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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
* Module Name: sstext3d.c
* Core code for text3D screen saver
* Created: 12-24-94 -by- Marc Fortier [marcfo]
* Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <scrnsave.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glaux.h>
//#define SS_DEBUG 1
#include "sscommon.h"
#include "sstext3d.h"
#define FMIN_DEPTH 0.15f
#define FMAX_DEPTH 0.6f
#define FMIN_VIEW_ANGLE 90.0f
#define FMAX_VIEW_ANGLE 130.0f
#define FMIN_RANDOM_ANGLE 45.0f
#define FMAX_RANDOM_ANGLE 89.0f
#define FMIN_SEESAW_ANGLE 63.0f
#define FMAX_SEESAW_ANGLE 88.0f
#define FMIN_WOBBLE_ANGLE 30.0f
#define FMAX_WOBBLE_ANGLE 55.0f
#define FMIN_WOBBLE_ANGLE2 40.0f
#define FMAX_WOBBLE_ANGLE2 80.0f
#define MIN_ROT_STEP 1
#define MAX_ROT_STEP 20
#define FMAX_ZOOM 5.0f
// globals
static FLOAT gfMinCycleTime = 10.0f;
static POINTFLOAT gTrig[360]; // pre-calculated table of sines and cosines
static POINTFLOAT gSawTooth[360]; // sawtooth table
static POINTFLOAT gInvTrig[360]; // pseudo-inverse trig table
static POINT gTrigDif[360]; // table for converting trig->invtrig
static POINT gInvTrigDif[360]; // table for converting invtrig->trig
AttrContext gac;
// Default texture resource
typedef struct _LIST *PLIST;
typedef struct _LIST {
PLIST pnext;
PLIST plistComplete;
LPTSTR pszStr;
PLIST gplistComplete = NULL;
PLIST gplist = NULL;
static void DeleteNameList();
void text3d_Init( void *data );
void text3d_Reset(void *data );
void text3d_Draw(void *data );
void text3d_Reshape(int width, int height, void *data );
void text3d_Finish( void *data );
static void CalcViewParams( AttrContext *pac );
static BOOL InitFont( AttrContext *pac );
static void InitLighting( AttrContext *pac );
static void InitTexture( AttrContext *pac );
static void InitMaterials( AttrContext *pac );
static void InitView( AttrContext *pac );
static FLOAT MapValue( FLOAT fInVal,
FLOAT fOut1, FLOAT fOut2 );
static int MapValueI( int inVal, int in1, int in2, int out1, int out2 );
static FLOAT CalcChordalDeviation( HDC hdc, AttrContext *pac );
static void (*BoundingBoxProc)( AttrContext *pac);
static void CalcBoundingBox( AttrContext *pac );
static void CalcBoundingBoxFromSphere( AttrContext *pac );
static void CalcBoundingBoxFromSpherePlus( AttrContext *pac, FLOAT zmax );
static void CalcBoundingBoxGeneric( AttrContext *pac );
static void CalcBoundingBoxFromExtents( AttrContext *pac, POINT3D *box );
static void CalcBoundingExtent( FLOAT rot, FLOAT x, FLOAT y,
POINTFLOAT *extent );
static void SortBoxes( POINT3D *box, FLOAT *boxvp, int numBox );
static void (*GetNextRotProc)( AttrContext *pac );
static void GetNextRotNone( AttrContext *pac );
static void GetNextRotRandom( AttrContext *pac );
static void GetNextRotWobble( AttrContext *pac );
static void InitTrigTable();
static void text3d_UpdateTime( AttrContext *pac, BOOL bCheckBounds );
static void text3d_UpdateString( AttrContext *pac, BOOL bCheckBounds );
static BOOL VerifyString( AttrContext *pac );
static BOOL CheckKeyStrings( LPTSTR testString, PSZ psz );
static void ConvertStringAsciiToUnicode( PSZ psz, PWSTR pwstr, int len );
static void InvertBitsA( char *s, int len );
static void ReadNameList();
static PSZ ReadStringFileA( char *file );
static void CreateRandomList();
static void ResetRotationLimits( AttrContext *pac, int *reset );
static int FrameCalibration( AttrContext *pac, struct _timeb *pBaseTime, int framesPerCycle,
int nCycle );
static void SetTransitionPoints( AttrContext *pac, int framesPerCycle,
int *trans1, int *trans2, FLOAT *zTrans );
static void
AdjustRotationStep( AttrContext *pac, int *reset, POINTFLOAT *oldTrig );
* SetFloaterInfo
* Set the size and motion of the floating window
* ss_SetWindowAspectRatio may be called after this, to finely crop the
* window to the text being displayed. But we can't call it here, since this
* function is called by common when creating the floating window, before the
* text string size has been determined.
static void
SetFloaterInfo( ISIZE *pParentSize, CHILD_INFO *pChild )
float sizeFact;
float sizeScale;
int size;
ISIZE *pChildSize = &pChild->size;
MOTION_INFO *pMotion = &pChild->motionInfo;
AttrContext *pac = &gac;
sizeScale = (float)pac->uSize / 100.0f; // range 0..1
sizeFact = 0.25f + (0.5f * sizeScale); // range 25-75%
size = (int) (sizeFact *
( ((float)(pParentSize->width + pParentSize->height)) / 2.0f ));
SS_CLAMP_TO_RANGE2( size, 0, pParentSize->width );
SS_CLAMP_TO_RANGE2( size, 0, pParentSize->height );
pChildSize->width = pChildSize->height = size;
pMotion->posInc.x = .01f * (float) size;
if( pMotion->posInc.x < 1.0f )
pMotion->posInc.x = 1.0f;
pMotion->posInc.y = pMotion->posInc.x;
pMotion->posIncVary.x = .4f * pMotion->posInc.x;
pMotion->posIncVary.y = pMotion->posIncVary.x;
* Init
* Initialize - called on first entry into ss.
* Called BEFORE gl is initialized!
* Just do basic stuff here, like set up callbacks, verify dialog stuff, etc.
* Fills global SSContext structure with required data, and returns ptr
* to it.
SSContext *
ss_Init( void )
// validate some initial dialog settings
getIniSettings(); // also called on dialog init
// must verify textures here, before GL floater windows are created
if( gac.surfStyle == SURFSTYLE_TEX ) {
ss_VerifyTextureFile( &gac.texFile );
// set Init callback
ss_InitFunc( text3d_Init );
// set data ptr to be sent with callbacks
ss_DataPtr( &gac );
// set configuration info to return
gac.ssc.bFloater = TRUE;
gac.ssc.floaterInfo.bMotion = TRUE;
gac.ssc.floaterInfo.ChildSizeFunc = SetFloaterInfo;
gac.ssc.bDoubleBuf = TRUE;
gac.ssc.depthType = SS_DEPTH16;
return &gac.ssc;
* text3d_Init
* Initializes OpenGL state for text3d screen saver
text3d_Init( void *data )
AttrContext *pac = (AttrContext *) data;
// Set any callbacks that require GL
ss_UpdateFunc( text3d_Draw );
ss_ReshapeFunc( text3d_Reshape );
ss_FinishFunc( text3d_Finish );
#ifdef SS_DEBUG
glClearColor( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.0f );
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// this sequence must be maintained
InitLighting( pac );
InitFont( pac );
InitView( pac );
InitTexture( pac );
InitMaterials( pac );
* InitLighting
* Initialize lighting, and back face culling.
static void
InitLighting( AttrContext *pac )
float ambient1[] = {0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f};
float ambient2[] = {0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f};
float diffuse1[] = {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f};
float diffuse2[] = {0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f};
float position1[] = {0.0f, 50.0f, 150.0f, 0.0f};
float position2[] = {25.0f, 150.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f};
float lmodel_ambient[] = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambient1);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse1);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, position1);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, ambient2);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse2);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, position2);
glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, lmodel_ambient);
glCullFace( GL_BACK );
* TestFont
* Test that GetOutlineTextMetrics works. If not, wglUseFontOutlines will fail.
* If the font tests bad, delete it and select in the previous one.
static BOOL
TestFont( HFONT hfont )
HFONT hfontOld;
HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
if( GetOutlineTextMetrics( hdc, sizeof(otm), &otm) <= 0 ) {
SS_DBGPRINT( "sstext3d Init: GetOutlineTextMetrics failure\n" );
SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld);
DeleteObject( hfont );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* CreateFont
* Create a true type font and test it
static HFONT
text3d_CreateFont( LOGFONT *plf )
HFONT hfont;
// Create font from LOGFONT data
hfont = CreateFontIndirect(plf);
if( hfont ) {
// Test the font
if( ! TestFont( hfont ) )
hfont = (HFONT) 0;
return hfont;
* InitFont
static BOOL
InitFont( AttrContext *pac )
HFONT hfont;
int type;
float fChordalDeviation;
HDC hdc = wglGetCurrentDC();
// Set up the LOGFONT structure
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
lstrcpy( lf.lfFaceName, pac->szFontName );
lf.lfWeight = (pac->bBold) ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
lf.lfItalic = (pac->bItalic) ? (BYTE) 1 : 0;
lf.lfHeight = 0; // shouldn't matter
lf.lfCharSet = pac->charSet;
lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
// Create the font
if( ! (hfont = text3d_CreateFont( &lf )) ) {
// Couldn't create a true type font with supplied data
SS_DBGPRINT( "initial text3d_CreateFont failed: \n" );
if( !hfont && ss_fOnWin95() ) {
// !!! Bug on win95: the font mapper didn't give us anything useful
// For some reason GetOutlineTextMetrics fails for some fonts (Symbol)
// when using lfHeight = 0 (default height value).
lf.lfHeight = -10;
if( ! (hfont = text3d_CreateFont( &lf )) ) {
SS_DBGPRINT( "text3d_CreateFont with lfHeight != 0 failed: \n" );
if( hfont == NULL ) {
/* The requested font cannot be loaded. Try to get the system to
* load any TrueType font
hfont = CreateFont( 100, 100, 0, 0, lf.lfWeight, lf.lfItalic,
// If hfont is still null, nothing will be displayed.
if( !hfont || !TestFont(hfont) ) {
SS_DBGPRINT( "text3d_InitFont failure\n" );
return FALSE;
// We have a valid font
SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
// Set extrusion, chordal deviation, and font type
#ifdef _PPC_
// !!! Work around for PPC compiler bug
// calculate chordalDeviation from input attribute fTesselFact
fChordalDeviation = CalcChordalDeviation( hdc, pac );
pac->fDepth = ss_fRand( FMIN_DEPTH, FMAX_DEPTH );
pac->fDepth = ss_fRand( FMIN_DEPTH, FMAX_DEPTH );
// calculate chordalDeviation from input attribute fTesselFact
fChordalDeviation = CalcChordalDeviation( hdc, pac );
type = pac->surfStyle == SURFSTYLE_WIREFRAME ? WGL_FONT_LINES :
// Create a wgl font context
if( !(pac->pWglFontC =
CreateWglFontContext( hdc, type, pac->fDepth, fChordalDeviation )) )
return FALSE;
// intialize the text that will be displayed
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_CLOCK ) {
text3d_UpdateTime( pac, FALSE ); // sets pac->textXXX params as well
} else if( pac->demoType == DEMO_STRING ) {
if( !VerifyString( pac ) ) {
ConvertStringToList( pac->szText, pac->usText, pac->pWglFontC );
pac->textLen = GetStringExtent( pac->szText, &pac->pfTextExtent,
pac->pWglFontC );
return SUCCESS;
* InitView
static void
InitView( AttrContext *pac )
int numRots=0, axis;
FLOAT *p3dRotMax = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMax;
FLOAT *p3dRotMin = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMin;
int *ip3dRotStep = (int *) &pac->ip3dRotStep;
POINT3D p3d_zero = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
int stepRange = 2; // default step range
int reset[NUM_AXIS] = {1, 1, 1};
// text is either xmajor or ymajor
pac->bXMajor = pac->pfTextExtent.x >= pac->pfTextExtent.y ? TRUE : FALSE;
/* At this point, the initial string extents will have been
* calculated, and we can use this to determine rotational
* characteristics
// default proc to get next rotation
GetNextRotProc = GetNextRotRandom;
/* convert the slider speed values to rotation steps, with
* a steeper slope at the beginning of the scale
pac->iRotStep = MapValueI( pac->iSpeed,
MIN_SLIDER, MAX_SLIDER, // slider range
MIN_ROT_STEP, MAX_ROT_STEP ); // step range
// initialize rotation min/max to 0
*( (POINT3D*)p3dRotMin ) = p3d_zero;
*( (POINT3D*)p3dRotMax ) = p3d_zero;
pac->p3dRot = p3d_zero;
/* Set the MAXIMUM rotation limits. This is required initially, in
* order to set the bounding box
switch( pac->rotStyle ) {
GetNextRotProc = GetNextRotNone;
// rotate minor axis
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
// always rotate around y-axis
axis = Y_AXIS;
axis = pac->bXMajor ? Y_AXIS : X_AXIS;
p3dRotMin[axis] = FMIN_SEESAW_ANGLE;
p3dRotMax[axis] = FMAX_SEESAW_ANGLE;
GetNextRotProc = GetNextRotWobble;
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING ) {
axis = Y_AXIS;
else {
stepRange = 1;
axis = pac->bXMajor ? Y_AXIS : X_AXIS;
p3dRotMin[axis] = FMIN_WOBBLE_ANGLE2;
p3dRotMax[axis] = FMAX_WOBBLE_ANGLE2;
// adjust stepRange based on speed
stepRange = MapValueI( pac->iSpeed,
2, 6 ); // step range
for( axis = X_AXIS; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
p3dRotMin[axis] = FMIN_RANDOM_ANGLE;
p3dRotMax[axis] = FMAX_RANDOM_ANGLE;
// set min and max steps
pac->iRotMinStep = pac->iRotStep >= (MIN_ROT_STEP + stepRange) ?
pac->iRotStep - stepRange : MIN_ROT_STEP;
pac->iRotMaxStep = pac->iRotStep + stepRange; // don't limit upper end
for( axis = X_AXIS; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
ip3dRotStep[axis] = p3dRotMax[axis] != 0.0f ?
ss_iRand2( pac->iRotMinStep, pac->iRotMaxStep ) : 0;
// initialize the step iteration
pac->ip3dRoti.x = pac->ip3dRoti.y = pac->ip3dRoti.z = 0;
// initialize the trig table, for fast rotation calculations
// set the current rotation limits
pac->p3dRotLimit = *( (POINT3D *)p3dRotMax );
ResetRotationLimits( pac, reset );
// set view angle
pac->fFovy = ss_fRand( FMIN_VIEW_ANGLE, FMAX_VIEW_ANGLE );
for( axis = X_AXIS; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
if( p3dRotMax[axis] != 0.0f )
// set BoundingBoxProc dependent on which axis are being rotated
if( numRots <= 1 )
BoundingBoxProc = CalcBoundingBox;
BoundingBoxProc = CalcBoundingBoxGeneric;
(*BoundingBoxProc)( pac );
if( pac->p3dBoundingBox.y == 0.0f )
pac->p3dBoundingBox.y = 1.0f;
* InitMaterials
static void
InitMaterials( AttrContext *pac )
if( pac->bTexture ) {
pac->bMaterialCycle = FALSE;
pac->pMat = ss_RandomTexMaterial( TRUE );
} else {
pac->bMaterialCycle = TRUE;
pac->pMat = ss_RandomTeaMaterial( TRUE );
* InitTexture
* History
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Changed texture quality from default to high.
static void
InitTexture( AttrContext *pac )
if( pac->surfStyle != SURFSTYLE_TEX )
// No choice for texture quality in dialog - set to HIGH
pac->texQual = TEXQUAL_HIGH;
// Try to load the texture file or default texture resource
if( ss_LoadTextureFile( &pac->texFile, &pac->texture ) ||
ss_LoadTextureResource( &gTexRes, &pac->texture ) )
pac->bTexture = 1;
ss_SetTexture( &pac->texture );
// set auto texture coord generation
ss_InitAutoTexture( NULL );
else { // couldn't open .bmp file
pac->bTexture = 0;
* text3d_Finish
* Handles any cleanup on program termination
text3d_Finish( void *data )
AttrContext *pac = (AttrContext *) data;
if( pac )
DeleteWglFontContext( pac->pWglFontC );
// delete any name list
* text3d_Reshape
* - called on resize, expose
* - always called on app startup
text3d_Reshape(int width, int height, void *data )
AttrContext *pac = (AttrContext *) data;
#if 0
glViewport( 0, 0, width, height );
// calculate new aspect ratio
pac->fAspect = height == 0 ? 1.0f : (FLOAT) width / (FLOAT) height;
CalcViewParams( pac );
ss_SetWindowAspectRatio( pac->p3dBoundingBox.x / pac->p3dBoundingBox.y );
* CalcViewParams
* Calculate viewing parameters, based on window size, bounding box, etc.
static void
CalcViewParams( AttrContext *pac )
GLdouble zNear, zFar;
FLOAT aspectBound, viewDist;
FLOAT vHeight;
FLOAT fovy;
// calculate viewing distance so that front of bounding box within view
aspectBound = pac->p3dBoundingBox.x / pac->p3dBoundingBox.y;
// this is distance to FRONT of bounding box:
viewDist = pac->p3dBoundingBox.y /
( (FLOAT) tan( deg_to_rad(pac->fFovy/2.0f) ) );
// NOTE: these are half-widths and heights
if( aspectBound <= pac->fAspect ) {
// we are bound by the window's height
fovy = pac->fFovy;
} else {
// we are bound by window's width
// adjust fovy, so fovx remains the same
vHeight = pac->p3dBoundingBox.x / pac->fAspect;
fovy = rad_to_deg( 2.0f * (FLOAT) atan( vHeight / viewDist ) );
/* Could just use rotation sphere dimensions here, but for now
* set clipping planes 10% beyond bounding box.
zNear = 0.9f * viewDist;
zFar = 1.1f * (viewDist + 2.0f*pac->p3dBoundingBox.z);
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
zFar *= FMAX_ZOOM;
gluPerspective( fovy, pac->fAspect, zNear, zFar );
// set viewing distance so that front of bounding box within view
viewDist *= 1.01f; // pull back 1% further to be sure not off by a pixel..
pac->fZtrans = -(viewDist + pac->p3dBoundingBox.z);
glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, pac->fZtrans );
// number of calibration cycles
* text3d_Draw
* Draw a frame.
text3d_Draw( void *data )
AttrContext *pac = (AttrContext *) data;
POINT3D *rot = &pac->p3dRot;
static BOOL bCalibrated = FALSE;
static int nCycle = 0; // cycle count
static int frameCount = 0, maxCount;
static int matTransCount, matTransCount2 = 0;
static MATERIAL transMat, transMatInc;
static FLOAT zTrans, zTransInc;
static MATERIAL *pNewMat;
static struct _timeb baseTime;
static BOOL bInit = FALSE;
static int reset[NUM_AXIS] = {1,1,1};
if( !bInit ) {
// Do first time init stuff
// Start the calibration timer
_ftime( &baseTime );
// set default transition points, until calibration done
maxCount = 60;
SetTransitionPoints( pac, maxCount, &matTransCount,
&matTransCount2, &zTrans );
bInit = TRUE;
// take action based on frameCount
if( frameCount >= matTransCount ) {
// we are in the transition zone
if( frameCount == matTransCount ) {
// first transition point...
// select new material
if( pac->bTexture )
pNewMat = ss_RandomTexMaterial( FALSE );
pNewMat = ss_RandomTeaMaterial( FALSE );
// set material transition, zTrans transition
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING ) {
// transition current material to black
ss_CreateMaterialGradient( &transMatInc,
matTransCount2 - matTransCount );
zTransInc = ((FMAX_ZOOM-1) * pac->fZtrans) /
(matTransCount2 - matTransCount);
} else {
ss_CreateMaterialGradient( &transMatInc,
maxCount - matTransCount );
// initialize transition values to current settings
zTrans = pac->fZtrans;
transMat = *(pac->pMat);
// begin transition on NEXT frame.
} else {
// past first transition...
if( matTransCount2 && (frameCount == (matTransCount2+1)) ) {
// optional second transition point...(only for vstrings)
// transition from black to new material
ss_CreateMaterialGradient( &transMatInc,
maxCount - matTransCount2 );
// init transition material to black
transMat = ss_BlackMat;
/* At this point, screen is black, so we can change strings
* and resize the floater without any problems.
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
text3d_UpdateString( pac, TRUE ); // can cause resize
// set zTrans to furthest distance
zTrans = (FMAX_ZOOM * pac->fZtrans);
zTransInc = (pac->fZtrans - zTrans) /
(maxCount - matTransCount2);
// change this while string invisible
ResetRotationLimits( pac, reset );
// set the transition material (updates transMat each time)
ss_TransitionMaterial( &transMat, &transMatInc );
zTrans += zTransInc;
if( frameCount >= maxCount ) {
// End of cycle
nCycle++; // 1-based
// Calibrate on MAX_CALIBRATE cycles
if( !bCalibrated && (nCycle >= MAX_CALIBRATE) ) {
maxCount = FrameCalibration( pac, &baseTime, maxCount, nCycle );
SetTransitionPoints( pac, maxCount, &matTransCount,
&matTransCount2, &zTrans );
bCalibrated = TRUE;
// set, reset stuff
pac->pMat = pNewMat;
ss_SetMaterial( pNewMat );
zTrans = pac->fZtrans;
frameCount = 0;
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_CLOCK ) {
// have to update the draw string with current time
text3d_UpdateTime( pac, TRUE );
// ok, the string's setup - draw it
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
// use zooming zTrans
glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, zTrans );
// use fixed zTrans
glTranslatef( 0.0f, 0.0f, pac->fZtrans );
* GetNextRotProc provides sinusoidal rotations
(*GetNextRotProc)( pac ); // sets pac->p3dRot, or rot
if( pac->p3dRotMax.z != 0.0f ) {
glRotatef( rot->z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
if( pac->p3dRotMax.y != 0.0f ) {
glRotatef( rot->y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
if( pac->p3dRotMax.x != 0.0f ) {
glRotatef( rot->x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
glTranslatef( -pac->pfTextOrigin.x - pac->pfTextExtent.x/2.0f,
-pac->pfTextOrigin.y + pac->pfTextExtent.y/2.0f,
pac->fDepth / 2.0f );
DrawString( pac->usText, pac->textLen, pac->pWglFontC );
* SetTransitionPoints
* Calculate draw transition points, as frame count values.
* If doing variable string (VSTRING), first transition point is where we
* start fading to black, and 2nd is from black to next material. Also
* transition the z translation distance (zTrans).
* Note that trans2 indicates the frame number where the image should be
* black. The actual transitioning may occur at trans2+1 (see text3d_draw
* above).
* For all other cases, set one transition point for fade to next material.
static void
SetTransitionPoints( AttrContext *pac, int framesPerCycle, int *trans1,
int *trans2, FLOAT *zTrans )
*trans1 = (int) (0.5f * (FLOAT) framesPerCycle + 0.5f);
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING ) {
*trans2 = *trans1 +
(int) (0.5f * (FLOAT) (framesPerCycle - *trans1) + 0.5f);
*zTrans = pac->fZtrans;
* text3d_UpdateTime
* Put new time string into the attribute context
static void
text3d_UpdateTime( AttrContext *pac, BOOL bCheckBounds )
int oldLen;
POINTFLOAT textExtent, textOrigin;
POINTFLOAT textLowerRight, currentLowerRight;
LPTSTR pszLastTime = pac->szText;
static TCHAR szNewTime[TEXT_BUF_SIZE] = {0};
GetLocalTime( &(pac->stTime) );
GetTimeFormat( GetUserDefaultLCID(), // locale id
0, // flags
&(pac->stTime), // time struct
NULL, // format string
szNewTime, // buffer
TEXT_BUF_SIZE ); // buffer size
// Compare new time string with last one
if( !lstrcmp( pszLastTime, szNewTime ) )
// time string has not changed, return
// translate the new time string into display lists in pac->usText
ConvertStringToList( szNewTime, pac->usText, pac->pWglFontC );
lstrcpy( pac->szText, szNewTime );
// Check extents of new string
// save current values
oldLen = pac->textLen;
textExtent = pac->pfTextExtent;
textOrigin = pac->pfTextOrigin;
pac->textLen = GetStringExtent( pac->szText,
pac->pWglFontC );
if( !bCheckBounds ) {
// just set new extents and return
pac->pfTextExtent = textExtent;
pac->pfTextOrigin = textOrigin;
/* only update bounding box if new extents are larger, or the number
* of chars changes
bCheckBounds = FALSE;
if( pac->textLen != oldLen ) {
// recalculate everything
bCheckBounds = TRUE;
pac->pfTextExtent = textExtent;
pac->pfTextOrigin = textOrigin;
else {
// accumulate maximum bounding box in pac
// calc current lower right limits
textLowerRight.x = textOrigin.x + textExtent.x;
textLowerRight.y = textOrigin.y - textExtent.y;
currentLowerRight.x = pac->pfTextOrigin.x + pac->pfTextExtent.x;
currentLowerRight.y = pac->pfTextOrigin.y - pac->pfTextExtent.y;
// if new text extents extend beyond current, update
if( textOrigin.x < pac->pfTextOrigin.x ) {
pac->pfTextOrigin.x = textOrigin.x;
bCheckBounds = TRUE;
if( textOrigin.y > pac->pfTextOrigin.y ) {
pac->pfTextOrigin.y = textOrigin.y;
bCheckBounds = TRUE;
if( textLowerRight.x > currentLowerRight.x ) {
pac->pfTextExtent.x = textLowerRight.x - pac->pfTextOrigin.x;
bCheckBounds = TRUE;
if( textLowerRight.y < currentLowerRight.y ) {
pac->pfTextExtent.y = pac->pfTextOrigin.y - textLowerRight.y;
bCheckBounds = TRUE;
if( bCheckBounds ) {
// string size has changed - recalc box and view params
(*BoundingBoxProc)( pac );
CalcViewParams( pac );
* text3d_UpdateString
* Select new string to display.
* If bCheckBounds, calculate new bounds as well.
static void
text3d_UpdateString( AttrContext *pac, BOOL bCheckBounds )
static int index = 0;
// get next string to display
if( gplist == NULL )
lstrcpy( pac->szText, gplist->pszStr );
ConvertStringToList( pac->szText, pac->usText, pac->pWglFontC );
gplist = gplist->pnext;
// get new extents
pac->textLen = GetStringExtent( pac->szText,
pac->pWglFontC );
if( !bCheckBounds )
// calculate bounding box
(*BoundingBoxProc)( pac );
if( pac->p3dBoundingBox.y == 0.0f )
// avoid /0
pac->p3dBoundingBox.y = 1.0f;
// Make window's aspect ratio dependent on bounding box
/* mf: could clear buffer here, so don't get incorrect results on
* synchronous resize, but not necessary since we're fading
ss_SetWindowAspectRatio( pac->p3dBoundingBox.x / pac->p3dBoundingBox.y );
CalcViewParams( pac );
// move window to new random position
* GetNextRotWobble
* Calculate next rotation.
* - 'step' controls amount of rotation
* - rotation values are scaled from -1 to 1 (trig values), and inscribe
* circle with r=1 in the zy plane for the ends of the string
* - steps for both minor and major rotation axis remain in sync
* History
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Call ResetRotationLimits() when axis rotation is 0
static void
GetNextRotWobble( AttrContext *pac )
int *step = (int *) &pac->ip3dRoti; // use step->x
int *rotStep = (int *) &pac->ip3dRotStep.z;
FLOAT *rotMax = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMax;
POINTFLOAT *pTrig = pac->pTrig;
static int resetPoint[NUM_AXIS] = {90,90,0}; // 0 amplitude points
int reset[NUM_AXIS] = {0}; // which axis to be reset
int axis;
pac->p3dRot.z = pac->p3dRotLimit.z * pTrig[ *step ].y; // sin
pac->p3dRot.y = pac->p3dRotLimit.y * pTrig[ *step ].x; // cos
pac->p3dRot.x = pac->p3dRotLimit.x * pTrig[ *step ].x; // cos
// check for 0 amplitude point for non-vstrings
for( axis = X_AXIS; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
if( rotMax[axis] != 0.0f ) {
if( (pac->demoType != DEMO_VSTRING) &&
(*step == resetPoint[axis]) )
reset[axis] = 1;
ResetRotationLimits( pac, reset );
reset[axis] = 0;
// increment step
if( (*step += *rotStep) >= 360 ) {
// make the step variable
*rotStep = ss_iRand2( pac->iRotMinStep, pac->iRotMaxStep );
// start step at variable index
*step = ss_iRand( *rotStep );
* GetNextRotRandom
* Same as above, but steps for each axis are not kept in sync
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Call ResetRotationLimits() when axis rotation is 0
static void
GetNextRotRandom( AttrContext *pac )
int *step = (int *) &pac->ip3dRoti;
int *rotStep = (int *) &pac->ip3dRotStep;
FLOAT *rotMax = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMax;
POINTFLOAT *pTrig = pac->pTrig;
static int resetPoint[NUM_AXIS] = {90,90,0}; // 0 amplitude points
int reset[NUM_AXIS] = {0}; // which axis to be reset
int axis;
// set new rotation
pac->p3dRot.z = pac->p3dRotLimit.z * pTrig[ step[Z_AXIS] ].y; // sin
pac->p3dRot.y = pac->p3dRotLimit.y * pTrig[ step[Y_AXIS] ].x; // cos
pac->p3dRot.x = pac->p3dRotLimit.x * pTrig[ step[X_AXIS] ].x; // cos
// for each rotation axis...
for( axis = X_AXIS; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
if( rotMax[axis] != 0.0f ) {
// check for 0 amplitude point for non-vstrings
if( (pac->demoType != DEMO_VSTRING) &&
(step[axis] == resetPoint[axis]) ) {
reset[axis] = 1;
ResetRotationLimits( pac, reset );
reset[axis] = 0;
// increment rotation step and check for end of cycle
if( (step[axis] += rotStep[axis]) >= 360 ) {
// make the step variable
rotStep[axis] = ss_iRand2( pac->iRotMinStep, pac->iRotMaxStep );
// start step at variable index
step[axis] = ss_iRand( rotStep[axis] );
* GetNextRotNone
* Null rot proc
static void
GetNextRotNone( AttrContext *pac )
* ResetRotationLimits
* Reset the maximum axis rotations. So there won't be too much of a 'jump'
* when altering the rotation, this routine should only be called when the
* rotation of the specified axis is at zero amplitude.
* Also, change the rotation table if applicable. This affects how the
* rotation 'steps' around the axis.
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Make rotation limits randomnly more extreme
* - If trig table switched, call AdjustRotationStep(), to reset the steps
* of non-zero axis rotations so that text string doesn't 'jump'
static void
ResetRotationLimits( AttrContext *pac, int *reset )
FLOAT *p3dRot = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRot; // current rotation
FLOAT *p3dRotL = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotLimit; // new rot limit
FLOAT *p3dRotMin = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMin; // max rotation
FLOAT *p3dRotMax = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMax; // max rotation
POINT3D p3dOldRotL = pac->p3dRotLimit; // save last rot limit
int i;
// change rotation limits
for( i = 0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++ ) {
if( p3dRotMax[i] && reset[i] ) {
p3dRotL[i] = ss_fRand( p3dRotMin[i], p3dRotMax[i] );
// grossly modify amplitute sometimes for random
if( pac->rotStyle == ROTSTYLE_RANDOM ) {
if( ss_iRand(10) == 2 )
p3dRotL[i] = ss_fRand( 0.0f, 10.0f );
else if( ss_iRand(10) == 2 )
p3dRotL[i] = ss_fRand( 90.0f, 135.0f );
// change rotation table
// use i to set a frequency for choosing gInvTrig table
i = 10;
oldTrig = pac->pTrig;
switch( pac->rotStyle ) {
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
i = 7;
// fall thru...
// Use InvTrig table every now and then
if( ss_iRand(i) == 2 ) {
pac->pTrig = gInvTrig;
pac->pTrig = gTrig;
// Always use regular trig table
pac->pTrig = gTrig;
// if trig table changed, need to adjust steps of non-zero axis rotations
// (otherwise get 'twitch' in rotation)
if( pac->pTrig != oldTrig ) {
// only deal with axis which didn't have amplitudes modified
for( i = 0; i < NUM_AXIS; i++ )
reset[i] = ! reset[i];
AdjustRotationStep( pac, reset, oldTrig );
* AdjustRotationStep
* If trig table is changed in ResetRotationLimits, then axis with non-zero
* rotations will appear to jump. This routine modifies the current step
* so this will not be apparent.
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Wrote it
static void
AdjustRotationStep( AttrContext *pac, int *reset, POINTFLOAT *oldTrig )
int *step = (int *) &pac->ip3dRoti;
FLOAT *p3dRotMax = (FLOAT *) &pac->p3dRotMax;
int axis;
POINT *trigDif;
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING )
// for now doesn't matter, string is invisible at this point
// choose diff table to use for modifying step
trigDif = (oldTrig == gTrig) ? gTrigDif : gInvTrigDif;
for( axis = 0; axis < NUM_AXIS; axis++ ) {
if( p3dRotMax[axis] && reset[axis] ) {
if( axis != Z_AXIS )
step[axis] += trigDif[ step[axis] ].x;
step[axis] += trigDif[ step[axis] ].y;
// check for wrap or out of bounds
if( (step[axis] >= 360) || (step[axis] < 0) )
step[axis] = 0;
* FindInvStep
* Finds step in invTrig table with same value as trig table at i
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Wrote it
static int
FindInvStep( int i )
FLOAT val, diff, minDiff;
int invStep = i;
val = gTrig[i].y;
invStep = i;
minDiff = val - gInvTrig[i].y;
while( ++i <= 90 ) {
diff = val - gInvTrig[i].y;
if( (FLOAT) fabs(diff) < minDiff ) {
minDiff = (FLOAT) fabs(diff);
invStep = i;
if( diff < 0.0f )
return invStep;
* FindStep
* Finds step in trig table with same value as invTrig table at i
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Wrote it
static int
FindStep( int i )
FLOAT val, diff, minDiff;
int step = i;
val = gInvTrig[i].y;
step = i;
minDiff = gTrig[i].y - val;
while( --i >= 0 ) {
diff = val - gTrig[i].y;
if( (FLOAT) fabs(diff) < minDiff ) {
minDiff = (FLOAT) fabs(diff);
step = i;
if( diff > 0.0f )
return step;
* InitTrigTable
* Initialize trig look-up tables
* History :
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Calculate 'diff' tables for smooth transitions between trig and
* invTrig tables
static void
int i;
static int num = 360;
FLOAT inc = (2.0f*PI)/((FLOAT)num); // 360 degree range
FLOAT angle = 0.0f;
int newStep;
// calc standard trig table
for( i = 0; i < num; i ++ ) {
gTrig[i].x = (FLOAT) cos(angle);
gTrig[i].y = (FLOAT) sin(angle);
angle += inc;
// Calc sawtooth and pseudo-inverse trig table, as well as a diff
// table to convert between trig and invTrig.
// do y, or sin values first
for( i = 0; i <= 90; i ++ ) {
gSawTooth[i].y = (int) i / 90.0f;
gInvTrig[i].y = 2*gSawTooth[i].y - gTrig[i].y;
// Create tables to convert trig steps to invTrig steps, and vice-versa
for( i = 0; i <= 90; i ++ ) {
newStep = FindInvStep( i );
gTrigDif[i].y = newStep - i;
newStep = FindStep( i );
gInvTrigDif[i].y = newStep - i; // -
// reflect 0-90 to get 90-180
for( i = 1; i <= 90; i ++ ) {
gSawTooth[90+i].y = gSawTooth[90-i].y;
gInvTrig[90+i].y = gInvTrig[90-i].y;
gTrigDif[90+i].y = -gTrigDif[90-i].y;
gInvTrigDif[90+i].y = -gInvTrigDif[90-i].y;
// invert 0-180 to get 180-360
for( i = 1; i < 180; i ++ ) {
gSawTooth[180+i].y = -gSawTooth[i].y;
gInvTrig[180+i].y = -gInvTrig[i].y;
gTrigDif[180+i].y = gTrigDif[i].y;
gInvTrigDif[180+i].y = gInvTrigDif[i].y;
// calc x, or cos, by phase-shifting y
for( i = 0; i < 270; i ++ ) {
gSawTooth[i].x = gSawTooth[i+90].y;
gInvTrig[i].x = gInvTrig[i+90].y;
gTrigDif[i].x = gTrigDif[i+90].y;
gInvTrigDif[i].x = gInvTrigDif[i+90].y;
for( i = 0; i < 90; i ++ ) {
gSawTooth[i+270].x = gSawTooth[i].y;
gInvTrig[i+270].x = gInvTrig[i].y;
gTrigDif[i+270].x = gTrigDif[i].y;
gInvTrigDif[i+270].x = gInvTrigDif[i].y;
* CalcChordalDeviation
static FLOAT
CalcChordalDeviation( HDC hdc, AttrContext *pac )
FLOAT cd, mincd; // chordal deviations
// Query font metrics
if( GetOutlineTextMetrics( hdc, sizeof(otm), &otm) <= 0 )
// cmd failed, or buffer size=0
return 1.0f;
// minimum chordal deviation is limited by design space
mincd = 1.0f / (FLOAT) otm.otmEMSquare;
// now map fTesselFact to chordalDeviation
cd = MapValue( pac->fTesselFact,
0.0f, 1.0f, // fTesselFact range
FMAX_CHORDAL_DEVIATION, mincd ); // chordalDeviation range
if( pac->fTesselFact == 0.0f )
// make sure get lowest resolution
cd = 1.0f;
return cd;
* CalcBoundingBox
static void
CalcBoundingBox( AttrContext *pac )
POINT3D box[3]; // for each axis rotation
FLOAT viewAngle, critAngle, critAngleC, rectAngle;
FLOAT r, rot, x, y, z, xmax, ymax, zCrit;
FLOAT viewDist, viewDistO, xAngle[3], angle;
FLOAT boxvpo[3]; // viewpoint to origin distance along z for the boxes
int n = 0;
/* One thing to remember here is that box[n].z is constrained to be
* the near clipping plane. The boxe's x and y represent the frustum
* cross-section at that point.
viewAngle = deg_to_rad( pac->fFovy ) / 2.0f;
// x,y,z represent half-extents
x = pac->pfTextExtent.x/2.0f;
y = pac->pfTextExtent.y/2.0f;
z = pac->fDepth/2.0f;
// initialize box[0] with current extents
box[0].x = x;
box[0].y = y;
box[0].z = z;
boxvpo[0] = 0.0f;
// handle rotation around x-axis
if( pac->p3dRotMax.x != 0.0f ) {
box[n].x = x;
// need to determine y and z
rot = deg_to_rad( pac->p3dRotMax.x );
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( y*y + z*z );
// calc incursion along z
rectAngle = (z == 0.0f) ? PI_OVER_2 : (FLOAT) atan( y/z );
if( rot >= rectAngle ) {
// easy, use maximum possible extent
box[n].z = r;
} else {
// rotate lower right corner of box by rot to get extent
box[n].z = z * (FLOAT) cos( rot ) + y * (FLOAT) sin( rot );
/* figure out critical angle, where rotated rectangle would
* be perpendicular to viewing frustum. This indicates the max.
* y-incursion into the frustum.
critAngle = PI_OVER_2 - viewAngle;
ymax = r * (FLOAT) sin(critAngle);
if( y > z ) {
rectAngle = PI_OVER_2 - rectAngle;
critAngleC = PI_OVER_2 - critAngle;
} else
critAngleC = critAngle;
if( (rectAngle + rot) >= critAngleC ) {
// no view reduction possible in y, use max view
// need to calc y at box.z
viewDistO = r / (FLOAT) cos( critAngle );
boxvpo[n] = viewDistO;
box[n].y = (viewDistO - box[n].z) *
(FLOAT) tan( PI_OVER_2 - critAngle);
} else {
// we can sonic reduce it
if( y > z )
rot = -rot;
// rotate front-top point by rot to get ymax, z
ymax = z * (FLOAT) sin( rot ) + y * (FLOAT) cos( rot );
zCrit = z * (FLOAT) cos( rot ) - y * (FLOAT) sin( rot );
// not usin viewDistO properly here...
viewDistO = ymax * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle);
boxvpo[n] = viewDistO + zCrit;
viewDist = boxvpo[n] - box[n].z;
box[n].y = viewDist * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle );
if( pac->p3dRotMax.y != 0.0f ) {
box[n].y = y;
// need to determine x and z
rot = deg_to_rad( pac->p3dRotMax.y );
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( x*x + z*z );
rectAngle = (z == 0.0f) ? PI_OVER_2 : (FLOAT) atan( x/z );
// calc incursion along z
if( rot >= rectAngle ) {
// easy, use maximum possible extent
box[n].z = r;
} else {
// rotate lower right corner of box by rot to get extent
box[n].z = z * (FLOAT) cos( rot ) + x * (FLOAT) sin( rot );
// view distance to largest z
viewDist = y / (FLOAT) tan(viewAngle);
// make viewDist represent distance to origin
viewDistO = viewDist + box[n].z;
boxvpo[n] = viewDistO;
// now minimize angle between viewpoint and rotated rect
if( viewDistO > r ) {
/* calc crit angle where view is maximized (line from viewpoint
* tangent to rotation circle)
* critAngle is between z-axis and radial line
critAngle = (FLOAT) acos( r / viewDistO );
// critAngleC is for Comparing
if( x > z ) {
rectAngle = PI_OVER_2 - rectAngle;
critAngleC = PI_OVER_2 - critAngle;
} else
critAngleC = critAngle;
if( (viewDistO > r) && // vp OUTSIDE circle
((rectAngle + rot) >= critAngleC) ) {
/* no view reduction possible in x, use x along the max-view line
box[n].x = viewDist * (FLOAT) tan( PI_OVER_2 - critAngle );
} else {
// we can sonic reduce it
if( x > z )
rot = -rot;
// rotate front-top point by rot to get x,z
// pt.z not needed
//pt.z = z * (FLOAT) cos( rot ) - x * (FLOAT) sin( rot );
pt.x = z * (FLOAT) sin( rot ) + x * (FLOAT) cos( rot );
box[n].x = pt.x;
if( pac->p3dRotMax.z != 0.0f ) {
CalcBoundingExtent( deg_to_rad(pac->p3dRotMax.z),
x, y,
(POINTFLOAT *) &box[n] );
box[n].z = z;
// calc viewing distance from front of box
viewDist = box[n].y / (FLOAT) tan(viewAngle);
// calc view distance to origin;
boxvpo[n] = box[n].z + viewDist;
/* XXX!: this is currently only being used for case of one axis rotation
* There were clipping problems using it for more axis'
/* Now we've got 3 rectangles in x-y plane at various depths, and
* need to pick the shortest viewing distance that will encompass
* all of them. Or, don't actually have to pick the view distance
* yet, since might want to wait for the viewport size in Reshape before
* we do this - but in that case need to pick the rectangle that 'sticks
* out the most', so it can be used as the bounding box.
/* The box with the furthest viewpoint will work for y.
* But then have to check
* this against the x's of the others. If any stick out of the frustum,
* then it will have to be made larger in x. By making x larger, we
* do not affect fovy
SortBoxes( box, boxvpo, n ); // put largest viewpoint box in box[0]
// figure view dist to first box
// (could maintain these as they are calculated)
viewDist = boxvpo[0] - box[0].z;
// compare x angles of boxes
switch( n ) {
FLOAT den;
case 3:
den = viewDist + (box[0].z - box[2].z);
xAngle[2] = den == 0.0f ? PI_OVER_2 : (FLOAT)atan( box[2].x / den);
case 2:
den = viewDist + (box[0].z - box[1].z);
xAngle[1] = den == 0.0f ? PI_OVER_2 : (FLOAT)atan( box[1].x / den);
case 1:
xAngle[0] = viewDist == 0.0f ? PI_OVER_2 :
(FLOAT)atan( box[0].x / viewDist );
// here, just call Sort again, with list of xAngles
SortBoxes( box, xAngle, n ); // put largest xangle box in box[0]
// now box[0] should contain half extents of the Bounding box
pac->p3dBoundingBox = box[0];
* CalcBoundingBoxFromSphere
* Calculates the bounding box from a sphere with r = diagonal of the box
static void
CalcBoundingBoxFromSphere( AttrContext *pac )
FLOAT x, y, z, r;
FLOAT viewAngle, viewDist, viewDistO;
POINT3D box;
// x,y,z represent half-extents
x = pac->pfTextExtent.x/2.0f;
y = pac->pfTextExtent.y/2.0f;
z = pac->fDepth/2.0f;
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( x*x + y*y +z*z );
box.z = r;
viewAngle = deg_to_rad( pac->fFovy ) / 2.0f;
viewDistO = r / (FLOAT) sin( viewAngle );
viewDist = viewDistO - r;
box.y = viewDist * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle );
box.x = box.y;
pac->p3dBoundingBox = box;
* CalcBoundingBoxFromSpherePlus
* Same as above, but tries to optimize for case when z exent is small
static void
CalcBoundingBoxFromSpherePlus( AttrContext *pac, FLOAT zmax )
FLOAT x, y, z, r;
FLOAT viewAngle, viewDist, viewDistO;
POINT3D box;
// x,y,z represent half-extents
x = pac->pfTextExtent.x/2.0f;
y = pac->pfTextExtent.y/2.0f;
z = pac->fDepth/2.0f;
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( x*x + y*y +z*z );
viewAngle = deg_to_rad( pac->fFovy ) / 2.0f;
if( zmax < r ) {
// we can get closer !
box.z = zmax;
viewDistO = r / (FLOAT) sin( viewAngle );
viewDist = viewDistO - zmax;
// we want to move the clipping plane closer by (r-zmax)
if( (r-zmax) > viewDist ) {
#ifdef SS_DEBUG
glClearColor( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// we are moving the vp inside the sphere
box.y = (FLOAT) sqrt( r*r - box.z*box.z );
box.x = box.y;
} else {
FLOAT zt; // z-point where view frustum tangent to sphere
// vp outside sphere: can only optimize if zmax < ztangent
zt = r * (FLOAT) cos( PI_OVER_2 - viewAngle);
if( zmax < zt ) {
#ifdef SS_DEBUG
glClearColor( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
box.y = (FLOAT) sqrt( r*r - zmax*zmax );
} else
// this is the same as below, but with better clipping
box.y = (viewDist + (r-zmax)) * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle );
box.x = box.y;
} else {
box.z = r;
viewDistO = r / (FLOAT) sin( viewAngle );
viewDist = viewDistO - r;
box.y = viewDist * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle );
box.x = box.y;
pac->p3dBoundingBox = box;
* CalcBoundingBoxFromExtents
* Calculate bounding box for text, assuming text centered at origin, and
* using maximum possible spin angles.
* Rotation around any one axis will affect bounding areas in the other
* 2 directions (e.g. z-rotation affects x and y bounding values).
* We need to find the maxima of the rotated 2d area, while staying within
* the max spin angles.
static void
CalcBoundingBoxFromExtents( AttrContext *pac, POINT3D *box )
box->x = pac->pfTextExtent.x / 2.0f;
box->y = pac->pfTextExtent.y / 2.0f;
box->z = pac->fDepth / 2.0f;
// split the 3d problem into 3 2d problems in 'x-y' plane
if( pac->p3dRotMax.x != 0.0f ) {
CalcBoundingExtent( deg_to_rad(pac->p3dRotMax.x),
box->z, box->y, &extent );
box->z = max( box->z, extent.x );
box->y = max( box->y, extent.y );
if( pac->p3dRotMax.y != 0.0f ) {
CalcBoundingExtent( deg_to_rad(pac->p3dRotMax.y),
box->x, box->z, &extent );
box->x = max( box->x, extent.x );
box->z = max( box->z, extent.y );
if( pac->p3dRotMax.z != 0.0f ) {
CalcBoundingExtent( deg_to_rad(pac->p3dRotMax.z),
box->x, box->y, &extent );
box->x = max( box->x, extent.x );
box->y = max( box->y, extent.y );
* CalcBoundingBoxGeneric
* Combines the bounding sphere with the bounding extents
* Each of these alone will guarantee no clipping. But we can
* optimize by combining them.
static void
CalcBoundingBoxGeneric( AttrContext *pac )
POINT3D extentBox;
FLOAT x, y, z, r, d, zt, fovx;
FLOAT viewAngle, viewDist, viewDistO;
BOOL xIn, yIn;
// x,y,z represent half-extents
x = pac->pfTextExtent.x/2.0f;
y = pac->pfTextExtent.y/2.0f;
z = pac->fDepth/2.0f;
// get the max extent box
/*!!! wait, this alone doesn't guarantee no clipping? It only
* checks each axis-rotation separately, without combining them. This
* is no better than calling old CalcBoundingBox ... ?? Well, I
* can't prove why theoretically, but it works
CalcBoundingBoxFromExtents( pac, &extentBox );
// determine whether x and y extents inside/outside bounding sphere
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( x*x + y*y +z*z );
// check y
d = (FLOAT) sqrt( extentBox.y*extentBox.y + extentBox.z*extentBox.z );
yIn = d <= r ? TRUE : FALSE;
// check x
d = (FLOAT) sqrt( extentBox.x*extentBox.x + extentBox.z*extentBox.z );
xIn = d <= r ? TRUE : FALSE;
// handle easy cases
if( yIn && xIn ) {
pac->p3dBoundingBox = extentBox;
if( !yIn && !xIn ) {
CalcBoundingBoxFromSpherePlus( pac, extentBox.z );
// harder cases
viewAngle = deg_to_rad( pac->fFovy ) / 2.0f;
if( yIn ) {
// figure out x
viewDist = extentBox.y / (FLOAT) tan(viewAngle);
/* viewDist can be inside or outside of the sphere
* If inside - no optimization possible
* If outside, can draw line from viewpoint tangent to sphere,
* and use this point for x
viewDistO = extentBox.z + viewDist;
if( viewDistO <= r ) {
// vp inside sphere
// set x to the point where z intersects sphere
// this becomes a Pythagorous theorem problem:
extentBox.x = (FLOAT) sqrt( r*r - extentBox.z*extentBox.z );
} else {
// vp outside sphere
/* - figure out zt, where line tangent to circle for viewAngle
fovx = (FLOAT) asin( r / viewDistO );
zt = r * (FLOAT) acos( PI_OVER_2 - viewAngle);
if( extentBox.z < zt ) {
// use x where extentBox.z intersects sphere
extentBox.x = (FLOAT) sqrt( r*r - extentBox.z*extentBox.z );
} else {
// use x at tangent point
extentBox.x = (FLOAT) sqrt( r*r - zt*zt );
} else {// y out, x in
// XXX!
// have to figure out whether vp inside/outside of sphere.
/* !We can cheat a bit here. It IS possible, with view angles > 90,
* that the vp be inside sphere. But since we always use 90 for
* this app, it is safe to assume vp > r (Fix later for general case)
// XXX: wait, if y out, isn't vp always outside sphere ?
/* So we solve it this way:
* - figure out line tangent to circle for viewAngle
* - y will be where this line intersects the z=extentBox.z line
viewDistO = r / (FLOAT) sin( viewAngle );
extentBox.y = (viewDistO - extentBox.z) * (FLOAT) tan( viewAngle );
// I guess don't have to do anything with x ?
pac->p3dBoundingBox = extentBox;
* Calculate the extents in x and y from rotating a rectangle in a 2d plane
static void
CalcBoundingExtent( FLOAT rot, FLOAT x, FLOAT y, POINTFLOAT *extent )
FLOAT r, angleCrit;
r = (FLOAT) sqrt( x*x + y*y );
angleCrit = (x == 0.0f) ? PI_OVER_2 : (FLOAT) atan( y/x );
// calc incursion in x
if( rot >= angleCrit ) {
// easy, use maximum possible extent
extent->x = r;
} else {
// rotate lower right corner of box by rot to get extent
extent->x = x * (FLOAT) cos( rot ) + y * (FLOAT) sin( rot );
// calc incursion in y
angleCrit = PI/2.0f - angleCrit;
if( rot >= angleCrit ) {
// easy, use maximum possible extent
extent->y = r;
} else {
// rotate upper right corner of box by rot to get extent
extent->y = x * (FLOAT) sin( rot ) + y * (FLOAT) cos( rot );
* Sorts in descending order, based on values in val array (bubble sort)
static void
SortBoxes( POINT3D *box, FLOAT *val, int numBox )
int i, j, t;
POINT3D temp;
j = numBox;
while( j ) {
t = 0;
for( i = 0; i < j-1; i++ ) {
if( val[i] < val[i+1] ) {
// swap'em
temp = box[i];
box[i] = box[i+1];
box[i+1] = temp;
t = i;
j = t;
#define FILE_BUF_SIZE 180
* VerifyString
* Validate the string
* Has hard-coded ascii routines
static BOOL
VerifyString( AttrContext *pac )
HMODULE ghmodule;
PSZ psz, pszFile = NULL;
CHAR szSectName[30], szFileName[FILE_BUF_SIZE], szFname[30];
BOOL bMatch = FALSE;
// Check for string file in registry
if (LoadStringA(hMainInstance, IDS_SAVERNAME, szSectName, 30) &&
LoadStringA(hMainInstance, IDS_INIFILE, szFname, 30))
if( GetPrivateProfileStringA(szSectName, "magic", NULL,
szFileName, FILE_BUF_SIZE, szFname) )
pszFile = ReadStringFileA( szFileName );
// Check for key strings
if( pszFile )
bMatch = CheckKeyStrings( pac->szText, pszFile );
if( !bMatch ) {
if( (ghmodule = GetModuleHandle(NULL)) &&
(hr = FindResource(ghmodule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1),
(hg = LoadResource(ghmodule, hr)) &&
(psz = (PSZ)LockResource(hg)) )
bMatch = CheckKeyStrings( pac->szText, psz );
if( bMatch ) {
// put first string in pac->szText
pac->demoType = DEMO_VSTRING;
// for now, initialize strings here
text3d_UpdateString( pac, FALSE );
// adjust cycle time based on rotStyle
switch( pac->rotStyle ) {
gfMinCycleTime = 4.0f;
gfMinCycleTime = 8.0f;
gfMinCycleTime = 10.0f;
gfMinCycleTime = 9.0f;
if( pszFile )
free( pszFile ); // allocated by ReadStringFile
return bMatch;
* CheckKeyStrings
* Test for match between string and any keystrings
* 'string' is user-inputted, and limited to TEXT_LIMIT chars.
static BOOL
CheckKeyStrings( LPTSTR string, PSZ psz )
int i;
TCHAR szKey[TEXT_LIMIT+1], testString[TEXT_LIMIT+1] = {0};
BOOL bMatch = FALSE;
int nMatch = 0;
int len;
// make copy of test string and convert to upper case
lstrcpy( testString, string );
#ifdef UNICODE
_wcsupr( testString );
_strupr( testString );
while( psz[0] != '\n' ) { // iterate keyword/data sets
while( psz[0] != '\n' ) { // iterate keywords
len = strlen( psz ); // ! could be > TEXT_LIMIT if from file
// invert keyword bits and convert to uppercase
#ifdef UNICODE
// convert ascii keyword to unicode in szKey (inverts at same time)
ConvertStringAsciiToUnicode( psz, szKey,
len > TEXT_LIMIT ? TEXT_LIMIT : len );
_wcsupr( szKey );
// just copy keyword to szKey, without going over TEXT_LIMIT
strncpy( szKey, psz, TEXT_LIMIT );
InvertBitsA( szKey, len > TEXT_LIMIT ? TEXT_LIMIT : len );
szKey[TEXT_LIMIT] = '\0'; // in case len > TEXT_LIMIT
_strupr( szKey );
if( !lstrcmp( szKey, testString ) ) {
// keyword match !
bMatch = TRUE;
psz += len + 1; // skip over NULL as well
psz++; // skip over '\n' at end of keywords
if( bMatch )
ReadNameList( psz );
// skip over data to get to next keyword group
while( *psz != '\n' )
psz++; // skip over '\n' at end of data
bMatch = FALSE; // keep searching for keyword matches
return nMatch;
* Various functions to process vstrings
static void
InvertBitsA( char *s, int len )
while( len-- ) {
*s++ = ~(*s);
static PSZ
ReadStringFileA( LPSTR szFile )
char lineBuf[180];
PSZ buf, pBuf;
int size, length, fdi;
char *ps;
char ctrl_n = '\n';
FILE *fIn;
BOOL bKey;
// create buffer to hold entire file
// mf: ! must be better way of getting file length!
fdi = _open(szFile, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if( fdi < 0 )
return NULL;
size = _filelength( fdi );
buf= (char *) malloc( size );
if( !buf)
return NULL;
// open file for ascii text reading
fIn = fopen( szFile, "r" );
if( !fIn )
return NULL;
// Read in keyword/data sequences
bKey = TRUE; // so '\n' not appended to file when hit first keyword
pBuf = buf;
while( fgets( lineBuf, 180, fIn) ) {
ps = lineBuf;
if( *ps == '-' ) {
// keyword
if( !bKey ) {
// first key in group, append '\n' to data
*pBuf++ = ctrl_n;
bKey = TRUE;
ps++; // skip '-'
} else {
// data
if( bKey ) {
// first data in group, append '\n' to keywords
*pBuf++ = ctrl_n;
bKey = FALSE;
length = strlen( ps );
InvertBitsA( ps, length );
*(ps+length-1) = '\0'; // convert '\n' to null
lstrcpyA( pBuf, ps );
pBuf += length;
fclose( fIn );
// put 2 '\n' at end, for end condition
*pBuf++ = ctrl_n;
*pBuf++ = ctrl_n;
return( buf );
static void
PLIST plist = gplistComplete;
PLIST *pplist;
int i = 0;
int n;
while (plist != NULL) {
n = ss_iRand( i+1 );
pplist = &gplist;
while (n > 0) {
pplist = &((*pplist)->pnext);
plist->pnext = *pplist;
*pplist = plist;
plist = plist->plistComplete;
static void
LPTSTR pszStr)
PLIST plist = (PLIST)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(LIST));
if( !plist )
plist->pszStr = pszStr;
plist->pnext = NULL;
plist->plistComplete = gplistComplete;
gplistComplete = plist;
static void
ReadNameList( PSZ psz )
int length;
int i;
LPTSTR pszNew;
while (psz[0] != '\n') {
length = 0;
while (psz[length] != 0) {
pszNew = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, (length + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR) );
if( !pszNew )
#ifdef UNICODE
ConvertStringAsciiToUnicode( psz, (PWSTR) pszNew, length );
strncpy( pszNew, psz, length );
InvertBitsA( pszNew, length );
psz += length + 1;
static void
PLIST plist = gplistComplete, plistLast;
while( plist != NULL ) {
LocalFree( plist->pszStr );
plistLast = plist;
plist = plist->plistComplete;
LocalFree( plistLast );
* ConvertStringAsciiToUnicorn
static void
ConvertStringAsciiToUnicode( PSZ psz, PWSTR pwstr, int len )
while( len-- )
*pwstr++ = ~(*psz++) & 0xFF;
*pwstr = 0; // null terminate
* FrameCalibration
* Adjusts the number of frames in a cycle to conform to desired cycle time
static int
FrameCalibration( AttrContext *pac, struct _timeb *pBaseTime, int framesPerCycle, int nCycle )
struct _timeb thisTime;
FLOAT cycleTime;
_ftime( &thisTime );
cycleTime = thisTime.time - pBaseTime->time +
(thisTime.millitm - pBaseTime->millitm)/1000.0f;
cycleTime /= (FLOAT) nCycle;
if( cycleTime < gfMinCycleTime ) {
// need to add more frames to cycle
if( cycleTime == 0.0f ) // very unlikely
framesPerCycle = 800;
framesPerCycle = (int)( (FLOAT)framesPerCycle *
(gfMinCycleTime/cycleTime) );
} else {
// for vstrings, subtract frames from cycle
if( pac->demoType == DEMO_VSTRING ) {
framesPerCycle = (int)( (FLOAT)framesPerCycle *
(gfMinCycleTime/cycleTime) );
#define MIN_FRAMES 16
// make sure it's not too small
if( framesPerCycle < MIN_FRAMES )
framesPerCycle = MIN_FRAMES;
return framesPerCycle;
* MapValue
* Maps the value along an input range, to a proportional one along an
* output range. Each range must be monotonically increasing or decreasing.
* NO boundary conditions checked - responsibility of caller.
MapValue( FLOAT fInVal,
FLOAT fIn1, FLOAT fIn2, // input range
FLOAT fOut1, FLOAT fOut2 ) // output range
FLOAT fDist, fOutVal;
// how far along the input range is fInVal?, in %
fDist = (fInVal - fIn1) / (fIn2 - fIn1);
// use this distance to interpolate into output range
fOutVal = fDist * (fOut2 - fOut1) + fOut1;
return fOutVal;
* MapValueI
* Similar to above, but maps integer values
* Currently, only works for increasing ranges
* History
* Apr. 28, 95 : [marcfo]
* - Added early return for boundary conditions
MapValueI( int inVal,
int in1, int in2, // input range
int out1, int out2 ) // output range
int inDiv;
int outVal;
FLOAT fScale, fComp;
if( inVal >= in2 )
return out2;
if( inVal <= in1 )
return out1;
inDiv = abs(in2 - in1) + 1;
fScale = (FLOAT) (inDiv-1) / (FLOAT) inDiv;
fComp = 1.0f + (1.0f / inDiv);
outVal = (int) MapValue( (FLOAT) inVal * fComp,
(FLOAT) in1, (FLOAT) in2 + 0.999f,
(FLOAT) out1, (FLOAT) out2 + 0.999f );
return outVal;