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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Please Note: these values are mirrored in dtguiapi.bas, please keep in sync
DEF_ERROR(OK, 0, "no error")
DEF_ERROR(NotInitialized, 1001, "inference engine was not initialized")
DEF_ERROR(AlreadyInitialized, 1002, "inference engine was already initialized")
DEF_ERROR(NoModel, 1003, "no model was yet specified")
DEF_ERROR(Memory, 1004, "could not allocate enough memory")
DEF_ERROR(FileOpen, 1005, "could not open file")
DEF_ERROR(FileRead, 1006, "could not read file")
DEF_ERROR(FileWrite, 1007, "could not write file")
DEF_ERROR(FileSignature, 1008, "file has incorrect signature")
DEF_ERROR(NotRegistered, 1010, "calling task is not registered")
DEF_ERROR(NoInput, 1011, "no input file specified on command line")
DEF_ERROR(OutOfRange, 1017, "value is out of range")
DEF_ERROR(InvalidKszid, 1018, "incorrect 'kind of string' value")
DEF_ERROR(FunctionNotAvailable, 1019, "function not available in this version")
DEF_ERROR(DdeConnectFailure, 1040, "unable to connect to DDE server")
DEF_ERROR(DdeItemFailure, 1041, "error fetching requested DDE item")
DEF_ERROR(InapplicableModel, 1042, "operation cannot be applied to this model")
DEF_ERROR(InvalidModel, 1043, "model is incomplete or invalid for this operation")
DEF_ERROR(FixableAbnormal, 1044, "at least one fixable node is abnormal")
DEF_ERROR(MTOProbDefAbnormal, 1045, "one problem defining node must be abnormal")
DEF_ERROR(NoHypoNode, 1046, "no hypothesis node")
DEF_ERROR(NoChange, 2001, "state of engine did not change")
DEF_ERROR(NotInfoNode, 2002, "not an informational variable")
DEF_ERROR(MandatoryLeft, 2003, "not all mandatory nodes have been instantiated yet")
DEF_ERROR(UnsetMandatory, 2004, "mandatory nodes cannot be uninstantiated")
DEF_ERROR(ServiceHasNoProb, 2005, "service node has no associated probabilities")
DEF_ERROR(ModelNotSF, 2010, "loaded model is not a single-fault model")
DEF_ERROR(NoNodesWithLabel, 2011, "no nodes with specified label exist")
DEF_ERROR(InvalidSymbol, 2051, "invalid symbolic name")
DEF_ERROR(RegisterClass, 3001, "RegisterClass failed")
DEF_ERROR(CreateWindow, 3002, "CreateWindow failed")
DEF_ERROR(TcbidNotFound, 3003, "Unknown training card button")
DEF_ERROR(FuncArgCount, 5001, "function invocation argument count error")
DEF_ERROR(FuncArgType, 5002, "function argument type error")
DEF_ERROR(SyntaxError, 5003, "Syntax error in DSC/DSF file")
DEF_ERROR(FileType, 5004, "Only formula declarations allowed in DSF file")
DEF_ERROR(InvalidSymbolType, 5005, "Symbol type incorrect or conflicts with existing symbol")
DEF_ERROR(FuncOrNodeRef, 5006, "invalid function or node reference")
DEF_ERROR(MandNodeHasParents, 5021, "mandatory node(s) with parents detected")
DEF_ERROR(ZeroDivide, 5051, "attempt to divide by zero")
DEF_ERROR(CreatesCycle, 5052, "arc creates a cycle" )
DEF_ERROR(UnsupportedAction, 5053, "that action is not yet supported")
DEF_ERROR(DuplicateItem, 5054, "duplicate item")
DEF_ERROR(DistNotPositive, 6001, "the distribution is not positive")
DEF_ERROR(NoMode, 6002, "no mode")
DEF_ERROR(NegativeDeterminant, 6003, "Negative Determinant")
DEF_ERROR(NYI, 9999, "option is not yet implemented")