239 lines
7.5 KiB
239 lines
7.5 KiB
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Client configuration class
Revision History:
created derekm 03/31/00
#ifndef PFRCFG_H
#define PFRCFG_H
const LPCWSTR c_wszRPCfg = L"Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRPCfgCPLExList = L"Software\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting\\ExclusionList";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRPCfgPolicy = L"Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRKDW = L"DW";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRKIncList = L"InclusionList";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRKExList = L"ExclusionList";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRKWinCompList = L"WindowsAppsList";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVIncWinComp = L"IncludeWindowsApps";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVIncMS = L"IncludeMicrosoftApps";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVDumpPath = L"DWFileTreeRoot";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVShowUI = L"ShowUI";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVDoReport = L"DoReport";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVAllNone = L"AllOrNone";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVIncKernel = L"IncludeKernelFaults";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVInternalSrv = L"UseInternalServer";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVDefSrv = L"DefaultServer";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVDoTextLog = L"DoTextLog";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVMaxQueueSize = L"MaxUserQueueSize";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVNumHangPipe = L"NumberOfHangPipes";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVNumFaultPipe = L"NumberOfFaultPipes";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVForceQueue = L"ForceQueueMode";
const LPCWSTR c_wszRVIncShutdown = L"IncludeShutdownErrs";
// this value must NOT be raised such that the total # of pipes can be greater
const DWORD c_cMaxPipes = 8;
const DWORD c_cMinPipes = 1;
const DWORD c_cMaxQueue = 128;
#define FHCC_ALLNONE 0x0001
#define FHCC_R0INCLUDE 0x0002
#define FHCC_DUMPPATH 0x0004
#define FHCC_SHOWUI 0x0008
#define FHCC_WINCOMP 0x0010
#define FHCC_DEFSRV 0x0080
#define FHCC_INCMS 0x0200
#define FHCC_DOREPORT 0x0400
#define FHCC_QUEUESIZE 0x0800
#define FHCC_NUMHANGPIPE 0x1000
#define FHCC_NUMFAULTPIPE 0x2000
#define FHCC_FORCEQUEUE 0x4000
#define FHCC_INCSHUTDOWN 0x8000
#define REPORT_POLICY 0x1
#define SHOWUI_POLICY 0x2
#define CPL_CORPPATH_SET 0x4
#define eieIncMask 0x1
#define eieDisableMask 0x2
enum EIncEx
eieExclude = 0,
eieInclude = eieIncMask,
eieExDisabled = eieDisableMask,
eieIncDisabled = eieIncMask | eieDisableMask,
#define eieEnableMask 0x1
#define eieNoCheckMask 0x2
enum EEnDis
eedDisabled = 0,
eedEnabled = eieEnableMask,
eedEnabledNoCheck = eieEnableMask | eieNoCheckMask,
enum EPFListType
epfltExclude = 0,
// this element must ALWAYS be the last item in the enum
enum EPFAppAction
epfaaChecked = 0x1,
epfaaUnchecked = 0x2,
epfaaInitialized = 0x04,
epfaaAdd = 0x100,
epfaaDelete = 0x200,
epfaaSetCheck = 0x400,
epfaaRemCheck = 0x800
enum EReadOptions
#define ISCHECKED(x) ((x & epfaaSetCheck) != 0 || (x & (epfaaChecked | epfaaRemCheck)) == epfaaChecked)
#define SETCHECK(x) x = ((x & ~epfaaRemCheck) | epfaaSetCheck);
#define REMCHECK(x) x = ((x & ~epfaaSetCheck) | epfaaRemCheck);
#define SETDEL(x) x = ((x & ~epfaaAdd) | epfaaDelete);
#define SETADD(x) x = ((x & ~epfaaDelete) | epfaaAdd);
struct SAppItem
DWORD dwState;
WCHAR *wszApp;
struct SAppList
SAppItem *rgsai;
DWORD cSlots;
DWORD cSlotsUsed;
DWORD cSlotsEmpty;
DWORD dwState;
DWORD cchMaxVal;
DWORD cItemsInReg;
HKEY hkey;
// CPFFaultClientCfg
class CPFFaultClientCfg
SAppList m_rgLists[epfltListCount];
EEnDis m_eedUI;
EEnDis m_eedReport;
EEnDis m_eedTextLog;
EIncEx m_eieApps;
EIncEx m_eieMS;
EIncEx m_eieWin;
EIncEx m_eieKernel;
EIncEx m_eieShutdown;
DWORD m_dwUseInternal;
DWORD m_cFaultPipes;
DWORD m_cHangPipes;
DWORD m_cMaxQueueItems;
WCHAR m_wszDump[MAX_PATH + 1];
WCHAR m_wszSrv[1025];
BOOL m_fForceQueue;
DWORD m_dwStatus;
DWORD m_dwDirty;
PBYTE m_pbWinApps;
BOOL m_fRead;
BOOL m_fSrv;
HRESULT IsRead(void) { return (m_fRead) ? NOERROR : this->Read(); }
void Clear(void);
HRESULT Read(EReadOptions ero = eroCPRW);
BOOL ShouldCollect(LPWSTR wszAppPath = NULL, BOOL *pfIsMSApp = NULL);
EEnDis get_ShowUI(void) { return m_eedUI; }
EEnDis get_DoReport(void) { return m_eedReport; }
EEnDis get_TextLog(void) { return m_eedTextLog; }
EIncEx get_AllOrNone(void) { return m_eieApps; }
EIncEx get_IncMSApps(void) { return m_eieMS; }
EIncEx get_IncWinComp(void) { return m_eieWin; }
EIncEx get_IncKernel(void) { return m_eieKernel; }
EIncEx get_IncShutdown(void) { return m_eieShutdown; }
DWORD get_UseInternal(void) { return m_dwUseInternal; }
DWORD get_NumHangPipes(void) { return m_cHangPipes; }
DWORD get_NumFaultPipes(void) { return m_cFaultPipes; }
DWORD get_MaxUserQueueSize(void) { return m_cMaxQueueItems; }
BOOL get_ForceQueueMode(void) { return m_fForceQueue; }
LPCWSTR get_DumpPath(LPWSTR wsz, int cch);
LPCWSTR get_DefaultServer(LPWSTR wsz, int cch);
DWORD get_CfgStatus(void) { return m_dwStatus; }
BOOL get_IsServer(void) { return m_fSrv; }
BOOL HasWriteAccess(void);
BOOL set_ShowUI(EEnDis ees);
BOOL set_DoReport(EEnDis ees);
BOOL set_AllOrNone(EIncEx eie);
BOOL set_IncMSApps(EIncEx eie);
BOOL set_IncWinComp(EIncEx eie);
BOOL set_IncKernel(EIncEx eie);
BOOL set_IncShutdown(EIncEx eie);
BOOL set_NumHangPipes(DWORD cPipes);
BOOL set_NumFaultPipes(DWORD cPipes);
BOOL set_MaxUserQueueSize(DWORD cItems);
BOOL set_DumpPath(LPCWSTR wsz);
BOOL set_DefaultServer(LPCWSTR wsz);
BOOL set_ForceQueueMode(BOOL fForceQueueMode);
HRESULT Write(void);
HRESULT InitList(EPFListType epflt);
HRESULT get_ListRegInfo(EPFListType epflt, DWORD *pcchMaxName,
DWORD *pcApps);
HRESULT get_ListRegApp(EPFListType epflt, DWORD iApp, LPWSTR wszApp,
DWORD cchApp, DWORD *pdwChecked);
HRESULT add_ListApp(EPFListType epflt, LPCWSTR wszApp);
HRESULT del_ListApp(EPFListType epflt, LPWSTR wszApp);
HRESULT mod_ListApp(EPFListType epflt, LPWSTR wszApp, DWORD dwChecked);
HRESULT ClearChanges(EPFListType epflt);
HRESULT CommitChanges(EPFListType epflt);
BOOL IsOnList(EPFListType epflt, LPCWSTR wszApp);