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(11), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(2), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(14), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(2), EcLevel::H));
assert_eq!(Ok(7), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(3), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(13), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(3), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(18), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(3), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(22), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(3), EcLevel::H));
assert_eq!(Ok(10), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(4), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(18), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(4), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(26), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(4), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(32), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(4), EcLevel::H));
fn test_high_versions() {
assert_eq!(Ok(375), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(40), EcLevel::L));
assert_eq!(Ok(686), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(40), EcLevel::M));
assert_eq!(Ok(1020), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(40), EcLevel::Q));
assert_eq!(Ok(1215), max_allowed_errors(Version::Normal(40), EcLevel::H));
//{{{ Precomputed tables for GF(256).
/// `EXP_TABLE` encodes the value of 2<sup>n</sup> in the Galois Field GF(256).
static EXP_TABLE: &'static [u8] = b"\
/// `LOG_TABLE` is the inverse function of `EXP_TABLE`.
static LOG_TABLE: &'static [u8] = b"\
/// The generator polynomial list.
/// `GENERATOR_POLYNOMIALS[i]` is the polynomial for `i` error correction code
/// words. Each entry encodes the log coefficients of the expanded polynomial
/// (x − 2<sup>0</sup>)(x − 2<sup>1</sup>)…(x − 2<sup>i-1</sup>). Each entry is
/// used as the denominator for polynomial division to obtain the modulus which
/// is the Reed-Solomon error correction code.
/// A partial list can be found from ISO/IEC 18004:2006 Annex A.
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
// ^ this attribute is currently useless, see rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt#1080 and 1298
static GENERATOR_POLYNOMIALS: [&'static [u8]; 70] = [
//{{{ Tables for error correction sizes
/// `EC_BYTES_PER_BLOCK` provides the number of codewords (bytes) used for error
/// correction per block in each version.
/// This is a copy of ISO/IEC 18004:2006, §6.5.1, Table 9 (The 4th column divide
/// by the sum of the 6th column).
static EC_BYTES_PER_BLOCK: [[usize; 4]; 44] = [
// Normal versions.
[7, 10, 13, 17], // 1
[10, 16, 22, 28], // 2
[15, 26, 18, 22], // 3
[20, 18, 26, 16], // 4
[26, 24, 18, 22], // 5
[18, 16, 24, 28], // 6
[20, 18, 18, 26], // 7
[24, 22, 22, 26], // 8
[30, 22, 20, 24], // 9
[18, 26, 24, 28], // 10
[20, 30, 28, 24], // 11
[24, 22, 26, 28], // 12
[26, 22, 24, 22], // 13
[30, 24, 20, 24], // 14
[22, 24, 30, 24], // 15
[24, 28, 24, 30], // 16
[28, 28, 28, 28], // 17
[30, 26, 28, 28], // 18
[28, 26, 26, 26], // 19
[28, 26, 30, 28], // 20
[28, 26, 28, 30], // 21
[28, 28, 30, 24], // 22
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 23
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 24
[26, 28, 30, 30], // 25
[28, 28, 28, 30], // 26
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 27
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 28
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 29
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 30
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 31
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 32
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 33
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 34
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 35
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 36
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 37
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 38
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 39
[30, 28, 30, 30], // 40
// Micro versions.
[2, 0, 0, 0], // M1
[5, 6, 0, 0], // M2
[6, 8, 0, 0], // M3
[8, 10, 14, 0], // M4
/// `DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK` provides the number of codewords (bytes) used for
/// real data per block in each version.
/// This is a copy of ISO/IEC 18004:2006, §6.5.1, Table 9 (The value "k" of the
/// 7th column, followed by the 6th column).
/// Every entry is a 4-tuple. Take `DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK[39][3] == (15, 20, 16, 61)`
/// as an example, this means in version 40 with correction level H, there are
/// 20 blocks with 15 bytes in size, and 61 blocks with 16 bytes in size.
static DATA_BYTES_PER_BLOCK: [[(usize, usize, usize, usize); 4]; 44] = [
// Normal versions.
[(19, 1, 0, 0), (16, 1, 0, 0), (13, 1, 0, 0), (9, 1, 0, 0)], // 1
[(34, 1, 0, 0), (28, 1, 0, 0), (22, 1, 0, 0), (16, 1, 0, 0)], // 2
[(55, 1, 0, 0), (44, 1, 0, 0), (17, 2, 0, 0), (13, 2, 0, 0)], // 3
[(80, 1, 0, 0), (32, 2, 0, 0), (24, 2, 0, 0), (9, 4, 0, 0)], // 4
[(108, 1, 0, 0), (43, 2, 0, 0), (15, 2, 16, 2), (11, 2, 12, 2)], // 5
[(68, 2, 0, 0), (27, 4, 0, 0), (19, 4, 0, 0), (15, 4, 0, 0)], // 6
[(78, 2, 0, 0), (31, 4, 0, 0), (14, 2, 15, 4), (13, 4, 14, 1)], // 7
[(97, 2, 0, 0), (38, 2, 39, 2), (18, 4, 19, 2), (14, 4, 15, 2)], // 8
[(116, 2, 0, 0), (36, 3, 37, 2), (16, 4, 17, 4), (12, 4, 13, 4)], // 9
[(68, 2, 69, 2), (43, 4, 44, 1), (19, 6, 20, 2), (15, 6, 16, 2)], // 10
[(81, 4, 0, 0), (50, 1, 51, 4), (22, 4, 23, 4), (12, 3, 13, 8)], // 11
[(92, 2, 93, 2), (36, 6, 37, 2), (20, 4, 21, 6), (14, 7, 15, 4)], // 12
[(107, 4, 0, 0), (37, 8, 38, 1), (20, 8, 21, 4), (11, 12, 12, 4)], // 13
[(115, 3, 116, 1), (40, 4, 41, 5), (16, 11, 17, 5), (12, 11, 13, 5)], // 14
[(87, 5, 88, 1), (41, 5, 42, 5), (24, 5, 25, 7), (12, 11, 13, 7)], // 15
[(98, 5, 99, 1), (45, 7, 46, 3), (19, 15, 20, 2), (15, 3, 16, 13)], // 16
[(107, 1, 108, 5), (46, 10, 47, 1), (22, 1, 23, 15), (14, 2, 15, 17)], // 17
[(120, 5, 121, 1), (43, 9, 44, 4), (22, 17, 23, 1), (14, 2, 15, 19)], // 18
[(113, 3, 114, 4), (44, 3, 45, 11), (21, 17, 22, 4), (13, 9, 14, 16)], // 19
[(107, 3, 108, 5), (41, 3, 42, 13), (24, 15, 25, 5), (15, 15, 16, 10)], // 20
[(116, 4, 117, 4), (42, 17, 0, 0), (22, 17, 23, 6), (16, 19, 17, 6)], // 21
[(111, 2, 112, 7), (46, 17, 0, 0), (24, 7, 25, 16), (13, 34, 0, 0)], // 22
[(121, 4, 122, 5), (47, 4, 48, 14), (24, 11, 25, 14), (15, 16, 16, 14)], // 23
[(117, 6, 118, 4), (45, 6, 46, 14), (24, 11, 25, 16), (16, 30, 17, 2)], // 24
[(106, 8, 107, 4), (47, 8, 48, 13), (24, 7, 25, 22), (15, 22, 16, 13)], // 25
[(114, 10, 115, 2), (46, 19, 47, 4), (22, 28, 23, 6), (16, 33, 17, 4)], // 26
[(122, 8, 123, 4), (45, 22, 46, 3), (23, 8, 24, 26), (15, 12, 16, 28)], // 27
[(117, 3, 118, 10), (45, 3, 46, 23), (24, 4, 25, 31), (15, 11, 16, 31)], // 28
[(116, 7, 117, 7), (45, 21, 46, 7), (23, 1, 24, 37), (15, 19, 16, 26)], // 29
[(115, 5, 116, 10), (47, 19, 48, 10), (24, 15, 25, 25), (15, 23, 16, 25)], // 30
[(115, 13, 116, 3), (46, 2, 47, 29), (24, 42, 25, 1), (15, 23, 16, 28)], // 31
[(115, 17, 0, 0), (46, 10, 47, 23), (24, 10, 25, 35), (15, 19, 16, 35)], // 32
[(115, 17, 116, 1), (46, 14, 47, 21), (24, 29, 25, 19), (15, 11, 16, 46)], // 33
[(115, 13, 116, 6), (46, 14, 47, 23), (24, 44, 25, 7), (16, 59, 17, 1)], // 34
[(121, 12, 122, 7), (47, 12, 48, 26), (24, 39, 25, 14), (15, 22, 16, 41)], // 35
[(121, 6, 122, 14), (47, 6, 48, 34), (24, 46, 25, 10), (15, 2, 16, 64)], // 36
[(122, 17, 123, 4), (46, 29, 47, 14), (24, 49, 25, 10), (15, 24, 16, 46)], // 37
[(122, 4, 123, 18), (46, 13, 47, 32), (24, 48, 25, 14), (15, 42, 16, 32)], // 38
[(117, 20, 118, 4), (47, 40, 48, 7), (24, 43, 25, 22), (15, 10, 16, 67)], // 39
[(118, 19, 119, 6), (47, 18, 48, 31), (24, 34, 25, 34), (15, 20, 16, 61)], // 40
// Micro versions.
[(3, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0)], // M1
[(5, 1, 0, 0), (4, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0)], // M2
[(11, 1, 0, 0), (9, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0)], // M3
[(16, 1, 0, 0), (14, 1, 0, 0), (10, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0)], // M4