
280 lines
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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
#define _UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#pragma warning (disable : 4275)
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include <tchar.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef NONNT5
typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR;
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include <malloc.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include "struct.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "Readfile.h"
#include "main.h"
FILE *FileP;
LPGUID ControlGuid;
ReadInputFile(LPTSTR InputFile, PREGISTER_TRACE_GUID RegisterTraceGuid)
TCHAR *String;
String = (TCHAR *) malloc( MAX_STR*sizeof(TCHAR) );
String = (TCHAR *) malloc(100);
if (InputFile == NULL )
return 1;
FileP = _tfopen(InputFile, _T("r"));
if (FileP== NULL )
return 1;
//Now Read MofImagePath
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)RegisterTraceGuid->MofImagePath, MAX_STR) )
//Log here and then return
return 1;
if ( !_tcsicmp(RegisterTraceGuid->MofImagePath, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->MofImagePath = (TCHAR *) 0;
//Now Read MofResourceName
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)RegisterTraceGuid->MofResourceName, MAX_STR) )
//Log here and then return
return 1;
if ( !_tcsicmp(RegisterTraceGuid->MofResourceName, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->MofResourceName = (TCHAR *) 0;
//Now Read Call backfunction...
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->CallBackFunction = (PVOID) 0;
//Now Read TraceGuidReg.
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->TraceGuidReg = (PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION) 0;
//Now Read Registration Handle.
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->RegistrationHandle = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read GuidCount
//GuidCome will come from main process..But to test 0, this is required.
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("0000") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->GuidCount = 0;
//Now Read Handle for UnregisterTraceGuid
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->UnRegistrationHandle = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read Handle for GetTraceLoggerHandle
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->GetTraceLoggerHandle = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read Handle for GetTraceEnableLevel
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->GetTraceEnableLevel = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read Handle for GetTraceEnableFlags
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->GetTraceEnableFlag = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read Handle for UnregisterTraceGuid
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("NULL") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->TraceHandle = (PTRACEHANDLE) 0;
//Now Read if Guid Ptr is TRUE
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("USE_GUID_PTR") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->UseGuidPtrFlag = 1;
//Now Read if Mof Ptr is TRUE
if( !ReadString ( (TCHAR *)String, MAX_STR) )
//This is optional input so can return success if it is not present
return 0;
if ( !_tcsicmp(String, _T("USE_MOF_PTR") ))
RegisterTraceGuid->UseMofPtrFlag = 1;
fclose( FileP );
return 0;
ReadGuid( LPGUID Guid )
TCHAR Temp[100];
TCHAR arg[100];
if( _fgetts(Temp, 100, FileP) != NULL )
_tcsncpy(arg, Temp, 37);
arg[8] = 0;
Guid->Data1 = ahextoi(arg);
_tcsncpy(arg, &Temp[9], 4);
arg[4] = 0;
Guid->Data2 = (USHORT) ahextoi(arg);
_tcsncpy(arg, &Temp[14], 4);
arg[4] = 0;
Guid->Data3 = (USHORT) ahextoi(arg);
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
_tcsncpy(arg, &Temp[19 + (i*2)], 2);
arg[2] = 0;
Guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(arg);
for (i=2; i<8; i++)
_tcsncpy(arg, &Temp[20 + (i*2)], 2);
arg[2] = 0;
Guid->Data4[i] = (UCHAR) ahextoi(arg);
return true;
return false;
ReadUlong( ULONG *GuidCount)
TCHAR Temp[100];
if( _fgetts(Temp, 100, FileP) != NULL )
RemoveComment( Temp);
Temp[4] = 0;
*GuidCount = ahextoi(Temp);
return true;
return false;
ReadString( TCHAR *String, ULONG StringLength)
if( _fgetts(String, StringLength, FileP) != NULL)
RemoveComment( String);
return true;
return false;