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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
Comment :
Functions: (see Prototypes just below)
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1991, 1992, 1993
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-------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------
/**---------------------- #define of sizes of things ---------------------
Frames can be at most 2.55 secs (sent) or 3.45 secs (recvd) long, or
2.55 * 300/8 = 96 bytes and 132 bytes long respectively
Dialstrings are limited to 60 bytes (arbitrarily)
Commands (except dial) are never more than about 10-20 bytes long, so
we use a buffer of 40 bytes. Replies are never big at all, but we
might hold a frame in there, so keep it same size as a Framebuffer
The Dial command is ATDT <string><CR>, so we use 60+10 bytes buffer
---------------------- #define of sizes of things ---------------------**/
/**---------------------- #define of other things ---------------------
FAX_CLASSn is used in Modem.FaxClass.
CHECK_PATTERN is used in the Guard elements.
---------------------- #define of other things ---------------------**/
#define CR 0x0d
#define LF 0x0a
#define DLE 0x10 // DLE = ^P = 16d = 10h
#define ETX 0x03
// The following bunch of defines allow us to combine detection
// with pre-read settings (from unimodem, say).
#define fGOTCMD_Reset (0x1)
#define fGOTCMD_Setup (0x1<<1)
#define fGOTCMD_PreAnswer (0x1<<2)
#define fGOTCMD_PreDial (0x1<<3)
#define fGOTCMD_PreExit (0x1<<4)
#define fGOTCMDS \
fGOTCMD_Reset \
| fGOTCMD_Setup \
| fGOTCMD_PreAnswer \
| fGOTCMD_PreDial \
| fGOTCMD_PreExit
#define fGOTCAP_CLASSES (0x1<<10)
#define fGOTCAP_SENDSPEEDS (0x1<<11)
#define fGOTCAP_RECVSPEEDS (0x1<<12)
#define fGOTCAPS \
#define fGOTPARM_PORTSPEED (0x1<<20)
#define fGOTPARM_IDCMD (0x1<<21)
#define fGOTPARM_ID (0x1<<22)
#define fGOTPARMS \
#define fGOTIDS \
#define fGOTFLAGS (0x1<<23)
// Following structure has stuff which should ideally go into
// MODEMCAPS, but we can't change that at this state (11/94).
extern BOOL fMegaHertzHack;
// used for Resync type stuff. RepeatCount = 2
// This has to be multi-line too, because echo could be on and
// we could get the command echoed back instead of response!
// Looks like even 330 is too short for some modems..
// 550 is too short for Sharad's PP9600FXMT & things
// can get really messed up if this times out, so use
// a nice large value
#define iSyncModemDialog(pTG, s, l, w) \
iiModemDialog(pTG, s, l, 990, TRUE, 2, TRUE, (CBPSTR)w, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// This version for dealing with possible NON-numeric responses as well...
#define iSyncModemDialog2(pTG, s, l, w1, w2) \
iiModemDialog(pTG, s, l, 990, TRUE, 2, TRUE, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// mostly use MultiLine instead because we may get asynchronous
// RING responses at arbitrary times when on-hook
// Non-sync related local stuff. SIngle line, single try
// #define iLocalModemDialog(s, l, w) iiModemDialog(s, l, 950, FALSE, 1, (CBPSTR)w, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// Use these 3 *only* for GetCaps and ATI etc where we are initing
// (*not* re-initing, which can happen while RING is coming in & so need
// more than 1 try.
// temporarily chnage this to 2 tries & see if it slows things down
// too much.
// used to get multi-line responses--single try
#define iMultiLineModemDialog(s, l, w) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 900, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// used to get multi-line responses--single try
#define iMultiLineModemDialog2(s, l, w1, w2) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 900, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// used for optional settings/commands. Single line, single try
#define iOptionalModemDialog2(s, l, w1, w2) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 850, FALSE, 2, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// used to get multi-line responses--2 tries. Used when RING noises
// can be coming in, and everywhere else off hook.
#define i2xMultiLineModemDialog(s, l, w) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 950, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// used to get multi-line responses
#define i2xMultiLineModemDialog2(s, l, w1, w2) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 950, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
#define i2xMultiLineModemDialog2Long(s, l, w1, w2) \
iiModemDialog(s, l, 1900, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// These are used for offline things, so we make them all (a) multiline
// (b) long timeout (c) 2 tries and (d) make sure they all look for ERROR
// as a response, to speed things up
#define OfflineDialog2(pTG, s,l,w1,w2) iiModemDialog(pTG, s, l, 5000, TRUE, 2, TRUE, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
#define OfflineDialog3(pTG, s,l,w1,w2,w3) iiModemDialog(pTG, s, l, 5000, TRUE, 2, TRUE, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)w3, (CBPSTR)(NULL))
// extern void TwiddleThumbs(ULONG ulTime);
// #define OfflineDialog2(s,l,w1,w2) (TwiddleThumbs(100), iiModemDialog(s, l, 2000, TRUE, 2, (CBPSTR)w1, (CBPSTR)w2, (CBPSTR)(NULL)))
#define GOCLASS2_0 3
extern CBSZ cbszOK, cbszERROR;
/****************** begin prototypes from modem.c *****************/
SWORD iModemSync(PThrdGlbl pTG);
SWORD iModemReset(PThrdGlbl pTG, CBPSTR szCmd);
UWORD GetCap(PThrdGlbl pTG, CBPSTR cbpstrSend, UWORD uwLen);
UWORD GetCapAux(PThrdGlbl pTG, CBPSTR cbpstrSend, UWORD uwLen);
BOOL iModemGetCaps(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPMODEMCAPS lpMdmCaps,
DWORD dwSpeed, LPSTR lpszReset, LPDWORD lpdwGot);
void TwiddleThumbs(ULONG ulTime);
BOOL iiModemGoClass(PThrdGlbl pTG, USHORT uClass, DWORD dwSpeed);
LPSTR my_fstrstr( LPSTR sz1, LPSTR sz2);
/***************** end of prototypes from modem.c *****************/
/****************** begin prototypes from identify.c *****************/
USHORT iModemGetCmdTab(PThrdGlbl pTG, DWORD dwLineID, DWORD dwLineIDType,
BOOL fInstall);
USHORT iModemInstall(PThrdGlbl pTG, DWORD dwLineID, DWORD dwLineIDType, BOOL fDontPurge);
USHORT iModemFigureOutCmds(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPCMDTAB lpCmdTab);
USHORT iModemGetWriteCaps(PThrdGlbl pTG);
/***************** end of prototypes from identify.c *****************/