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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
KEY_OPTIONAL = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents"
AccessOpt_DESC = "Hj<48>lpmedelsguiden"
AccessOpt_TIP = "Anv<6E>nd Hj<48>lpmedelsguiden f<>r att konfigurera systemet f<>r anv<6E>ndare med nedsatt syn, h<>rsel eller r<>rlighet."
ACCESSIB_GROUP_NAME = "Tillbeh<65>r\Hj<48>lpmedel"
ACCWIZ_NAME = "Hj<48>lpmedelsguiden"
ACCWIZ_EXE = "accwiz.exe"
Scheme1 = "Windows svart "
Scheme2 = "Windows svart (stor)"
Scheme3 = "Windows svart (extra stor)"
Scheme4 = "Windows inverterad"
Scheme5 = "Windows inverterad (stor)"
Scheme6 = "Windows inverterad (extra stor)"
Scheme7 = "Windows standard (stor)"
Scheme8 = "Windows standard (extra stor)"
; Used to keep the line length above to a minimum - no need to localize
C0 = "\cursors\arrow_"
C1 = "\cursors\help_"
C2 = "\cursors\wait_"
C3 = "\cursors\busy_"
C4 = "\cursors\cross_"
C5 = "\cursors\beam_"
C6 = "\cursors\pen_"
C7 = "\cursors\no_"
C8 = "\cursors\size4_"
C9 = "\cursors\size3_"
CA = "\cursors\size2_"
CB = "\cursors\size1_"
CC = "\cursors\move_"
CD = "\cursors\up_"