/* * PongOS v2.0 * * Micah Dowty * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 VMware, Inc. Licensed under the MIT * License, please see the README.txt. All rights reserved. */ #include "svga.h" #include "intr.h" #include "io.h" #include "timer.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "vmbackdoor.h" #include "math.h" #define PONG_DOT_SIZE 8 #define PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE 10 #define PONG_BG_COLOR 0x000000 #define PONG_SPRITE_COLOR 0xFFFFFF #define PONG_PLAYFIELD_COLOR 0xAAAAAA #define PONG_FRAME_RATE 60 #define MODE_WIDTH 800 #define MODE_HEIGHT 600 #define MAX_DIRTY_RECTS 128 #define MAX_SPRITES 8 typedef struct { float x, y; } Vector2; typedef struct { int x, y, w, h; } Rect; typedef struct { Rect r; uint32 color; } FillRect; static struct { uint32 *buffer; Rect dirtyRects[MAX_DIRTY_RECTS]; uint32 numDirtyRects; } back; static struct { FillRect paddles[2]; FillRect ball; uint8 scores[2]; float ballSpeed; float paddleVelocities[2]; float paddlePos[2]; Vector2 ballVelocity; Vector2 ballPos; Bool playfieldDirty; } pong; /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Random32 -- * * "Random" number generator. To save code space, we actually just use * the low bits of the TSC. This of course isn't actually random, but * it's good enough for Pong. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static uint32 Random32(void) { uint64 t; __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=A" (t)); return (uint32)t; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * RectTestIntersection -- * * Returns TRUE iff two Rects intersect with each other. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Bool RectTestIntersection(Rect *a, // IN Rect *b) // IN { return !(a->x + a->w < b->x || a->x > b->x + b->w || a->y + a->h < b->y || a->y > b->y + b->h); } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BackFill -- * * Perform a color fill on the backbuffer. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void BackFill(FillRect fr) // IN { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < fr.r.h; i++) { uint32 *line = &back.buffer[(fr.r.y + i) * MODE_WIDTH + fr.r.x]; for (j = 0; j < fr.r.w; j++) { line[j] = fr.color; } } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BackMarkDirty -- * * Mark a region of the backbuffer as dirty. We'll copy it to the * front buffer and ask the host to update it on the next * BackUpdate(). * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void BackMarkDirty(Rect rect) // IN { back.dirtyRects[back.numDirtyRects++] = rect; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BackUpdate -- * * Copy all dirty regions of the backbuffer to the frontbuffer, and * send updates to the SVGA device. Clears the dirtyRects list. * * For flow control, this also waits for the host to process the * batch of updates we just queued into the FIFO. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void BackUpdate() // IN { int rectNum; for (rectNum = 0; rectNum < back.numDirtyRects; rectNum++) { Rect rect = back.dirtyRects[rectNum]; uint32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < rect.h; i++) { uint32 offset = (rect.y + i) * MODE_WIDTH + rect.x; uint32 *src = &back.buffer[offset]; uint32 *dest = &((uint32*) gSVGA.fbMem)[offset]; for (j = 0; j < rect.w; j++) { dest[j] = src[j]; } } SVGA_Update(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); } back.numDirtyRects = 0; SVGA_SyncToFence(SVGA_InsertFence()); } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongDrawString -- * * Draw a string of digits, using our silly blocky font. The * string's origin is the top-middle. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongDrawString(uint32 x, // IN uint32 y, // IN const char *str, // IN uint32 strLen) // IN { const int charW = 4; const int charH = 5; static const uint8 font[] = { 0xF1, // **** ...* 0x91, // *..* ...* 0x91, // *..* ...* 0x91, // *..* ...* 0xF1, // **** ...* 0xFF, // **** **** 0x11, // ...* ...* 0xFF, // **** **** 0x81, // *... ...* 0xFF, // **** **** 0x9F, // *..* **** 0x98, // *..* *... 0xFF, // **** **** 0x11, // ...* ...* 0x1F, // ...* **** 0xFF, // **** **** 0x81, // *... ...* 0xF1, // **** ...* 0x91, // *..* ...* 0xF1, // **** ...* 0xFF, // **** **** 0x99, // *..* *..* 0xFF, // **** **** 0x91, // *..* ...* 0xF1, // **** ...* }; x -= (PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE * (strLen * (charW + 1) - 1)) / 2; while (*str) { int digit = *str - '0'; if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 9) { int i, j; for (j = 0; j < charH; j++) { for (i = 0; i < charW; i++) { if ((font[digit / 2 * 5 + j] << i) & (digit & 1 ? 0x08 : 0x80)) { FillRect pixel = { {x + i * PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE, y + j * PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE, PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE, PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE}, PONG_PLAYFIELD_COLOR, }; BackFill(pixel); } } } } x += PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE * (charW + 1); str++; } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * DecDigit -- * * Utility for extracting a decimal digit. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char DecDigit(int i, int div, Bool blank) { if (blank && i < div) { return ' '; } return (i / div) % 10 + '0'; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongDrawPlayfield -- * * Redraw the playfield for Pong. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongDrawPlayfield() { int i; /* * Clear the screen */ FillRect background = { {0, 0, MODE_WIDTH, MODE_HEIGHT}, PONG_BG_COLOR, }; BackFill(background); /* * Draw the dotted dividing line */ for (i = PONG_DOT_SIZE; i <= MODE_HEIGHT - PONG_DOT_SIZE * 2; i += PONG_DOT_SIZE * 2) { FillRect dot = { {(MODE_WIDTH - PONG_DOT_SIZE) / 2, i, PONG_DOT_SIZE, PONG_DOT_SIZE}, PONG_PLAYFIELD_COLOR, }; BackFill(dot); } /* * Draw the score counters. * * sprintf() is big, so we'll format this the old-fashioned way. * Right-justify the left score, and left-justify the right score. */ { char scoreStr[7] = " "; char *p = scoreStr; *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[0], 100, TRUE); *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[0], 10, TRUE); *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[0], 1, FALSE); p++; if (pong.scores[1] >= 100) { *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[1], 100, TRUE); } if (pong.scores[1] >= 10) { *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[1], 10, TRUE); } *(p++) = DecDigit(pong.scores[1], 1, FALSE); PongDrawString(MODE_WIDTH/2, PONG_DIGIT_PIXEL_SIZE, scoreStr, sizeof scoreStr); } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongDrawScreen -- * * Top-level redraw function for Pong. This does a lot of unnecessary * drawing to the backbuffer, but we're careful to only send update * rectangles for a few things: * * - When the playfield changes, we update the entire screen. * - Each sprite (the paddles and ball) gets two rectangles: * - One for its new position * - One for its old position * * None of these rectangles are ever merged. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongDrawScreen() { PongDrawPlayfield(); if (pong.playfieldDirty) { Rect r = {0, 0, MODE_WIDTH, MODE_HEIGHT}; BackMarkDirty(r); pong.playfieldDirty = FALSE; } /* Draw all sprites at the current positions */ BackFill(pong.paddles[0]); BackMarkDirty(pong.paddles[0].r); BackFill(pong.paddles[1]); BackMarkDirty(pong.paddles[1].r); BackFill(pong.ball); BackMarkDirty(pong.ball.r); /* Commit this to the front buffer and the host's screen */ BackUpdate(); /* Make sure we erase all sprites at the current positions on the next frame */ BackMarkDirty(pong.paddles[0].r); BackMarkDirty(pong.paddles[1].r); BackMarkDirty(pong.ball.r); } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongLaunchBall -- * * Reset the ball position, and give it a random angle. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongLaunchBall() { /* sin() from 0 to PI/2 */ static const float sineTable[64] = { 0.000000, 0.024931, 0.049846, 0.074730, 0.099568, 0.124344, 0.149042, 0.173648, 0.198146, 0.222521, 0.246757, 0.270840, 0.294755, 0.318487, 0.342020, 0.365341, 0.388435, 0.411287, 0.433884, 0.456211, 0.478254, 0.500000, 0.521435, 0.542546, 0.563320, 0.583744, 0.603804, 0.623490, 0.642788, 0.661686, 0.680173, 0.698237, 0.715867, 0.733052, 0.749781, 0.766044, 0.781831, 0.797133, 0.811938, 0.826239, 0.840026, 0.853291, 0.866025, 0.878222, 0.889872, 0.900969, 0.911506, 0.921476, 0.930874, 0.939693, 0.947927, 0.955573, 0.962624, 0.969077, 0.974928, 0.980172, 0.984808, 0.988831, 0.992239, 0.995031, 0.997204, 0.998757, 0.999689, 1.000000, }; int t; float sinT, cosT; pong.ballPos.x = MODE_WIDTH / 2; pong.ballPos.y = MODE_HEIGHT / 2; /* Limit the random angle to avoid those within 45 degrees of vertical */ t = 32 + (Random32() & 31); sinT = sineTable[t]; cosT = -sineTable[(t + 32) & 63]; sinT *= pong.ballSpeed; cosT *= pong.ballSpeed; switch (Random32() & 3) { case 0: pong.ballVelocity.x = sinT; pong.ballVelocity.y = cosT; break; case 1: pong.ballVelocity.x = -sinT; pong.ballVelocity.y = cosT; break; case 2: pong.ballVelocity.x = -sinT; pong.ballVelocity.y = -cosT; break; case 3: pong.ballVelocity.x = sinT; pong.ballVelocity.y = -cosT; break; } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongInit -- * * Initialize all game variables, including sprite location/size/color. * Requires that SVGA has already been initialized. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongInit() { pong.scores[0] = 0; pong.scores[1] = 0; pong.playfieldDirty = TRUE; pong.paddlePos[0] = pong.paddlePos[1] = MODE_HEIGHT / 2; pong.paddles[0].r.x = 10; pong.paddles[0].r.w = 16; pong.paddles[0].r.h = 64; pong.paddles[0].color = PONG_SPRITE_COLOR; pong.paddles[1].r.x = MODE_WIDTH - 16 - 10; pong.paddles[1].r.w = 16; pong.paddles[1].r.h = 64; pong.paddles[1].color = PONG_SPRITE_COLOR; pong.ball.r.w = 16; pong.ball.r.h = 16; pong.ball.color = PONG_SPRITE_COLOR; pong.ballSpeed = 400; PongLaunchBall(); } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongUpdateMotion -- * * Perform motion updates for the ball and paddles. This includes * bounce/goal detection. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongUpdateMotion(float dt) // IN { int playableWidth = MODE_WIDTH - pong.ball.r.w; int playableHeight = MODE_HEIGHT - pong.ball.r.h; int i; pong.ballPos.x += pong.ballVelocity.x * dt; pong.ballPos.y += pong.ballVelocity.y * dt; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int pos = pong.paddlePos[i] + pong.paddleVelocities[i] * dt; pong.paddlePos[i] = MIN(MODE_HEIGHT - pong.paddles[i].r.h, MAX(0, pos)); pong.paddles[i].r.y = (int)pong.paddlePos[i]; } if (pong.ballPos.x >= playableWidth) { /* Goal off the right edge */ pong.scores[0]++; pong.playfieldDirty = TRUE; PongLaunchBall(); } if (pong.ballPos.x <= 0) { /* Goal off the left edge */ pong.scores[1]++; pong.playfieldDirty = TRUE; PongLaunchBall(); } if (pong.ballPos.y >= playableHeight) { /* Bounce off the bottom edge */ pong.ballVelocity.y = -pong.ballVelocity.y; pong.ballPos.y = playableHeight - (pong.ballPos.y - playableHeight); } if (pong.ballPos.y <= 0) { /* Bounce off the top edge */ pong.ballVelocity.y = -pong.ballVelocity.y; pong.ballPos.y = -pong.ballPos.y; } pong.ballPos.y = MIN(playableHeight, pong.ballPos.y); pong.ballPos.y = MAX(0, pong.ballPos.y); pong.ball.r.x = (int)pong.ballPos.x; pong.ball.r.y = (int)pong.ballPos.y; /* * Lame collision detection between ball and paddles. Really we * should be testing the ball's entire path over this time step, * not just the ball's new position. Using the current * implementation, it's possible for the ball to move through a * paddle if it's going fast enough or our frame rate is slow * enough. */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* * Only bounce off the paddle when we're moving toward it, to * prevent the ball from getting stuck inside the paddle */ if ((pong.paddles[i].r.x > MODE_WIDTH / 2) == (pong.ballVelocity.x > 0) && RectTestIntersection(&pong.ball.r, &pong.paddles[i].r)) { /* * Boing! The ball bounces back, plus it gets a little spin * if the paddle itself was moving at the time. */ pong.ballVelocity.x = -pong.ballVelocity.x; pong.ballVelocity.y += pong.paddleVelocities[i]; pong.ballVelocity.y = MIN(pong.ballVelocity.y, pong.ballSpeed * 2); pong.ballVelocity.y = MAX(pong.ballVelocity.y, -pong.ballSpeed * 2); } } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongKeyboardPlayer -- * * A human player, using the up and down arrows on a keyboard. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongKeyboardPlayer(int playerNum, // IN float maxSpeed, // IN float accel) // IN { float v = pong.paddleVelocities[playerNum]; Bool up = Keyboard_IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP); Bool down = Keyboard_IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN); if (up && !down) { v -= accel; } else if (down && !up) { v += accel; } else { v = 0; } v = MIN(maxSpeed, MAX(-maxSpeed, v)); pong.paddleVelocities[playerNum] = v; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongAbsMousePlayer -- * * A human player, controlled with the Y axis of the absolute mouse. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongAbsMousePlayer(int playerNum) // IN { int currentY = pong.paddles[playerNum].r.y; int newY = currentY; VMMousePacket p; Bool mouseMoved = FALSE; while (VMBackdoor_MouseGetPacket(&p)) { newY = (p.y * MODE_HEIGHT / 0xFFFF) - pong.paddles[playerNum].r.h / 2; newY = MAX(0, newY); newY = MIN(MODE_HEIGHT - pong.paddles[playerNum].r.h, newY); mouseMoved = TRUE; } if (newY != currentY && mouseMoved) { pong.paddleVelocities[playerNum] = (newY - currentY) * (float)PONG_FRAME_RATE; } } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * PongComputerPlayer -- * * Simple computer player. Always moves its paddle toward the ball. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void PongComputerPlayer(int playerNum, // IN float maxSpeed) // IN { int paddleCenter = pong.paddles[playerNum].r.y + pong.paddles[playerNum].r.h / 2; int ballCenter = pong.ball.r.y + pong.ball.r.h / 2; int distance = ballCenter - paddleCenter; pong.paddleVelocities[playerNum] = distance * maxSpeed * (1.0f / MODE_HEIGHT); } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * main -- * * Initialization and main loop. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void main(void) { Intr_Init(); SVGA_Init(); SVGA_SetMode(MODE_WIDTH, MODE_HEIGHT, 32); back.buffer = (uint32*) (gSVGA.fbMem + MODE_WIDTH * MODE_HEIGHT * sizeof(uint32)); Keyboard_Init(); VMBackdoor_MouseInit(TRUE); PongInit(); Timer_InitPIT(PIT_HZ / PONG_FRAME_RATE); Intr_SetMask(0, TRUE); while (1) { PongKeyboardPlayer(0, 1000, 50); PongAbsMousePlayer(0); PongComputerPlayer(1, 2000); PongUpdateMotion(1.0 / PONG_FRAME_RATE); PongDrawScreen(); Intr_Halt(); } }