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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// NtpBase - header
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// Created by: Louis Thomas (louisth), 4-16-99
// The basic message structure, definitions, and helper functions
#ifndef NTPBASE_H
#define NTPBASE_H
// Time formats
// a clock reading, little-endian, in (10^-7)s
struct NtTimeEpoch {
unsigned __int64 qw;
void dump(void);
// a signed time offset, little-endian, in (10^-7)s
struct NtTimeOffset {
signed __int64 qw;
void dump(void);
// a length of time, little-endian, in (10^-7)s
struct NtTimePeriod {
unsigned __int64 qw;
void dump(void);
// a clock reading, big-endian, in (2^-32)s
struct NtpTimeEpoch {
unsigned __int64 qw;
// a signed time offset, big-endian, in (2^-16)s
struct NtpTimeOffset {
signed __int32 dw;
// a length of time, big-endian, in (2^-16)s
struct NtpTimePeriod {
unsigned __int32 dw;
extern const NtTimeEpoch gc_teNtpZero; // convenient 'zero'
extern const NtpTimeEpoch gc_teZero; // convenient 'zero'
extern const NtTimePeriod gc_tpZero; // convenient 'zero'
extern const NtTimeOffset gc_toZero; // convenient 'zero'
// helpful conversion functions
NtTimeEpoch NtTimeEpochFromNtpTimeEpoch(NtpTimeEpoch te);
NtpTimeEpoch NtpTimeEpochFromNtTimeEpoch(NtTimeEpoch te);
NtTimePeriod NtTimePeriodFromNtpTimePeriod(NtpTimePeriod tp);
NtpTimePeriod NtpTimePeriodFromNtTimePeriod(NtTimePeriod tp);
NtTimeOffset NtTimeOffsetFromNtpTimeOffset(NtpTimeOffset to);
NtpTimeOffset NtpTimeOffsetFromNtTimeOffset(NtTimeOffset to);
// Math operators
static inline NtTimeOffset operator -(const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
NtTimeOffset toRet;
return toRet;
static inline NtTimeOffset operator -(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
NtTimeOffset toRet;
return toRet;
static inline NtTimeOffset operator -(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
NtTimeOffset toRet;
return toRet;
static inline NtTimeOffset operator +(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
NtTimeOffset toRet;
return toRet;
static inline NtTimeOffset & operator /=(NtTimeOffset &toLeft, const int nDiv) {
return toLeft;
static inline NtTimeOffset & operator -=(NtTimeOffset &toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft;
static inline NtTimeOffset & operator +=(NtTimeOffset &toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft;
static inline NtTimeEpoch operator +(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
NtTimeEpoch teRet;
return teRet;
static inline NtTimePeriod operator *(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const unsigned __int64 qwMult) {
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
return tpRet;
static inline NtTimePeriod & operator *=(NtTimePeriod &tpLeft, const unsigned __int64 qwMult) {
return tpLeft;
static inline NtTimePeriod operator /(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const int nDiv) {
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
return tpRet;
static inline NtTimePeriod & operator +=(NtTimePeriod &tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft;
static inline NtTimePeriod operator +(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
return tpRet;
static inline NtTimePeriod & operator -=(NtTimePeriod &tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft;
static inline NtTimePeriod operator -(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
return tpRet;
static inline bool operator <(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw<teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator <=(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw<=teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw>teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >=(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw>=teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator ==(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw==teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator !=(const NtTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw!=teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator <(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw<tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator <=(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw<=tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw>tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >=(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw>=tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator ==(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw==tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator !=(const NtTimePeriod tpLeft, const NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return tpLeft.qw!=tpRight.qw;
static inline bool operator <(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw<toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator <=(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw<=toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw>toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator >=(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw>=toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator ==(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw==toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator !=(const NtTimeOffset toLeft, const NtTimeOffset toRight) {
return toLeft.qw!=toRight.qw;
static inline bool operator ==(const NtpTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtpTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw==teRight.qw;
static inline bool operator !=(const NtpTimeEpoch teLeft, const NtpTimeEpoch teRight) {
return teLeft.qw!=teRight.qw;
static inline NtTimePeriod abs(const NtTimeOffset to) {
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
tpRet.qw=((to.qw<0)?((unsigned __int64)(-to.qw)):((unsigned __int64)(to.qw)));
return tpRet;
static inline NtTimePeriod minimum(NtTimePeriod tpLeft, NtTimePeriod tpRight) {
return ((tpLeft<tpRight)?tpLeft:tpRight);
// identifies the particular reference source
union NtpRefId {
unsigned __int8 rgnIpAddr[4]; // an IP address
unsigned __int8 rgnName[4]; // 4 ascii characters
unsigned __int32 nTransmitTimestamp; // the low order 32 bits of the latest transmit timestamp of the reference source
unsigned __int32 value; // for copying purposes
// The format of a standard NTP packet
struct NtpPacket {
struct {
unsigned __int8 nMode:3; // the mode. Valid range: 0-7
unsigned __int8 nVersionNumber:3; // the NTP/SNTP version number. Valid range: 1-4
unsigned __int8 nLeapIndicator:2; // a warning of an impending leap second to be inserted/deleted in the last minute of the current day
unsigned __int8 nStratum; // the stratum level of the local clock. Valid Range: 0-15
signed __int8 nPollInterval; // the maximum interval between successive messages, in s, log base 2. Valid range:4(16s)-14(16284s)
signed __int8 nPrecision; // the precision of the local clock, in s, log base 2
NtpTimeOffset toRootDelay; // the total roundtrip delay to the primary reference source, in (2^-16)s
NtpTimePeriod tpRootDispersion; // the nominal error relative to the primary reference, in (2^-16)s
NtpRefId refid; // identifies the particular reference source
NtpTimeEpoch teReferenceTimestamp; // the time at which the local clock was last set or corrected, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teOriginateTimestamp; // the time at which the request departed the client for the server, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teReceiveTimestamp; // the time at which the request arrived at the server, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teTransmitTimestamp; // the time at which the reply departed the server for the client, in (2^-32)s
#define SizeOfNtpPacket 48
// The format of an authenticated NTP packet
struct AuthenticatedNtpPacket {
struct {
unsigned __int8 nMode:3; // the mode. Valid range: 0-7
unsigned __int8 nVersionNumber:3; // the NTP/SNTP version number. Valid range: 1-4
unsigned __int8 nLeapIndicator:2; // a warning of an impending leap second to be inserted/deleted in the last minute of the current day
unsigned __int8 nStratum; // the stratum level of the local clock. Valid Range: 0-15
signed __int8 nPollInterval; // the maximum interval between successive messages, in s, log base 2. Valid range:4(16s)-14(16284s)
signed __int8 nPrecision; // the precision of the local clock, in s, log base 2
NtpTimeOffset toRootDelay; // the total roundtrip delay to the primary reference source, in (2^-16)s
NtpTimePeriod tpRootDispersion; // the nominal error relative to the primary reference, in (2^-16)s
NtpRefId refid; // identifies the particular reference source
NtpTimeEpoch teReferenceTimestamp; // the time at which the local clock was last set or corrected, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teOriginateTimestamp; // the time at which the request departed the client for the server, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teReceiveTimestamp; // the time at which the request arrived at the server, in (2^-32)s
NtpTimeEpoch teTransmitTimestamp; // the time at which the reply departed the server for the client, in (2^-32)s
unsigned __int32 nKeyIdentifier; // implementation specific, for authentication
unsigned __int8 rgnMessageDigest[16]; // implementation specific, for authentication
// We define this because of structure packing issues - our structure
// contains qwords, but is not a multiple of 8 in size, so sizeof()
// incorrectly reports the size. If we were to adjust the packing,
// we might misalign the qwords. Interestingly, in the NTP spec,
// the rgnMessageDigest is 12 bytes, so the packet is a multiple of 8.
#define SizeOfNtAuthenticatedNtpPacket 68
// The allowed NTP modes
enum NtpMode {
// The allowed NTP modes
enum NtpLeapIndicator {
// NTP constants
struct NtpConst {
static const unsigned int nVersionNumber; // 3 // the current NTP version number
static const unsigned int nPort; // 123 // the port number assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority to NTP
static const unsigned int nMaxStratum; // 15 // the maximum stratum value that can be encoded as a packet value, also interpreted as "infinity" or unreachable
static const signed int nMaxPollInverval; // 10 // the maximum poll interval allowed by any peer, in s, log base 2 (10=1024s)
static const signed int nMinPollInverval; // 6 // the minimum poll interval allowed by any peer, in s, log base 2 (6=64s)
static const NtTimePeriod tpMaxClockAge; // 86400.0000000 // the maximum inverval a reference clock will be considered valid after its last update, in (10^-7)s
static const NtTimePeriod tpMaxSkew; // 1.0000000 // the maximum offset error due to skew of the local clock over the interval determined by NTPCONST_MaxAge, in (10^-7)s
static const NtTimePeriod tpMaxDispersion; // 16.0000000 // the maximum peer dispersion and the dispersion assumed for missing data, in (10^-7)s
static const NtTimePeriod tpMinDispersion; // 0.0100000 // the minimum dispersion increment for each stratum level, in (10^-7)s
static const NtTimePeriod tpMaxDistance; // 1.0000000 // the maximum synchronization distance for peers acceptible for synchronization, in (10^-7)s
static const unsigned int nMinSelectClocks; // 1 // the minimum number of peers acceptable for synchronization
static const unsigned int nMaxSelectClocks; // 10 // the maximum number of peers considered for selection
static const DWORD dwLocalRefId; // LOCL // the reference identifier for the local clock
static NtTimePeriod timesMaxSkewRate(NtTimePeriod tp) { // MaxSkewRate == phi == NTPCONST_MaxSkew / NTPCONST_MaxClockAge; in s per s (==11.5740740...PPM)
NtTimePeriod tpRet;
return tpRet;
static void weightFilter(NtTimePeriod &tp) { tp.qw/=2; } // weight the filter dispersion during computation (x * 1/2)
static void weightSelect(unsigned __int64 &tp) { tp*=3;tp/=4; } // weight the select dispersion during computation (x * 3/2)
struct NtpReachabilityReg {
static const unsigned int nSize; // 8 // the size of the reachability register, in bits
unsigned __int8 nReg;
// helpful debug dump functions
void DumpNtpPacket(NtpPacket * pnpIn, NtTimeEpoch teDestinationTimestamp);
void DumpNtpTimeEpoch(NtpTimeEpoch te);
void DumpNtTimeEpoch(NtTimeEpoch te);
void DumpNtTimePeriod(NtTimePeriod tp);
void DumpNtTimeOffset(NtTimeOffset to);
inline void NtTimeEpoch::dump(void) { DumpNtTimeEpoch(*this); }
inline void NtTimePeriod::dump(void) { DumpNtTimePeriod(*this); }
inline void NtTimeOffset::dump(void) { DumpNtTimeOffset(*this); }
NtTimeEpoch GetCurrentSystemNtTimeEpoch(void);
#endif // NTPBASE_H