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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999-2000
// File: minici.hxx
// Contents: The CI basics for exception handling and smart pointers
// History: 26-Jul-1999 dlee Created
#if DBG == 1
inline void __AssertFailure( const char *pszFile,
int iLine,
char const *pszMsg )
char ac[200];
sprintf( ac, "assert in %s at line %d: ",
pszFile, iLine );
OutputDebugStringA( ac );
OutputDebugStringA( pszMsg );
OutputDebugStringA( "\n" );
#define Win4Assert(x) (void)((x) || (__AssertFailure( __FILE__, __LINE__, #x ),0))
#define Win4Assert(x)
class CException
CException(long lError) : _lError(lError), _dbgInfo(0) {}
CException() :
_dbgInfo( 0 ),
_lError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ) {}
long GetErrorCode() { return _lError;}
void SetInfo(unsigned dbgInfo) { _dbgInfo = dbgInfo; }
unsigned long GetInfo(void) const { return _dbgInfo; }
long _lError;
unsigned long _dbgInfo;
#if DBG == 1
inline void __DoThrow( const char * pszFile,
int iLine,
CException & e,
const char * pszMsg )
char ac[200];
sprintf( ac, "throw %#x %s line %d of %s\n",
e.GetErrorCode(), pszMsg, iLine, pszFile );
OutputDebugStringA( ac );
throw e;
#define THROW( e ) __DoThrow( __FILE__, __LINE__, e, "" )
#define THROWMSG( e, msg ) __DoThrow( __FILE__, __LINE__, e, msg )
#define THROW( e ) throw e
#define THROWMSG( e, msg ) throw e
#define TRY try
#define CATCH( class, e ) catch( class & e )
#define END_CATCH
inline void * __cdecl operator new( size_t st )
void *p = (void *) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, st );
if ( 0 == p )
THROWMSG( CException(), "out of memory" );
return p;
} //new
inline void __cdecl operator delete( void *pv )
if ( 0 != pv )
LocalFree( (HLOCAL) pv );
} //delete
inline void _cdecl SystemExceptionTranslator(
unsigned int uiWhat,
struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pexcept )
THROWMSG( CException( uiWhat ), "translated system exception" );
#pragma warning(4:4535) // set_se_translator used w/o /EHa
class CTranslateSystemExceptions
_tf = _set_se_translator( SystemExceptionTranslator );
_set_se_translator( _tf );
_se_translator_function _tf;
// Template: XPtr
// Synopsis: Template for managing ownership of memory
template<class T> class XPtr
XPtr( unsigned c = 0 ) : _p(0) { if ( 0 != c ) _p = new T [ c ]; }
XPtr( T * p ) : _p( p ) {}
~XPtr() { Free(); }
void SetSize( unsigned c ) { Free(); _p = new T [ c ]; }
void Set ( T * p ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _p ); _p = p; }
T * Get() const { return _p ; }
void Free() { delete [] Acquire(); }
T & operator[]( unsigned i ) { return _p[i]; }
T const & operator[]( unsigned i ) const { return _p[i]; }
T * Acquire() { T * p = _p; _p = 0; return p; }
BOOL IsNull() const { return ( 0 == _p ); }
T * _p;
// Template: XInterface
// Synopsis: Template for managing ownership of interfaces
template<class T> class XInterface
XInterface( T * p = 0 ) : _p( p ) {}
~XInterface() { if ( 0 != _p ) _p->Release(); }
T * operator->() { return _p; }
T * GetPointer() const { return _p; }
IUnknown ** GetIUPointer() { return (IUnknown **) &_p; }
T ** GetPPointer() { return &_p; }
void ** GetQIPointer() { return (void **) &_p; }
T * Acquire() { T * p = _p; _p = 0; return p; }
BOOL IsNull() { return ( 0 == _p ); }
void Free() { T * p = Acquire(); if ( 0 != p ) p->Release(); }
T * _p;
// Class: XBStr
// Synopsis: Class for managing ownership of BSTRings
class XBStr
XBStr( BSTR p = 0 ) : _p( p ) {}
XBStr( XBStr & x ): _p( x.Acquire() ) {}
~XBStr() { Free(); }
BOOL IsNull() const { return (0 == _p); }
BSTR SetText( WCHAR const * pStr )
Win4Assert( 0 == _p );
_p = SysAllocString( pStr );
if ( 0 == _p )
THROWMSG( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ), "can't allocate bstr" );
return _p;
void Set( BSTR pOleStr ) { _p = pOleStr; }
BSTR Acquire() { BSTR p = _p; _p = 0; return p; }
BSTR GetPointer() const { return _p; }
void Free() { SysFreeString(Acquire()); }
BSTR _p;
inline ULONG CiPtrToUlong( ULONG_PTR p )
Win4Assert( p <= ULONG_MAX );
return PtrToUlong( (PVOID)p );
#define CiPtrToUint( p ) CiPtrToUlong( p )