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2020-09-26 03:20:57 -05:00
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000.
// File: Parstree.cxx
// Contents: Converts OLE-DB command tree into CColumns, CSort, CRestriction
// and CCategorization.
// Classes: CParseCommandTree
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <coldesc.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#include <parstree.hxx>
static GUID guidBmk = DBBMKGUID;
const CFullPropSpec colChapter( guidBmk, PROPID_DBBMK_CHAPTER );
const CFullPropSpec colBookmark( guidBmk, PROPID_DBBMK_BOOKMARK );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::~CParseCommandTree, public
// Synopsis: Destructor of CParseCommandTree
CParseCommandTree::~CParseCommandTree( void )
if (_prst) delete _prst;
// Command tree syntax accepted:
// QueryTree :
// Table |
// ContentTable |
// SetUnion |
// Categorization |
// Projection |
// OrderedQueryTree |
// Restriction |
// TopNode QueryTree
// Categorization :
// nesting OrderedQueryTree GroupingList ParentList ChildList coldef
// ContentTable :
// <empty> |
// scope_list_anchor scope_list_element |
// ScopeList scope_list_element
// GroupingList : ProjectList
// ParentList : ProjectList
// ChildList : ProjectList
// Projection :
// ProjectOperator QueryTree ProjectList
// ProjectOperator :
// project | project_order_preserving
// ProjectList :
// project_list_anchor project_list_element |
// ProjectList project_list_element
// OrderedQueryTree :
// sort QueryTree SortList
// ScopeList :
// scope_list_anchor scope_list_element |
// ScopeList scope_list_element
// SetUnion:
// ContentTable ContentTable |
// SetUnion ContentTable
// SortList :
// sort_list_anchor sort_list_element |
// SortList sort_list_element
// Restriction :
// select QueryTree ExprTree |
// select_order_preserving QueryTree ExprTree
// Table :
// scalar_identifier( Table )
// ExprTree :
// not ExprTree |
// and ExprList |
// or ExprList |
// content_proximity ContentExprList
// vector_or ContentExprList
// ExprTerm
// ExprList :
// ExprTree ExprTree |
// ExprList ExprTree
// ExprTerm :
// ContentExpr |
// ValueExpr |
// LikeExpr
// ValueExpr :
// ValueOperator scalar_identifier(ColId) scalar_constant
// ValueOperator :
// equal | not_equal | less | less_equal | greater | greater_equal |
// equal_any | not_equal_any | less_any | less_equal_any |
// greater_any | greater_equal_any |
// equal_all | not_equal_all | less_all | less_equal_all |
// greater_all | greater_equal_all | any_bits | all_bits
// LikeExpr :
// like(OfsRegexp) scalar_identifier(ColId) scalar_constant
// ContentExprTree :
// not ContentExprTree |
// and ContentExprList |
// or ContentExprList |
// content_proximity ContentExprList
// ContentExpr
// ContentExprList :
// ContentExprTree ContentExprTree |
// ContentExprList ContentExprTree
// ContentExpr :
// content PhraseList |
// freetext_content PhraseList
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseTree, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode into projection, sort, restriction
// and categorizations.
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node at root of tree to be parsed
// Returns: nothing. Throws if error in tree.
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseTree( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
if (pTree == 0)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "ParseTree - null tree\n"));
switch (pTree->GetCommandType())
case DBOP_project:
case DBOP_project_order_preserving:
ParseProjection( pTree );
case DBOP_sort:
ParseSort( pTree );
case DBOP_select:
// case DBOP_select_order_preserving:
ParseRestriction( pTree );
case DBOP_nesting:
ParseCategorization( pTree );
case DBOP_table_name:
if ( _wcsicmp( ((CDbTableId *)pTree)->GetTableName(), DBTABLEID_NAME ))
SetError( pTree );
case DBOP_top:
ParseTopNode( pTree );
case DBOP_firstrows:
ParseFirstRowsNode( pTree );
case DBOP_content_table:
ParseScope( pTree );
case DBOP_set_union:
ParseMultiScopes( pTree );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "ParseTree - unexpected operator %d\n", pTree->GetCommandType() ));
SetError( pTree );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseScope, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode scope operator
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode scope specification node
// History: 09-15-98 danleg Created
// Notes: Here is a variation of a tree with scope nodes. This routine
// gets a tree rooted either at a content_table node if a single
// scope is specified, or a set_union node if there are multiple
// scopes.
// proj
// _________________/
// /
// select ___________________ LA-proj
// _____________/ ____/
// / /
// set_union ________ content LE_proj ____ LE_proj
// ____/ ____/ ___/ __/
// / / / /
// / column_name column_name column_name
// /
// set_union ________________ content_table
// __/ __/
// / /
// / ...
// content_table ____ content_table
// ___/ ___/
// / /
// LA_scp LA_scp
// __/ __/
// / /
// LE_scp ... LE_scp ___ LE_scp ___ ...
void CParseCommandTree::ParseScope( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
Win4Assert( DBOP_content_table == pTree->GetCommandType() );
if ( 0 != pTree->GetFirstChild() )
// qualified scope
ParseScopeListElements( pTree );
// unqualified scope
_xaMachines.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaScopes.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaFlags.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaCatalogs.SetSize( _cScopes );
CDbContentTable * pCntntTbl =
(CDbContentTable *) (pTree->CastToStruct())->value.pdbcntnttblValue;
_xaMachines[_cScopes-1] = pCntntTbl->GetMachine();
_xaCatalogs[_cScopes-1] = pCntntTbl->GetCatalog();
_xaFlags[_cScopes-1] = QUERY_DEEP | QUERY_PHYSICAL_PATH;
_xaScopes[_cScopes-1] = L"\\";
if ( 0 != pTree->GetNextSibling() &&
DBOP_content_table == pTree->GetNextSibling()->GetCommandType() )
ParseTree( pTree->GetNextSibling() );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseScopeListElements, public
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pcntntTbl] -- node consisting of catalog/machine name info
// [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode scope specification node
// History: 01-24-99 danleg Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseScopeListElements( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
if ( 0 == pTree->GetFirstChild() )
SetError( pTree );
if ( DBOP_scope_list_anchor != pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetCommandType() )
SetError( pTree->GetFirstChild() );
CheckOperatorArity( pTree->GetFirstChild(), -1 );
CDbContentTable * pCntntTbl =
(CDbContentTable *) (pTree->CastToStruct())->value.pdbcntnttblValue;
CDbCmdTreeNode * pLE_SCP = pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetFirstChild();
for ( ;
pLE_SCP = pLE_SCP->GetNextSibling() )
if ( DBOP_scope_list_element != pLE_SCP->GetCommandType() ||
0 != pLE_SCP->GetFirstChild() )
SetError( pLE_SCP );
CDbContentScope * pCntntScp =
(CDbContentScope *) (pLE_SCP->CastToStruct())->value.pdbcntntscpValue;
_xaMachines.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaScopes.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaFlags.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaCatalogs.SetSize( _cScopes );
_xaMachines[_cScopes-1] = pCntntTbl->GetMachine();
_xaCatalogs[_cScopes-1] = pCntntTbl->GetCatalog();
if ( pCntntScp->GetType() & SCOPE_TYPE_WINPATH )
_xaFlags[_cScopes-1] = QUERY_PHYSICAL_PATH;
else if ( pCntntScp->GetType() & SCOPE_TYPE_VPATH )
_xaFlags[_cScopes-1] = QUERY_VIRTUAL_PATH;
// unknown flag
SetError( pLE_SCP );
if ( pCntntScp->GetFlags() & SCOPE_FLAG_DEEP )
_xaFlags[_cScopes-1] |= QUERY_DEEP;
_xaFlags[_cScopes-1] |= QUERY_SHALLOW;
_xaScopes[_cScopes-1] = pCntntScp->GetValue();
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseMultiScopes, public
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [pcntntTbl] -- node consisting of catalog/machine name info
// [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode scope specification node
// History: 01-24-99 danleg Created
// Notes: Two possibilities:
// set_union ___ content
// ______________/
// /
// content_table ___ content_table ___ ... ___ content_table
// -- or --
// set_union ___ content
// ___________/
// /
// set_union _____________________________ set_union
// _____/ ______/
// / /
// content_table ___ content_table content_table ___ content_table
void CParseCommandTree::ParseMultiScopes( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
Win4Assert( DBOP_set_union == pTree->GetCommandType() );
Win4Assert( 0 != pTree->GetFirstChild() &&
0 != pTree->GetNextSibling() );
if ( DBOP_content_table == pTree->GetCommandType() )
CDbCmdTreeNode * pCntntTbl = pTree->GetFirstChild();
for ( ;
pCntntTbl = pCntntTbl->GetNextSibling() )
if ( DBOP_content_table != pCntntTbl->GetCommandType() )
SetError( pCntntTbl );
ParseScope( pCntntTbl );
Win4Assert( DBOP_set_union == pTree->GetCommandType() );
if ( DBOP_content_table != pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetCommandType() &&
DBOP_set_union != pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetCommandType() )
SetError( pTree );
ParseTree( pTree->GetFirstChild() );
// Note that the DBOP_content branch gets parsed by ParseRestriction
if ( DBOP_content_table == pTree->GetNextSibling()->GetCommandType() ||
DBOP_set_union == pTree->GetNextSibling()->GetCommandType() )
ParseTree( pTree->GetNextSibling() );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseProjection, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode project operator
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node at root of tree to be parsed
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseProjection( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 2 );
CDbCmdTreeNode * pChild = pTree->GetFirstChild();
// Parse the projection list first, so a projection higher in the
// tree takes precedence. A projection is not permitted in a tree
// that also contains a nesting node.
// Should a higher level projection take precedence?
// We currently return an error.
if (_categ.Count() == 0 && _cols.Count() == 0)
ParseProjectList ( pChild->GetNextSibling(), _cols );
SetError( pTree );
ParseTree( pChild );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseProjectList, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode project list
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node for project list head
// [Cols] -- CColumnSet in which columns are collected
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseProjectList( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree, CColumnSet& Cols )
if (pTree->GetCommandType() != DBOP_project_list_anchor ||
pTree->GetFirstChild() == 0)
SetError( pTree );
CFullPropSpec Col;
CDbProjectListElement* pList = (CDbProjectListElement *) pTree->GetFirstChild();
for ( ;
pList = (CDbProjectListElement *)pList->GetNextSibling())
if ( pList->GetCommandType() != DBOP_project_list_element ||
pList->GetFirstChild() == 0 )
SetError( pList );
CDbCmdTreeNode * pColumn = pList->GetFirstChild();
if ( !pColumn->IsColumnName() )
SetError( pColumn );
// Add element to projection list
PROPID pid = GetColumnPropSpec(pColumn, Col);
Cols.Add( pid, Cols.Count() );
if ( 0 != pList->GetName() )
_pidmap.SetFriendlyName( pid, pList->GetName() );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseSort, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode sort node
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node for sort list head
// Notes: Sort nodes are added to the CSortSet in private data
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseSort( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 2 );
CDbCmdTreeNode * pChild = pTree->GetFirstChild();
// Parse the sort list first, so a sort higher in the
// tree is primary.
ParseSortList ( pChild->GetNextSibling() );
ParseTree( pChild );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseSortList, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode sort list
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node for sort list head
// Notes: Sort nodes are added to the CSortSet in private data
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseSortList( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree )
if (pTree->GetCommandType() != DBOP_sort_list_anchor ||
pTree->GetFirstChild() == 0)
SetError( pTree );
CDbSortListAnchor *pSortAnchor = (CDbSortListAnchor *) pTree;
unsigned i = 0;
for (CDbCmdTreeNode * pSortList = pSortAnchor->GetFirstChild();
pSortList = pSortList->GetNextSibling(), i++)
if (pSortList->GetCommandType() != DBOP_sort_list_element)
SetError( pSortList );
VerifyValueType( pSortList, DBVALUEKIND_SORTINFO );
CheckOperatorArity( pSortList, 1 );
CDbSortListElement* pSLE = (CDbSortListElement *) pSortList;
CFullPropSpec Col;
PROPID pid = GetColumnPropSpec(pSLE->GetFirstChild(), Col);
DWORD dwOrder = pSLE->GetDirection() ? QUERY_SORTDESCEND :
LCID locale = pSLE->GetLocale();
if ( _categ.Count() != 0 && i < _sort.Count() )
// Check that the sort specification matches any set as a result of
// the categorization (but which may differ in sort direction and
// locale).
SSortKey & sortkey = _sort.Get(i);
if (sortkey.pidColumn != pid)
if (sortkey.dwOrder != dwOrder)
sortkey.dwOrder = dwOrder;
if (sortkey.locale != locale)
sortkey.locale = locale;
// Add element to the sort list
SSortKey sortkey(pid, dwOrder, locale);
_sort.Add( sortkey, _sort.Count() );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseRestriction, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode select node
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node for select tree
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseRestriction( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree )
// Only one selection can exist in the tree; there must be exactly
// two operands: the selection expression and a table identifier.
// For use with AddPostProcessing, another select should be
// allowed higher in the tree, with the restrictions anded
// together.
if (_prst != 0 )
SetError( pTree );
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 2 );
VerifyValueType( pTree, DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY );
CDbCmdTreeNode * pTable = pTree->GetFirstChild();
CDbCmdTreeNode * pExpr = pTable->GetNextSibling();
_prst = ParseExpression( pExpr );
ParseTree( pTable );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseCategorization, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbCmdTreeNode nesting node
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node for nesting tree
// History: 31 Jul 1995 AlanW Created
// Notes: Syntax accepted:
// Categorization :
// nesting OrderedQueryTree GroupingList
// ParentList ChildList coldef
// GroupingList : ProjectList
// ParentList : ProjectList
// ChildList : ProjectList
// The GroupingList may be a list of columns on which
// to do a unique value categorization, or a defined-by-guid
// function that specifies one of the other categorizations.
// The ParentList may only specify columns in the GroupingList,
// columns in upper level groupings, or certain aggregations
// on those columns.
// The ChildList forms the projectlist for the base table.
// The coldef node for the nesting column can give only the
// special column id for the chapter column.
// Only the unique value categorization is implemented at present.
void CParseCommandTree::ParseCategorization( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree )
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 5 );
VerifyValueType( pTree, DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY );
// We can't sort or project the output of a categorized table. We can,
// however permit a sort as a side-effect of an existing
// nesting node for a unique value categorization.
if (_categ.Count() == 0 &&
(_sort.Count() > 0 || _cols.Count() > 0))
SetError( pTree, E_INVALIDARG );
Win4Assert(_sort.Count() == _categ.Count());
CDbCmdTreeNode * pTable = pTree->GetFirstChild();
CDbCmdTreeNode * pGroupingList = pTable->GetNextSibling();
CDbCmdTreeNode * pParentList = pGroupingList->GetNextSibling();
CDbCmdTreeNode * pChildList = pParentList->GetNextSibling();
CDbCmdTreeNode * pNestingColumn = pChildList->GetNextSibling();
CheckOperatorArity( pGroupingList, 1 ); // one grouping col. now
// CheckOperatorArity( pParentList, -1 );
// CheckOperatorArity( pChildList, -1 );
CheckOperatorArity( pNestingColumn, 0 );
// For now, the only supported categorization is a unique
// value categorization. For this, the grouping list is
// just a projection list that gives the unique columns.
CColumnSet colGroup;
ParseProjectList( pGroupingList, colGroup );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < colGroup.Count(); i++)
SSortKey sortkey(colGroup.Get(i), QUERY_SORTASCEND);
_sort.Add( sortkey, _sort.Count() );
// For now, the parent list can only mention columns also
// in the grouping list (which are now in the sort list).
// In addition, the bookmark and chapter columns will be
// available in the parent table.
// We should also one day allow some aggregations.
CColumnSet colParent;
if (pParentList->GetFirstChild() != 0)
ParseProjectList( pParentList, colParent );
if (colParent.Count() > _sort.Count() + 2)
SetError( pParentList, E_INVALIDARG );
// Check that the columns are valid
pParentList = pParentList->GetFirstChild();
BOOL fChapterFound = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < colParent.Count(); i++)
CFullPropSpec const * pCol = _pidmap.PidToName(colParent.Get(i));
if (*pCol == colChapter)
fChapterFound = TRUE;
else if (*pCol == colBookmark)
// Bookmark is permitted in any parent column list
BOOL fFound = FALSE;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < _sort.Count(); j++)
if ( colParent.Get(i) == _sort.Get(j).pidColumn )
fFound = TRUE;
if (!fFound)
SetError(pParentList, E_INVALIDARG);
pParentList = pParentList->GetNextSibling();
if (! fChapterFound)
colParent.Add( _pidmap.NameToPid(colChapter), colParent.Count());
// Columns in the child list replace any existing project list
// (which can only have been set by a higher-level nesting node).
if (_cols.Count())
vqDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "CParseCommandTree - "
"child list in multi-nested command tree ignored\n" ));
if ( 0 != pChildList->GetFirstChild() )
ParseProjectList( pChildList, _cols );
XPtr<CCategSpec> pCatParam = new CUniqueCategSpec( );
XPtr<CCategorizationSpec> pCat =
new CCategorizationSpec( pCatParam.GetPointer(),
colParent.Count() );
for (i = 0; i < colParent.Count(); i++)
pCat->SetColumn( colParent.Get(i), i );
_categ.Add( pCat.GetPointer(), _categ.Count() );
// Now parse the rest of the tree, and check that _cols was set
// either here or by a lower level nesting node.
ParseTree( pTable );
if ( 0 == _cols.Count() )
Win4Assert( 0 == pChildList->GetFirstChild() );
SetError( pChildList );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseTopNode, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbTopNode operator
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbTopNode node at root of tree to be parsed
// History: 21 Feb 96 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseTopNode( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree )
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 1 );
ULONG cMaxResults = ((CDbTopNode *)pTree)->GetValue();
if ( cMaxResults == 0 )
// A query with zero results is uninteresting
SetError( pTree );
// If a top node has already been encountered, then set the
// limit on results to the minimum of the two Top values
if ( _cMaxResults == 0 )
_cMaxResults = cMaxResults;
if ( cMaxResults < _cMaxResults )
_cMaxResults = cMaxResults;
CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild = pTree->GetFirstChild();
ParseTree( pChild );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::ParseFirstRowsNode, public
// Synopsis: Parse a CDbFirstRowsNode operator
// Arguments: [pTree] -- CDbFirstRowsNode node at root of tree to be parsed
// History: 19-Jun-2000 KitmanH Created
void CParseCommandTree::ParseFirstRowsNode( CDbCmdTreeNode *pTree )
CheckOperatorArity( pTree, 1 );
ULONG cFirstRows = ((CDbFirstRowsNode *)pTree)->GetValue();
if ( cFirstRows == 0 )
// A query with zero results is uninteresting
SetError( pTree );
// If a top node has already been encountered, then set the
// limit on results to the minimum of the two Top values
if ( _cFirstRows == 0 )
_cFirstRows = cFirstRows;
if ( cFirstRows < _cFirstRows )
_cFirstRows = cFirstRows;
CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild = pTree->GetFirstChild();
ParseTree( pChild );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::SetError, private
// Synopsis: Mark an error in a command tree node.
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// [scError] -- optional error code.
// Returns: doesn't. Throws the error set in the node.
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
void CParseCommandTree::SetError(
CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode,
SCODE scError)
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "SetError - node %x error %x\n",
pNode, scError ));
pNode->SetError( scError );
if ( ! SUCCEEDED( _scError ))
_scError = scError;
_pErrorNode = pNode;
// Method: CParseCommandTree::CheckOperatorArity, private
// Synopsis: Verify that a tree node has the correct number of
// operands.
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// [cOperands] -- number of operands expected. If
// cOperands is negative, at least -cOperands
// must be present. Otherwise, exactly cOperands
// must be present.
// Returns: unsigned - the number of operands found
// History: 31 May 95 AlanW Created
unsigned CParseCommandTree::CheckOperatorArity(
CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode,
int cOperands)
int cOps = 0;
for (CDbCmdTreeNode* pChild = pNode->GetFirstChild();
pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling(), cOps++)
if (cOperands >= 0 && cOps > cOperands)
pChild->SetError( E_UNEXPECTED );
if (cOperands < 0)
// -(cOperands) or more operands are permitted
if (cOps < -(cOperands))
SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG);
if (cOps != cOperands)
SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG);
return (unsigned) cOps;
// Method: CParseCommandTree::GetColumnPropSpec, private
// Synopsis: Return a column identifier from a tree node argument
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// [eKind] -- expected value kind
// Returns: PROPID from the pidmapper
// History: 12 Jun 95 AlanW Created
PROPID CParseCommandTree::GetColumnPropSpec(
CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode,
CFullPropSpec& Col)
if (pNode->GetValueType() != DBVALUEKIND_ID)
SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG);
CDbColumnNode * pColumnNode = (CDbColumnNode *)pNode;
if (pColumnNode->IsPropertyPropid())
// pids 0 and 1 are reserved
if ( ( PID_CODEPAGE == pColumnNode->GetPropertyPropid() ) ||
( PID_DICTIONARY == pColumnNode->GetPropertyPropid() ) )
SetError(pNode, E_INVALIDARG);
Col.SetProperty( pColumnNode->GetPropertyPropid() );
else /* (pColumnNode->IsPropertyName()) */
Col.SetProperty( pColumnNode->GetPropertyName() );
Col.SetPropSet( pColumnNode->GetPropSet() );
return _pidmap.NameToPid( Col );
// Method: CParseCommandTree::GetValue, private
// Synopsis: Return a scalar constant from a tree node argument
// Arguments: [pNode] -- CDbCmdTreeNode node to check
// Returns: CStorageVariant& - reference to value of variant in node
// History: 12 Jun 95 AlanW Created
BOOL CParseCommandTree::GetValue (
CDbCmdTreeNode* pNode,
CStorageVariant & val )
((CDbScalarValue *)pNode)->Value( val );
return TRUE;