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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
* @module OLS.CPP -- COls LineServices object class
* Authors:
* Murray Sargent: initial coding up to nonLS RichEdit functionality
* (with lots of help from RickSa's ols code)
* Keith Curtis and Worachai Chaoweeraprasit: complex script support,
* etc.
* @todo
* LSCHP.dcpMaxContext is never set for complex scripts!
* Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "_common.h"
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_font.h"
#include "_render.h"
#include "_osdc.h"
#include "_tomfmt.h"
#include "_ols.h"
#include "_clasfyc.h"
#include "_uspi.h"
#include "_txtbrk.h"
#include "_hyph.h"
// Guess at the number of characters on the line
const int cchLineHint = 66;
#define OBJID_OLE 0
#define OBJID_COUNT 2
const WCHAR wchObjectEnd = 0x9F;
const WCHAR rgchObjectEnd[] = {wchObjectEnd};
#define MAX_OBJ_DEPTH 3
extern const LSCBK lscbk;
// Kinsoku break pair information
extern const INT g_cKinsokuCategories;
CLineServices *g_plsc = NULL; // LineServices Context
COls* g_pols = NULL; // COls ptr
const LSBRK rglsbrkDefault[] =
0,0, // Always prohibited
0,1, // OK across blanks
1,1 // Always allowed
// prototypes
void EmitBrace(COls* pols, PLSCHP pchp, BOOL* pfHid, DWORD* pcch, PLSRUN* pprun, LPCWSTR* plpwch, int id, LPCWSTR str);
void DupShapeState(PLSRUN prun, LONG cch);
// public inline functions
// Emitting fake brace to LS
inline void EmitBrace(
COls* pols,
PLSCHP pchp,
BOOL* pfHid,
DWORD* pcch,
PLSRUN* pprun,
LPCWSTR* plpwch,
int id,
ZeroMemory(pchp, sizeof(*pchp));
pchp->idObj = (WORD)id;
*pfHid = 0;
*pcch = 1;
*pprun = pols->GetPlsrun(0, pols->_pme->GetCF(), FALSE);
*plpwch = str;
// Duplicate shaping state to each runs in the chain
// note: this macro used only by GetGlyph and GetGlyphPosition
inline void DupShapeState(
PLSRUN prun,
LONG cch)
PLSRUN pnext = prun->_pNext;
LONG cpEnd = prun->_cp + cch;
while (pnext && pnext->_cp < cpEnd)
CopyMemory(&pnext->_a, &prun->_a, sizeof(SCRIPT_ANALYSIS));
prun = pnext;
pnext = prun->_pNext;
Assert(!pnext && prun->_cp < cpEnd);
LONG COls::GetCpLsFromCpRe(
LONG cpRe)
if (_rgcp.Count() == 0)
return cpRe;
LONG *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
for(LONG cpLs = cpRe; cpLs >= *pcp; pcp++)
return cpLs;
LONG COls::GetCpReFromCpLs(
LONG cpLs)
if (_rgcp.Count() == 0)
return cpLs;
LONG *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
for(int dcp = 0; cpLs > *pcp; pcp++)
return cpLs + dcp;
#ifdef DEBUG
//#define DEBUG_BRACE
// return TRUE if braces added
BOOL COls::AddBraceCp(long cpLs)
if (_rgcp.Count() == 0)
long *pcp = _rgcp.Insert(0, 1);
*pcp = tomForward;
long *pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
long iel = 0;
while (cpLs > pcp[iel])
if (cpLs < pcp[iel])
pcp = _rgcp.Insert(iel, 1);
*pcp = cpLs;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// return number of braces before cp
LONG COls::BracesBeforeCp(
LONG cpLs)
LONG iel, cbr = 0;
LONG* pcp;
if (!cpLs || (iel = _rgcp.Count()) < 2)
return 0;
iel -= 2; // exclude the last tomForward one and make a count an index
cpLs--; // start with the cp preceding given cp
pcp = _rgcp.Elem(0);
while (iel > -1 && pcp[iel] > cpLs) // search the first one
while (iel > -1 && pcp[iel] == cpLs) // continue counting
return cbr;
* COls::SetRun(plsrun)
* @mfunc
* Do whatever is needed to initialize the measurer (pme) to the lsrun
* givin by plsrun and return whether the run is for autonumbering.
* @rdesc
* TRUE if plsrun refers to an autonumbering run
BOOL COls::SetRun(
PLSRUN plsrun)
LONG cp = plsrun->_cp;
_pme->SetCp(cp & 0x7FFFFFFF);
return plsrun->IsBullet();
* CLsrun::IsSelected()
* @mfunc
* return whether or not the run should be drawn as selected.
* @rdesc
* TRUE if run should be drawn with selection colors
BOOL CLsrun::IsSelected()
if (!_fSelected)
return FALSE;
CRenderer *pre = g_pols->GetRenderer();
return pre->_fRenderSelection ? TRUE : FALSE;
* COls::CreatePlsrun ()
* @mfunc
* Creates a PLSRUN. Is a little tricky because we allocate them
* in chunks.
* @rdesc
* plsrun
const int cplsrunAlloc = 8;
PLSRUN COls::CreatePlsrun()
CLsrunChunk *plsrunChunk = 0;
//First, find a chunk to use
int cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count();
for (int ichunk = 0; cchunk && ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++)
plsrunChunk = _rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk);
if (plsrunChunk->_cel < cplsrunAlloc)
if (!cchunk || ichunk == cchunk || plsrunChunk->_cel == cplsrunAlloc)
CLsrun *rglsrun = new CLsrun[cplsrunAlloc];
if (rglsrun)
plsrunChunk = _rglsrunChunk.Add(1, 0);
if (!plsrunChunk)
delete[] rglsrun;
return 0;
plsrunChunk->_prglsrun = rglsrun;
return 0;
return &plsrunChunk->_prglsrun[plsrunChunk->_cel++];
* GetPlsrun(cp, pCF, fAutoNumber)
* @func
* Return plsrun for info in run. The structure contains the starting cp
* of the run and the script analysis if Uniscribe is activated. The
* analysis information is needed by subsequent callbacks - GetGlyphs and
* GetGlyphPositions to be passed to Uniscribe in order to shape and
* position glyphs correctly for complex scripts.
* @rdesc
* plsrun corresponding to info in arguments
PLSRUN COls::GetPlsrun(
LONG cp,
const CCharFormat *pCF,
BOOL fAutoNumber)
cp |= CP_BULLET;
CLsrun *plsrun = CreatePlsrun();
if (plsrun)
ZeroMemory(plsrun, sizeof(CLsrun));
plsrun->_pCF = pCF;
plsrun->_cp = fAutoNumber ? _cp | CP_BULLET : cp;
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost;
_pme->GetPed()->GetSelRangeForRender(&cpSelMin, &cpSelMost);
plsrun->SetSelected(!plsrun->IsBullet() && cp >= cpSelMin && cp < cpSelMost);
if (pCF->_wScript && !_pme->GetPasswordChar())
CUniscribe* pusp = _pme->Getusp();
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES* psp = pusp->GeteProp(pCF->_wScript);
plsrun->_a.eScript = pCF->_wScript < SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT ? pCF->_wScript : 0;
plsrun->_a.fRTL = !psp->fNumeric && (IsBiDiCharRep(pCF->_iCharRep) || IsBiDiCharSet(psp->bCharSet));
plsrun->_a.fLogicalOrder = TRUE;
return plsrun;
* COls::~COls()
* @mfunc
* Destructor
for (int ichunk = 0, cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count(); ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++)
delete []_rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk)->_prglsrun;
if (g_plsc)
* COls::Init(pme)
* @mfunc
* Initialize this LineServices object
* @rdesc
* HRESULT = (success) ? NOERROR : E_FAIL
CMeasurer *pme)
_pme = pme;
return NOERROR;
// Build LS context to create
// Setup object handlers
vlsctxinf[OBJID_OLE] = vlsimethodsOle;
if(LsGetReverseLsimethods(&vlsctxinf[OBJID_REVERSE]) != lserrNone)
return E_FAIL;
lsctxinf.cInstalledHandlers = OBJID_COUNT;
lsctxinf.pInstalledHandlers = &vlsctxinf[0];
// Set default and all other characters to 0xFFFF
memset(&lsctxinf.lstxtcfg, 0xFF, sizeof(lsctxinf.lstxtcfg));
lsctxinf.fDontReleaseRuns = TRUE;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.cEstimatedCharsPerLine = cchLineHint;
// Set the characters we handle
// FUTURE (keithcu) Support more characters in RE 4.0.
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNull = 0;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchSpace = ' ';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonBreakSpace = NBSPACE;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonBreakHyphen = NBHYPHEN;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchNonReqHyphen = SOFTHYPHEN;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchHyphen = '-';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEmDash = EMDASH;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEnDash = ENDASH;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEmSpace = EMSPACE;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEnSpace = ENSPACE;
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchTab = '\t';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndLineInPara = '\v';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndPara1 = '\r';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEndPara2 = '\n';
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiAltEndPara =
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiEndPara =
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchVisiEndLineInPara = ' ';
// Auto number escape character
lsctxinf.lstxtcfg.wchEscAnmRun = wchObjectEnd;
lsctxinf.pols = this;
lsctxinf.lscbk = lscbk;
if(LsCreateContext(&lsctxinf, &g_plsc) != lserrNone)
return E_FAIL;
//REVIEW (keithcu) Quill seems to have a more mature kinsoku
//table. For example, we don't allow breaking across space between
//a word and the ending punctuation. French people want this behavior.
BYTE rgbrkpairsKinsoku[cKinsokuCategories][cKinsokuCategories];
BYTE *prgbrkpairsKinsoku = &rgbrkpairsKinsoku[0][0];
LCID lcid = pme->GetCF()->_lcid;
for(LONG i = 0; i < cKinsokuCategories; i++)
for(LONG j = 0; j < cKinsokuCategories; j++)
LONG iBreak = 2*CanBreak(i, j);
// If don't break, allow break across blanks unless first
// char is open brace or second char is close brace
if (!iBreak &&
GetKinsokuClass(i, 0xFFFF, lcid) != brkclsOpen &&
GetKinsokuClass(j, 0xFFFF, lcid) != brkclsOpen)
iBreak = 1;
*prgbrkpairsKinsoku++ = iBreak;
if(g_plsc->SetBreaking(ARRAY_SIZE(rglsbrkDefault), rglsbrkDefault,
cKinsokuCategories, &rgbrkpairsKinsoku[0][0]) != lserrNone)
return E_FAIL;
return NOERROR;
* COls::QueryLineInfo(&lslinfo, pupStart, pdupWidth)
* @mfunc
* Wrapper for LsQueryLineDup which is not called with full-justified
* text because it's slow.
void COls::QueryLineInfo(
LSLINFO &lslinfo,
LONG * pupStart,
LONG * pdupWidth)
const CParaFormat *pPF = _pme->Get_pPF();
if (!lslinfo.fForcedBreak && /* lslinfo.endr <= endrHyphenated && */
pPF->_bAlignment == PFA_FULL_INTERWORD && _pme->_pdp->GetWordWrap() &&
pPF->_dxStartIndent == 0 && pPF->_dxOffset == 0 && pPF->_wNumbering == 0)
*pupStart = 0;
*pdupWidth = _pme->LUtoDU(_pme->_dulLayout);
LONG upJunk, upStartTrailing;
LsQueryLineDup(_plsline, &upJunk, &upJunk, pupStart, &upStartTrailing, &upJunk);
*pdupWidth = upStartTrailing - *pupStart;
* COls::MeasureLine(pliTarget)
* @mfunc
* Wrapper for LsCreateLine
* @rdesc
* TRUE if success, FALSE if failed
BOOL COls::MeasureLine(
CLine * pliTarget) //@parm Returns target-device line metrics (optional)
CMeasurer *pme = _pme;
const CDisplay *pdp = pme->_pdp;
LONG cp = pme->GetCp();
#ifdef DEBUG
LONG cchText = pme->GetTextLength(); // For DEBUG...
AssertSz(cp < cchText || !pme->IsRich() && cp == cchText, "COls::Measure: trying to measure past EOD");
_cp = cp;
_pdp = pdp;
LSDEVRES lsdevres;
if (IsUVerticalTflow(pme->GetTflow()))
lsdevres.dxpInch = pme->_dvpInch;
lsdevres.dypInch = pme->_dupInch;
lsdevres.dxrInch = pme->_dvrInch;
lsdevres.dyrInch = pme->_durInch;
lsdevres.dxpInch = pme->_dupInch;
lsdevres.dypInch = pme->_dvpInch;
lsdevres.dxrInch = pme->_durInch;
lsdevres.dyrInch = pme->_dvrInch;
g_plsc->SetDoc(TRUE, lsdevres.dyrInch == lsdevres.dypInch &&
lsdevres.dxrInch == lsdevres.dxpInch, &lsdevres);
DWORD cBreakRecOut;
LSLINFO lslinfo;
//If the first character on the line is a wrapping OLE object, add it to the
//the layout queue.
COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cp);
if(pobj && pobj->FWrapTextAround())
LONG dulLayout = pme->_dulLayout;
dulLayout = pme->DUtoLU(pdp->GetDupView());
const LONG *pl = pme->GetPF()->GetTabs();
if(pl && GetTabPos(*pl) > dulLayout)// Fix for Access big TAB 7963
dulLayout *= 4; // dulLayout has to be larger
} // than TAB
dulLayout = max(dulLayout, 0);
LSERR lserr = g_plsc->CreateLine(cp, dulLayout, NULL, 0, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, rgBreak,
&cBreakRecOut, &lslinfo, &_plsline);
//Line Services doesn't put the autonumbering dimensions into the line,
//so we have to do it ourselves.
lslinfo.dvpAscent = max(lslinfo.dvpAscent, lslinfo.dvpAscentAutoNumber);
lslinfo.dvpDescent = max(lslinfo.dvpDescent, lslinfo.dvpDescentAutoNumber);
lslinfo.cpLim = GetCpReFromCpLs(lslinfo.cpLim);
if (lserr != lserrNone)
AssertSz(lserr == lserrOutOfMemory, "Line format failed for invalid reason");
return FALSE;
// Save some LineServices results in the measurer's CLine
pme->_li._cch = lslinfo.cpLim - cp;
AssertSz(pme->_li._cch > 0, "no cps on line");
LONG upStart, dupWidth;
// Query for line width and indent.
QueryLineInfo(lslinfo, &upStart, &dupWidth);
pme->_li._upStart = upStart;
pme->_li._dup = dupWidth;
pme->_li._dvpHeight = lslinfo.dvpAscent + lslinfo.dvpDescent;
pme->_li._dvpDescent = lslinfo.dvpDescent;
pme->CheckLineHeight(); // Use default heights
pme->_li._cchEOP = 0;
if(pme->_rpTX.IsAfterEOP()) // Line ends with an EOP
{ // Store cch of EOP (1 or 2)
UINT ch = pme->GetChar();
if(ch == CR || pme->GetPed()->fUseCRLF() && ch == LF || ch == CELL)
pme->_li._fHasEOP = TRUE;
pme->_li._cchEOP = pme->_rpTX.AdvanceCRLF(FALSE);
if (lslinfo.cpLim > pme->GetTextLength() &&
(!pme->IsRich() || pme->IsHidden()))
Assert(lslinfo.cpLim == pme->GetTextLength() + 1);
pme->UpdateWrapState(pme->_li._dvpHeight, pme->_li._dvpDescent);
//Setup pliTarget if caller requests it
if (pliTarget)
CLine liSave = pme->_li;
pme->_li._dvpHeight = max(lslinfo.dvrAscent, lslinfo.dvrAscentAutoNumber) +
max(lslinfo.dvrDescent, lslinfo.dvrDescentAutoNumber);
pme->_li._dvpDescent = lslinfo.dvrDescent;
*pliTarget = pme->_li;
pme->_li = liSave;
return TRUE;
* COls::RenderLine(&li, fLastLine)
* @mfunc
* Wrapper for LsDisplayLine
* @rdesc
* TRUE if success, FALSE if failed
BOOL COls::RenderLine(
CLine & li, //@parm Line to render
BOOL fLastLine)
LONG cp = _pme->GetCp();
CRenderer *pre = GetRenderer();
if(li._fCollapsed) // Line is collapsed in Outline mode
pre->Move(li._cch); // Bypass line
return TRUE; // Let dispml continue with next line
return FALSE;
pre->SetCp(cp); // Back to beginning of line
pre->_li._upStart = 0;
Assert(pre->_fTarget == FALSE);
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost;
LONG dup, dvp;
HDC hdcSave = pre->StartLine(li, fLastLine, cpSelMin, cpSelMost, dup, dvp);
POINTUV pt = pre->GetCurPoint(); // Must follow offscreen setup
POINT ptStart; // since _ptCur, _rc change
RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect();
pt.u += pre->XFromU(0);
pt.v += li._dvpHeight - li._dvpDescent;
memcpy(&ptStart, &pt, sizeof(ptStart));
RECT rc;
pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv);
LSERR lserr = LsDisplayLine(_plsline, &ptStart, pre->GetPdp()->IsMain() ? ETO_CLIPPED : 0, &rc);
AssertSz(lserr == lserrNone, "COls::RenderLine: error in rendering line");
pre->EndLine(hdcSave, dup, dvp);
pre->SetCp(cp + li._cch);
return lserr == lserrNone;
* COls::CreateOrGetLine()
* @mfunc
* If _plsline is nonNull and _cp equals _pme->GetCp(), return. Else
* create line with caching so that _plsline and _cp are correct for
* current line
void COls::CreateOrGetLine()
if(_plsline && _pme->GetCp() == _cp && _pme->_pdp == _pdp)
MeasureLine(NULL); // Define new _plsline
* COls::MeasureText(cch, taMode, pdispdim)
* @mfunc
* Gets x offset to cp given by CMeasurer _pme + cch chars along with
* display dimensions.
* @rdesc
* xwidth measured
LONG COls::MeasureText(
LONG cch, //(IN): Max cch to measure
UINT taMode, //(IN): requested coordinate
CDispDim *pdispdim) //(OUT): display dimensions
CMeasurer * pme = _pme;
LONG cp = pme->GetCp() + cch; // Enter with me at start of line
POINT pt; // Point at cp in client coords
BOOL fAtLogicalRightEdge = FALSE;
return 0;
Assert(pme->_fTarget == FALSE);
// Query point from cp
DWORD cActualDepth;
memset(&lsTextCell, 0, sizeof(lsTextCell));
LsQueryLineCpPpoint(_plsline, GetCpLsFromCpRe(cp), MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0],
&cActualDepth, &lsTextCell);
pdispdim->lstflow = lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline;
pdispdim->dup = lsTextCell.dupCell;
LSTFLOW lstflowLine = lsqSubInfo[0].lstflowSubline;
POINT ptStart = {pme->XFromU(0), pme->_li._dvpHeight - pme->_li._dvpDescent};
POINTUV ptuv = lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell;
if(taMode & (TA_STARTOFLINE | TA_ENDOFLINE) && cActualDepth > 1)
ptuv = lsqSubInfo[0].pointUvStartRun;
if(taMode & TA_ENDOFLINE)
ptuv.u += lsqSubInfo[0].dupRun;
//If they ask for position inside ligature or at lim of line, give right edge of cell
else if (cp > GetCpReFromCpLs(lsTextCell.cpStartCell))
fAtLogicalRightEdge = TRUE;
if (lstflowLine != pdispdim->lstflow)
ptuv.u -= lsTextCell.dupCell;
ptuv.u += lsTextCell.dupCell;
LsPointXYFromPointUV(&ptStart, lstflowLine, &ptuv, &pt);
if (pdispdim->lstflow == lstflowWS && !(taMode & (TA_LOGICAL | TA_STARTOFLINE)))
if (fAtLogicalRightEdge)
return pt.x;
pt.x -= pdispdim->dup - 1;
if (fAtLogicalRightEdge)
pdispdim->dup = 0;
return pt.x;
* COls::CchFromUp(pt, pdispdim, pcpActual)
* @mfunc
* Moves _pme to pt.x. Calls LsQueryLinePointPcp()
void COls::CchFromUp(
POINTUV pt, //@parm Point to find cch for in line
CDispDim *pdispdim, //@parm dimensions of object
LONG *pcpActual) //@parm CP point
// Make point relative to LS coordinate system - (0,0) in LS is at the
// baseline of the line.
POINTUV ptuv = {_pme->UFromX(pt.u), -pt.v + _pme->_li._dvpHeight - _pme->_li._dvpDescent};
LONG cpStart = _pme->GetCp();
Assert(_pme->_fTarget == FALSE);
DWORD cActualDepth;
memset(&lsTextCell, 0, sizeof(lsTextCell));
LsQueryLinePointPcp(_plsline, &ptuv, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0], &cActualDepth, &lsTextCell);
if (cActualDepth == 0) //If we got back empty textcell, let's just query cp explicitly to get information
LsQueryLineCpPpoint(_plsline, cpStart, MAX_OBJ_DEPTH, &lsqSubInfo[0], &cActualDepth, &lsTextCell);
Assert(cActualDepth != 0);
pdispdim->dup = lsTextCell.dupCell;
pdispdim->lstflow = lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline;
LONG cp = GetCpReFromCpLs(lsTextCell.cpStartCell);
// The queries above can fail in BiDi hidden text. Would be best to suppress
// BiDi itemization in hidden text, but for now, here's a simple patch
cp = cpStart;
Assert(cp >= cpStart);
*pcpActual = cp;
POINTUV ptuvCell;
//Convert the hit-test point from u,v of line to u,v of cell
LsPointUV2FromPointUV1(lsqSubInfo[0].lstflowSubline, &lsTextCell.pointUvStartCell, &ptuv,
lsqSubInfo[cActualDepth - 1].lstflowSubline, &ptuvCell);
if (ptuvCell.u > lsTextCell.dupCell/2 ||
ptuvCell.u > W32->GetDupSystemFont()/2 && _pme->GetChar() == WCH_EMBEDDING)
cp += lsTextCell.cpEndCell - lsTextCell.cpStartCell + 1;
if (_pme->GetPed()->_pbrk)
// If text breaker is up, verify cluster before placing the caret
CTxtBreaker* pbrk = _pme->GetPed()->_pbrk;
LONG cpEnd = _pme->GetPed()->GetTextLength();
while (cp < cpEnd && !pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_CLUSTER, cp))
_pme->_li._cch = cp - _cp;
Assert(_pme->_li._cch >= 0);
* COls::DestroyLine(pdp)
* @mfunc
* Destroys any line data structures.
void COls::DestroyLine(CDisplay *pdp)
CLock lock;
if (pdp && pdp != _pdp)
_plsline = NULL;
if (_rgcp.Count())
int cchunk = _rglsrunChunk.Count();
for (int ichunk = 0; ichunk < cchunk; ichunk++)
_rglsrunChunk.Elem(ichunk)->_cel = 0;
* LimitChunk(pch, &cchChunk, f10Mode)
* @func
* Return object ID at *pch and shorten cchChunk to 1 if object isn't
* text and to the count of text chars up to a nontext object if one
* occurs within cchChunk and within the current paragraph.
* @rdesc
* Object ID at *pch
DWORD LimitChunk(
const WCHAR *pch,
LONG & cchChunk,
BOOL f10Mode)
for(LONG i = 0; i < cchChunk && *pch != CR; i++, pch++)
if(i == 0)
cchChunk = 1;
return OBJID_OLE; // Entered at an OLE object
cchChunk = i; // Will break before
case EURO:
if (i == 0)
for(; i < cchChunk && *pch == EURO; i++)
cchChunk = i;
case FF:
if(f10Mode) // RichEdit 1.0 treats FFs as
continue; // ordinary characters
case CELL:
cchChunk = i; // Will break before
return idObjTextChp;
* COls::SetLsChp(dwObjId, plsrun, plsChp)
* @mfunc
* Helper function that initializes an LS chp from RE CCharFormat
* @rdesc
* TRUE iff IsHidden()
BOOL COls::SetLsChp(
DWORD dwObjId, //(IN): Object id
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Current Run
PLSCHP plsChp) //(OUT): LS chp
ZeroMemory(plsChp, sizeof(*plsChp));
plsChp->idObj = (WORD)dwObjId;
if (_pme->GetPed()->IsComplexScript() && plsrun->_a.eScript && !plsrun->IsBullet())
CUniscribe* pusp = _pme->Getusp();
Assert (pusp);
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES *psp = pusp->GeteProp(plsrun->_a.eScript);
if (psp->fComplex || plsrun->_a.fRTL ||
psp->fNumeric && W32->GetDigitSubstitutionMode() != DIGITS_NOTIMPL)
// 1. Complex script
// 2. RTL (internal direction) run (handle mirror glyph i.e.'?')
// 3. Numeric run and substitution mode is either Native or Context
plsChp->fGlyphBased = TRUE;
const CCharFormat *pCF = plsrun->_pCF;
DWORD dwEffects = pCF->_dwEffects;
const CDisplay *pdp = _pme->_pdp;
HDC hdc = pdp->GetDC();
if((dwEffects & (CFE_UNDERLINE | CFE_LINK | CFE_REVISED)) ||
GetDeviceCaps(hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_RASDISPLAY && GetTmpUnderline(pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx))
plsChp->fUnderline = TRUE;
if(dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT && !plsrun->IsBullet())
plsChp->fStrike = TRUE;
if (pCF->_yOffset || dwEffects & (CFE_SUPERSCRIPT | CFE_SUBSCRIPT))
CCcs *pccs = _pme->Check_pccs(plsrun->IsBullet());
LONG yOffset, yAdjust;
pccs->GetOffset(pCF, _pme->_dvpInch, &yOffset, &yAdjust);
plsChp->dvpPos += yOffset + yAdjust;
if (pCF->CanKern() && !plsChp->fGlyphBased)
CKernCache *pkc = fc().GetKernCache(pCF->_iFont, pCF->_wWeight, pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC);
CCcs *pccs = _pme->Check_pccs(plsrun->IsBullet());
if (pkc && pkc->FInit(pccs->_hfont))
plsChp->fApplyKern = TRUE;
plsChp->dcpMaxContext = max(plsChp->dcpMaxContext, 2);
//If its an OLE object, but the Object doesn't exist yet, then hide it
if (dwObjId == OBJID_OLE)
COleObject *pobj = _pme->GetObjectFromCp(_pme->GetCp());
if (!pobj)
return TRUE; //FUTURE (keithcu) Remove the need for this.
if (pobj->FWrapTextAround())
return TRUE;
return dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN;
* COls::FetchAnmRun(cp, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun)
* @mfunc
* LineServices fetch bullets/numbering callback
* @rdesc
LSCP cp, //@parm [IN]: RE cp
LPCWSTR *plpwchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Run of characters
DWORD * pcchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Count of characters in run
BOOL * pfHidden, //@parm [OUT]: fHidden run?
PLSCHP plsChp, //@parm [OUT]: Char properties of run
PLSRUN * pplsrun) //@parm [OUT]: Abstract representation of run properties
if (cp == cpFirstAnm && _pme->Get_pPF()->IsRtl())
ZeroMemory(plsChp, sizeof(*plsChp));
plsChp->idObj = OBJID_REVERSE;
*pfHidden = 0; *pcchRun = 1;
*pplsrun = GetPlsrun(_pme->GetCp(), &_CFBullet, TRUE);
*plpwchRun = &_szAnm[0];
return lserrNone;
*plpwchRun = &_szAnm[cp - cpFirstAnm];
*pcchRun = _cchAnm - (cp - cpFirstAnm);
*pplsrun = GetPlsrun(_pme->GetCp(), &_CFBullet, TRUE);
SetLsChp(idObjTextChp, *pplsrun, plsChp);
*pfHidden = FALSE;
if (!_pme->GetNumber())
plsChp->fUnderline = FALSE;
return lserrNone;
* OlsFetchRun(pols, cpLs, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun)
* @func
* LineServices fetch-run callback
* @rdesc
POLS pols, //@parm [IN]: COls *
LSCP cpLs, //@parm [IN]: LS cp
LPCWSTR *plpwchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Run of characters
DWORD * pcchRun, //@parm [OUT]: Count of characters in run
BOOL * pfHidden, //@parm [OUT]: Hidden run?
PLSCHP plsChp, //@parm [OUT]: Char properties of run
PLSRUN * pplsrun) //@parm [OUT]: Abstract representation of run properties
if(cpLs < 0)
return pols->FetchAnmRun(cpLs, plpwchRun, pcchRun, pfHidden, plsChp, pplsrun);
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
CTxtEdit *ped = pme->GetPed();
WCHAR chPassword = pme->GetPasswordChar();
LONG cpAccelerator = ped->GetCpAccelerator();
BOOL fAccelerator = FALSE;
BOOL f10Mode = ped->Get10Mode();
if (cpLs == pols->_cp)
// If we are formatting (or re-formatting) the line, cleanup
if (pols->_rgcp.Count())
pols->_cEmit = 0;
long cpRe = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpLs);
pme->SetCp(cpRe); // Start fetching at given cp
BOOL fFetchBraces = ped->IsBiDi() && g_pusp && g_pusp->IsValid() &&
!ped->_fItemizePending && ped->GetAdjustedTextLength();
BOOL fStart = FALSE;
if (fFetchBraces && pme->_rpCF.IsValid())
// Consider emitting braces only at the run boundary or start of a fetched line
if (cpRe == pols->_cp || !pme->GetIchRunCF() || !pme->GetCchLeftRunCF())
SHORT cBrClose, cBrOpen;
BYTE bBaseLevel = pme->IsParaRTL() ? 1 : 0;
BYTE bLevel = bBaseLevel;
BYTE bLevelPrev = bBaseLevel; // Assume base level
if (cpRe < ped->GetTextLength())
CBiDiLevel level;
bLevel = pme->_rpCF.GetLevel(&level); // Got level of current run
fStart = level._fStart;
if (cpRe > pols->_cp && pme->Move(-1))
if (pme->_rpPF.SameLevel(bBaseLevel)) // Preceding run may be hidden
bLevelPrev = pme->_rpCF.GetLevel(); // Got level of preceding run
pme->Move(1); // Resume position
cBrOpen = cBrClose = bLevel - bLevelPrev;
if (fStart) // Start embedding at current run
cBrClose = bBaseLevel - bLevelPrev; // This means we must close all braces of preceding run
cBrClose = max(0, -cBrClose);
if (cBrClose > 0 && pols->BracesBeforeCp(cpLs) < cBrClose)
// Emit close braces
if (pols->_cEmit > 0)
EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, idObjTextChp, rgchObjectEnd);
if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs))
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "CLOSE(%d) cpLs %d: emitted %d", cBrClose, cpLs, pols->_cEmit);
return lserrNone;
// We assert. You can click "Ignore All" with no hang.
AssertSz(FALSE, "Prevent emitting close brace (no open counterpart)");
if (fStart) // start embedding at the current run
cBrOpen = bLevel - bBaseLevel; // we begin openning braces
if (cBrOpen > 0 && pols->BracesBeforeCp(cpLs) < cBrOpen + cBrClose)
// Emit open braces
EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, OBJID_REVERSE, L" ");
if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs))
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "OPEN(%d) cpLs %d: emitted %d", cBrOpen, cpLs, pols->_cEmit);
return lserrNone;
// Done fetching braces.
// Begin getting real data...
Tracef(TRCSEVNONE, "cpLs %d: emitted %d", cpLs, pols->_cEmit);
// Initialized chunk to count of characters in format run
LONG cchChunk = pme->GetCchLeftRunCF();
DWORD dwObjId = idObjTextChp;
const CCharFormat *pCF = pme->GetCF();
if(!pme->IsHidden()) // Run isn't hidden
LONG cch;
*plpwchRun = pme->GetPch(cch); // Get text in run
if(cch && **plpwchRun == NOTACHAR)
(*plpwchRun)++; // Bypass NOTACHAR
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, cch); // Maybe less than cchChunk
if (!pme->GetPdp()->IsMetafile())
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, 255); // Prevent us from having runs which are TOO long
// Support khyphChangeAfter
if (pols->_cp == cpRe && pme->GetIhyphPrev())
UINT khyph;
CHyphCache *phc = ped->GetHyphCache();
phc->GetAt(pme->GetIhyphPrev(), khyph, ch);
if (khyph == khyphChangeAfter)
pols->_rgchTemp[0] = ch;
*plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp;
cchChunk = 1;
if (chPassword)
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, (int)ARRAY_SIZE(pols->_rgchTemp));
for (int i = 0; i < cchChunk; i++)
ch = (*plpwchRun)[i];
if(IN_RANGE(0xDC00, ch, 0xDFFF))
{ // Surrogate trail word
if(i) // Truncate current run at
cchChunk = i; // trail word
else // Make trail word a hidden
{ // single-char run
*pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(cpRe, pCF, FALSE);
pols->SetLsChp(dwObjId, *pplsrun, plsChp);
*pfHidden = TRUE;
*pcchRun = 1;
return lserrNone;
pols->_rgchTemp[i] = IsEOP(ch) ? ch : chPassword;
*plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp;
if(cpAccelerator != -1)
LONG cpCur = pme->GetCp(); // Get current cp
// Does accelerator character fall in this chunk?
if (cpCur < cpAccelerator &&
cpCur + cchChunk > cpAccelerator)
// Yes. Reduce chunk to char just before accelerator
cchChunk = cpAccelerator - cpCur;
// Is this character the accelerator?
else if(cpCur == cpAccelerator)
{ // Set chunk size to 1 since only
cchChunk = 1; // want to output underlined char
fAccelerator = TRUE; // Tell downstream routines that
// we're handling accelerator
if(pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ALLCAPS)
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, (int)ARRAY_SIZE(pols->_rgchTemp));
memcpy(pols->_rgchTemp, *plpwchRun, cchChunk * sizeof(WCHAR));
CharUpperBuff(pols->_rgchTemp, cchChunk);
*plpwchRun = pols->_rgchTemp;
//Line Services handles page breaks in a weird way, so lets just convert to a CR.
if (*plpwchRun && (*(*plpwchRun) == FF && !f10Mode || *(*plpwchRun) == CELL))
pols->_szAnm[0] = CR;
*plpwchRun = pols->_szAnm;
cchChunk = 1;
AssertSz(cpRe < ped->GetTextLength() || !ped->IsRich(), "0-length run at end of control");
AssertSz(cch || !ped->IsRich(), "0-length run at end of control");
// Set run size appropriately for any objects that are in run
dwObjId = LimitChunk(*plpwchRun, cchChunk, f10Mode);
// Get regular highlighted positions
LONG cpSelMin, cpSelMost;
ped->GetSelRangeForRender(&cpSelMin, &cpSelMost);
if(cpSelMin != cpSelMost)
if(cpRe >= cpSelMin)
if(cpRe < cpSelMost)
// Current text falls inside selection
cch = cpSelMost - cpRe;
cchChunk = min(cchChunk, cch);
else if(cpRe + cchChunk >= cpSelMin)
// cp < cpSelMin - run starts outside of selection.
// Limit text to start of selection.
cchChunk = cpSelMin - cpRe;
*pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(cpRe, pCF, FALSE);
*pfHidden = pols->SetLsChp(dwObjId, *pplsrun, plsChp);
if (fAccelerator)
plsChp->fUnderline = TRUE;
if(!cchChunk) // Happens in plain-text controls
{ // and if hidden text to end of story
if (!ped->IsRich() && pols->_cEmit > 0)
EmitBrace(pols, plsChp, pfHidden, pcchRun, pplsrun, plpwchRun, idObjTextChp, rgchObjectEnd);
TRACEWARNSZ("(plain)Auto-emit a close brace to make balance");
if (pols->AddBraceCp(cpLs))
return lserrNone;
cchChunk = 1;
*plpwchRun = szCR;
*pfHidden = FALSE;
//Paragraph marks should not have any script state associated with them,
//even if the pCF that point to does.
ZeroMemory(&(*pplsrun)->_a, sizeof((*pplsrun)->_a));
*pcchRun = cchChunk;
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetAutoNumberInfo (pols, plskalAnm, plschpAnm, pplsrunAnm, pwchAdd, plschp,
* pplsrun, pfWord95Model, pduaSpaceAnm, pduaWidthAnm)
* @func
* LineServices fetch autonumbering info callback. Return info needed
* by LS for auto numbering. Get the chp/run for last char from auto
* number run. Always say we are Word95 model Anm and get rest of info
* from paragraph properties.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetAutoNumberInfo(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
LSKALIGN *plskalAnm, //(OUT):Justification
PLSCHP plschpAnm,
PLSRUN *pplsrunAnm,
WCHAR * pwchAdd, //(OUT):char to add (Nil is treated as none)
PLSCHP plsChp, //(OUT):chp for bridge character
PLSRUN * pplsrun, //(OUT):Run for bridge character
BOOL * pfWord95Model, //(OUT):Type of autonumber run
long * pduaSpaceAnm, //(OUT):Relevant iff fWord95Model
long * pduaWidthAnm) //(OUT):Relevant iff fWord95Model
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF();
*pplsrunAnm = *pplsrun = pols->GetPlsrun(pme->GetCp(), &pols->_CFBullet, TRUE);
pols->SetLsChp(idObjTextChp, *pplsrun, plsChp);
if (!pme->GetNumber())
plsChp->fUnderline = FALSE;
*plschpAnm = *plsChp;
*pwchAdd = '\t';
*pfWord95Model = TRUE;
*pduaSpaceAnm = 0;
*pduaWidthAnm = pPF->_wNumberingTab ? pPF->_wNumberingTab : pPF->_dxOffset;
LONG Alignment = pPF->_wNumberingStyle & 3;
*plskalAnm = (LSKALIGN)(lskalLeft + Alignment);
if(Alignment != tomAlignLeft)
if(Alignment == tomAlignRight)
*pduaSpaceAnm = *pduaWidthAnm; // End at pPF->_dxStartIndent
*pduaWidthAnm += pPF->_dxStartIndent;
Assert(Alignment == tomAlignCenter);
*pduaWidthAnm *= 2; // Center at pPF->dxStartIndent
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetNumericSeparators (pols, plsrun, pwchDecimal, pwchThousands)
* @func
* Get numeric separators needed, e.g., for decimal tabs
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetNumericSeparators(
POLS pols, //(IN): pols
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
WCHAR * pwchDecimal, //(OUT): Decimal separator for this run
WCHAR * pwchThousands) //(OUT): Thousands separator for this run
LCID lcid = plsrun->_pCF->_lcid;
WCHAR ch = TEXT('.');
// This may need to be virtualized for Win95/CE...
::GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, &ch, 1);
*pwchDecimal = ch;
ch = TEXT(',');
::GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, &ch, 1);
*pwchThousands = ch;
return lserrNone;
* OlsFetchPap (pols, cpLS, plspap)
* @func
* Fetch paragraph properties
* @rdesc
POLS pols, //(IN): pols
LSCP cpLs, //(IN): an arbitrary cp value inside paragraph
PLSPAP plspap) //(OUT): Paragraph properties.
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
LONG dvpJunk;
const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF();
CTxtEdit * ped = pme->GetPed();
// Default all results to 0
ZeroMemory(plspap, sizeof(*plspap));
//LS doesn't really care where the paragraph starts
plspap->cpFirst = pols->_cp;
if(plspap->cpFirst && !pme->fFirstInPara()) // Not first in para: say para
plspap->cpFirst--; // starts one char earlier
plspap->cpFirstContent = plspap->cpFirst;
if (pPF->IsRtl())
plspap->lstflow = lstflowWS;
// Alignment
plspap->lskal = (LSKALIGN) g_rgREtoTOMAlign[pPF->_bAlignment];
if (pPF->IsRtl())
{ //For Line Services, left means near and right means far.
if (plspap->lskal == lskalLeft)
plspap->lskal = lskalRight;
else if (plspap->lskal == lskalRight)
plspap->lskal = lskalLeft;
if (pPF->_bAlignment == PFA_FULL_INTERWORD)
plspap->lskal = lskalLeft;
plspap->lskj = lskjFullInterWord;
//Enable hyphenation?
if (ped->_pfnHyphenate && !(pPF->_wEffects & PFE_DONOTHYPHEN))
plspap->grpf |= fFmiDoHyphenation;
plspap->duaHyphenationZone = ped->_dulHyphenateZone;
// Kind of EOP
CTxtPtr tp(pme->_rpTX);
LONG results;
tp.FindEOP(tomForward, &results);
plspap->lskeop = (results & 3) == 2 ? lskeopEndPara12 : lskeopEndPara1;
// Line breaking
if (pPF->_bAlignment > PFA_FULL_INTERWORD || !ped->fUseSimpleLineBreak() ||
!pme->GetPdp()->GetWordWrap()) // No word wrap
plspap->grpf |= fFmiApplyBreakingRules | fFmiTreatHyphenAsRegular;
LONG dul = pPF->_dxRightIndent;
if (pme->IsMeasure())
COleObject *pobj = pme->FindFirstWrapObj(FALSE);
if (pobj && pobj->GetCp() <= pols->_cp)
LONG dulRight;
pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulRight, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
dul = max(dul, dulRight);
pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight = pme->CountQueueEntries(FALSE);
else if (pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight)
LONG cpObj = pme->FindCpDraw(pme->GetCp() + 1, pme->_li._cObjectWrapRight, FALSE);
COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cpObj);
LONG dulRight;
pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulRight, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
dul = max(dul, dulRight);
plspap->uaRightBreak = dul;
plspap->uaRightJustify = dul;
pme->_upRight = pme->LUtoDU(dul);
if (!pme->_pdp->GetWordWrap())
plspap->uaRightBreak = uLsInfiniteRM;
plspap->uaLeft = lDefaultTab/2 * (pPF->_bOutlineLevel + 1);
plspap->duaIndent = 0;
LONG dulPicture = 0;
if (pme->IsMeasure())
COleObject *pobj = pme->FindFirstWrapObj(TRUE);
if (pobj && pobj->GetCp() <= pols->_cp)
pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulPicture, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft = pme->CountQueueEntries(TRUE);
else if (pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft)
LONG cpObj = pme->FindCpDraw(pme->GetCp() + 1, pme->_li._cObjectWrapLeft, TRUE);
COleObject *pobj = pme->GetObjectFromCp(cpObj);
pobj->MeasureObj(1440, 1440, dulPicture, dvpJunk, dvpJunk, 0, pme->GetTflow());
plspap->uaLeft = pPF->_dxStartIndent + pPF->_dxOffset;
plspap->duaIndent = -pPF->_dxOffset;
LONG Alignment = pPF->_wNumberingStyle & 3;
if(pPF->_wNumbering && Alignment != tomAlignLeft)
// Move back by amount added to duaWidth in OlsGetAutoNumberInfo()
plspap->duaIndent -= (Alignment == tomAlignRight) ? pPF->_dxStartIndent
: pPF->_wNumberingTab ? pPF->_wNumberingTab
: pPF->_dxOffset;
if (dulPicture)
plspap->uaLeft = max(plspap->uaLeft, dulPicture);
// if hanging indent causes first line to overlap picture, shift it further
if (plspap->uaLeft + plspap->duaIndent < dulPicture)
plspap->duaIndent = dulPicture - plspap->uaLeft;
if(!pPF->InTable() && plspap->uaLeft < 0)
plspap->uaLeft = 0;
// Is this a bulleted paragraph? - ignore bullets in a password
if(pPF->_wNumbering && pme->fFirstInPara() && !pme->GetPasswordChar() &&
CCcs *pccs = pme->GetCcsBullet(&pols->_CFBullet);
if (pccs)
plspap->grpf |= fFmiAnm;
WCHAR *pchAnm = pols->_szAnm;
pols->_cchAnm = 0;
if (pPF->IsRtl()) // Open character
*pchAnm++ = ' ';
//FUTURE (KeithCu) we turn off Indic digits if there is any Hebrew,
//which should be refined to do a better job with worldwide documents.
pols->_cchAnm += pPF->NumToStr(pchAnm, pme->GetNumber(),
(pme->GetPed()->GetCharFlags() & FHEBREW) ? 0 : fIndicDigits);
pchAnm += pols->_cchAnm;
if (pPF->IsRtl()) // End character for reverser
*pchAnm++ = wchObjectEnd;
pols->_cchAnm += 2; // Alloc space for open and close
*pchAnm++ = ' '; // Ensure a little extra space
*pchAnm++ = wchObjectEnd; // End character for Anm
pols->_cchAnm += 2;
return lserrNone;
* OlsFetchTabs(pols, LSCP cp, plstabs, pfHangingTab, pduaHangingTab, pwchHangingTabLeader)
* @func
* Fetch tabs
* @rdesc
POLS pols, //(IN): (COls *)
LSCP cp, //(IN): Arbitrary cp value inside para
PLSTABS plstabs, //(OUT): Tabs array
BOOL * pfHangingTab, //(OUT): There is hanging tab
long * pduaHangingTab, //(OUT): dua of hanging tab
WCHAR * pwchHangingTabLeader) //(OUT): Leader of hanging tab
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
const CParaFormat *pPF = pme->Get_pPF();
const char rgchTabLeader[] = {0, '.', '-', '_', '_', '='};
LONG cTabCount = pPF->_bTabCount;
LONG i, iActual;
LSTBD * prgTab = pols->_rgTab;
const LONG *prgxTabs = pPF->GetTabs();
Assert(cTabCount <= MAX_TAB_STOPS && (prgxTabs || !cTabCount));
plstabs->duaIncrementalTab = pme->GetPed()->GetDefaultTab();
*pwchHangingTabLeader = 0;
*pduaHangingTab = pPF->_dxStartIndent + pPF->_dxOffset;
*pfHangingTab = pPF->_dxOffset > 0;
for(i = 0, iActual = 0; i < cTabCount; i++)
LONG tbAlign, tbLeader;
pPF->GetTab(i, &prgTab[iActual].ua, &tbAlign, &tbLeader, prgxTabs);
if (prgTab[iActual].ua > pme->_dulLayout)
if(tbAlign <= tomAlignDecimal) // Don't include tomAlignBar
prgTab[iActual].lskt = (lsktab) tbAlign;
prgTab[iActual].wchTabLeader = rgchTabLeader[tbLeader];
plstabs->pTab = prgTab;
plstabs->iTabUserDefMac = iActual;
return lserrNone;
* OlsCheckParaBoundaries (pols, cpOld, cpNew, pfChanged)
* @func
* Determine if para formatting between para containing cpOld and
* that containing cpNew are incompatible and shouldn't be formatted
* on the same line when connected by hidden text.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckParaBoundaries(
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
LONG cpOld, //(IN): cp in one paragraph
LONG cpNew, //(IN): cp in another paragraph
BOOL * pfChanged) //(OUT): "Dangerous" change between para properties
// It's easier (and safer) to allow LS decide which para properties to take.
// Else we have to close objects (BiDi, for instance) before hidden EOP.
*pfChanged = fFalse; // they're always compatible
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetRunCharWidths (pols, plrun, deviceID, lpwchRun, cwchRun, du,
* kTFlow, prgDu, pduRun, plimDu)
* @func
* Get run character widths
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunCharWidths(
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
enum lsdevice deviceID, //(IN): Preview, reference, or absolute
LPCWSTR lpwchRun, //(IN): Run of characters
DWORD cwchRun, //(IN): Count of characters in run
long du, //(IN): Available space for characters
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
int * prgDu, //(OUT): Widths of characters
long * pduRun, //(OUT): Sum of widths in rgDx[0] to rgDu[limDx-1]
long * plimDu) //(OUT): Number of widths fetched
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
DWORD i = 0;
LONG dup, dupAdjust, duCalc = 0;
BOOL fGlyphRun = FALSE;
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference);
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet);
return lserrOutOfMemory;
if (pme->GetPed()->IsComplexScript() &&
plsrun->_a.eScript && !plsrun->IsBullet())
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES *psp = pme->Getusp()->GeteProp(plsrun->_a.eScript);
if (psp->fComplex)
fGlyphRun = TRUE;
dupAdjust = pme->LUtoDU(plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing);
for(;i < cwchRun; i++, lpwchRun++)
if (!fGlyphRun)
if (IsZerowidthCharacter(*lpwchRun))
dup = 0;
pccs->Include(*lpwchRun, dup);
dup = max(dup + dupAdjust, 1);
dup = 0;
if (!IsDiacriticOrKashida(*lpwchRun, 0))
dup = pccs->_xAveCharWidth;
duCalc += dup; // Keep running total of width
*prgDu++ = dup; // Store width in output array
if(dup + duCalc > du) // Width exceeds width available
i++; // Count this char as processed
*plimDu = i; // Store total chars processed
*pduRun = duCalc; // Store output total width
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetRunTextMetrics (pols, plsrun, deviceID, kTFlow, plsTxMet)
* @func
* Get run text metrics
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunTextMetrics(
POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp here)
enum lsdevice deviceID, //(IN): presentation or reference
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
PLSTXM plsTxMet) //(OUT): Text metrics
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
// Make sure right font is set for run
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference);
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet);
return lserrOutOfMemory;
LONG yFEAdjust = pccs->AdjustFEHeight(pme->FAdjustFELineHt());
LONG yDescent = pccs->_yDescent + yFEAdjust;
// Fill in metric structure
plsTxMet->dvAscent = pccs->_yHeight + (yFEAdjust << 1) - yDescent;
plsTxMet->dvDescent = yDescent;
plsTxMet->dvMultiLineHeight = plsTxMet->dvAscent + yDescent;
plsTxMet->fMonospaced = pccs->_fFixPitchFont;
if (plsrun->_pCF->_yOffset && pme->GetPF()->_bLineSpacingRule != tomLineSpaceExactly)
LONG yOffset, yAdjust;
pccs->GetOffset(plsrun->_pCF, deviceID == lsdevReference ? pme->_dvrInch :
pme->_dvpInch, &yOffset, &yAdjust);
if (yOffset < 0)
plsTxMet->dvDescent -= yOffset;
plsTxMet->dvAscent += yOffset;
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo (pols, plsrun, pcheights, kTFlow, plsStInfo)
* @func
* Get run underline info
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo(
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
PCHEIGHTS pcheights, //(IN): Height of line
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
PLSULINFO plsUlInfo) //(OUT): Underline information
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
const CDisplay *pdp = pme->GetPdp();
HDC hdc = pdp->GetDC();
// Initialize output buffer
ZeroMemory(plsUlInfo, sizeof(*plsUlInfo));
//REVIEW KeithCu
// Make sure right font is set for run
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet);
return lserrOutOfMemory;
long dvpUlOffset = pccs->_dyULOffset;
plsUlInfo->cNumberOfLines = 1;
// Set underline type
if (plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_LINK)
plsUlInfo->kulbase = CFU_UNDERLINE;
else if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_RASDISPLAY && GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx))
plsUlInfo->kulbase = GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx);
else if (plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & (CFE_UNDERLINE | CFE_REVISED))
plsUlInfo->kulbase = plsrun->_pCF->_bUnderlineType;
Assert(pme->GetPed()->GetCpAccelerator() == plsrun->_cp);
plsUlInfo->kulbase = CFU_UNDERLINE;
LONG yDescent = pccs->_yDescent + pccs->AdjustFEHeight(pme->FAdjustFELineHt());
// Some fonts report invalid offset so we fix it up here
if(dvpUlOffset >= yDescent)
dvpUlOffset = yDescent - 1;
plsUlInfo->dvpFirstUnderlineOffset = dvpUlOffset;
plsUlInfo->dvpFirstUnderlineSize = pccs->_dyULWidth;
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo (pols, plsrun, pcheights, kTFlow, plsStInfo)
* @func
* Get run strikethrough info
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo(
POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run
PCHEIGHTS pcheights, //(IN): height of line
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
PLSSTINFO plsStInfo) //(OUT): Strikethrough information
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
AssertSz(plsrun->_pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT, "no strikeout");
// Make sure right font is set for run
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs(fBullet);
return lserrOutOfMemory;
// Default number of lines
plsStInfo->cNumberOfLines = 1;
plsStInfo->dvpLowerStrikethroughOffset = -pccs->_dySOOffset;
plsStInfo->dvpLowerStrikethroughSize = pccs->_dySOWidth;
return lserrNone;
/* OlsDrawUnderline (pols, plsrun, kUlbase, pptStart, dupUL, dvpUL,
* kTFlow, kDisp, prcClip)
* @func
* Draw underline
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsDrawUnderline(
POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp) to use for underlining
UINT kUlbase, //(IN): underline kind
const POINT *pptStart, //(IN): starting position (top left)
DWORD dupUL, //(IN): underline width
DWORD dvpUL, //(IN): underline thickness
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): display mode - opaque, transparent
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): clipping rectangle
CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer();
if (pre->fDisplayDC() && GetTmpUnderline(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx))
COLORREF crTmpUnderline;
GetTmpUnderlineColor(plsrun->_pCF->_sTmpDisplayAttrIdx, crTmpUnderline);
pre->SetupUnderline(kUlbase, 0, crTmpUnderline);
pre->SetupUnderline(kUlbase, plsrun->_pCF->_bUnderlineColor);
pre->RenderUnderline(lstflow == lstflowWS ? pptStart->x - dupUL - 1:
pptStart->x, pptStart->y, dupUL, dvpUL);
return lserrNone;
* OlsDrawStrikethrough (pols, plsrun, kStbase, pptStart, dupSt, dvpSt,
* kTFlow, kDisp, prcClip)
* @func
* Draw strikethrough
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsDrawStrikethrough(
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): run (cp) for strikethrough
UINT kStbase, //(IN): strikethrough kind
const POINT *pptStart, //(IN): starting position (top left)
DWORD dupSt, //(IN): strikethrough width
DWORD dvpSt, //(IN): strikethrough thickness
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): display mode - opaque, transparent
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): clipping rectangle
CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer();
pre->RenderStrikeOut(lstflow == lstflowWS ? pptStart->x - dupSt - 1:
pptStart->x, pptStart->y, dupSt, dvpSt);
return lserrNone;
* OlsFInterruptUnderline(pols, plsrunFirst, cpLastFirst, plsrunSecond,
* cpStartSecond, pfInterruptUnderline)
* @func
* Says whether client wants to interrupt drawing of underline
* between the first and second runs
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsFInterruptUnderline(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrunFirst, //(IN): Run pointer for previous run
LSCP cpLastFirst, //(IN): cp of last character of previous run
PLSRUN plsrunSecond, //(IN): Run pointer for current run
LSCP cpStartSecond, //(IN): cp of first character of current run
BOOL * pfInterruptUnderline)//(OUT): Interrupt underline between runs?
CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer();
pre->SetSelected(FALSE); //Selection is handled below
COLORREF cr = pre->GetTextColor(plsrunFirst->_pCF);
// Interrupt underline if run text colors differ
*pfInterruptUnderline = cr != pre->GetTextColor(plsrunSecond->_pCF) ||
plsrunFirst->IsSelected() != plsrunSecond->IsSelected();
return lserrNone;
* OlsDrawTextRun (pols, plsrun, fStrikeoutOkay, fUnderlineOkay, ppt, pwchRun,
* rgDupRun, cwchRun, lstflow, kDisp, pptRun, pheightsPres,
* dupRun, dupUlLimRun, prcClip)
* @func
* Draw text run
* @rdesc
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp) to use for text
BOOL fStrikeoutOkay, //(IN): TRUE <==> allow strikeout
BOOL fUnderlineOkay, //(IN): TRUE <==> allow underlining
const POINT *ppt, //(IN): Starting position
LPCWSTR pwchRun, //(IN): Run of characters
const int * rgDupRun, //(IN): Character widths
DWORD cwchRun, //(IN): Count of chars in run
LSTFLOW lstflow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
UINT kDisp, //(IN): Display mode - opaque, transparent
const POINT *pptRun, //(IN): Starting point of run
PCHEIGHTS pheightsPres, //(IN): Presentation heights for run
long dupRun, //(IN): Presentation width for run
long dupUlLimRun, //(IN): Underlining limit
const RECT *prcClip) //(IN): Clipping rectangle
CRenderer *pre = pols->GetRenderer();
RECT rc = *prcClip;
// Set up drawing point and options
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
CCcs *pccs = pre->Check_pccs(fBullet);
return lserrOutOfMemory;
// v needs to be moved from baseline to top of character
POINTUV pt = {ppt->x, ppt->y - (pccs->_yHeight - pccs->_yDescent)};
if (lstflow == lstflowWS)
pt.u -= dupRun - 1;
if(!fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor)
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
POINTUV ptCur = pre->GetCurPoint();
ptCur.u = pt.u;
RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect();
pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv);
else if (!pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw && cwchRun == 1 && pwchRun[0] == ' ')
return lserrNone; //Don't waste time drawing a space.
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, pre->_rcErase);
kDisp |= ETO_OPAQUE;
pre->RenderExtTextOut(pt, kDisp, &rc, pwchRun, cwchRun, rgDupRun);
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw || !fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT);
pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw = FALSE;
return lserrNone;
* GetBreakingClasses (pols, plsrun, cpLS, ch, pbrkclsBefore, pbrkclsAfter)
* @func
* Line services calls this callback for each run, to obtain the
* breaking classes (line breaking behaviors) for each character
* For Quill and RichEdit, the breaking class of a character is
* independent of whether it occurs Before or After a break opportunity.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetBreakingClasses(
POLS pols, //(IN): Interface object
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp) to use for text
LSCP cpLs, //(IN): cp of the character
WCHAR ch, //(IN): Char to return breaking classes for
BRKCLS *pbrkclsBefore, //(OUT): Breaking class if ch is lead char in pair
BRKCLS *pbrkclsAfter) //(OUT): Breaking class if ch is trail char in pair
// Get line breaking class and report it twice
LCID lcid = 0;
CMeasurer * pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
lcid = pme->GetCF()->_lcid;
long cpRe = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpLs);
CTxtBreaker *pbrk = pme->GetPed()->_pbrk;
*pbrkclsBefore = *pbrkclsAfter = (pbrk && pbrk->CanBreakCp(BRK_WORD, cpRe)) ?
brkclsOpen :
GetKinsokuClass(ch, 0xFFFF, lcid);
*pbrkclsBefore = *pbrkclsAfter = GetKinsokuClass(ch, 0xFFFF, lcid);
return lserrNone;
* OlsFTruncateBefore (pols, plsrunCur, cpCur, wchCur, durCur, cpPrev, wchPrev,
* durPrev, durCut, pfTruncateBefore)
* @func
* Line services support function. This should always return
* FALSE for best performance
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsFTruncateBefore(
POLS pols, // (IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrunCur, // (IN): PLSRUN of cp
LSCP cpCur, // (IN): cp of truncation char
WCHAR wchCur, // (IN): Truncation character
long durCur, // (IN): Width of truncation char
PLSRUN plsrunPrev, // (IN): PLSRUN of cpPrev
LSCP cpPrev, // (IN): cp of truncation char
WCHAR wchPrev, // (IN): Truncation character
long durPrev, // (IN): Width of truncation character
long durCut, // (IN): Width from RM until end of current char
BOOL * pfTruncateBefore) // (OUT): Truncation point is before this char
*pfTruncateBefore = FALSE;
return lserrNone;
* OlsCanBreakBeforeChar (pols, brkcls, pcond)
* @func
* Line services calls this callback for a break candidate following an
* inline object, to determine whether breaks are prevented, possible or
* mandatory
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsCanBreakBeforeChar(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
BRKCLS brkcls, //(IN): Breaking class
BRKCOND *pcond) //(OUT): Corresponding break condition
switch (brkcls)
*pcond = brkcondCan;
case brkclsClose:
case brkclsNoStartIdeo:
case brkclsExclaInterr:
case brkclsGlueA:
*pcond = brkcondNever;
case brkclsIdeographic:
case brkclsSpaceN:
case brkclsSlash:
*pcond = brkcondPlease;
return lserrNone;
* OlsCanBreakAfterChar (pols, brkcls, pcond)
* @func
* Line services calls this callback for a break candidate preceding an
* inline object, to determine whether breaks are prevented, possible or
* mandatory
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsCanBreakAfterChar(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
BRKCLS brkcls, //(IN): Breaking class
BRKCOND *pcond) //(OUT): Corresponding break condition
switch (brkcls)
*pcond = brkcondCan;
case brkclsOpen:
case brkclsGlueA:
*pcond = brkcondNever;
case brkclsIdeographic:
case brkclsSpaceN:
case brkclsSlash:
*pcond = brkcondPlease;
return lserrNone;
// REVIEW FUTURE : JMO May want some version for non complex script ligatures.
* OlsFInterruptShaping (pols, kTFlow, plsrunFirst, plsrunSecond, pfInterruptShaping)
* @func
* Line services calls this callback to find out if you
* would like to ligate across these two runs.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsFInterruptShaping(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
LSTFLOW kTFlow, //(IN): Text direction and orientation
PLSRUN plsrunFirst, //(IN): Run #1
PLSRUN plsrunSecond, //(IN): Run #2
BOOL *pfInterruptShaping) //(OUT): Shape across these 2 runs?
*pfInterruptShaping = FALSE;
const CCharFormat* pCFFirst = plsrunFirst->_pCF;
const CCharFormat* pCFSecond = plsrunSecond->_pCF;
Assert (plsrunFirst->_a.eScript && plsrunSecond->_a.eScript);
if (pCFFirst == pCFSecond ||
(plsrunFirst->_a.eScript == plsrunSecond->_a.eScript &&
!((pCFFirst->_dwEffects ^ pCFSecond->_dwEffects) & dwMask) &&
pCFFirst->_iFont == pCFSecond->_iFont &&
pCFFirst->_yOffset == pCFSecond->_yOffset &&
pCFFirst->_yHeight == pCFSecond->_yHeight))
// establish link
plsrunFirst->_pNext = plsrunSecond;
return lserrNone;
*pfInterruptShaping = TRUE;
return lserrNone;
// LS calls this callback to shape the codepoint string to a glyph indices string
// for handling glyph based script such as Arabic, Hebrew and Thai.
LSERR OlsGetGlyphs(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrun,
DWORD cch,
PGMAP pgmap, // OUT: array of logical cluster information
PGINDEX* ppgi, // OUT: array of output glyph indices
PGPROP* ppgprop, // OUT: array of glyph's properties
DWORD* pcgi) // OUT: number of glyph generated
CMeasurer* pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
CUniscribe* pusp = pme->Getusp();
Assert (pusp);
WORD* pwgi;
int cgi;
// Glyphing doesn't care about the target device but always
// using target device reduces creation of Cccs in general.
AssertSz(IN_RANGE(1, plsrun->_a.eScript, SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT - 1), "Bad script ID!");
// Digit substitution
pusp->SubstituteDigitShaper(plsrun, pme);
if (!(cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva)))
const SCRIPT_ANALYSIS saUndef = {SCRIPT_UNDEFINED,0,0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
// Current font cant shape given string.
// Try SCRIPT_UNDEF so it generates invalid glyphs
if (!(cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, (SCRIPT_ANALYSIS*)&saUndef, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva)))
// For whatever reason we still fails.
// Abandon glyph processing.
plsrun->_a.fNoGlyphIndex = TRUE;
cgi = (DWORD)pusp->ShapeString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pwch, (int)cch, pwgi, pgmap, psva);
*pcgi = cgi;
DupShapeState(plsrun, cch);
*ppgi = (PGINDEX)pwgi;
*ppgprop = (PGPROP)psva;
return lserrNone;
// LS calls this callback to find out glyph positioning for complex scripts
LSERR OlsGetGlyphPositions(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrun,
LPWSTR pwch,
PCGMAP pgmap,
DWORD cch,
PCGPROP pgprop,
DWORD cgi,
int* pgdx, // OUT: array of glyph advanced width
PGOFFSET pgduv) // OUT: array of offset between glyphs
CMeasurer* pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
CUniscribe* pusp = pme->Getusp();
Assert (pusp);
// zero out before passing to shaping engine
ZeroMemory ((void*)pgduv, cgi*sizeof(GOFFSET));
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference);
AssertSz(IN_RANGE(1, plsrun->_a.eScript, SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT - 1), "Bad script ID!");
if (!pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL))
SCRIPT_ANALYSIS saUndef = {SCRIPT_UNDEFINED,0,0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
if (!pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &saUndef, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL))
plsrun->_a.fNoGlyphIndex = TRUE;
pusp->PlaceString(plsrun, &plsrun->_a, pme, pgi, cgi, (const SCRIPT_VISATTR*)pgprop, pgdx, pgduv, NULL);
//Support spacing for base glyphs. Note this spreads apart clusters and breaks the lines which connect
//arabic text, but this might be okay.
if (plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing)
LONG dupAdjust = pme->LUtoDU(plsrun->_pCF->_sSpacing);
for (DWORD gi = 0; gi < cgi; gi++)
if (pgdx[gi])
pgdx[gi] += dupAdjust;
DupShapeState(plsrun, cch);
return lserrNone;
LSERR OlsDrawGlyphs(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrun,
BOOL fStrikeOut,
BOOL fUnderline,
const int* pgdx, // array of glyph width
const int* pgdxo, // array of original glyph width (before justification)
PGOFFSET pgduv, // array of glyph offset
PGPROP pgprop, // array of glyph's properties
PCEXPTYPE pgxtype, // array of expansion type
DWORD cgi,
UINT kDisp,
const POINT* pptRun,
long dupRun,
long dupLimUnderline,
const RECT* prectClip)
BOOL fBullet = pols->SetRun(plsrun);
CRenderer* pre = pols->GetRenderer();
CUniscribe* pusp = pre->Getusp();
Assert(pusp && pre->IsRenderer());
RECT rc = *prectClip;
CCcs* pccs = pre->Check_pccs(fBullet);
if (!pccs)
return lserrOutOfMemory;
// Apply fallback font if we need to
if (!fBullet)
pccs = pre->ApplyFontCache(plsrun->IsFallback(), plsrun->_a.eScript);
// v needs to be moved from baseline to top of character
POINTUV pt = {pptRun->x, pptRun->y - (pccs->_yHeight - pccs->_yDescent)};
if (kTFlow == lstflowWS)
pt.u -= dupRun - 1;
if(!fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor)
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
POINTUV ptCur = pre->GetCurPoint();
ptCur.u = pt.u;
RECTUV rcuv = pre->GetClipRect();
pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, rcuv);
if (rc.left >= rc.right || >= rc.bottom)
goto Exit;
if (pre->GetPdp()->IsMetafile() && !IsEnhancedMetafileDC(pre->GetDC()))
// -WMF metafile handling-
// If the rendering device is WMF metafile. We metafile the codepoint array
// instead of glyph indices. This requires that the target OS must know how to
// playback complex script text (shaping, Bidi algorithm, etc.).
// Metafiling glyph indices only works for EMF since the WMF's META_EXTTEXTOUT
// record stores the input string as an array of byte but a glyph index is 16-bit
// word element.
// WMF also must NOT be used to record ExtTextOutW call otherwise the Unicode
// string will be converted to mutlibyte text using system codepage. Anything
// outside the codepage then becomes '?'.
// We have the workaround for such case in REExtTextOut to make sure we only
// metafile ExtTextOutA to WMF. (wchao)
LONG cch;
const WCHAR* pwch = pre->GetPch(cch);
PINT piDx;
cch = min(cch, pre->GetCchLeftRunCF());
cch = min(cch, pre->GetLine()._cch - plsrun->_cp + pols->_cp);
// make sure that we record ETO with proper reading order.
kDisp |= plsrun->_a.fRTL ? ETO_RTLREADING : 0;
if (pusp->PlaceMetafileString(plsrun, pre, pwch, (int)cch, &piDx))
pre->RenderExtTextOut(pt, kDisp, &rc, pwch, cch, piDx);
goto Exit;
TRACEERRORSZ("Recording metafile failed!");
// Fall through... with unexpected error
// Else, metafile glyph indices for EMF...
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, OPAQUE);
pre->GetPdp()->RectFromRectuv(rc, pre->_rcErase);
kDisp |= ETO_OPAQUE;
//This is duplicated from RenderExtTextOut but the params are different so simplest solution
//was to copy code.
if(pre->_crForeDisabled != pre->_crShadowDisabled)
// The shadow should be offset by a hairline point, namely
// 3/4 of a point. Calculate how big this is in device units,
// but make sure it is at least 1 pixel.
DWORD offset = MulDiv(3, pre->_dvpInch, 4*72);
offset = max(offset, 1);
// Draw shadow
POINTUV ptT = pt;
ptT.u += offset;
ptT.v += offset;
pre->GetPdp()->PointFromPointuv(pt, ptT, TRUE);
ScriptTextOut(pre->GetDC(), &pccs->_sc, pt.x, pt.y, kDisp, &rc, &plsrun->_a,
NULL, 0, pcgi, (int)cgi, pgdx, NULL, pgduv);
kDisp &= ~ETO_OPAQUE;
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT);
POINT ptStart;
pre->GetPdp()->PointFromPointuv(ptStart, pt, TRUE);
ScriptTextOut(pre->GetDC(), &pccs->_sc, ptStart.x, ptStart.y, kDisp, &rc, &plsrun->_a,
NULL, 0, pcgi, (int)cgi, pgdx, NULL, pgduv);
if (pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw || !fBullet && pre->_fBackgroundColor)
SetBkMode(pre->_hdc, TRANSPARENT);
pre->_fEraseOnFirstDraw = FALSE;
if (!fBullet)
pre->ApplyFontCache(0, 0); // reset font fallback if any
return lserrNone;
* OlsResetRunContents (pols, plsrun, cpFirstOld, dcpOld, cpFirstNew, dcpNew)
* @func
* Line Services calls this routine when a ligature
* or kern pair extends across run boundaries.
* We don't have to do anything special here if we are
* careful about how we use our PLSRUNs.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsResetRunContents(
POLS pols, //(IN): Client context
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run being combined
LSCP cpFirstOld, //(IN): cp of the first run being combined
LSDCP dcpOld, //(IN): dcp of the first run being combined
LSCP cpFirstNew, //(IN): new cp of the run
LSDCP dcpNew) //(IN): new dcp of the run
return lserrNone;
* OlsCheckForDigit (pols, plsrun, wch, pfIsDigit)
* @func
* Get numeric separators needed, e.g., for decimal tabs
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckForDigit(
POLS pols, //(IN): pols
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN): Run (cp here)
WCHAR wch, //(IN): Character to check
BOOL * pfIsDigit) //(OUT): This character is digit
WORD wType;
// We could get the run LCID to use for the first parm in the following
// call, but the digit property should be independent of LCID.
W32->GetStringTypeEx(0, CT_CTYPE1, &wch, 1, &wType);
*pfIsDigit = (wType & C1_DIGIT) != 0;
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetBreakThroughTab(pols, uaRightMargin, uaTabPos, puaRightMarginNew)
* @func
* Just follow word95 behavior.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetBreakThroughTab(
POLS pols, //(IN): client context
long uaRightMargin, //(IN): right margin for breaking
long uaTabPos, //(IN): breakthrough tab position
long * puaRightMarginNew) //(OUT): new right margin
*puaRightMarginNew = 20 * 1440;
return lserrNone;
* OlsFGetLastLineJustification(pols, lskj, lskal, endr, pfJustifyLastLine, plskalLine)
* @func
* Just say no to justify last line.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsFGetLastLineJustification(
POLS pols, //(IN): client context
LSKJUST lskj, //(IN): kind of justification
LSKALIGN lskal, //(IN): kind of alignment
ENDRES endr, //(IN): result of formatting
BOOL *pfJustifyLastLine, //(OUT): should last line be fully justified
LSKALIGN *plskalLine) //(OUT): kind of alignment for this line
*pfJustifyLastLine = FALSE;
*plskalLine = lskal;
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetHyphenInfo(pols, plsrun, pkysr, pwchYsr)
* @func
* We don't support fancy YSR types, tell LS so.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetHyphenInfo(
POLS pols, //(IN): client context
PLSRUN plsrun, //(IN)
DWORD* pkysr, //(OUT): Ysr type - see "lskysr.h"
WCHAR* pwchYsr) //(OUT): Character code of YSR
*pkysr = kysrNil;
*pwchYsr = 0;
return lserrNone;
* OlsHyphenate(pols, pclsHyphLast, cpBeginWord, cpExceed, plshyph)
* @func
* Prepare the buffer, and then call the client and ask them to hyphenate the word.
* Getting perfect word hyphenation is a complex topics which to do properly would
* require a lot of work. This code is simple and hopefully good enough. One difficulty
* for example is hidden text. The right thing to do here is to strip out hidden text and
* build up a cp mapping from the remaining text to it's cp in the backing store. Yuck.
* @rdesc
extern CHyphCache *g_phc;
LSERR WINAPI OlsHyphenate(
POLS pols, //(IN): client context
PCLSHYPH pclsHyphLast, //(IN): last seen hyphenation opportunity
LSCP cpBeginWord, //(IN): First CP of last word on line
LSCP cpExceed, //(IN): CP which exceeds column
PLSHYPH plsHyph) //(OUT): Hyphenation opportunity found
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
CTxtEdit *ped = pme->GetPed();
CHyphCache *phc = ped->GetHyphCache();
if (!phc)
return lserrOutOfMemory;
if (!pme->IsMeasure())
phc->GetAt(pme->GetLine()._ihyph, plsHyph->kysr, plsHyph->wchYsr);
plsHyph->cpYsr = pols->GetCpLsFromCpRe(pols->_cp + pme->GetCchLine()) - 1;
// No break in the range LS expect...
if (plsHyph->cpYsr < cpBeginWord || plsHyph->cpYsr >= cpExceed)
plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil;
return lserrNone;
cpBeginWord = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpBeginWord);
cpExceed = pols->GetCpReFromCpLs(cpExceed);
//Strip off leading junk
for (; cpBeginWord < cpExceed; cpBeginWord++, pme->Move(1))
WCHAR ch = pme->GetChar();
WORD type1;
W32->GetStringTypeEx(pme->GetCF()->_lcid, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type1);
if (type1 & C1_ALPHA)
LONG cpEndWord = cpBeginWord + pme->FindWordBreak(WB_RIGHTBREAK, ped->GetAdjustedTextLength());
//Strip off trailing junk
for (; cpEndWord > cpBeginWord; cpEndWord--, pme->Move(-1))
WCHAR ch = pme->GetPrevChar();
WORD type1;
W32->GetStringTypeEx(pme->GetCF()->_lcid, CT_CTYPE1, &ch, 1, &type1);
if (type1 & C1_ALPHA)
int cchWord = cpEndWord - cpBeginWord;
//Don't hyphenate unless at least 5 chars in word and can have 2 chars before
if (cchWord >= 5 && cpExceed - cpBeginWord > 2)
CTempWcharBuf tb;
WCHAR *pszWord = tb.GetBuf(cchWord + 1);
pme->_rpTX.GetText(cchWord, pszWord);
pszWord[cchWord] = 0;
cpExceed = min(cpExceed, cpBeginWord + cchWord - 1);
(*pme->GetPed()->_pfnHyphenate)(pszWord, pme->GetCF()->_lcid, cpExceed - cpBeginWord, (HYPHRESULT*)plsHyph);
plsHyph->cpYsr += cpBeginWord; //The client gives us an ich, we turn it into a CP
if (plsHyph->kysr != khyphNil && (plsHyph->cpYsr >= cpExceed || plsHyph->cpYsr < cpBeginWord) ||
!IN_RANGE(khyphNil, plsHyph->kysr, khyphDelAndChange))
AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad results from hyphenation proc: ichHyph or khyph are invalid.");
plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil;
plsHyph->cpYsr = pols->GetCpLsFromCpRe(plsHyph->cpYsr);
plsHyph->kysr = kysrNil;
//Cache into CLine
pme->GetLine()._ihyph = phc->Find(plsHyph->kysr, plsHyph->wchYsr);
return lserrNone;
* OlsCheckRunKernability (pols, plsrunFirst, plsrunSecond, pfKernable)
* @func
* Return if you can kern across these two runs.
* @rdesc
* lserrNone
LSERR WINAPI OlsCheckRunKernability(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrunFirst,
PLSRUN plsrunSecond,
BOOL * pfKernable)
*pfKernable = plsrunFirst->_pCF->CanKernWith(plsrunSecond->_pCF);
return lserrNone;
* OlsGetRunCharKerning(pols, plsrun, deviceID, pchRun, cchRun, ktflow, rgdu)
* @func
* Fetch and return the kerning pairs to Line Services.
* @rdesc
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetRunCharKerning(
POLS pols,
PLSRUN plsrun,
DWORD cchRun,
LSTFLOW ktflow,
int * rgdu)
CMeasurer *pme = pols->GetMeasurer();
// Make sure right font is set for run
pme->SetUseTargetDevice(deviceID == lsdevReference);
CCcs *pccs = pme->Check_pccs();
const CCharFormat *pCF = plsrun->_pCF;
return lserrOutOfMemory;
CKernCache *pkc = fc().GetKernCache(pCF->_iFont, pCF->_wWeight, pCF->_dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC);
Assert(pkc); //SetLsChp ensures this exists AND kerning pairs exist.
for (DWORD ich = 0; ich < cchRun - 1; ich++)
rgdu[ich] = pkc->FetchDup(pchRun[ich], pchRun[ich + 1], pme->_pccs->_yHeightRequest);
return lserrNone;
* OlsReleaseRun (pols, plsrun)
* @func
* We do nothing because the run is in an array and is
* released automatically.
* @rdesc
POLS pols, //(IN): interface object
PLSRUN plsrun) //(IN): run (cp) to use for underlining
return lserrNone;
* OlsNewPtr(pols, cBytes)
* @func
* Memory allocator.
void* WINAPI OlsNewPtr(
POLS pols, //@parm Not used
DWORD cBytes) //@parm Count of bytes to alloc
return PvAlloc(cBytes, 0);
* OlsDisposePtr(pols, pv)
* @func
* Memory deallocator.
void WINAPI OlsDisposePtr(
POLS pols, //@parm Not used
void * pv) //@parm [in]: ptr to free
* OlsDisposePtr(pols, pv, cBytes)
* @func
* Memory reallocator.
void* WINAPI OlsReallocPtr(
POLS pols, //@parm Not used
void * pv, //@parm [in/out]: ptr to realloc
DWORD cBytes) //@parm Count of bytes to realloc
return PvReAlloc(pv, cBytes);
const REVERSEINIT reverseinit =
LSERR WINAPI OlsGetObjectHandlerInfo(
POLS pols,
DWORD idObj,
void * pObjectInfo)
switch (idObj)
memcpy(pObjectInfo, (void *)&reverseinit, sizeof(REVERSEINIT));
AssertSz(0, "Undefined Object handler. Add missing case.");
return lserrNone;
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Debugging APIs */
void WINAPI OlsAssertFailed(
char *sz,
char *szFile,
int iLine)
AssertSzFn(sz, szFile, iLine);
extern const LSCBK lscbk =
OlsNewPtr, // pfnNewPtr
OlsDisposePtr, // pfnDisposePtr
OlsReallocPtr, // pfnReallocPtr
OlsFetchRun, // pfnFetchRun
OlsGetAutoNumberInfo, // pfnGetAutoNumberInfo
OlsGetNumericSeparators, // pfnGetNumericSeparators
OlsCheckForDigit, // pfnCheckForDigit
OlsFetchPap, // pfnFetchPap
OlsFetchTabs, // pfnFetchTabs
OlsGetBreakThroughTab, // pfnGetBreakThroughTab
OlsFGetLastLineJustification,// pfnFGetLastLineJustification
OlsCheckParaBoundaries, // pfnCheckParaBoundaries
OlsGetRunCharWidths, // pfnGetRunCharWidths
OlsCheckRunKernability, // pfnCheckRunKernability
OlsGetRunCharKerning, // pfnGetRunCharKerning
OlsGetRunTextMetrics, // pfnGetRunTextMetrics
OlsGetRunUnderlineInfo, // pfnGetRunUnderlineInfo
OlsGetRunStrikethroughInfo, // pfnGetRunStrikethroughInfo
0, // pfnGetBorderInfo
OlsReleaseRun, // pfnReleaseRun
OlsHyphenate, // pfnHyphenate
OlsGetHyphenInfo, // pfnGetHyphenInfo
OlsDrawUnderline, // pfnDrawUnderline
OlsDrawStrikethrough, // pfnDrawStrikethrough
0, // pfnDrawBorder
0, // pfnDrawUnderlineAsText //REVIEW (keithcu) Need to implement this??
OlsFInterruptUnderline, // pfnFInterruptUnderline
0, // pfnFInterruptShade
0, // pfnFInterruptBorder
0, // pfnShadeRectangle
OlsDrawTextRun, // pfnDrawTextRun
0, // pfnDrawSplatLine
OlsResetRunContents, // pfnResetRunContents
OlsFInterruptShaping, // pfnFInterruptShaping
OlsGetGlyphs, // pfnGetGlyphs
OlsGetGlyphPositions, // pfnGetGlyphPositions
OlsResetRunContents, // pfnResetRunContents
OlsDrawGlyphs, // pfnDrawGlyphs
0, // pfnGetGlyphExpansionInfo
0, // pfnGetGlyphExpansionInkInfo
0, // pfnGetEms
0, // pfnPunctStartLine
0, // pfnModWidthOnRun
0, // pfnModWidthSpace
0, // pfnCompOnRun
0, // pfnCompWidthSpace
0, // pfnExpOnRun
0, // pfnExpWidthSpace
0, // pfnGetModWidthClasses
OlsGetBreakingClasses, // pfnGetBreakingClasses
OlsFTruncateBefore, // pfnFTruncateBefore
OlsCanBreakBeforeChar, // pfnCanBreakBeforeChar
OlsCanBreakAfterChar, // pfnCanBreakAfterChar
0, // pfnFHangingPunct
0, // pfnGetSnapGrid
0, // pfnDrawEffects
0, // pfnFCancelHangingPunct
0, // pfnModifyCompAtLastChar
0, // pfnEnumText
0, // pfnEnumTab
0, // pfnEnumPen
OlsGetObjectHandlerInfo, // pfnGetObjectHandlerInfo
#ifdef DEBUG
OlsAssertFailed // pfnAssertFailed
0 // pfnAssertFailed