/// * The method will panic if the color is not one of the following: `blue`, `green`, `red`, `yellow`, `cyan`, `white` or `None`.
/// # Notes
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the success message.
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.
/// Deletes the last line of the terminal and prints a success symbol with a message.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use spinoff::Spinners;
/// use std::thread::sleep;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let sp = spinoff::new(Spinners::Dots, "Hello", None);
/// sleep(Duration::from_millis(800));
/// sp.success("Success!");
/// ```
/// # Notes
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the success message.
/// Deletes the last line of the terminal and prints a failure symbol with a message.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use spinoff::Spinners;
/// use std::thread::sleep;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let sp = spinoff::new(Spinners::Dots, "Hello", None);
/// sleep(Duration::from_millis(800));
/// sp.fail("Failed!");
/// ```
/// # Notes
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the failure message.
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.
/// Deletes the last line of the terminal and prints a warning symbol with a message.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use spinoff::Spinners;
/// use std::thread::sleep;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// let sp = spinoff::new(Spinners::Dots, "Hello", None);
/// sleep(Duration::from_millis(800));
/// sp.warn("Look out!");
/// ```
/// # Notes
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the warning message.
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the new spinner instance.
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.
/// let mut sp = spinoff::new(Spinners::Dots, "Hello", None);
/// sleep(Duration::from_millis(800));
/// sp.clear();
/// ```
/// # Notes
/// * This method will delete the last line of the terminal, so it is recommended to not print anything in between the spinner and the `delete` method call.
/// * This method cannot be called if the spinner is already stopped.