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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
# FileName:
# Function: Given a file, publish it to the requested locations.
# Usage: <logfile> <publishspec>
# where: <logfile> is the name of the log file to be generated
# <publishspec> is of the form:
# {<filename>=<location>;<location>}{...}
# <filename> is a single filename to publish.
# <location> is where to publish the file. Multiple locations
# are delimited with semicolon
# or publish <logfile> -f <specfile>
# where: <logfile> is the name of the logfile to be generated
# <specfile> contains one or more <publishspec> entries
# Example:
# publish.log {kernel32.lib=\public\sdk\lib\amd64\kernel32.lib;\mypub\_kernel32.lib}
$currenttime = time;
open (CWD, 'cd 2>&1|');
$PublishDir = <CWD>;
close (CWD);
chop $PublishDir;
# strip the logfile name out of the arguments array.
$logfilename = $ARGV[0];
# print "PUBLISH: logging to $logfilename\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[\/-][fF]$/) {
$indirname = shift;
if (@ARGV || !$indirname) {
die "Build_Status PUBLISH() : error p1000: Invalid syntax - Expected: publish -f FILE\n";
# print "PUBLISH: getting input from $indirname\n";
open INDIR, $indirname or die "Build_Status PUBLISH(): error p1005: Could not open: $indirname\n";
close INDIR;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[\/-][iI]$/) {
# print "PUBLISH: getting input from STDIN\n";
for (@ARGV) {
s/\s//g; # Remove spaces, tabs, newlines, etc
$NextSpec = $_;
# print "PUBLISH: NextSpec = $_";
while ($NextSpec) {
$SaveSpec = $NextSpec;
$Spec1 = "";
$PublishSpec = "";
# Filter out the current publish spec
($PreCurly,$Spec1) = split (/{/, $NextSpec,2);
# See if there's another one
($PublishSpec,$NextSpec) = split (/}/, $Spec1,2);
# Break out the filename
($FileName,$LocationSpec) = split (/=/, $PublishSpec,2);
# Create the location list
@Location = split ((/\;/), $LocationSpec);
die "PUBLISH(80) : error p1003: Bad input: $SaveSpec\n" unless($PublishSpec && $FileName && $#Location >= 0);
# See if the source exists.
if (!stat($FileName)) {
print "Build_Status PUBLISH() : error p1001: $PublishDir - $FileName does not exist\n";
} else {
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$TimeDate = sprintf "%04d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", 1900+$year, 1+$mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
# Run pcopy for every location listed.
for (@Location) {
# print "PUBLISH: pcopy.exe $FileName $_";
system "pcopy.exe $FileName $_";
$ReturnCode = $? / 256;
if ($ReturnCode == 0) {
# RC == 0 means success.
$ReturnCode = -1;
$LoopCount = 0;
while ($ReturnCode) {
system ("echo $CopiedFile $PublishDir $FileName $currenttime >> $PUBLISH_LOG");
$ReturnCode = $?;
$LoopCount = $LoopCount + 1;
# Retry a max of 100 times to log the change.
if ($LoopCount == 100) {
print "Build_Status PUBLISH() : warning p1002: Unable to log \"$CopiedFile $PublishDir $FileName\" to $PUBLISH_LOG";
$ReturnCode = 0;
# BUGBUG: Need to log this for build/sd/more build process
print "PUBLISHLOG: $PublishDir, $FileName, $_, Updated, $TimeDate\n";
} else {
if ($ReturnCode == 255) {
# Current location is good enough.
print "PUBLISHLOG: $PublishDir, $FileName, $_, Current, $TimeDate\n";
} else {
# Problem copying (bad source, missing dest, out of mem, etc).
print "Build_Status PUBLISH() : error p1004: ERROR($ReturnCode) copying $FileName to $_\n";