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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
* Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* File: fbsound.c
* Content: Game sound effect routines
#include "foxbear.h"
* Array of pointers to our sound effects
char szSoundEffects[NUM_SOUND_EFFECTS][MAX_PATH] =
* DSEnable
* Figures out whether or not to use DirectSound, based on an entry
* in WIN.INI. Sets a module-level flag and goes about creating the
* DirectSound object if necessary. Returns TRUE if successful.
BOOL DSEnable( HWND hwnd )
HRESULT dsrval;
BOOL bUseDSound;
bUseDSound = GetProfileInt("FoxBear", "use_dsound", bWantSound);
if (!bUseDSound)
lpDS = NULL;
return TRUE;
if (lpDS != NULL)
Msg( "DSEnable, already enabled" );
return TRUE;
dsrval = DirectSoundCreate(NULL, &lpDS, NULL);
if (dsrval != DS_OK)
Msg("DirectSoundCreate FAILED");
return FALSE;
dsrval = IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(lpDS, hwnd, DSSCL_NORMAL);
if (dsrval != DS_OK)
Msg("SetCooperativeLevel FAILED");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
} /* DSEnable */
* DSDisable
* Turn off DirectSound
BOOL DSDisable( void )
if (lpDS == NULL)
return TRUE;
lpDS = NULL;
return TRUE;
} /* DSDisable */
* InitSound
* Sets up the DirectSound object and loads all sounds into secondary
* DirectSound buffers. Returns FALSE on error, or TRUE if successful
BOOL InitSound( HWND hwndOwner )
int idx;
IDirectSoundBuffer *lpPrimary;
if (lpDS == NULL)
return TRUE;
* Load all sounds -- any that can't load for some reason will have NULL
* pointers instead of valid SOUNDEFFECT data, and we will know not to
* play them later on.
for( idx = 0; idx < NUM_SOUND_EFFECTS; idx++ )
if (SoundLoadEffect((EFFECT)idx))
caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps);
IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCaps(lpSoundEffects[idx], &caps);
if (caps.dwFlags & DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE)
Msg( "Sound effect %s in hardware", szSoundEffects[idx]);
Msg( "Sound effect %s in software", szSoundEffects[idx]);
Msg( "cant load sound effect %s", szSoundEffects[idx]);
* get the primary buffer and start it playing
* by playing the primary buffer, DirectSound knows to keep the
* mixer active, even though we are not making any noise.
ZeroMemory( &dsBD, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) );
dsBD.dwSize = sizeof(dsBD);
if (SUCCEEDED(IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(lpDS, &dsBD, &lpPrimary, NULL)))
if (!SUCCEEDED(IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(lpPrimary, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING)))
Msg("Unable to play Primary sound buffer");
Msg("Unable to create Primary sound buffer");
return TRUE;
} /* InitSound */
* DestroySound
* Undoes everything that was done in a InitSound call
BOOL DestroySound( void )
DWORD idxKill;
for( idxKill = 0; idxKill < NUM_SOUND_EFFECTS; idxKill++ )
SoundDestroyEffect( (EFFECT)idxKill );
return TRUE;
} /* DestroySound */
* SoundDestroyEffect
* Frees up resources associated with a sound effect
BOOL SoundDestroyEffect( EFFECT sfx )
lpSoundEffects[sfx] = NULL;
return TRUE;
} /* SoundDestryEffect */
* SoundLoadEffect
* Initializes a sound effect by loading the WAV file from a resource
BOOL SoundLoadEffect( EFFECT sfx )
if (lpDS && lpSoundEffects[sfx] == NULL && *szSoundEffects[sfx])
// use DSLoadSoundBuffer (in ..\misc\dsutil.c) to load
// a sound from a resource.
lpSoundEffects[sfx] = DSLoadSoundBuffer(lpDS, szSoundEffects[sfx]);
return lpSoundEffects[sfx] != NULL;
} /* SoundLoadEffect */
* SoundPlayEffect
* Plays the sound effect specified.
* Returns TRUE if succeeded.
BOOL SoundPlayEffect( EFFECT sfx )
HRESULT dsrval;
IDirectSoundBuffer *pdsb = lpSoundEffects[sfx];
if( !lpDS || !pdsb )
return FALSE;
* Rewind the play cursor to the start of the effect, and play
IDirectSoundBuffer_SetCurrentPosition(pdsb, 0);
dsrval = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(pdsb, 0, 0, 0);
if (dsrval == DSERR_BUFFERLOST)
Msg("** %s needs restored", szSoundEffects[sfx]);
dsrval = IDirectSoundBuffer_Restore(pdsb);
if (dsrval == DS_OK)
if (DSReloadSoundBuffer(pdsb, szSoundEffects[sfx]))
Msg("** %s has been restored", szSoundEffects[sfx]);
IDirectSoundBuffer_SetCurrentPosition(pdsb, 0);
dsrval = IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(pdsb, 0, 0, 0);
dsrval = E_FAIL;
return (dsrval == DS_OK);
} /* SoundPlayEffect */
* SoundStopEffect
* Stops the sound effect specified.
* Returns TRUE if succeeded.
BOOL SoundStopEffect( EFFECT sfx )
HRESULT dsrval;
if( !lpDS || !lpSoundEffects[sfx] )
return FALSE;
dsrval = IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop(lpSoundEffects[sfx]);
return SUCCEEDED(dsrval);
} /* SoundStopEffect */