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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Wins.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of the WINS Service resource extension property page classes.
// Author:
// David Potter (DavidP) March 24, 1999
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ClNetResEx.h"
#include "Wins.h"
#include "BasePage.inl"
#include "ExtObj.h"
#include "DDxDDv.h"
#include "HelpData.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CWinsParamsPage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CWinsParamsPage, CBasePropertyPage )
// Message Maps
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CWinsParamsPage, CBasePropertyPage )
// TODO: Modify the following lines to represent the data displayed on this page.
// CWinsParamsPage::CWinsParamsPage
// Description:
// Default constructor.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CWinsParamsPage::CWinsParamsPage( void )
: CBasePropertyPage(
// TODO: Modify the following lines to represent the data displayed on this page.
m_strDatabasePath = _T("");
m_strBackupPath = _T("");
// Setup the property array.
m_rgProps[ epropDatabasePath ].Set( REGPARAM_WINS_DATABASEPATH, m_strDatabasePath, m_strPrevDatabasePath, m_strDatabaseExpandedPath );
m_rgProps[ epropBackupPath ].Set( REGPARAM_WINS_BACKUPPATH, m_strBackupPath, m_strPrevBackupPath, m_strBackupExpandedPath );
} // Setup the property array
m_iddPropertyPage = IDD_PP_WINS_PARAMETERS;
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::CWinsParamsPage()
// CWinsParamsPage::DoDataExchange
// Description:
// Do data exchange between the dialog and the class.
// Arguments:
// pDX [IN OUT] Data exchange object
// Return Value:
// None.
void CWinsParamsPage::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange * pDX )
if ( ! pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate || ! BSaved() )
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
// TODO: Modify the following lines to represent the data displayed on this page.
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_PP_WINS_DATABASEPATH, m_editDatabasePath );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_PP_WINS_BACKUPPATH, m_editBackupPath );
DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_PP_WINS_DATABASEPATH, m_strDatabasePath );
DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_PP_WINS_BACKUPPATH, m_strBackupPath );
// Handle numeric parameters.
if ( ! BBackPressed() )
} // if: back button not pressed
if ( pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate )
// Make sure all required fields are present.
if ( ! BBackPressed() )
} // if: back button not pressed
} // if: saving data from dialog
} // if: not saving or haven't saved yet
CBasePropertyPage::DoDataExchange( pDX );
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::DoDataExchange()
// CWinsParamsPage::OnInitDialog
// Description:
// Handler for the WM_INITDIALOG message.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// TRUE We need the focus to be set for us.
// FALSE We already set the focus to the proper control.
BOOL CWinsParamsPage::OnInitDialog( void )
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
// Limit the size of the text that can be entered in edit controls.
m_editDatabasePath.SetLimitText( _MAX_PATH );
m_editBackupPath.SetLimitText( _MAX_PATH );
// If this is a wizard, make sure the default values are something legal.
if ( BWizard( ) )
DWORD status;
WCHAR szValidDevice[ 3 ]; // "X:" + NULL
DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szValidDevice) / sizeof(szValidDevice[0]);
szValidDevice[ 0 ] = L'\0';
status = ResUtilFindDependentDiskResourceDriveLetter( Peo( )->Hcluster( ),
Peo( )->PrdResData( )->m_hresource,
// Did we find a disk resource in the the dependency list?
if ( status == ERROR_SUCCESS
&& szValidDevice[ 0 ] != L'\0' )
WCHAR szFilePath[ MAX_PATH ];
// If the default is "%SystemRoot%\<something>" then change it to match the
// dependent resource
if ( m_editDatabasePath.GetWindowText( szFilePath, MAX_PATH ) >= sizeof(L"%SystemRoot%")/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1
&& _wcsnicmp( szFilePath, L"%SystemRoot%", sizeof(L"%SystemRoot%")/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ) == 0 )
// Start with the new drive letter
wcscpy( szFilePath, szValidDevice );
// Is the expanded string really expanded?
if ( m_strDatabaseExpandedPath[0] != L'%' )
{ // yes, then just copy the expanded string minus the drive letter.
LPCWSTR psz = m_strDatabaseExpandedPath;
psz = wcschr( psz, L':' );
if ( psz )
psz++; // move to next character
else // if: psz
psz = m_strDatabaseExpandedPath;
} // else: just cat the whole thing, let the user figure it out.
wcscat( szFilePath, psz );
{ // no, then strip the %SystemRoot%
// find the ending '%'... this must be there because of the strcmp above!
LPCWSTR psz = m_strBackupExpandedPath;
psz = wcschr( psz + 1, L'%' );
ASSERT( psz );
psz++; // move past the '%'
wcscat( szFilePath, psz );
m_editDatabasePath.SetWindowText( szFilePath );
} // if: m_editDatabasePath == %SystemRoot%
// If the default is "%SystemRoot%\<something>" then change it to match the
// dependent resource
if ( m_editBackupPath.GetWindowText( szFilePath, MAX_PATH ) >= sizeof(L"%SystemRoot%")/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1
&& _wcsnicmp( szFilePath, L"%SystemRoot%", sizeof(L"%SystemRoot%")/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1 ) == 0 )
// Start with the new drive letter
wcscpy( szFilePath, szValidDevice );
// Is the expanded string really expanded?
if ( m_strBackupExpandedPath[0] != L'%' )
{ // yes, then just copy the expanded string minus the drive letter. minus the drive letter.
LPCWSTR psz = m_strBackupExpandedPath;
psz = wcschr( psz, L':' );
if ( psz )
psz++; // move to next character
else // if: psz
psz = m_strBackupExpandedPath;
} // else: just cat the whole thing, let the user figure it out.
wcscat( szFilePath, psz );
{ // no, then strip the %SystemRoot%
// find the ending '%'... this must be there because of the strcmp above!
LPCWSTR psz = m_strBackupExpandedPath;
psz = wcschr( psz + 1, L'%' );
ASSERT( psz );
psz++; // move past the '%'
wcscat( szFilePath, psz );
m_editBackupPath.SetWindowText( szFilePath );
} // if: m_editBackupPath == %SystemRoot%
} // if: found a disk resource
} // if: in a wizard
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::OnInitDialog()
// CWinsParamsPage::OnSetActive
// Description:
// Handler for the PSN_SETACTIVE message.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// TRUE Page successfully initialized.
// FALSE Page not initialized.
BOOL CWinsParamsPage::OnSetActive( void )
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
// Enable/disable the Next/Finish button.
if ( BWizard() )
EnableNext( BAllRequiredFieldsPresent() );
} // if: displaying a wizard
return CBasePropertyPage::OnSetActive();
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::OnSetActive()
// CWinsParamsPage::OnChangeRequiredField
// Description:
// Handler for the EN_CHANGE message on the Share name or Path edit
// controls.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
void CWinsParamsPage::OnChangeRequiredField( void )
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
if ( BWizard() )
EnableNext( BAllRequiredFieldsPresent() );
} // if: displaying a wizard
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::OnChangeRequiredField()
// CWinsParamsPage::BAllRequiredFieldsPresent
// Description:
// Handler for the EN_CHANGE message on the Share name or Path edit
// controls.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
BOOL CWinsParamsPage::BAllRequiredFieldsPresent( void ) const
BOOL _bPresent;
if ( 0
|| (m_editDatabasePath.GetWindowTextLength() == 0)
|| (m_editBackupPath.GetWindowTextLength() == 0)
_bPresent = FALSE;
} // if: required field not present
_bPresent = TRUE;
} // else: all required fields are present
return _bPresent;
} //*** CWinsParamsPage::BAllRequiredFieldsPresent()