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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 2000.
// File: catstate.CXX
// Contents: CCatState implementation
// History: 19-May-94 t-jeffc Created.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <catstate.hxx>
#include <doquery.hxx>
// Member: CCatState::CCatState, public
// Synopsis: Initializes global state info.
// History: 06-May-92 AmyA Created
: _wcsProperty( 0 ), _propType( CONTENTS ),
_prstLast( 0 ),
_isDeep( FALSE ),
_isVirtual( FALSE ),
_eType( CiNormal ),
_pwcsColumns( 0 ), _nColumns( 0 ),
_nSort( 0 ), _psi( 0 ),
_lcid( GetSystemDefaultLCID() ),
_fIsSC( FALSE ),
_fUseCI( FALSE ),
_cCategories( 0 ),
_aCategories( 0 ),
_iCategorizationRow( 0 ),
_cMaxResults( 0 ),
_cFirstRows( 0 ),
_wcsCDOld (MAX_PATH ),
// set default output format
SetColumn( L"path", 0 );
SetColumn( L"filename", 1 );
SetNumberOfColumns( 2 );
SetDefaultProperty ( L"contents" );
SetDeep (TRUE);
_cCatSets = 0;
DWORD rc = GetCurrentDirectory( _wcsCDOld.Count(), _wcsCDOld.Get() );
if( 0 == rc )
THROW( CQueryException( QUERY_GET_CD_FAILED ) );
// Member: CCatState::~CCatState, public
// Synopsis: Frees memory used by CCatState
// History: 25-May-94 t-jeffc Created
// free current propery name
delete [] _wcsProperty;
// free output column names
if( _pwcsColumns )
unsigned int cColumns;
for( cColumns = 0; cColumns < _nColumns; cColumns++ )
delete [] _pwcsColumns[ cColumns ];
delete [] _pwcsColumns;
// free sort info
if( _psi )
unsigned int cProp;
for( cProp = 0; cProp < _nSort; cProp++ )
delete [] _psi[ cProp ].wcsProp;
delete [] _psi;
// restore current directory
if( _wcsCDOld.Get() )
SetCurrentDirectory( _wcsCDOld.Get() );
delete _prstLast;
// Member: CCatState::AddCatSetWithDefaults, public
// Synopsis: Adds a row with default <machine, catalog, scope, depth> values
// Arguments:
// Notes:
// History: 21-Jan-97 krishnaN Created
SCODE CCatState::AddCatSetWithDefaults()
CString *pStr = new CString( L"\\" );
_aCatalogs.Add (pStr, _cCatSets);
pStr = new CString( L"." );
_aMachines.Add (pStr, _cCatSets);
pStr = new CString( L"\\" );
_aCatScopes.Add (pStr, _cCatSets);
_afIsDeep.Add (TRUE, _cCatSets);
return S_OK;
// Member: CCatState::SetDefaultProperty, public
// Synopsis: Changes the property passed to the parser on initialization
// (the 'global default' property)
// Arguments: [wcsProperty] -- friendly name of property
// (can be 0)
// Notes: Makes its own copy of the property name
// (unlike GetDefaultProperty, which just returns a pointer)
// History: 18-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetDefaultProperty( WCHAR const * wcsProperty )
delete [] _wcsProperty;
if( wcsProperty == 0 )
_wcsProperty = 0;
int iLength = wcslen( wcsProperty ) + 1;
_wcsProperty = new WCHAR[ iLength ];
memcpy( _wcsProperty, wcsProperty, iLength * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Member: CCatState::SetCD, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current query directory.
// Arguments: [wcsCD] -- new current directory
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetCD( WCHAR const * wcsCD )
if ( _isVirtual )
unsigned cc = wcslen( wcsCD ) + 1;
if ( _wcsCD.Count() < cc )
delete [] _wcsCD.Acquire();
_wcsCD.Init( cc );
RtlCopyMemory( _wcsCD.Get(), wcsCD, cc * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if( !SetCurrentDirectory( wcsCD ) )
THROW( CQueryException( QUERY_GET_CD_FAILED ) );
// Member: CCatState::GetCD, public
// Synopsis: Returns the current directory.
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
WCHAR const * CCatState::GetCD()
if ( _isVirtual )
return _wcsCD.Get();
DWORD rc = GetCurrentDirectory( _wcsCD.Count(), _wcsCD.Get() );
if( rc == 0 )
THROW( CQueryException( QUERY_GET_CD_FAILED ) );
return _wcsCD.Get();
// Member: CCatState::AddDir, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current query directory.
// Arguments: [wcsCD] -- new current directory
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::AddDir( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsScope )
SCODE sc = AddCatSetWithDefaults();
if (sc == S_OK)
// Use previous set's machine and catalog, if available.
if (_cCatSets > 1)
// Member: CCatState::AddCatalog, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current query directory.
// Arguments: [wcsCatalog] -- new current directory
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::AddCatalog( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsCatalog )
SCODE sc = AddCatSetWithDefaults();
if (sc == S_OK)
// Use previous set's machine, if available, and a default scope
if (_cCatSets > 1)
// Member: CCatState::AddMachine, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current query directory.
// Arguments: [wcsMachine] -- new current directory
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::AddMachine( XPtrST<WCHAR> & wcsMachine )
SCODE sc = AddCatSetWithDefaults();
if (sc == S_OK)
// Member: CCatState::ChangeCurrentCatalog, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current catalog.
// Arguments: [wcsCatalog] -- new catalog
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::ChangeCurrentCatalog (WCHAR const * wcsCatalog)
if (_cCatSets == 0) // if we don't have a row to change, add one
// replace the current row's catalog value
// Member: CCatState::ChangeCurrentDepth, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current catalog.
// Arguments: [wcsCatalog] -- new catalog
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::ChangeCurrentDepth (BOOL fDepth)
if (_cCatSets == 0) // if we don't have a row to change, add one
// replace the current row's catalog value
_afIsDeep[_cCatSets-1] = fDepth;
// Member: CCatState::ChangeCurrentMachine, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current Machine.
// Arguments: [wcsMachine] -- new Machine
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::ChangeCurrentMachine (WCHAR const * wcsMachine)
if (_cCatSets == 0) // if we don't have a row to change, add one
// replace the current row's Machine value
// Member: CCatState::ChangeCurrentScope, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current scope.
// Arguments: [wcsScope] -- new scope
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::ChangeCurrentScope (WCHAR const * wcsScope)
if (_cCatSets == 0) // if we don't have a row to change, add one
// replace the current row's scope value
// Member: CCatState::AddDepthFlag, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current query directory.
// Arguments: [wcsCD] -- new current directory
// History: 21-Jan-97 KrishnaN Created
void CCatState::AddDepthFlag( BOOL fIsDeep )
if (_cCatSets == 0) // if we don't have a row to change, add one
_afIsDeep[_cCatSets-1] = fIsDeep;
// Member: CCatState::SetCatalog, public
// Synopsis: Changes the current catalog directory.
// Arguments: [wcsCatalog] -- new catalog location
// (0 indicates the catalog is at or above _wcsCD)
// Notes: Makes & owns a copy of the path.
// History: 21-Jul-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetCatalog( WCHAR const * wcsCatalog )
delete [] _wcsCatalog.Acquire();
if( wcsCatalog != 0 )
int iLength = wcslen( wcsCatalog ) + 1;
_wcsCatalog.Init( iLength );
memcpy( _wcsCatalog.Get(), wcsCatalog, iLength * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Member: CCatState::SetColumn, public
// Synopsis: Sets the property for the specified output column.
// Arguments: [wcsColumn] -- friendly property name
// [uPos] -- 0-based column number
// Notes: Makes its own copy of the property name.
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetColumn( WCHAR const * wcsColumn, unsigned int uPos )
// does _pwcsColumns need to be extended?
if( uPos >= _nColumns )
WCHAR ** pwcsTemp = new WCHAR *[ uPos + 1 ];
unsigned int cCol;
// copy the old pointers and 0 any new ones
for( cCol = 0; cCol < uPos + 1; cCol++ )
if( cCol < _nColumns )
pwcsTemp[ cCol ] = _pwcsColumns[ cCol ];
pwcsTemp[ cCol ] = 0;
delete [] _pwcsColumns;
_nColumns = uPos + 1;
_pwcsColumns = pwcsTemp;
// free any previous column string
delete [] _pwcsColumns[ uPos ];
// copy & set the column
if( wcsColumn == 0 )
_pwcsColumns[ uPos ] = 0;
int iLength = wcslen( wcsColumn ) + 1;
_pwcsColumns[ uPos ] = new WCHAR[ iLength ];
memcpy( _pwcsColumns[ uPos ], wcsColumn, iLength * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Member: CCatState::GetColumn, public
// Synopsis: Gets the property for the specified output column.
// Arguments: [uPos] -- 0-based column number
// Notes: Returns 0 if the column number is out of range.
// Only returns a pointer the string; does not copy it.
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
WCHAR const * CCatState::GetColumn( unsigned int uPos ) const
if( uPos >= _nColumns )
return 0;
return _pwcsColumns[ uPos ];
// Member: CCatState::SetNumberOfColumns, public
// Synopsis: sets the number of columns in the output
// Arguments: [cCol] -- number of output columns
// Notes: Used after all columns have been set with
// SetColumn().
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetNumberOfColumns( unsigned int cCol )
if( cCol < _nColumns )
for( ; cCol < _nColumns; cCol++ )
delete [] _pwcsColumns[ cCol ];
_pwcsColumns[ cCol ] = 0;
// Member: CCatState::NumberOfColumns, public
// Synopsis: Returns the number of output columns
// History: 31-May-94 t-jeffc Created
unsigned int CCatState::NumberOfColumns() const
unsigned int cCol;
for( cCol = 0; cCol < _nColumns; cCol++ )
if( _pwcsColumns[ cCol ] == 0 )
return cCol;
// Member: CCatState::SetSortProp, public
// Synopsis: Sets a property for sorting
// Arguments: [wcsProp] -- friendly property name
// [sd] -- sort direction
// [uPos] -- 0-based sort order
// Notes: Makes its own copy of the property name.
// History: 17-Jun-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetSortProp( WCHAR const * wcsProp, SORTDIR sd, unsigned int uPos )
// does _psi need to be extended?
if( uPos >= _nSort )
SSortInfo * psiTemp = new SSortInfo[ uPos + 1 ];
unsigned int cProp;
// copy the old entries and 0 any new ones
for( cProp = 0; cProp < uPos + 1; cProp++ )
if( cProp < _nSort )
psiTemp[ cProp ] = _psi[ cProp ];
psiTemp[ cProp ].wcsProp = 0;
delete [] _psi;
_nSort = uPos + 1;
_psi = psiTemp;
// free any previous property string
delete [] _psi[ uPos ].wcsProp;
// copy & set the column
if( wcsProp == 0 )
_psi[ uPos ].wcsProp = 0;
int iLength = wcslen( wcsProp ) + 1;
_psi[ uPos ].wcsProp = new WCHAR[ iLength ];
memcpy( _psi[ uPos ].wcsProp, wcsProp, iLength * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_psi[ uPos ].sd = sd;
// Member: CCatState::SetNumberOfSortProps, public
// Synopsis: sets the number of sort keys
// Arguments: [cProp] -- number of sort keys
// History: 17-Jun-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::SetNumberOfSortProps( unsigned int cProp )
if( cProp < _nSort )
for( ; cProp < _nSort; cProp++ )
delete [] _psi[ cProp ].wcsProp;
_psi[ cProp ].wcsProp = 0;
// Member: CCatState::GetSortProp, public
// Synopsis: Returns sort information about a specific key
// Arguments: [uPos] -- 0-based sort ordinal (ie uPos=0 gives the primary sort key)
// [*pwcsName] -- friendly name of the property
// [*psd] -- sort order for this property
// Notes: Only returns a pointer the string; does not copy it.
// Returns 0 in *pwcsName if uPos is out of range.
// History: 17-Jun-94 t-jeffc Created
void CCatState::GetSortProp( unsigned int uPos,
WCHAR const ** pwcsName,
SORTDIR * psd ) const
if( uPos >= _nColumns )
if( pwcsName )
*pwcsName = 0;
if( pwcsName )
*pwcsName = _psi[ uPos ].wcsProp;
if( psd )
*psd = _psi[ uPos ].sd;
// Member: CCatState::NumberOfSortProps, public
// Synopsis: Returns the number of sort keys
// History: 17-Jun-94 t-jeffc Created
unsigned int CCatState::NumberOfSortProps() const
unsigned int cProp;
for( cProp = 0; cProp < _nSort; cProp++ )
if( _psi[ cProp ].wcsProp == 0 )
return cProp;
// Member: CCatState::SetLocale, public
// Synopsis: Sets the new locale
// Arguments: [wcsLocale] -- Three letter abbreviation of locale
// History: 29-Nov-94 SitaramR Created
void CCatState::SetLocale(WCHAR const *wcsLocale )
WCHAR wszAbbrev[6];
LCID lcid;
// check for neutral langauge and neutral sub language
if ( _wcsicmp( wcsLocale, L"neutral" ) == 0 )
_lcid = 0;
// decreasing for-loops, because we want to match LANG_NEUTRAL and
// SUBLANG_NEUTRAL, which are 0, last
for ( INT lang=0x20; lang>-1; lang-- )
for ( INT subLang=7; subLang>-1; subLang-- )
for ( unsigned sort=0; sort<2; sort++ )
lcid = MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( lang, subLang), sort );
if ( GetLocaleInfoW( lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, wszAbbrev, 6) )
if ( _wcsicmp( wcsLocale, wszAbbrev ) == 0 )
_lcid = lcid;
// Member: CCatState::SetCategory, public
// Synopsis: Sets the new category
// Arguments: [wcsCategory] -- friendly category name
// [uPos] -- position of category
// History: 21-Aug-95 SitaramR Created
void CCatState::SetCategory( WCHAR const *pwcsCategory, unsigned uPos )
Win4Assert( pwcsCategory );
CString *pString = new CString( pwcsCategory );
_aCategories.Add( pString, uPos );
// Member: CCatState::GetCategory, public
// Synopsis: Returns the required category
// Arguments: [uPos] -- position of category
// History: 21-Aug-95 SitaramR Created
WCHAR const *CCatState::GetCategory( unsigned uPos ) const
Win4Assert( uPos < _cCategories );
CString *pString = _aCategories.Get( uPos );
if ( pString )
return pString->GetString();
return 0;