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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Provider.cpp
// Module: WMI high performance provider
// History:
// a-dcrews 12-Jan-97 Created
// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include <process.h>
#include <autoptr.h>
#include "Provider.h"
#include "CookerUtils.h"
#include <comdef.h>
// Global, external and static variables
// The COM object counter (declared in server.cpp)
// ===============================================
extern long g_lObjects;
// CHiPerfProvider
CHiPerfProvider::CHiPerfProvider() : m_lRef(0)
// Constructor
// Increment the global COM object counter
// =======================================
// Destructor
long lObjCount = 0;
// Decrement the global COM object counter
// =======================================
lObjCount = InterlockedDecrement(&g_lObjects);
// COM methods
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
// Standard QueryInterface
// Parameters:
// riid - the ID of the requested interface
// ppv - a pointer to the interface pointer
if(riid == IID_IUnknown)
*ppv = (LPVOID)(IUnknown*)(IWbemProviderInit*)this;
else if(riid == IID_IWbemProviderInit)
*ppv = (LPVOID)(IWbemProviderInit*)this;
else if (riid == IID_IWbemHiPerfProvider)
*ppv = (LPVOID)(IWbemHiPerfProvider*)this;
else return E_NOINTERFACE;
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHiPerfProvider::AddRef()
// Standard COM AddRef
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_lRef);
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CHiPerfProvider::Release()
// Standard COM Release
long lRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_lRef);
if(lRef == 0)
delete this;
return lRef;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::Initialize(
/* [unique][in] */ LPWSTR wszUser,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ LPWSTR wszNamespace,
/* [unique][in] */ LPWSTR wszLocale,
/* [in] */ IWbemServices __RPC_FAR *pNamespace,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx,
/* [in] */ IWbemProviderInitSink __RPC_FAR *pInitSink)
// Called once during startup for any one-time initialization. The
// final call to Release() is for any cleanup.
// The parameters indicate to the provider which namespace it is being
// invoked for and which User. It also supplies a back pointer to
// WINMGMT so that class definitions can be retrieved.
// Initialize will create a single template object that can be used
// by the provider to spawn instances for QueryInstances. It will
// also initialize our mock data source and set the global ID access
// handle.
// Parameters:
// wszUser - The current user.
// lFlags - Reserved.
// wszNamespace - The namespace for which we are being activated.
// wszLocale - The locale under which we are to be running.
// pNamespace - An active pointer back into the current namespace
// from which we can retrieve schema objects.
// pCtx - The user's context object. We simply reuse this
// during any reentrant operations into WINMGMT.
// pInitSink - The sink to which we indicate our readiness.
if (wszNamespace == 0 || pNamespace == 0 || pInitSink == 0)
// Add further initialization code here
// ====================================
// We now have all the instances ready to go and the name handle
// stored. Tell WINMGMT that we're ready to start 'providing'
// =============================================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
pInitSink->SetStatus(WBEM_S_INITIALIZED, 0);
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::CreateRefresher(
/* [in] */ IWbemServices __RPC_FAR *pNamespace,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [out] */ IWbemRefresher __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppRefresher )
// Called whenever a new refresher is needed by the client.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - A pointer to the relevant namespace. Not used.
// lFlags - Reserved.
// ppRefresher - Receives the requested refresher.
if ( pNamespace == 0 || ppRefresher == 0 )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
// Construct and initialize a new empty refresher
// ==============================================
CRefresher* pNewRefresher = new CRefresher;
if ( NULL == pNewRefresher )
else if ( !pNewRefresher->IsOK() )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
// Follow COM rules and AddRef() the thing before sending it back
// ==============================================================
*ppRefresher = pNewRefresher;
if ( NULL != pNewRefresher )
delete pNewRefresher;
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::CreateRefreshableObject(
/* [in] */ IWbemServices __RPC_FAR *pNamespace,
/* [in] */ IWbemObjectAccess __RPC_FAR *pTemplate,
/* [in] */ IWbemRefresher __RPC_FAR *pRefresher,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pContext,
/* [out] */ IWbemObjectAccess __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppRefreshable,
/* [out] */ long __RPC_FAR *plId )
// Called whenever a user wants to include an object in a refresher.
// Note that the object returned in ppRefreshable is a clone of the
// actual instance maintained by the provider. If refreshers shared
// a copy of the same instance, then a refresh call on one of the
// refreshers would impact the state of both refreshers. This would
// break the refresher rules. Instances in a refresher are only
// allowed to be updated when 'Refresh' is called.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - A pointer to the relevant namespace in WINMGMT.
// pTemplate - A pointer to a copy of the object which is to be
// added. This object itself cannot be used, as
// it not owned locally.
// pRefresher - The refresher to which to add the object.
// lFlags - Not used.
// pContext - Not used here.
// ppRefreshable - A pointer to the internal object which was added
// to the refresher.
// plId - The Object Id (for identification during removal).
if ( pNamespace == 0 || pTemplate == 0 || pRefresher == 0 )
// Verify hi-perf object
// =====================
if ( !IsHiPerfObj( pTemplate ) )
_variant_t VarClass;
hResult = pTemplate->Get(L"__CLASS",0,&VarClass,NULL,NULL);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
if (VT_BSTR == V_VT(&VarClass))
if ( !IsHiPerf( pNamespace, V_BSTR(&VarClass) ) )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
// The refresher being supplied by the caller is actually
// one of our own refreshers, so a simple cast is convenient
// so that we can access private members.
// =========================================================
CRefresher *pOurRefresher = ( CRefresher * ) pRefresher;
// Add the object to the refresher. The ID is set by AddObject
// ===========================================================
// NB: We are passing a NULL in as the Raw object. The reason is so we
// can maintain the interface while we are using a private refresher
// on the inside of the cooking object refresher. This will change when
// WMI is wired to synchronize raw instances within the client's refresher
// =======================================================================
hResult = pOurRefresher->AddInstance( pNamespace, pContext, pTemplate, NULL, ppRefreshable, plId );
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::CreateRefreshableEnum(
/* [in] */ IWbemServices* pNamespace,
/* [in, string] */ LPCWSTR wszClass,
/* [in] */ IWbemRefresher* pRefresher,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext* pContext,
/* [in] */ IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum,
/* [out] */ long* plId )
// Called when an enumerator is being added to a refresher. The
// enumerator will obtain a fresh set of instances of the specified
// class every time that refresh is called.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - A pointer to the relevant namespace.
// wszClass - The class name for the requested enumerator.
// pRefresher - The refresher object for which we will add
// the enumerator
// lFlags - Reserved.
// pContext - Not used here.
// pHiPerfEnum - The enumerator to add to the refresher.
// plId - A provider specified ID for the enumerator.
if ( pNamespace == 0 || pRefresher == 0 || pHiPerfEnum == 0 )
// Verify hi-perf class
// =====================
if ( !IsHiPerf( pNamespace, wszClass ) )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
// The refresher being supplied by the caller is actually
// one of our own refreshers, so a simple cast is convenient
// so that we can access private members.
CRefresher *pOurRefresher = (CRefresher *) pRefresher;
// Add the enumerator to the refresher. The ID is generated by AddEnum
// ====================================================================
hResult = pOurRefresher->AddEnum( pNamespace, pContext, wszClass, pHiPerfEnum, plId );
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::StopRefreshing(
/* [in] */ IWbemRefresher __RPC_FAR *pRefresher,
/* [in] */ long lId,
/* [in] */ long lFlags )
// Called whenever a user wants to remove an object from a refresher.
// Parameters:
// pRefresher - The refresher object from which we are to
// remove the perf object.
// lId - The ID of the object.
// lFlags - Not used.
if ( pRefresher == 0 )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
// The refresher being supplied by the caller is actually
// one of our own refreshers, so a simple cast is convenient
// so that we can access private members.
// =========================================================
CRefresher *pOurRefresher = (CRefresher *) pRefresher;
hResult = pOurRefresher->Remove( lId );
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::QueryInstances(
/* [in] */ IWbemServices __RPC_FAR *pNamespace,
/* [string][in] */ WCHAR __RPC_FAR *wszClass,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx,
/* [in] */ IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR *pSink )
// Called whenever a complete, fresh list of instances for a given
// class is required. The objects are constructed and sent back to the
// caller through the sink. The sink can be used in-line as here, or
// the call can return and a separate thread could be used to deliver
// the instances to the sink.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - A pointer to the relevant namespace. This
// should not be AddRef'ed.
// wszClass - The class name for which instances are required.
// lFlags - Reserved.
// pCtx - The user-supplied context (not used here).
// pSink - The sink to which to deliver the objects. The objects
// can be delivered synchronously through the duration
// of this call or asynchronously (assuming we
// had a separate thread). A IWbemObjectSink::SetStatus
// call is required at the end of the sequence.
if (pNamespace == 0 || wszClass == 0 || pSink == 0)
// Verify hi-perf object
// =====================
if ( !IsHiPerf( pNamespace, wszClass ) )
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
IWbemRefresher* pRefresher = NULL;
IWbemConfigureRefresher* pConfig = NULL;
IWbemHiPerfEnum* pHiPerfEnum = NULL;
IWbemObjectAccess** apAccess = NULL;
IWbemClassObject** apObject = NULL;
hResult = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemRefresher,
(void**) &pRefresher );
CAutoRelease rm1(pRefresher);
// Get the refresher configuration interface
// =========================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pRefresher->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemConfigureRefresher, (void**)&pConfig );
CAutoRelease rm2(pConfig);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
ULONG uArraySize = 0,
uObjRet = 0;
long lID = 0;
hResult = pConfig->AddEnum( pNamespace, wszClass, 0, pCtx, &pHiPerfEnum, &lID );
CAutoRelease arHiPerfEnum( pHiPerfEnum );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
hResult = pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pHiPerfEnum->GetObjects( 0L, 0, NULL, &uObjRet );
if ( WBEM_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == hResult )
uArraySize = uObjRet;
wmilib::auto_buffer<IWbemObjectAccess*> apAccess( new IWbemObjectAccess*[ uObjRet ]);
wmilib::auto_buffer<IWbemClassObject*> apObject(new IWbemClassObject*[ uObjRet ]);
if ( (NULL != apObject.get()) && (NULL != apAccess.get()))
hResult = pHiPerfEnum->GetObjects( 0L, uArraySize, apAccess.get(), &uObjRet );
for ( ULONG uIndex = 0; uIndex < uArraySize; uIndex++ )
apAccess[ uIndex ]->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemClassObject, (void**)&( apObject[uIndex] ) );
apAccess[ uIndex ]->Release();
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pSink->Indicate( uArraySize, apObject.get() );
for ( ULONG uIndex = 0; uIndex < uArraySize; uIndex++ )
apObject[ uIndex ]->Release();
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
pConfig->Remove( lID , 0 );
pSink->SetStatus(0, hResult, 0, 0);
return hResult;
STDMETHODIMP CHiPerfProvider::GetObjects(
/* [in] */ IWbemServices* pNamespace,
/* [in] */ long lNumObjects,
/* [in,size_is(lNumObjects)] */ IWbemObjectAccess** apObj,
/* [in] */ long lFlags,
/* [in] */ IWbemContext* pContext)
// Called when a request is made to provide all instances currently
// being managed by the provider in the specified namespace.
// Parameters:
// pNamespace - A pointer to the relevant namespace.
// lNumObjects - The number of instances being returned.
// apObj - The array of instances being returned.
// lFlags - Reserved.
// pContext - Not used here.
// Update objects
// ==============
IWbemRefresher* pRefresher = NULL;
IWbemConfigureRefresher* pConfig = NULL;
wmilib::auto_buffer<IWbemClassObject*> apRefObj(new IWbemClassObject*[lNumObjects]);
if (0 == apRefObj.get())
// CoCreate the refresher interface
// ================================
HRESULT hResult = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemRefresher,
(void**) &pRefresher );
CAutoRelease arRefresher( pRefresher );
// Get the refresher configuration interface
// =========================================
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pRefresher->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemConfigureRefresher, (void**)&pConfig );
CAutoRelease arConfig( pConfig );
// Get the object data
// ===================
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
long lIndex = 0,
lID = 0;
// Add all of the requested objects to the refresher
// =================================================
for ( lIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED( hResult ) && lIndex < lNumObjects; lIndex++ )
// Verify hi-perf object
if ( !IsHiPerfObj( apObj[ lIndex ] ) )
#ifdef _VERBOSE
_variant_t VarPath;
_variant_t VarName;
WCHAR pBuff[256];
wsprintfW(pBuff,L"%s %s\n",V_BSTR(&VarPath),V_BSTR(&VarName));
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pConfig->AddObjectByTemplate( pNamespace,
apObj[ lIndex ],
&(apRefObj[ lIndex ]),
&lID );
lID = 0;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hResult ) )
hResult = pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
hResult = pRefresher->Refresh( 0L );
for ( lIndex = 0; SUCCEEDED( hResult ) && lIndex < lNumObjects; lIndex++ )
hResult = CopyBlob( apRefObj[lIndex], apObj[lIndex] );
return hResult;