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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
TITLE "Capture Stack Back Trace"
; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
; Module Name:
; stkwalk.asm
; Abstract:
; This module implements the routine RtlCaptureStackBackTrace. It will
; walker the stack back trace and capture a portion of it.
; Author:
; Steve Wood (stevewo) 29-Jan-1992
; Environment:
; Any mode.
; Revision History:
include ; calling convention macros
EXTRNP _MmIsAddressValid,1
EXTRNP _KeGetCurrentIrql,0,IMPORT
page ,132
subttl "RtlGetCallersAddress"
; RtlGetCallersAddress(
; OUT PVOID *CallersAddress,
; OUT PVOID *CallersCaller
; )
; Routine Description:
; This routine walks up the stack frames, capturing the first two return
; addresses
; Arguments:
; OUT PVOID CallersAddress - returns callers return address
; OUT PVOID CallersCaller - returns callers caller return address
; Return Value:
; None.
RgcaCallersAddress EQU [ebp+08h]
RgcaCallersCaller EQU [ebp+0Ch]
cPublicProc _RtlGetCallersAddress ,2
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx ; Save EBX
push esi ; Save ESI
push edi ; Save EDI
mov eax, PCR[PcPrcbData+PbCurrentThread] ; (eax)->current thread
push ThInitialStack[eax] ; RcbtInitialStack = base of kernel stack
push esp ; Save current esp for handler
push offset RgcaFault ; Address of handler
push PCR[PcExceptionList] ; Save current list head
mov PCR[PcExceptionList],esp; Put us on list
xor esi,esi ; (ESI) will contain callers return address
xor edi,edi ; (EDI) will contain callers caller return address
mov edx,ebp ; (EDX) = current frame pointer
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = callers frame pointer
cmp edx,ebp ; If outside stack limits,
jbe short RgcaExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,RcbtInitialStack
jae short RgcaCheckForDpcStack
cmp edx,ThStackLimit[eax]
jb short RgcaCheckForDpcStack
mov esi,[edx].4 ; Get callers return address
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = callers caller frame pointer
cmp edx,ebp ; If outside stack limits,
jbe short RgcaExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,RcbtInitialStack
jae short RgcaExit
mov edi,[edx].4 ; Get callers caller return address
mov ecx,RgcaCallersAddress
jecxz @F
mov [ecx],esi
mov ecx,RgcaCallersCaller
jecxz @F
mov [ecx],edi
pop PCR[PcExceptionList] ; Restore Exception list
pop edi ; discard handler address
pop edi ; discard saved esp
pop edi ; discard RcbtInitialStack
pop edi ; Restore EDI
pop esi ; Restore ESI
pop ebx ; Restore EBX
pop ebp
stdRET _RtlGetCallersAddress
; We may be executing on the DPC stack for this processor which is ok.
; Check if DPC active.
cmp dword ptr PCR[PcPrcbData+PbDpcRoutineActive], 0
mov eax, PCR[PcPrcbData+PbDpcStack]
je short RgcaExit ; if no DPC active, must be bad stack.
; Check if address if below DPC stack upper bound
; Note: If we ARE on the DPC stack, we need to adjust this funtion's
; idea of the initial stack pointer so it will succeed the check at
; the next level. We do not support transitioning across stacks in
; this function.
cmp edx, eax
mov RcbtInitialStack, eax
jae short RgcaExit ; exit if above upper bound
; Check if below DPC stack lower bound.
cmp edx, eax
ja short Rgca20 ; jif on DPC stack
jmp short RgcaExit ; not on DPC stack.
; Cheap and sleazy exception handler. This will not unwind properly, which
; is ok because this function is a leaf except for calling KeGetCurrentIrql,
; which has no exception handler.
mov eax,[esp+0Ch] ; (esp)->Context
mov edi,CsEdi[eax] ; restore buffer pointer
mov esp,[esp+8] ; (esp)->ExceptionList
jmp RgcaExit ;
stdENDP _RtlGetCallersAddress
RcbtInitialStack EQU [ebp-10h]
IF 0
page ,132
subttl "RtlCaptureStackBackTrace"
; RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(
; IN ULONG FramesToSkip,
; IN ULONG FramesToCapture,
; OUT PVOID *BackTrace,
; OUT PULONG BackTraceHash
; )
; Routine Description:
; This routine walks up the stack frames, capturing the return address from
; each frame requested.
; Arguments:
; OUT PVOID BackTrace (eps+0x10) - Returns the caller of the caller.
; Return Value:
; Number of return addresses returned in the BackTrace buffer.
RcbtFramesToSkip EQU [ebp+08h]
RcbtFramesToCapture EQU [ebp+0Ch]
RcbtBackTrace EQU [ebp+010h]
RcbtBackTraceHash EQU [ebp+014h]
cPublicProc _RtlCaptureStackBackTrace ,4
xor eax,eax
stdRET _RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
; This code is dangerous; it can fault if the stack does not have a well formed
; EBP chain. This uses a simple exception handler which just does a shortcut
; unwind and returns 0.
RtlNeededBbtLabel: ; BBT needed label
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx ; Save EBX
push esi ; Save ESI
push edi ; Save EDI
mov eax, PCR[PcPrcbData+PbCurrentThread] ; (eax)->current thread
push ThInitialStack[eax] ; RcbtInitialStack = base of kernel stack
push esp ; Save current esp for handler
push offset RcbtFault ; Address of handler
push PCR[PcExceptionList] ; Save current list head
mov PCR[PcExceptionList],esp; Put us on list
mov esi,RcbtBackTraceHash ; (ESI) -> where to accumulate hash sum
mov edi,RcbtBackTrace ; (EDI) -> where to put backtrace
mov edx,ebp ; (EDX) = current frame pointer
mov ecx,RcbtFramesToSkip ; (ECX) = number of frames to skip
jecxz RcbtSkipLoopDone ; Done if nothing to skip
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,ebp ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtCheckSkipU ; ...then exit
cmp edx,RcbtInitialStack
jae RcbtCheckSkipU
loop RcbtSkipLoop
mov ecx,RcbtFramesToCapture ; (ECX) = number of frames to capture
jecxz RcbtExit ; Bail out if nothing to capture
mov eax,[edx].4 ; Get next return address
stosd ; Store it in the callers buffer
add [esi],eax ; Accumulate hash sum
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,ebp ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtCheckCaptureU ; ...then exit
cmp edx,RcbtInitialStack
jae RcbtCheckCaptureU
loop RcbtCaptureLoop ; Otherwise get next frame
mov eax,edi ; (EAX) -> next unused dword in buffer
sub eax,RcbtBackTrace ; (EAX) = number of bytes stored
shr eax,2 ; (EAX) = number of dwords stored
pop PCR[PcExceptionList] ; Restore Exception list
pop edi ; discard handler address
pop edi ; discard saved esp
pop edi ; discard RcbtInitialStack
pop edi ; Restore EDI
pop esi ; Restore ESI
pop ebx ; Restore EBX
pop ebp
stdRET _RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
stdCall _KeGetCurrentIrql ; (al) = CurrentIrql
cmp al, 0 ; Bail out if not at IRQL 0
ja RcbtExit
mov ebx, PCR[PcPrcbData+PbCurrentThread] ; (ebx)->current thread
cmp byte ptr ThApcStateIndex[ebx],1 ; Bail out if attached.
je RcbtExit
mov ebx, ThTeb[ebx] ; (EBX) -> User mode TEB
or ebx, ebx
jnz @F
jmp short RcbtExit
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,PcStackLimit[ebx] ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,PcInitialStack[ebx]
jae RcbtExit
loop RcbtSkipLoopU
mov ecx,RcbtFramesToCapture ; (ECX) = number of frames to capture
jecxz RcbtExit ; Bail out if nothing to capture
mov eax,[edx].4 ; Get next return address
stosd ; Store it in the callers buffer
add [esi],eax ; Accumulate hash sum
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,PcStackLimit[ebx] ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,PcInitialStack[ebx]
jae RcbtExit
loop RcbtCaptureLoopU ; Otherwise get next frame
jmp short RcbtExit
stdCall _KeGetCurrentIrql ; (al) = CurrentIrql
cmp al, 0 ; Bail out if not at IRQL 0
ja RcbtExit
mov ebx, PCR[PcPrcbData+PbCurrentThread] ; (ebx)->current thread
cmp byte ptr ThApcStateIndex[ebx],1 ; Bail out if attached.
je RcbtExit
mov ebx, ThTeb[ebx] ; (EBX) -> User mode TEB
or ebx, ebx
jnz @B
jmp RcbtExit ; Bail out if TEB == NULL
; Cheap and sleazy exception handler. This will not unwind properly, which
; is ok because this function is a leaf except for calling KeGetCurrentIrql,
; which has no exception handler.
mov eax,[esp+0Ch] ; (esp)->Context
mov edi,CsEdi[eax] ; restore buffer pointer
mov esp,[esp+8] ; (esp)->ExceptionList
jmp RcbtExit ;
; This is defined always for user mode code, although it can be
; unreliable if called from code compiled with FPO enabled.
; In fact, it can fault, so we have a simple exception handler which
; will return 0 if this code takes an exception.
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push esi ; Save ESI
push edi ; Save EDI
push esp ; Save current esp for handler
push offset RcbtFault ; Address of handler
push fs:PcExceptionList ; Save current list head
mov fs:PcExceptionList,esp ; Put us on list
mov esi,RcbtBackTraceHash ; (ESI) -> where to accumulate hash sum
mov edi,RcbtBackTrace ; (EDI) -> where to put backtrace
mov edx,ebp ; (EDX) = current frame pointer
mov ecx,RcbtFramesToSkip ; (ECX) = number of frames to skip
jecxz RcbtSkipLoopDone ; Done if nothing to skip
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,fs:PcStackLimit ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,fs:PcInitialStack
jae RcbtExit
loop RcbtSkipLoop
mov ecx,RcbtFramesToCapture ; (ECX) = number of frames to capture
jecxz RcbtExit ; Bail out if nothing to capture
mov eax,[edx].4 ; Get next return address
stosd ; Store it in the callers buffer
add [esi],eax ; Accumulate hash sum
mov edx,[edx] ; (EDX) = next frame pointer
cmp edx,fs:PcStackLimit ; If outside stack limits,
jbe RcbtExit ; ...then exit
cmp edx,fs:PcInitialStack
jae RcbtExit
loop RcbtCaptureLoop ; Otherwise get next frame
mov eax,edi ; (EAX) -> next unused dword in buffer
sub eax,RcbtBackTrace ; (EAX) = number of bytes stored
shr eax,2 ; (EAX) = number of dwords stored
pop fs:PcExceptionList ; Restore Exception list
pop edi ; discard handler address
pop edi ; discard saved esp
pop edi ; Restore EDI
pop esi ; Restore ESI
pop ebp
stdRET _RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
; Cheap and sleazy exception handler. This function is a leaf, so it is
; safe to do this.
mov eax,[esp+0Ch] ; (esp)->Context
mov edi,CsEdi[eax] ; restore buffer pointer
mov esp,[esp+8] ; (esp)->ExceptionList
jmp RcbtExit ;
stdENDP _RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
_TEXT ends