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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
// File: Component2Testsnap.cxx
// Contents: Classes that implement Component2Test snapin using the framework.
#include "stdafx.hxx"
// Member: CComponent2TestRootItem::ScInit
// Synopsis: Called immeadiately after the item is created to init
// displayname, icon index etc...
// Arguments: [CBaseSnapin] -
// [CColumnInfoEx] - Any columns to be displayed for this item.
// [INT] - # of columns
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestRootItem::ScInit(CBaseSnapin *pSnapin, CColumnInfoEx *pcolinfoex, INT ccolinfoex, BOOL fIsRoot)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::ScInit"));
sc = CBaseSnapinItem::ScInit(pSnapin, pcolinfoex, ccolinfoex, fIsRoot);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Init following
// a. Icon index.
// b. Load display name.
m_uIconIndex = 3; // use an enum instead of 3
m_strDisplayName.LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_Component2TestROOT);
return sc;
// Member: CComponent2TestRootItem::ScGetField
// Synopsis: Get the string representation for given field to display
// it in result pane.
// Arguments: [DAT] - The column requested (this is an enumeration).
// [tstring] - Out string.
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestRootItem::ScGetField (DAT dat, tstring& strField)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::ScGetField"));
case datString1:
strField = _T("Root String1");
case datString2:
strField = _T("Root String2");
case datString3:
strField = _T("Root String3");
return (sc);
// Member: CComponent2TestRootItem::ScCreateChildren
// Synopsis: Create any children (nodes & leaf items) for this item.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestRootItem::ScCreateChildren ()
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::ScCreateChildren"));
t_itemChild * pitemChild = NULL;
t_itemChild * pitemPrevious = NULL;
// Let us create 10 items for this container.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// Create the child nodes and init them.
sc = CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCreateLVLeafItem(this, pitemPrevious, &pitemChild, FALSE); // Why FALSE???
if (sc)
return sc;
pitemPrevious = pitemChild;
return (sc);
// Member: CComponent2TestRootItem::ScQueryDispatch
// Synopsis: We support IDispatch for scripting, just return a pointer
// to the IDispatch of ourselves.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestRootItem::ScQueryDispatch(long cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDISPATCH *ppDispatch)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::ScQueryDispatch"));
*ppDispatch = dynamic_cast<IDispatch*>(this);
if (! *ppDispatch)
return (sc = E_NOINTERFACE);
return sc;
HRESULT CComponent2TestRootItem::StringFromScriptToSnapin(BSTR bstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::StringFromScriptToSnapin"));
// The script is supposed to give us this function name in the string.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(bstrMessage, L"StringFromScriptToSnapin"))
return sc.ToHr();
sc = E_FAIL;
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestRootItem::StringFromSnapinToScript(BSTR *pbstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::StringFromSnapinToScript"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pbstrMessage);
if (sc)
return sc.ToHr();
// The script is supposed to expect this function name in the string.
*pbstrMessage = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("StringFromSnapinToScript"));
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestRootItem::get_Name(BSTR *pbstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::get_Name"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pbstrMessage);
if (sc)
return sc.ToHr();
// The script is supposed to expect this function name in the string.
*pbstrMessage = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("Name"));
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestRootItem::put_Name(BSTR bstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestRootItem::put_Name"));
// The script is supposed to give us this function name in the string.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(bstrMessage, L"Name"))
return sc.ToHr();
sc = E_FAIL;
return sc.ToHr();
// Member: CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScInit
// Synopsis: Called immeadiately after the item is created to init
// displayname, icon index etc...
// Arguments: [CBaseSnapin] -
// [CColumnInfoEx] - Any columns to be displayed for this item.
// [INT] - # of columns
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScInit(CBaseSnapin *pSnapin, CColumnInfoEx *pcolinfoex, INT ccolinfoex, BOOL fIsRoot)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScInit"));
sc = CBaseSnapinItem::ScInit(pSnapin, pcolinfoex, ccolinfoex, fIsRoot);
if (sc)
return sc;
// Init following
// a. Icon index.
// b. Load display name.
m_uIconIndex = 7; // use an enum instead of 7
m_strDisplayName.LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_LVLeafItem);
return sc;
// Member: CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScGetField
// Synopsis: Get the string representation for given field to display
// it in result pane.
// Arguments: [DAT] - The column requested (this is an enumeration).
// [tstring] - Out string.
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScGetField (DAT dat, tstring& strField)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScGetField"));
case datString1:
strField = _T("LVLeaf String1");
case datString2:
strField = _T("LVLeaf String2");
case datString3:
strField = _T("LVLeaf String3");
return (sc);
// Member: CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCreateLVLeafItem
// Synopsis: Do we really need this method?
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCreateLVLeafItem(CComponent2TestRootItem *pitemParent, t_itemChild * pitemPrevious, t_itemChild ** ppitem, BOOL fNew)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCreateLVLeafItem"));
t_itemChild * pitem = NULL;
*ppitem = NULL;
// What to do here?
sc = ::ScCreateItem(pitemParent, pitemPrevious, &pitem, fNew);
if (sc)
return sc;
*ppitem = pitem;
return (sc);
// Initialize context menu structures. Let us have one item for demonstration.
SnapinMenuItem CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::s_rgmenuitemLVLeafItem[] =
{IDS_NewLVItem, IDS_NewLVItem, IDS_NewLVItem, CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID_PRIMARY_TOP, NULL, dwMenuAlwaysEnable, dwMenuNeverGray, dwMenuNeverChecked},
INT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::s_cmenuitemLVLeafItem = CMENUITEM(s_rgmenuitemLVLeafItem);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SnapinMenuItem *CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::Pmenuitem(void)
return s_rgmenuitemLVLeafItem;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::CMenuItem(void)
return s_cmenuitemLVLeafItem;
// Member: CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCommand
// Synopsis:
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCommand (long nCommandID, CComponent *pComponent)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScCommand"));
case IDS_NewLVItem:
sc = ScInsertResultItem(pComponent);
return (sc);
// Member: CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScQueryDispatch
// Synopsis: We support IDispatch for scripting, just return a pointer
// to the IDispatch of ourselves.
// Arguments:
// Returns: SC
SC CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScQueryDispatch(long cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDISPATCH *ppDispatch)
DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::ScQueryDispatch"));
*ppDispatch = dynamic_cast<IDispatch *>(this);
if (! *ppDispatch)
return (sc = E_NOINTERFACE);
return sc;
HRESULT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::StringFromScriptToSnapin(BSTR bstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::StringFromScriptToSnapin"));
// The script is supposed to give us this function name in the string.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(bstrMessage, L"StringFromScriptToSnapin"))
return sc.ToHr();
sc = E_FAIL;
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::StringFromSnapinToScript(BSTR *pbstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::StringFromSnapinToScript"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pbstrMessage);
if (sc)
return sc.ToHr();
// The script is supposed to expect this function name in the string.
*pbstrMessage = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("StringFromSnapinToScript"));
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::get_Name(BSTR *pbstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::get_Name"));
sc = ScCheckPointers(pbstrMessage);
if (sc)
return sc.ToHr();
// The script is supposed to expect this function name in the string.
*pbstrMessage = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("Name"));
return sc.ToHr();
HRESULT CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::put_Name(BSTR bstrMessage)
DECLARE_SC(sc , _T("CComponent2TestSnapinLVLeafItem::put_Name"));
// The script is supposed to give us this function name in the string.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(bstrMessage, L"Name"))
return sc.ToHr();
sc = E_FAIL;
return sc.ToHr();
// class CComponent2TestSnapin
SNR CComponent2TestSnapin::s_rgsnr[] =
SNR(&nodetypeComponent2TestRoot, snrEnumSP ), // Standalone snapin.
SNR(&nodetypeComponent2TestLVLeafItem, snrEnumSP | snrEnumRP ), // enumerates this node in the scope pane and result pane.
LONG CComponent2TestSnapin::s_rgiconid[] = {3};
LONG CComponent2TestSnapin::s_iconidStatic = 2;
CColumnInfoEx CComponent2TestSnapin::s_colinfo[] =
CColumnInfoEx(_T("Column Name0"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 180, datString1),
CColumnInfoEx(_T("Column Name1"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 180, datString2),
CColumnInfoEx(_T("Column Name2"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 180, datString3),
INT CComponent2TestSnapin::s_ccolinfo = sizeof(s_colinfo) / sizeof(CColumnInfoEx);
INT CComponent2TestSnapin::s_colwidths[1];
// include members needed for every snapin.
/* CComponent2TestSnapin::CComponent2TestSnapin
* PURPOSE: Constructor
m_pstrDisplayName = new tstring();
*m_pstrDisplayName = _T("Component2Test Snapin Root");
/* CComponent2TestSnapin::~CComponent2TestSnapin
* PURPOSE: Destructor
delete m_pstrDisplayName;