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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* * Head functions of Pegasus recognizer header * */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#include "Cgr_Ver.h"
#include "bastypes.h"
#ifndef DLLEXP
#define DLLEXP _stdcall
#define __cdecl
#if (defined(__PSION32__) || defined(__WINS__) || defined(__MARM__))
#define _PSION_DLL
#include <e32def.h>
#ifdef DLLEXP
#undef DLLEXP
#if defined(__DLL__)
#endif /* __DLL__ */
#ifdef __cdecl
#undef __cdecl
#define __cdecl GLDEF_C
#endif /* __PSION32__ */
/* ------------------------- Defines ---------------------------------------- */
// #define PEG_RECINT_UNICODE /* Will Recognizer pass text strings as UNICODE strings or char strings */
#define PEG_RECINT_ID_001 0x01000002 /* Rec Interface ID */
#define PEG_MAX_SPELL_NUM_ALTS 10 /* How many variants will be out by the SpellCheck func */
#define PEG_RECID_MAXLEN 45 /* Max length of the RecID string */
#define PEG_MAX_FILENAME 128 /* Limit for filename buffer */
/* Recognizer Control Falgs */
#define PEG_RECFL_NSEG 0x0001 /* Do not perform segmentation at all*/
#define PEG_RECFL_NCSEG 0x0002 /* Do not allow segm not waiting for final stroke. (No results on the go) */
#define PEG_RECFL_TTSEG 0x0004 /* Perform read-ahead of tentative segmented words */
#define PEG_RECFL_INTL_CS 0x0010 /* Enables international charsets */
#define PEG_RECFL_LANGMODEL_DISABLED 0x0020 /* Disables word dictionary */
#define PEG_RECFL_SEPLET 0x0100 /* Enables separate letter mode */
#define PEG_RECFL_DICTONLY 0x0200 /* Restricts dictionary words only recognition */
#define PEG_RECFL_NUMONLY 0x0400 /* NUMBERS only */
#define PEG_RECFL_CAPSONLY 0x0800 /* CAPITALS only */
#define PEG_RECFL_COERCE 0x1000 /* Is COERCION enabled */
/* Bits of recognizer capabilities */
#define PEG_CPFL_CURS 0x0001 /* Cursive capable */
#define PEG_CPFL_TRNBL 0x0002 /* Training capable */
#define PEG_CPFL_SPVSQ 0x0004 /* Speed VS Quality control capable */
#define PEG_CPFL_INTER 0x0008 /* International support capable */
#define PEG_SPELL_CHECK 0x0000 /* SpellCheck flag: do spell checking */
#define PEG_SPELL_LIST 0x0001 /* SpellCheck flag: list continuations */
#define CGA_NUM_ANSWERS 1 /* Request to get number of recognized words */
#define CGA_NUM_ALTS 2 /* Request number of alternatives for given word */
#define CGA_ALT_WORD 3 /* Requestto get pointer to a given word alternative */
#define CGA_ALT_WEIGHT 4 /* Request to get weight of a give word alternative */
#define CGA_ALT_NSTR 5 /* Request to get number of strokes used for a given word alternative */
#define CGA_ALT_STROKES 6 /* Request to get a pointer to a given word alternative stroke ids */
#define LRN_SETDEFWEIGHTS_OP 0 /* LEARN interface commands for CgrGetSetPictWghts func */
/* ------------------------- Structures ------------------------------------- */
typedef void * CGRCTX; /* Type of handle of recognizer context */
typedef void * CGRHDICT; /* Type of handle of user dictionary handle */
typedef int (__cdecl *info_func_type)(void *); /* Type of the callback returning parent status */
typedef unsigned short UCHR; /* Unicode character define */
typedef char UCHR; /* Regular character define */
typedef struct { /* Control structure for initializing recognition */
int flags; /* place for the PEG_RECFL_ flags */
int sp_vs_q; /* Parameter of speed-quality tradeof */
CGRHDICT h_main_dict; /* Handle to user dictionary loaded by ELK functions */
p_VOID h_user_dict; /* user dict handle */
info_func_type InfoCallBack; /* CallBack for interrupting recognizer operation */
void * ICB_param; /* Parameter, which will be passed to InfoCallBack */
void *pvFactoid;
unsigned char *szPrefix;
unsigned char *szSuffix;
} CGR_control_type, * p_CGR_control_type;
typedef struct {
int capabilities; /* Bits (PEG_CPFL_) describing what type of recognizer it is */
UCHR id_string[PEG_RECID_MAXLEN]; /* Name of the recognizer */
} CGR_ID_type, * p_CGR_ID_type;
typedef struct { /* Trajectory point declaration */
short x;
short y;
}CGR_point_type, * p_CGR_point_type;
typedef struct { /* Baseline definition for SymbRecognize */
int size;
int base;
} CGR_baseline_type, * p_CGR_baseline_type;
/* ------------------------- Prototypes ------------------------------------- */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
// --------------- Recognition API functions -----------------------------------
int DLLEXP CgrGetRecID(p_CGR_ID_type p_inf);
int CgrGetRecIDInternal(p_CGR_ID_type p_inf);
CGRCTX DLLEXP CgrCreateContext(void);
CGRCTX CgrCreateContextInternal(void);
CGRCTX getContextFromGlobal(CGRCTX context);
void PegRecUnloadDti(CGRCTX context);
int DLLEXP CgrCloseContext(CGRCTX context);
int CgrCloseContextInternal(CGRCTX context);
int DLLEXP CgrOpenSession(p_CGR_control_type ctrl, CGRCTX context);
int CgrOpenSessionInternal(p_CGR_control_type ctrl, CGRCTX context);
int DLLEXP CgrCloseSession(CGRCTX context);
int CgrCloseSessionInternal(CGRCTX context, void *pxrc, int bRecognize);
int DLLEXP CgrRecognize(int npoints, p_CGR_point_type strokes, CGRCTX context);
int CgrRecognizeInternal(int npoints, p_CGR_point_type strokes, CGRCTX context, int bRecognize);
int DLLEXP CgrRecognizeSymbol(int npoints, p_CGR_point_type strokes, p_CGR_baseline_type baseline, CGRCTX context);
int CgrRecognizeSymbolInternal(int npoints, p_CGR_point_type strokes, p_CGR_baseline_type baseline, CGRCTX context);
long DLLEXP CgrGetAnswers(int what, int nw, int na, CGRCTX context);
long CgrGetAnswersInternal(int what, int nw, int na, CGRCTX context);
// -------------- Dictionary functions -----------------------------------------
int DLLEXP CgrLoadDict(char * store, CGRHDICT *phDict);
int CgrLoadDictInternal(char * store, CGRHDICT *phDict);
int DLLEXP CgrSaveDict(char * store, CGRHDICT h_dict);
int CgrSaveDictInternal(char * store, CGRHDICT h_dict);
int DLLEXP CgrFreeDict(CGRHDICT * h_dict);
int CgrFreeDictInternal(CGRHDICT * h_dict);
int DLLEXP CgrGetDictStatus(int * plen, CGRHDICT h_dict);
int CgrGetDictStatusInternal(int * plen, CGRHDICT h_dict);
int DLLEXP CgrAddWordToDict(UCHR * word, CGRHDICT * h_dict);
int CgrAddWordToDictInternal(UCHR * word, CGRHDICT * h_dict);
int DLLEXP CgrCheckWordInDicts(UCHR * word, CGRHDICT h_main_dict, CGRHDICT h_user_dict);
int CgrCheckWordInDictsInternal(UCHR * word, CGRHDICT h_main_dict, CGRHDICT h_user_dict);
#ifndef _PSION_DLL
int DLLEXP CgrSpellCheckWord(UCHR * word, UCHR * answ, int buf_len, CGRHDICT h_main_dict, CGRHDICT h_user_dict, int flags);
int CgrSpellCheckWordInternal(UCHR * word, UCHR * answ, int buf_len, CGRHDICT h_main_dict, CGRHDICT h_user_dict, int flags);
// -------------- Letter Shape selector functions ------------------------------
int DLLEXP CgrGetSetPicturesWeights(int operation, void * buf, CGRCTX context); // Private API call
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* * Head functions of Pegasus recognizer header end * */
/* ************************************************************************** */