
231 lines
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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
@echo off
if %CRTDIR%.==. set CRTDIR=\crt\crtw32
echo Release Includes (WIN32/386)
echo ----------------------------
if %1.==. goto HELP
rem Set up variables
rem ----------------
set IFSCRPT=%CRTDIR%\tools\win32\relinc.if
set SEDSCRPT=%CRTDIR%\tools\win32\relinc.sed
set SED=%CRTDIR%\tools\sed
set IFSTRIP=%CRTDIR%\..\libw32\tools\i386\ifstrip
set STRIPHDR=%CRTDIR%\..\libw32\tools\i386\striphdr
rem Make sure the new directories exist
rem -----------------------------------
echo Creating directory %1
mkdir %1
rem Copy the files to the new directory
rem -----------------------------------
echo Copying include files to %1...
copy %CRTDIR%\H\WCHAR.H %1 > NUL
rem Strip off the headers
rem ---------------------
echo Stripping out the headers...
%STRIPHDR% -r %1\*.h
del %1\*.h
rename %1\*.new *.h
echo Copying STL header files
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\algorithm %1\cpp_algorithm.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\bitset %1\cpp_bitset.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cassert %1\cpp_cassert.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cctype %1\cpp_cctype.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cerrno %1\cpp_cerrno.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cfloat %1\cpp_cfloat.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ciso646 %1\cpp_ciso646.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\climits %1\cpp_climits.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\clocale %1\cpp_clocale.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cmath %1\cpp_cmath.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\complex %1\cpp_complex.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\csetjmp %1\cpp_csetjmp.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\csignal %1\cpp_csignal.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdarg %1\cpp_cstdarg.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstddef %1\cpp_cstddef.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdio %1\cpp_cstdio.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstdlib %1\cpp_cstdlib.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cstring %1\cpp_cstring.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ctime %1\cpp_ctime.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cwchar %1\cpp_cwchar.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\cwctype %1\cpp_cwctype.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\deque %1\cpp_deque.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\exception %1\cpp_exception.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\fstream %1\cpp_fstream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\functional %1\cpp_functional.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\hash_map %1\cpp_hash_map.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\hash_set %1\cpp_hash_set.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iomanip %1\cpp_iomanip.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ios %1\cpp_ios.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iosfwd %1\cpp_iosfwd.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iostream %1\cpp_iostream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iso646.h %1\cpp_iso646.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\istream %1\cpp_istream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\iterator %1\cpp_iterator.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\limits %1\cpp_limits.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\list %1\cpp_list.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\locale %1\cpp_locale.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\map %1\cpp_map.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\memory %1\cpp_memory.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\new %1\cpp_new.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\numeric %1\cpp_numeric.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ostream %1\cpp_ostream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\queue %1\cpp_queue.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\set %1\cpp_set.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\sstream %1\cpp_sstream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\stack %1\cpp_stack.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\stdexcept %1\cpp_stdexcept.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\STL.H %1\cpp_STL.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\streambuf %1\cpp_streambuf.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\string %1\cpp_string.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\strstream %1\cpp_strstream.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\typeinfo %1\cpp_typeinfo.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\use_ansi.h %1\cpp_use_ansi.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\utility %1\cpp_utility.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\valarray %1\cpp_valarray.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\vector %1\cpp_vector.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\wctype.h %1\cpp_wctype.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xcomplex %1\cpp_xcomplex.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xhash %1\cpp_xhash.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xiosbase %1\cpp_xiosbase.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocale %1\cpp_xlocale.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocinfo %1\cpp_xlocinfo.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocinfo.h %1\cph_xlocinfo.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocmes %1\cpp_xlocmes.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocmon %1\cpp_xlocmon.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xlocnum %1\cpp_xlocnum.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xloctime %1\cpp_xloctime.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xmemory %1\cpp_xmemory.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xstddef %1\cpp_xstddef.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xstring %1\cpp_xstring.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xtree %1\cpp_xtree.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\xutility %1\cpp_xutility.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\ymath.h %1\cpp_ymath.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDHPP\yvals.h %1\cpp_yvals.h > NUL
copy %CRTDIR%\STDCPP\xmath.h %1\cpp_xmath.h > NUL
rem Strip out the mthread functionality
rem -----------------------------------
echo Stripping conditionals...
%IFSTRIP% -w -f %IFSCRPT% %1\*.h
del %1\*.h
rem Sed the files
rem -------------
echo Sed'ing include files...
echo Sed'ing STL include files...
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\algorithm
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\bitset
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cassert
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cctype
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cerrno
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cfloat
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\ciso646
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\climits
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\clocale
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cmath
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\complex
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\csetjmp
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\csignal
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cstdarg
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cstddef
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cstdio
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cstdlib
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cstring
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\ctime
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cwchar
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\cwctype
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\deque
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\exception
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\fstream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\functional
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\hash_map
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\hash_set
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\iomanip
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\ios
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\iosfwd
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\iostream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\iso646.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\istream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\iterator
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\limits
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\list
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\locale
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\map
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\memory
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\new
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\numeric
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\ostream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\queue
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\set
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\sstream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\stack
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\stdexcept
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\STL.H
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\streambuf
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\string
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\strstream
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\typeinfo
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\use_ansi.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\utility
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\valarray
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\vector
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\wctype.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xcomplex
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xhash
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xiosbase
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocale
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocinfo
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocinfo.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocmes
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocmon
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xlocnum
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xloctime
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xmemory
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xstddef
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xstring
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xtree
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xutility
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\ymath.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\yvals.h
%SED% -f %SEDSCRPT% <%1\ >%1\xmath.h
del %1\*.new
rem clean up
rem --------
echo Done!
goto EXIT
echo Relinc.bat cleanses include files for release.
echo You must be on the CRTW32 drive to execute this batch file.
echo relinc "pathname"
echo where:
echo "pathname" = complete pathname of destination directory
echo Environment variables:
echo CRTDIR = path of CRTW32 dir in CRT project (default is \CRT\CRTW32)