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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
/* *************************************************************** */
/* * Word segmentation algorithm dafinitions & prototypes * */
/* *************************************************************** */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ---- Private - Word segmentation definitions ------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "ws.h"
#define CUT_LINE_POS 3 /* Position of decision line on hist */
#define FL_DIV 8 /* Constant of points filter dist (relative to w.step */
#define PIK_UP 3 /* Constant of hist pik sensing */
#define PIK_DN 3 /* Constant of hist pik sensing */
#define MIN_LINE_EXTR 3 /* Min number of extr for decision about w.step */
#define MIN_FL 2 /* Min len of filtering distance */
#define MAX_FL 100 /* Max len of filtering distance */
#define V_LIMIT 128 /* Max value of hist (not to overflow uchar) */
#define PIK_STEP_CONST 16 /* Relation between line_h_size and pik step */
#define DEF_SEP_LET_LEVEL 30 /* Average sepletovost' v procentax */
#define HORZ_REDUCT 16 /* Compression ratio of HORZ array */
#define HIST_REDUCT 4 /* Compression ratio of HIST arrays */
#define MIN_H_BORD 20 /* Min H of line */
//#define DEF_WORD_DIST (TABLET_DPI/5) /* Default word distance */
//#define DEF_H_STROKE (TABLET_DPI/5) /* Default height of line letters */
//#define MIN_H_STROKE (DEF_H_STROKE/6) /* Min height of valuable stroke */
//#define PIK_STEP (DEF_H_STROKE/6) /* Min distance between steps */
#define MAX_LINES WS_MAX_LINES+1 /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define MAX_WORDS WS_MAX_WORDS+1 /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define MAX_STROKES WS_MAX_STROKES+1 /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define TABLET_XS (WS_TABLET_XS+32) /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define HORZ_SIZE (TABLET_XS/HORZ_REDUCT) /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define HIST_SIZE (TABLET_XS/HIST_REDUCT) /* Defaults for memory allocation */
#define WS_NEWLINE 1 /* Cur stroke started new line */
#define WS_ALLSENT 2 /* Cur stroke was last stroke at all */
#define HIST_FIELD 0x3F /* Part of hist byte for value */
#define FL_BODY 0x80 /* Bit flag of body of stroke */
#define ST_FL_JUNK 0x80 /* Stroke flag showing no-pik stroke */
#define ST_FL_NL_GESTURE 0x10 /* Line has leading word split gesture */
#define LN_FL_NL_GESTURE 0x01 /* Line has leading word split gesture */
#define WS_GP_LPUNCT 0x0001 /* Gap flag -- was postprocessed for leading punct */
#define WS_GP_EPUNCT 0x0002 /* Gap flag -- was postprocessed for ending punct */
#define WS_GP_LCAP 0x0004 /* Gap flag -- was postprocessed for capital letter */
//#define WS_GP_UNSURE 0x0008 /* Gap flag -- segm code was unsure about segmenting on this gap */
#define WS_SPNUMEXTRENOUGH 8 /* Line size and pos will be stable after this nuber of extr */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ------------------ Internal structures ----------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef struct {
_SHORT st;
_SHORT end;
_SHORT top;
_SHORT a_end;
} ws_xstrokes_type;
typedef struct {
_UCHAR st_gap;
_UCHAR en_gap;
} ws_xwords_type;
typedef struct {
_SHORT loc;
_SHORT lst;
_SHORT bst;
_SHORT size;
_SHORT psize;
_SHORT blank;
_SHORT low;
_UCHAR flags;
_SCHAR k_sure;
} ws_gaps_type, _PTR p_ws_gaps_type;
typedef ws_gaps_type (_PTR ws_gaps_a_type)[XRINP_SIZE];
typedef unsigned char (_PTR s_hist_a_type)[HIST_SIZE];
typedef struct {
_SHORT h_bord_history;
_SHORT inword_dist_history;
_SHORT inline_dist_history;
_SHORT slope_history;
_UCHAR sep_let_history;
} ws_lrn_type, _PTR p_ws_lrn_type;
typedef struct {
PS_point_type _PTR stroke;
_INT in_x_delay;
_INT in_word_dist;
_INT in_line_dist;
_INT in_flags;
_INT sure_level;
_INT def_h_bord;
_INT def_sep_let_level;
_INT stroke_flags;
_INT stroke_num_points;
_INT stroke_min_x;
_INT stroke_max_x;
_INT stroke_min_y;
_INT stroke_max_y;
_INT stroke_dx;
_INT stroke_dy;
_INT stroke_wx_pos;
_INT stroke_wy_pos;
_INT stroke_filt_len;
_INT stroke_active_st;
_INT stroke_active_end;
_INT prev_stroke_dx;
_INT prev_stroke_dy;
_INT line_flags;
_INT line_word_dist;
_INT line_inword_dist;
_INT line_inline_dist;
_INT line_h_bord;
_INT line_st_stroke;
_INT line_st_word;
_INT line_start;
_INT line_end;
_INT line_active_start;
_INT line_active_end;
_INT line_extr;
_INT line_cur_stroke;
_INT line_word_len;
_INT line_sw_sp;
_INT line_bw_sp;
_INT line_sep_let_level;
_INT line_last_ws_try;
_INT line_pik_step;
_INT line_ngaps;
_INT line_finished;
_INT global_num_words;
_INT global_cur_stroke;
_INT global_cur_line;
_INT global_word_dist;
_INT global_inword_dist;
_INT global_inline_dist;
_INT global_sep_let_level;
_INT global_num_extr;
_INT global_word_len;
_INT global_h_bord;
_INT global_dy_sum;
_INT global_num_dy_strokes;
_INT global_line_ave_y_size;
_INT global_bw_sp;
_INT global_sw_sp;
_INT global_slope;
_LONG global_slope_dx;
_LONG global_slope_dy;
_INT s_hist_base;
s_hist_a_type s_hist;
ws_xstrokes_type xstrokes[MAX_STROKES];
ws_xwords_type xwords[MAX_WORDS];
ws_gaps_a_type gaps;
_ULONG gaps_handle;
// --- debug ---
_INT ws_ssp;
_INT ws_bsp;
_INT ws_inline_dist;
_INT ws_word_dist;
_INT ws_action;
// -- NN data --
_INT nn_ssp;
_INT nn_n_ssp;
_INT nn_bsp;
_INT nn_n_bsp;
_INT nn_sl;
_INT nn_inw_dist;
_INT nn_npiks;
_INT nn_cmp_min;
_INT nn_cmp_max;
} ws_data_type, _PTR p_ws_data_type;
typedef struct {
_ULONG hwsd;
p_ws_data_type pwsd;
ws_lrn_type lrn;
ws_lrn_type lrn_buf[WS_LRN_SIZE];
} ws_memory_header_type, _PTR p_ws_memory_header_type;
/* ------------------ Internal function prototypes -------------- */
_INT InitWSData(p_ws_control_type pwsc, p_ws_memory_header_type _PTR ppwmh);
_INT ReleaseWSData(p_ws_control_type pwsc, p_ws_memory_header_type _PTR ppwmh);
_INT UnlockWSData(p_ws_control_type pwsc, p_ws_memory_header_type _PTR ppwmh);
_INT InitForNewLine(p_ws_data_type pwsd);
_INT WS_GetStrokeBoxAndSlope(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_HistTheStroke(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_NewLine(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT CheckForSpaceGesture(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_WriteStrokeHorzValues(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_AddStrokeToHist(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_SetLineVars(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_CalcLineHeight(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_GetWordDist(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_CalcGaps(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_CountPiks(p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_FlyLearn(p_ws_control_type pwsc, p_ws_memory_header_type pwmh, p_ws_data_type pws_data);
_INT WS_PostprocessGaps(p_ws_data_type pwsd);
#endif // PWS_H_INCLUDED
/* *************************************************************** */
/* * Word segmentation prototypes END * */
/* *************************************************************** */