but couldn't release immediately since they depended on virtual GPU features which were not yet publicly released in any products. This checkin moves those features from our internal repository to the open source repository. Future development on these tests and examples will take place directly in the open source repository. The primary feature added by this patch is 'Screen Object', a new dynamic display management extension supported by Workstation 7.0 and Fusion 3.0. See the README for a quick explanation.
514 lines
12 KiB
514 lines
12 KiB
* Test clipping for Present and Surface-to-Screen blits.
* This example requires SVGA Screen Object and SVGA3D support.
#include "svga.h"
#include "svga3d.h"
#include "svga3dutil.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "gmr.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "intr.h"
#include "screendraw.h"
#include "console_vga.h"
* 3D Rendering Definitions
typedef struct {
float position[3];
uint32 color;
} MyVertex;
typedef struct {
int numRects;
SVGASignedRect rects[2048];
} ClipBuffer;
uint32 vertexSid, indexSid;
ClipBuffer circles[2];
const int surfWidth = 224;
const int surfHeight = 168;
SVGA3dSurfaceImageId colorImage;
SVGA3dSurfaceImageId depthImage;
static const MyVertex vertexData[] = {
{ {-1, -1, -1}, 0xffffff },
{ {-1, -1, 1}, 0xffff00 },
{ {-1, 1, -1}, 0xff00ff },
{ {-1, 1, 1}, 0xff0000 },
{ { 1, -1, -1}, 0x00ffff },
{ { 1, -1, 1}, 0x00ff00 },
{ { 1, 1, -1}, 0x0000ff },
{ { 1, 1, 1}, 0x000000 },
static const uint16 indexData[] = {
0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 0, // -X
4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 4, // +X
0, 4,
1, 5,
2, 6,
3, 7,
const uint32 numLines = arraysize(indexData) / 2;
* initScreens --
* Set up our Screen Objects, and label them.
static void
static const SVGAScreenObject screen = {
.structSize = sizeof(SVGAScreenObject),
.id = 0,
.size = { 1024, 768 },
.root = { 1000, 2000 },
ScreenDraw_SetScreen(screen.id, screen.size.width, screen.size.height);
Console_Format("Surface-to-Screen Blit Clipping Test\n");
ScreenDraw_Border(0, 0, screen.size.width, screen.size.height, 0xFF0000, 1);
Console_MoveTo(20, 45);
Console_Format("Stair-step clipping (small tiles)");
Console_MoveTo(20, 245);
Console_Format("Top/bottom halves swapped");
Console_MoveTo(20, 445);
Console_Format("Scaled bottom half, with hole");
Console_MoveTo(350, 65);
Console_Format("Zoomed to 1.5x full screen, two circular clip regions");
Console_MoveTo(5, 660);
Console_Format("Stair-step, clipped against screen edges");
* presentWithClipBuf --
* Present our surface to the screen, with clipping data from a ClipBuffer.
* The supplied ClipBuffer is always in screen coordinates. We
* convert them into dest-relative coordinates for the
* surface-to-screen blit.
static void
presentWithClipBuf(ClipBuffer *buf, int dstL, int dstT, int dstR, int dstB)
SVGASignedRect srcRect = { 0, 0, surfWidth, surfHeight };
SVGASignedRect dstRect = { dstL, dstT, dstR, dstB };
SVGASignedRect *clip;
int i;
SVGA3D_BeginBlitSurfaceToScreen(&colorImage, &srcRect, 0,
&dstRect, &clip, buf->numRects);
for (i = 0; i < buf->numRects; i++) {
clip->left = buf->rects[i].left - dstL;
clip->top = buf->rects[i].top - dstT;
clip->right = buf->rects[i].right - dstL;
clip->bottom = buf->rects[i].bottom - dstT;
* prepareCircle --
* Prepare a ClipBuffer with a circular clip region, and draw an
* outline around the region.
static void
prepareCircle(ClipBuffer *buf, int centerX, int centerY, int radius)
int r, i;
i = 0;
for (r = -radius; r <= radius; r++) {
int chordRadius = __builtin_sqrtf(radius * radius - r * r) + 0.5f;
SVGASignedRect *rect = &buf->rects[i++];
rect->left = centerX - chordRadius;
rect->top = centerY - r;
rect->right = centerX + chordRadius;
rect->bottom = centerY - r + 1;
ScreenDraw_Rectangle(rect->left - 1, rect->top - 1,
rect->right + 1, rect->bottom + 1,
buf->numRects = i;
* presentStairStep --
* Use a non-scaled Present to draw many small square tiles, and
* clip the edge to a stair-step pattern. This tests performance
* for large numbers of clip rectangles, and it will make any edge
* artifacts very noticeable.
* This is a set of copyrects where all of the sources line up,
* so it is also expressable as a clip rectangle.
static void
presentStairStep(int xOffset, int yOffset)
const int gridSize = 16;
const int numRects = (gridSize + 1) * gridSize / 2;
const int squareWidth = surfWidth / gridSize;
const int squareHeight = surfHeight / gridSize;
int x, y, i;
SVGA3dCopyRect *cr;
SVGA3D_BeginPresent(colorImage.sid, &cr, numRects);
i = 0;
for (x = 0; x < gridSize; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < gridSize; y++) {
if (x + y < gridSize) {
cr[i].srcx = x * squareWidth;
cr[i].srcy = y * squareHeight;
cr[i].x = cr[i].srcx + xOffset;
cr[i].y = cr[i].srcy + yOffset;
cr[i].w = squareWidth;
cr[i].h = squareHeight;
if (i != numRects) {
SVGA_Panic("Incorrect numRects in present()");
* present --
* Copy our rendered cube to the screen. This is where we test clipping.
static void
* Main stair-step unscaled present test.
presentStairStep(1020, 2065);
* Another non-scaled present, this time using the copyrects in a
* way which is not also expressable as a clip rectangle. In this
* case, we're using one Present to split the image in half (top
* and bottom) and reverse the two halves.
SVGA3dCopyRect *cr;
SVGA3D_BeginPresent(colorImage.sid, &cr, 2);
cr[0].srcx = 0;
cr[0].srcy = surfHeight / 2;
cr[0].x = 1020;
cr[0].y = 2265;
cr[0].w = surfWidth;
cr[0].h = surfHeight / 2;
cr[1].srcx = 0;
cr[1].srcy = 0;
cr[1].x = 1020;
cr[1].y = 2265 + surfHeight / 2;
cr[1].w = surfWidth;
cr[1].h = surfHeight / 2;
* A fairly normal scaled blit. This one is only slightly scaled, unlike the
* large one below- so it may be easier to see a different class of bugs.
* For clipping, we remove a hole from the center of the image.
* We also test source clipping by displaying the bottom half.
SVGASignedRect *clip;
SVGASignedRect srcRect = { 0, surfHeight/2, surfWidth, surfHeight };
SVGASignedRect dstRect = { 20, 465, 325, 655 };
SVGA3D_BeginBlitSurfaceToScreen(&colorImage, &srcRect, 0,
&dstRect, &clip, 4);
// Top
clip[0].left = 0;
clip[0].top = 0;
clip[0].right = 445;
clip[0].bottom = 75;
// Bottom
clip[1].left = 0;
clip[1].top = 115;
clip[1].right = 445;
clip[1].bottom = 330;
// Left
clip[2].left = 0;
clip[2].top = 75;
clip[2].right = 63;
clip[2].bottom = 115;
// Right
clip[3].left = 242;
clip[3].top = 75;
clip[3].right = 305;
clip[3].bottom = 115;
* Stair-step, clipped against the bottom and left sides of the screen.
presentStairStep(1000 - surfHeight/2, 2000 + 768 - surfHeight/2);
* Scaled circles. We scale these asymmetrically, to about 1.5x the
* size of the screen.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < arraysize(circles); i++) {
presentWithClipBuf(&circles[i], -500, -300, 1300, 1000);
* setup3D --
* Allocate 3D resources.
static void
colorImage.sid = SVGA3DUtil_DefineSurface2D(surfWidth, surfHeight, SVGA3D_X8R8G8B8);
depthImage.sid = SVGA3DUtil_DefineSurface2D(surfWidth, surfHeight, SVGA3D_Z_D16);
vertexSid = SVGA3DUtil_DefineStaticBuffer(vertexData, sizeof vertexData);
indexSid = SVGA3DUtil_DefineStaticBuffer(indexData, sizeof indexData);
* drawCube --
* Draw a spinning wireframe cube.
static void
static float angle = 0.5f;
SVGA3dRect *rect;
Matrix perspectiveMat;
SVGA3dTextureState *ts;
SVGA3dRenderState *rs;
SVGA3dRect viewport = { 0, 0, surfWidth, surfHeight };
SVGA3D_SetRenderTarget(CID, SVGA3D_RT_COLOR0, &colorImage);
SVGA3D_SetRenderTarget(CID, SVGA3D_RT_DEPTH, &depthImage);
SVGA3D_SetViewport(CID, &viewport);
SVGA3D_SetZRange(CID, 0.0f, 1.0f);
SVGA3D_BeginSetRenderState(CID, &rs, 5);
rs[0].state = SVGA3D_RS_BLENDENABLE;
rs[0].uintValue = FALSE;
rs[1].state = SVGA3D_RS_ZENABLE;
rs[1].uintValue = TRUE;
rs[2].uintValue = TRUE;
rs[3].state = SVGA3D_RS_ZFUNC;
rs[3].uintValue = SVGA3D_CMP_LESS;
rs[4].uintValue = FALSE;
SVGA3D_BeginSetTextureState(CID, &ts, 4);
ts[0].stage = 0;
ts[0].name = SVGA3D_TS_BIND_TEXTURE;
ts[0].value = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
ts[1].stage = 0;
ts[1].name = SVGA3D_TS_COLOROP;
ts[1].value = SVGA3D_TC_SELECTARG1;
ts[2].stage = 0;
ts[2].name = SVGA3D_TS_COLORARG1;
ts[2].value = SVGA3D_TA_DIFFUSE;
ts[3].stage = 0;
ts[3].name = SVGA3D_TS_ALPHAARG1;
ts[3].value = SVGA3D_TA_DIFFUSE;
* Draw a red border around the render target, to test edge
* accuracy in Present.
0xFF0000, 1.0f, 0, &rect, 1);
*rect = viewport;
* Draw the background color
0x336699, 1.0f, 0, &rect, 1);
rect->x = viewport.x + 1;
rect->y = viewport.y + 1;
rect->w = viewport.w - 2;
rect->h = viewport.h - 2;
SVGA3dVertexDecl *decls;
SVGA3dPrimitiveRange *ranges;
Matrix view;
Matrix_Copy(view, gIdentityMatrix);
Matrix_Scale(view, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);
Matrix_RotateX(view, 30.0 * M_PI / 180.0);
Matrix_RotateY(view, angle);
Matrix_Translate(view, 0, 0, 2.2);
angle += 0.02;
Matrix_Perspective(perspectiveMat, 45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f);
SVGA3D_SetTransform(CID, SVGA3D_TRANSFORM_WORLD, gIdentityMatrix);
SVGA3D_SetTransform(CID, SVGA3D_TRANSFORM_PROJECTION, perspectiveMat);
SVGA3D_BeginDrawPrimitives(CID, &decls, 2, &ranges, 1);
decls[0].identity.type = SVGA3D_DECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
decls[0].identity.usage = SVGA3D_DECLUSAGE_POSITION;
decls[0].array.surfaceId = vertexSid;
decls[0].array.stride = sizeof(MyVertex);
decls[0].array.offset = offsetof(MyVertex, position);
decls[1].identity.type = SVGA3D_DECLTYPE_D3DCOLOR;
decls[1].identity.usage = SVGA3D_DECLUSAGE_COLOR;
decls[1].array.surfaceId = vertexSid;
decls[1].array.stride = sizeof(MyVertex);
decls[1].array.offset = offsetof(MyVertex, color);
ranges[0].primType = SVGA3D_PRIMITIVE_LINELIST;
ranges[0].primitiveCount = numLines;
ranges[0].indexArray.surfaceId = indexSid;
ranges[0].indexArray.stride = sizeof(uint16);
ranges[0].indexWidth = sizeof(uint16);
* main --
* Initialization, main loop.
static FPSCounterState fps;
uint32 frameFence = 0;
uint32 nextFence;
SVGA_SetMode(0, 0, 32);
* One big circle, and a smaller one that overlaps the top-right
* corner. (This tests positive and negative clipping extremes.)
prepareCircle(&circles[0], 650, 400, 300);
prepareCircle(&circles[1], 1000, 50, 250);
while (1) {
if (SVGA3DUtil_UpdateFPSCounter(&fps)) {
Console_MoveTo(900, 730);
Console_Format("%s ", fps.text);
* Flow control- one frame in the FIFO at a time.
nextFence = SVGA_InsertFence();
frameFence = nextFence;
return 0;