178 lines
3.4 KiB
178 lines
3.4 KiB
00 Reserved (no event indicated)
01 Keyboard ErrorRollOver
02 Keyboard POSTFail
03 Keyboard ErrorUndefine
04 Keyboard a and A
05 Keyboard b and B
06 Keyboard c and C
07 Keyboard d and D
08 Keyboard e and E
09 Keyboard f and F
0A Keyboard g and G
0B Keyboard h and H
0C Keyboard i and I
0D Keyboard j and J
0E Keyboard k and K
0F Keyboard l and L
10 Keyboard m and M
11 Keyboard n and N
12 Keyboard o and O
13 Keyboard p and P
14 Keyboard q and Q
15 Keyboard r and R
16 Keyboard s and S
17 Keyboard t and T
18 Keyboard u and U
19 Keyboard v and V
1A Keyboard w and W
1B Keyboard x and X
1C Keyboard y and Y
1D Keyboard z and Z
1E Keyboard 1 and !
1F Keyboard 2 and @
20 Keyboard 3 and #
21 Keyboard 4 and $
22 Keyboard 5 and %
23 Keyboard 6 and ^
24 Keyboard 7 and &
25 Keyboard 8 and *
26 Keyboard 9 and (
27 Keyboard 0 and )
28 Keyboard Return (ENTER)
29 Keyboard ESCAPE
2A Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)
2B Keyboard Tab
2C Keyboard Spacebar
2D Keyboard - and (underscore)
2E Keyboard = and +
2F Keyboard [ and {
30 Keyboard ] and }
31 Keyboard \ and |
32 Keyboard Non-US # and ~
33 Keyboard ; and :
34 Keyboard ' and "
35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde
36 Keyboard, and <
37 Keyboard . and >
38 Keyboard / and ?
39 Keyboard Caps Lock
3A Keyboard F1
3B Keyboard F2
3C Keyboard F3
3D Keyboard F4
3E Keyboard F5
3F Keyboard F6
40 Keyboard F7
41 Keyboard F8
42 Keyboard F9
43 Keyboard F10
44 Keyboard F11
45 Keyboard F12
46 Keyboard PrintScreen
47 Keyboard Scroll Lock
48 Keyboard Pause
49 Keyboard Insert
4A Keyboard Home
4B Keyboard PageUp
4C Keyboard Delete Forward
4D Keyboard End
4E Keyboard PageDown
4F Keyboard RightArrow
50 Keyboard LeftArrow
51 Keyboard DownArrow
52 Keyboard UpArrow
53 Keypad Num Lock and Clear
54 Keypad /
55 Keypad *
56 Keypad -
57 Keypad +
58 Keypad ENTER
59 Keypad 1 and End
5A Keypad 2 and Down Arrow
5B Keypad 3 and PageDn
5C Keypad 4 and Left Arrow
5D Keypad 5
5E Keypad 6 and Right Arrow
5F Keypad 7 and Home
60 Keypad 8 and Up Arrow
61 Keypad 9 and PageUp
62 Keypad 0 and Insert
63 Keypad . and Delete
64 Keyboard Non-US \ and |
65 Keyboard Application
66 Keyboard Power
67 Keypad =
68 Keyboard F13
69 Keyboard F14
6A Keyboard F15
6B Keyboard F16
6C Keyboard F17
6D Keyboard F18
6E Keyboard F19
6F Keyboard F20
70 Keyboard F21
71 Keyboard F22
72 Keyboard F23
73 Keyboard F24
74 Keyboard Execute
75 Keyboard Help
76 Keyboard Menu
77 Keyboard Select
78 Keyboard Stop
79 Keyboard Again
7A Keyboard Undo
7B Keyboard Cut
7C Keyboard Copy
7D Keyboard Paste
7E Keyboard Find
7F Keyboard Mute
80 Keyboard Volume Up
81 Keyboard Volume Down
82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock
83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock
84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock
85 Keypad Comma
86 Keypad Equal Sign
87 Keyboard Kanji1
88 Keyboard Kanji2
89 Keyboard Kanji3
8A Keyboard Kanji4
8B Keyboard Kanji5
8C Keyboard Kanji6
8D Keyboard Kanji7
8E Keyboard Kanji8
8F Keyboard Kanji9
90 Keyboard LANG1
91 Keyboard LANG2
92 Keyboard LANG3
93 Keyboard LANG4
94 Keyboard LANG5
95 Keyboard LANG6
96 Keyboard LANG7
97 Keyboard LANG8
98 Keyboard LANG9
99 Keyboard Alternate Erase
9A Keyboard SysReq/Attention
9B Keyboard Cancel
9C Keyboard Clear
9D Keyboard Prior
9E Keyboard Return
9F Keyboard Separator
A0 Keyboard Out
A1 Keyboard Oper
A2 Keyboard Clear/Again
A3 Keyboard CrSel/Props
A4 Keyboard ExSel
A5-DF Reserved
E0 Keyboard LeftControl
E1 Keyboard LeftShift
E2 Keyboard LeftAlt
E3 Keyboard Left GUI
E4 Keyboard RightControl
E5 Keyboard RightShift
E6 Keyboard RightAlt
E7 Keyboard Right GUI
E8-FFFF Reserved